
Defines functions getPermStatSingle getPermStat pGammaList fitGammaNullDist getGammaPVal gammaNormalize pGammaSingle permListToOneNullDist convertToFromNullDist runCOCOA runCOCOAPerm

Documented in convertToFromNullDist getGammaPVal getPermStat runCOCOA runCOCOAPerm

# functions that have to do with the permutation test
# and getting p values from that test with the gamma distribution

#' Run COCOA permutations to get p-values
#' This is a convenience function that runs multiple steps of the 
#' permutation process together: it runs COCOA permutations, converts these
#' to null distributions, gets the empirical p value (which is limited by the
#' number of permutations), gets z scores, and fits a gamma distribution 
#' to each null distribution to estimate p values (not limited by the 
#' number of permutations),
#' Requires that the user has previously calculated the real COCOA scores. 
#' See these individual functions for more info on each step: runCOCOA, 
#' convertToFromNullDist, getPermStat, and getGammaPVal. 
#' For reproducibility, set seed with 'set.seed()' function before running.
#' @template genomicSignal
#' @template signalCoord
#' @template GRList
#' @template rsScores
#' @template targetVar
#' @templateVar usesTargetVar TRUE
#' @template signalCol
#' @template scoringMetric
#' @template absVal
#' @template olList
#' @param nPerm Numeric. The number of permutations to do.
#' @param minRSCov Numeric. This parameter specifies the minimum coverage 
#' (number of overlapping positions) required for a region to be considered 
#' in the analysis.
#' @param centerGenomicSignal Logical. Should rows in genomicSignal
#' be centered based on
#' their means? (subtracting row mean from each row)
#' @param centerTargetVar Logical. Should columns in targetVar be 
#' centered based
#' on their means? (subtract column mean from each column)
#' @param dataID Character. A unique identifier for this dataset 
#' (for saving results with simpleCache)
#' @template variationMetric
#' @param useSimpleCache Logical. Whether to use save caches. Caches
#' will be created for each permutation so that if the function is disrupted
#' it can restart where it left off. The final results are also saved 
#' as a cache. See simpleCache package for more details.
#' @param cacheDir Character. The path for the directory in which the
#' caches should be saved. 
# @param correctionMethod Character. P value correction method. Default
# is "BH" for Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate. For acceptable 
# arguments and more info see ?stats::p.adjust() (method parameter) 
#' @param testType Character. Parameter for `getPermStat`. Whether to
#' create p values based on one a two sided test or a lesser/greater one
#' sided test. Options are: "greater", "lesser", "two-sided" 
#' @param gammaFitMethod Character. method to use for fitting the gamma
#' distribution to null distribution. Options are 
#' "mme" (moment matching estimation), "mle" (maximum likelihood estimation), 
#' "qme" (quantile matching estimation), and "mge" (maximum goodness-of-fit 
#' estimation). See ?COCOA::getGammaPVal and 
#' ?fitdistrplus::fitdist() for more info.
#' @param realScoreInDist Logical. Should the actual score (from 
#' test with no permutations) be included in the null distribution 
#' when fitting the gamma distribution. realScoreInDist=TRUE is 
#' recommended.
#' @param force Logical. If force=TRUE, when fitting the gamma distribution
#' returns an error (as may happen when a method other than "mme"
#' is used) then allow the error. If force=FALSE, when fitting the 
#' gamma distribution returns an error then don't return an error but 
#' instead use the "mme" method
#' for fitting that specific gamma distribution.
#' @template verbose
#' @template returnCovInfo
#' @param ... Character. Optional additional arguments for simpleCache.
#' @return Returns a list with the following 4 items: 
#' 1. a list of length nPerm where each item is a data.frame 
#' of the COCOA scores from a single permutation. 
#' Each data.frame is the output of `runCOCOA()` 
#' 2. a data.table/data.frame of empirical p-values (the
#' output of `getPermStat`) 
#' 3. a data.table/data.frame of z-scores (the output of `getPermStat`. 
#' 4. a data.frame of p-values based on the gamma approximation 
#' (the output of getGammaPVal(). 
#' @examples 
#' data("esr1_chr1")
#' data("nrf1_chr1")
#' data("brcaMethylData1")
#' data("brcaMCoord1")
#' pcScores <- prcomp(t(brcaMethylData1))$x
#' targetVarCols <- c("PC1", "PC2")
#' targetVar <- pcScores[, targetVarCols]
#' # give the actual order of samples to `runCOCOA` to get the real scores
#' correctSampleOrder=1:nrow(targetVar)
#' realRSScores <- runCOCOA(genomicSignal=brcaMethylData1,
#'                          signalCoord=brcaMCoord1,
#'                          GRList=GRangesList(esr1_chr1, nrf1_chr1),
#'                          signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"),
#'                          targetVar=targetVar,
#'                          sampleOrder=correctSampleOrder,
#'                          variationMetric="cor")
#' # give random order of samples to get random COCOA scores 
#' # so you start building a null distribution for each region set 
#' # (see vignette for example of building a null distribution with `runCOCOA`)
#' randomOrder <- sample(1:nrow(targetVar), 
#'                       size=nrow(targetVar),
#'                       replace=FALSE)
#' randomRSScores <- runCOCOA(genomicSignal=brcaMethylData1,
#'                            signalCoord=brcaMCoord1,
#'                            GRList=GRangesList(esr1_chr1, nrf1_chr1),
#'                            signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"),
#'                            targetVar=targetVar,
#'                            sampleOrder=randomOrder,
#'                            variationMetric="cor")
#' # runCOCOAPerm
#' permResults <- runCOCOAPerm(genomicSignal=brcaMethylData1,
#'                            signalCoord=brcaMCoord1,
#'                            GRList=GRangesList(esr1_chr1=esr1_chr1, nrf1_chr1=nrf1_chr1),
#'                            rsScores=realRSScores,
#'                            targetVar=targetVar,
#'                            signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"),
#'                            variationMetric="cor",
#'                            nPerm = 10,
#'                            useSimpleCache=FALSE)
#' permResults
#' @export
runCOCOAPerm <- function(genomicSignal,
                         nPerm=NULL, # NULL by default
                         returnCovInfo=FALSE, minRSCov=100, ...) {

