#' Find matches for a binding factor on a layer set
#' Generate a list of matches for a binding factor against a layerSet object.
#' @param layerSet the \code{"layerSet"} target
#' @param bindingFactor the \code{"bindingFactor"} to match
#' @param clusterGap =10 NOT IMPLEMENTED
#' @param max.window =10000000 on less powerful computers, break up the search into windows of this size.
#' @param verbose output more information to the screen
#' @return \code{"hits"}
#' @examples
#' x <- 1 # great!
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
matchBindingFactor <- function(layerSet, bindingFactor, clusterGap=10, max.window=10000000, verbose=FALSE) {
seqRange <- c(start(layerSet[['LAYER.0']])[1], end(layerSet[['LAYER.0']])[1])
max.window <- min(max.window, seqRange[2])
hitList <- list()
#validHits <-
for(thisLayer in names(bindingFactor$profile)) {
thisPattern <- bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$pattern
max.mismatches <- round(bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$mismatch.rate * nchar(thisPattern))
if(thisLayer == "LAYER.0") {
patternLength <- bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$length
max.mismatches <- round(bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$mismatch.rate * nchar(thisPattern))
if(bindingFactor$type == "layer_region" || bindingFactor$type == "layer_island" || (length(bindingFactor$profile$LAYER.0$pattern)==0) || (bindingFactor$type == "DNA_region" && length(grep("^N", bindingFactor$profile$LAYER.0$pattern)) >0 ) ) { # lAYER.0 does not matter
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- IRanges(start=seqRange[1], end=seqRange[2])
} else {
# currently DNA matches using fixed length string with IUPAC codes (adapt later for pwm matching)
#TODO add in WINDOWING for long searches here.
# for very long sequences >100k, need to break the sequence into sections, get results and concatenate them.
win.starts <- seq(1, seqRange[2]-patternLength, by=max.window-patternLength)
win.ends <- c(seq(max.window, seqRange[2], by=max.window), seqRange[2])
if(length(win.starts) ==1) win.ends <- win.ends[1]
stopifnot(length(win.starts) == length(win.ends))
if(verbose) print(paste("Sequence of length ", seqRange[2], ", using ",length(win.starts) ,"windows of length", max.window))
all.hits <- IRanges()
for(i in 1:length(win.starts)) {
if(bindingFactor$type == "DNA_regexp" ) {
grepResult <- gregexpr(bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$pattern, layerSet[[thisLayer]][win.starts[i]: win.ends[i]])
if(grepResult[[1]][1] == -1 ) { # no grep hits
win.hits <- IRanges()
} else {
win.hits <- IRanges(start= as.integer(grepResult[[1]]), width = attr(grepResult[[1]], which="match.length", exact=TRUE))
} else {
win.hits <- as(matchPattern(bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$pattern,layerSet[[thisLayer]][win.starts[i]: win.ends[i]], fixed='subject', max.mismatch= max.mismatches), "IRanges") # fixed='subject' ignores NNNs in subject (e.g. telomeres). See ?`lowlevel-matching` for more information.
win.hits <- shift(win.hits , win.starts[i] - 1)
all.hits <- c(all.hits, win.hits)
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- reduce(all.hits)
#hitList[[thisLayer]] <- as(matchPattern(bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$pattern,layerSet[[thisLayer]], fixed=FALSE, max.mismatch= max.mismatches), "IRanges") # allows matching with IUPAC codes
#validHits <- hitList[[thisLayer]]
} else { # Not LAYER.0
# with binary patterns, take ranges that have value 0 (gaps) 1 (IRanges)
patternLength <- bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$length
pattern <- bindingFactor$profile[[thisLayer]]$pattern
if(bindingFactor$type == "layer_island") {
pos <- layerSet[[thisLayer]][width(layerSet[[thisLayer]]) >= patternLength]
neg <- gaps(layerSet[[thisLayer]])[width(gaps(layerSet[[thisLayer]]))>=patternLength]
if(pattern==1) {
island.index <- which(countOverlaps(pos,neg, maxgap = 1) > 1)
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- pos[island.index]
#print(paste("Layer island hits", length(island.index), "pos", pattern))
} else {
island.index <- which(countOverlaps(neg,pos, maxgap = 1) > 1)
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- neg[island.index]
#print(paste("Layer island hits", length(island.index), "neg", pattern))
#countOverlaps(pos,neg, maxgap = 1) # values of 2 are positive regions overlapping two negative regions by 1 bp (i.e. on either side).
# would need to be inverted for negative islands.
} else {
these.hits <- layerSet[[thisLayer]][width(layerSet[[thisLayer]]) >= patternLength]
these.gaps <- gaps(layerSet[[thisLayer]])[width(gaps(layerSet[[thisLayer]]))>=patternLength] # TODO include length of feature..
if(length(these.hits) < 1) these.gaps <- IRanges(start=seqRange[1], end=seqRange[2]) # if no hits, whole chrom is a gap.
if(pattern == 1) {
hitList[[thisLayer]] <-these.hits
} else {
if (pattern == 0) {
hitList[[thisLayer]] <-these.gaps
} else{
stop(paste("Unrecognised pattern", pattern))
# hitList[[thisLayer]] <- ifelse(pattern == 1, these.hits, these.gaps) # this threw weird error: Error in NSBS(i, x, exact = exact, upperBoundIsStrict = !allow.append) : subscript contains NAs or out-of-bounds indices
#validHits <- union(validHits, )
} # end of other LAYER names
# trim the hitList to be within bounds for the sequence.
#print(paste(thisLayer, class(hitList[[thisLayer]])))
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- as(hitList[[thisLayer]], "IRanges")
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- restrict(hitList[[thisLayer]] , start=seqRange[1], end=seqRange[2])
# remove those shorter than patternLength (those overlapping the edges.
hitList[[thisLayer]] <- hitList[[thisLayer]][width(hitList[[thisLayer]]) >= patternLength]
if(any(lapply(hitList, length) == 0)) { # one or more of the patterns were not matched.
validHits <- IRanges()
} else{
validHits <- hitList[[1]]
for(i in 1:length(hitList)) {
#overlaps <- findOverlaps(validHits, hitList[[i]])
#validHits <- validHits[unique(queryHits(overlaps))] # temp value to return
validHits <- intersect(validHits, hitList[[i]])
#overlaps <- findOverlaps(hitList[[1]], hitList[[2]])
#validHits <- hitList[[1]][unique(queryHits(overlaps))] # temp value to return
# intersect hits to get proper valid hits.
# Not sure how best to do this.
# Don't expect matches to align perfectly
# so just allow midpoints to within clusterGap?
# --------+++++-----------------------
# ----------++++++--------------------
# ------------------------------------ # some parts will have no match
# ?what to return
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