#' Generic function to modify SBGN graph features
#' This binary operator ('+') modifies a SBGNview object(first argument) using a function (second argument)
#' @param SBGNview.obj An object of class SBGNview
#' @param fn A character string. The name of any funtion that modifies and returns a SBGNview object. Some functions are available in SBGNview package: \code{\link{highlightPath}}, \code{\link{highlightNodes}}.
#' @return The returned value of *fn*
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' obj.new <- SBGNview.obj + highlightArcs(class = 'production',
#' color = 'red')
#' }
#' @export
"+.SBGNview" <- function(SBGNview.obj, fn) {
#' Generate image files
#' A wrapper to run function \code{\link{renderSbgn}} for all pathways in a SBGNview object and generate image files.
#' @param x A SBGNview class object.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to print.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' ### Use simulated data. Please see vignettes for more examples.
#' ### Run `browseVignettes(package = "SBGNview")`
#' data('pathways.info','sbgn.xmls')
#' SBGNview.obj = SBGNview(simulate.data = TRUE,
#' sbgn.dir = './',
#' input.sbgn = 'P00001',
#' output.file = './test.local.file',
#' output.formats = c('pdf'),
#' min.gene.value = -1,
#' max.gene.value = 1)
#' print(SBGNview.obj)
#' @export
# get glyphs and arcs from object and use using plot.glyph, plot.arc functions
# and other svg parameters from object and generate output svg and other files
# reconstruct entity (glyph/arc) specific parameters list
"print.SBGNview" <- function(x, ...) {
object <- x
for(i in seq_along(object$data)) {
input.sbgn <- object$data[[i]]
# reconstruct entity parameters list
global.parameters.list <- input.sbgn$global.parameters.list
glyphs <- lapply(input.sbgn$glyphs.list, FUN = get.entity.parameter.list,
global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list)
arcs <- lapply(input.sbgn$arcs.list, FUN = get.entity.parameter.list,
global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list)
svg.nodes.compartment <- ""
svg.nodes.complex <- ""
svg.nodes <- ""
svg.arcs <- ""
svg.cardinality <- ""
svg.ports <- ""
# plot glyphs
for(glyph in glyphs) {
# there is no plot.glyph() method signature for port class so skip.
# we plot the port if glyph@port slot contains svg code for plotting port
if(is(glyph, "port")) next
# plot different classes of glyphs and store in respective svg variables
if (is(glyph, "compartment.sbgn")) {
svg.nodes.compartment <- paste(svg.nodes.compartment, plot.glyph(glyph), sep = "\n")
} else if (is(glyph, "complex.sbgn")) {
svg.nodes.complex <- paste(svg.nodes.complex, plot.glyph(glyph), sep = "\n")
} else if (is(glyph, "cardinality.sbgn") | is(glyph, "stoichiometry.sbgn")) {
if(input.sbgn$global.parameters.list$if.plot.cardinality) {
svg.cardinality <- paste(svg.cardinality, plot.glyph(glyph), sep = "\n")
} else {
# plot all other glyphs
svg.nodes <- paste(svg.nodes, plot.glyph(glyph), sep = "\n")
# if glyph contains port, get port svg
if(!identical(glyph@svg.port, character(0))) {
svg.ports <- paste(svg.ports, glyph@svg.port, sep = "\n")
# if glyph contains clone, plot clone
if(!length(glyph@clone) == 0) {
# reconstruct clone glyph parameters.list slot
clone.glyphs <- lapply(glyph@clone , FUN = get.entity.parameter.list,
global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list)
for(i in seq_along(clone.glyphs)) {
svg.nodes <- paste(svg.nodes, plot.glyph(clone.glyphs[[i]]), sep = "\n")
# plot arcs
for(arc in arcs) {
svg.arcs <- paste(svg.arcs, plot.arc(arc), sep = "\n")
col.panel.svg <- input.sbgn$printing.info$col.panel.svg
pathway.name.svg <- input.sbgn$printing.info$pathway.name.svg
stamp.svg <- input.sbgn$printing.info$stamp.svg
svg.head <- sprintf(svg.header, input.sbgn$svg.dim.x, input.sbgn$svg.dim.y)
# order of svg code matters: bigger elements (compartment and complex) first
out.svg <- paste(svg.head, svg.nodes.compartment, svg.nodes.complex, svg.nodes,
svg.arcs, svg.cardinality, svg.ports, col.panel.svg, pathway.name.svg,
stamp.svg, svg.end, sep = "\n")
Encoding(out.svg) <- "native.enc" # This is necessary. Some node labels have special symbols that need native encoding
output.file <- input.sbgn$render.sbgn.parameters.list$output.file
output.svg.file <- paste(output.file, ".svg", sep = "")
output.formats <- object$output.formats
write(out.svg, output.svg.file)
if ("pdf" %in% output.formats) {
rsvg::rsvg_pdf(output.svg.file, paste(output.file, ".pdf", sep = ""))
if ("png" %in% output.formats) {
rsvg::rsvg_png(output.svg.file, paste(output.file, ".png", sep = ""))
if ("ps" %in% output.formats) {
rsvg::rsvg_ps(output.svg.file, paste(output.file, ".ps", sep = ""))
message("Image files written: ", output.file)