    # if doing matrix calculations of cor/cov, center and/or scale only once ahead of time
    alreadyCenteredFM <- FALSE
    alreadyCenteredDM <- FALSE
    alreadyScaledFM <- FALSE
    alreadyScaledDM <- FALSE
    colsToAnnotate <- signalCol
    allResultsList <- list()

    ## Initialize variables for centering and scaling flags and a list to store results. 

    if (is(rsScores, "data.table")) {
        rsScores = as.data.frame(rsScores)

    # Make sure signalCol is a character vector
    if (!is.character(colsToAnnotate)) {
        colsToAnnotate <- as.character(colsToAnnotate)
    rsScores = rsScores[, colsToAnnotate, drop = FALSE] # prevents error that occurs if extra column is factor

    ## Convert rsScores to data frame if needed and retain only specified columns.

    # more efficient to only do once (not that high impact though)
    if (centerGenomicSignal) {
        cpgMeans <- rowMeans(genomicSignal, na.rm = TRUE)
        # centering before calculating correlation
        genomicSignal <- apply(X = genomicSignal, MARGIN = 2, function(x) x - cpgMeans)
        # don't do later
        centerGenomicSignal <- FALSE

    # check that targetVar is not empty
    if (centerTargetVar) {
        if (nrow(targetVarDF) == 0) {
            stop("Error: targetVarDF is empty. Make sure it contains at least one row.")
    # check if targetVar contains numeric data                           
    if (centerTargetVar) {

      # Save the orginical colnames
      original_colnames <- colnames(targetVar)
      featureMeans <- colMeans(targetVar, na.rm = TRUE)
      # centering before calculating correlation (also, t() converts to matrix)
      targetVar <- t(apply(X = t(targetVar), MARGIN = 2, function(x) x - featureMeans))
      if (dim(targetVar)[1] == 1) {
        targetVar <- t(targetVar)
      colnames(targetVar) <- original_colnames
      centerTargetVar <- FALSE
    ## Center and scale genomicSignal and targetVar if specified.