} # end main for loop
# function to reconstruct entity (glyph/arc) parameter list.
# if @parameters.list slot is empty, assign global.parameters.list
# else @parameters.list contains some parameters specified by user
# which need to be merged with the global.parameters.list.
# This function used as FUN argument in lapply in print.SBGNview function
# for input glyphs and arcs list
get.entity.parameter.list <- function(entity, global.parameters.list) {
if(length(entity@parameters.list) == 0) {
entity@parameters.list <- global.parameters.list
} else {
partial.params.list <- entity@parameters.list
diff.list.names <- c(setdiff(names(global.parameters.list), names(partial.params.list)))
# merged parameters.list
entity@parameters.list <- c(partial.params.list, global.parameters.list[diff.list.names])
#' Retrieve output file information from a SBGNview object
#' @param obj A SBGNview class object.
#' @details This function prints the output file path recorded in a SBGNview object.
#' @return A string. The output file information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' outputFile(SBGNview.obj)
#' }
#' @export
outputFile <- function(obj) {
#' Set or change output file information for a SBGNview object
#' @param obj A SBGNview class object
#' @param value No need to provide
#' @details This function sets the output file path recorded in a SBGNview object.
#' @return A SBGNview class object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' outputFile(SBGNview.obj) <- "test.output.file"
#' }
#' @export
"outputFile<-" <- function(obj, value) {
glyphs.arcs.list <- obj$data
sbgns <- names(glyphs.arcs.list)
for (s in seq_len(length.out = length(glyphs.arcs.list))) {
# for each sbgn file
data.this.sbgn <- glyphs.arcs.list[[s]]
sbgn.parameters.list <- data.this.sbgn$render.sbgn.parameters.list
new.output.file <- gsub(obj$output.file, value, sbgn.parameters.list$output.file)
obj$data[[s]]$render.sbgn.parameters.list$output.file <- new.output.file
obj$output.file <- value
#### old version of print function that calls renderSbgn()
#### updated function uses parsed data in SBGNview object to generate output
# "print.SBGNview" <- function(x, ...) {
# output.file <- NULL
# #SBGNview.obj <- x
# SBGNview.obj <- merge.entity.specific.parameters.list(x)
# glyphs.arcs.list <- SBGNview.obj$data
# sbgns <- names(glyphs.arcs.list)
# for (s in seq_len(length.out = length(glyphs.arcs.list))) {
# # for each sbgn file
# data.this.sbgn <- glyphs.arcs.list[[s]]
# sbgn.parameters.list <- data.this.sbgn$render.sbgn.parameters.list
# if (!is.null(output.file)) {
# sbgn.parameters.list$output.file <- gsub(SBGNview.obj$output.file, output.file,
# sbgn.parameters.list$output.file)
# }
# # if input sbgn-ml file doesn't exist while printing: download file if in ID in pathways.info, else user's file
# if(!file.exists(sbgn.parameters.list$input.sbgn)) {
# if(sbgns[s] %in% pathways.info[, "pathway.id"]) {
# message(sbgn.parameters.list$input.sbgn, " not in current working directory")
# message("Downloading SBGN-ML file for pathway.id: ", sbgns[s])
# downloadSbgnFile(pathway.id = sbgns[s])
# } else {
# stop(sbgn.parameters.list$input.sbgn, " not in current working directory.\nPlease make sure SBGN-ML file is in current working directory")
# }
# }
# tp <- renderSbgn(input.sbgn = sbgn.parameters.list$input.sbgn, output.file = sbgn.parameters.list$output.file,
# arcs.info = sbgn.parameters.list$arcs.info, compartment.layer.info = sbgn.parameters.list$compartment.layer.info,
# user.data = sbgn.parameters.list$user.data, output.formats = SBGNview.obj$output.formats,
# sbgn.id.attr = sbgn.parameters.list$sbgn.id.attr, glyphs.user = data.this.sbgn$glyphs.list,
# arcs.user = data.this.sbgn$arcs.list, pathway.name = sbgn.parameters.list$pathway.name,
# global.parameters.list = data.this.sbgn$global.parameters.list)
# message("Image files written: ", sbgn.parameters.list$output.file, "\n")
# }
# return(invisible())
# }
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