        ## Call a function to check and convert input data classes

        # detect signalCoordType
        # when signalCoord is a GRanges object

        if (any(start(signalCoord) != end(signalCoord))) {
            signalCoordType <- "multiBase"
        } else {
            signalCoordType <- "singleBase"

    ## Determine the type of signalCoord based on the coordinates.

    # if "default" scoring method is given, choose based on signalCoordType
    if (scoringMetric == "default") {
        if (signalCoordType == "singleBase") {
            scoringMetric <- "regionMean"   
        } else if (signalCoordType == "multiBase") {
            scoringMetric <- "proportionWeightedMean"
        } else {
            stop(cleanws("signalCoordType not recognized. 
                         Check spelling/capitalization."))
    ## Determine the scoring metric based on the signalCoordType.

    # if no NA, NaN or +/-Inf, can do matrix correlation calculations
    # different COCOA step than matrix scoring of region sets
    noNA <- all(is.finite(genomicSignal))
    if (noNA & (variationMetric %in% c("cov", "cor"))) {
      # more efficient to only do once
      original_colnames <- colnames(targetVar)
      cpgMeans <- rowMeans(genomicSignal, na.rm = TRUE)
      # centering before calculating correlation
      genomicSignal <- apply(X = genomicSignal, MARGIN = 2, function(x) x - cpgMeans)
      # don't do later
      alreadyCenteredDM <- TRUE
      featureMeans <- colMeans(targetVar, na.rm = TRUE)
      # centering before calculating correlation (also, t() converts to matrix)
      targetVar <- t(apply(X = t(targetVar), MARGIN = 2, function(x) x - featureMeans))
      if (dim(targetVar)[1] == 1) {
        targetVar <- t(targetVar)
      # don't do later
      alreadyCenteredFM <- TRUE
      colnames(targetVar) <- original_colnames

    if (noNA & (variationMetric == "cor")) {
      original_colnames <- colnames(targetVar)
      targetVar <- scale(x = targetVar, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)
      colnames(targetVar) <- original_colnames
      alreadyScaledFM <- TRUE
      featSD <- apply(X = genomicSignal, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
      featSD[featSD == 0] = 1 # 0 sd if no variation, 1 will leave unchanged and not cause error
      genomicSignal <- genomicSignal / featSD
      alreadyScaledDM <- TRUE
    ## Perform matrix calculations for correlation and covariance, if applicable.

    # matrix-based region set scoring only works for mean-based scoringMetric's
    if (scoringMetric %in% c("simpleMean", 
                             "proportionWeightedMean")) {
        doRSMatScore <- TRUE
    } else {
        doRSMatScore <- FALSE
    ## Determine if matrix-based region set scoring is applicable.

    if (!noNA) {
        # orientation for "cor()" and "cov()"
        # for these functions, samples need to be rows for both objects
        # must be transposed now so it is not (and not copied) during each permutation
        genomicSignal <- t(genomicSignal) 
    # for matrix correlation, samples should be rows for only one object (genSig and tarVar)
    # data is already in correct orientation

    # create region set overlap matrix
    # this code should be after code modifying "signal"
    if (doRSMatScore) {
        olMatRes <- olToMat(signalCoord = signalCoord,
                            GRList = GRList, 
                            scoringMetric = scoringMetric, minRSCov=minRSCov)
        rsMatList <- olMatRes[[1]]
        rsInfo <- olMatRes[[2]]
        GRList <- NULL
        if (!is.null(rsScores)) {
            if (nrow(rsInfo) != nrow(rsScores)) {
                stop("rsScores should be filtered beforehand to remove region sets with less than minRSCov coverage.")
        ## NOTE: there might be an error if rsScores is given but not screened by minRSCov

    ## Generate overlap matrices and associated information if matrix-based region
    # set scoring is required.

    if (is.null(olList)) {
        # must take out NA rows before getting OL list. Otherwise later calculations 
        # will use wrong indices. 
        # what happens if there are NAs or Inf in `signal`?
        # any NAs that overlap the regionSet will cause the score to be NA
        if (is(genomicSignal, "data.table")) {
            naRows = apply(X = genomicSignal[, , with=FALSE, drop=FALSE], 
                           MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) any(is.na(x)))
        } else {
            naRows = apply(X = genomicSignal[, , drop=FALSE], 
                           MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) any(is.na(x)))    
        if (any(naRows)) {
            genomicSignal <- genomicSignal[!naRows, ]
            signalCoord <- signalCoord[!naRows]
            warning("Removing rows with NA from `genomicSignal`")
        # calculate overlaps only once
        # region set must be subject to fit with scoring functions
        olList <- lapply(X = GRList, FUN = function(x) findOverlaps(query = signalCoord, 
                                                                 subject = x))
        totalRegionNumber = sapply(X = GRList, length)
        meanRegionSize = sapply(X = GRList, function(x) round(mean(width(x))))
    # also calculate coverage info
    # @param rsOL 
    calculateCovInfo <- function(rsOL, 
                                 pOlap=NULL) {
        covInfo <- data.frame(signalCoverage=length(unique(queryHits(rsOL))), 
        if (scoringMetric == "proportionWeightedMean") {
            covInfo$sumProportionOverlap <- sum(pOlap)
    covInfo <- lapply(X = olList, FUN = function(x) calculateCovInfo(rsOL=x, 
                                                          scoringMetric = scoringMetric))
    if (scoringMetric == "proportionWeightedMean") {
        getPOlap <- function(rsOL, signalGR, regionSet) {
            olap  <- pintersect(signalGR[queryHits(rsOL)],
            pOlap <- width(olap) / width(regionSet[subjectHits(rsOL)])
        # list
        pOlapList <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) getPOlap(rsOL = x, 
                                                     regionSet = y), 
                       x=olList, y=GRList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        covInfo$sumProportionOverlap <- sapply(X = pOlapList, FUN = sum)
    } else {
        pOlapList <- NULL
    # Permutations part

    if (!is.null(nPerm) && nPerm > 0) {
        indList <- list()
        for (i in seq(nPerm)) {
            indList[[i]] <- sample(1:nrow(targetVar), nrow(targetVar))
    ## Generate indices for permutation tests if nPerm is specified.
    if (useSimpleCache) {
        if (is.null(rsScores)) {
            simpleCache(paste0("rsScores_", variationMetric, "_", dataID), {
                rsScores <- runCOCOA(sampleOrder=1:nrow(targetVar),
                                          variationMetric = variationMetric,
                                          rsMatList = rsMatList,
                                          rsInfo = rsInfo,
                                          returnCovInfo = returnCovInfo,
                                          alreadyCenteredDM = alreadyCenteredDM,  
                                          alreadyScaledDM = alreadyScaledDM, 
                                          alreadyCenteredFM = alreadyCenteredFM, 
                                          alreadyScaledFM = alreadyScaledFM)
            }, assignToVariable="rsScores")

        ##  Use caching to store results if requested.

        if (!is.null(nPerm) && nPerm > 0) {
            # create the main permutation cache
            simpleCache(paste0("rsPermScores_", nPerm, "Perm_", variationMetric, "_", dataID), {
                helperFun <- function(x, y, ...) {
                    onePermCacheName <- paste0("rsPermScores_", variationMetric, "_", dataID, "_Cache", y)
                    simpleCache(onePermCacheName, cacheSubDir = paste0("rsPermScores_", variationMetric, "_", dataID), {
                        tmp <- runCOCOA(sampleOrder=x,
                                             variationMetric = variationMetric,
                                             rsMatList = rsMatList,
                                             rsInfo = rsInfo,
                                             returnCovInfo = returnCovInfo,
                                             alreadyCenteredDM = alreadyCenteredDM,  
                                             alreadyScaledDM = alreadyScaledDM, 
                                             alreadyCenteredFM = alreadyCenteredFM, 
                                             alreadyScaledFM = alreadyScaledFM)
                        rownames(tmp) <- seq_len(nrow(tmp))
                        colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp)== "rsName"] <- "regionSetName"
                        message(y) # must be ahead of object that is saved as cache, not after
                    }, cacheDir=cacheDir, assignToVariable="tmp", ...)
                rsPermScores = mapply(FUN = helperFun, x=indList, y=seq_along(indList), ..., SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
            }, assignToVariable="rsPermScores", cacheDir=cacheDir, ...)  

        } else {
            rsPermScores = rsScores
        } else {
            if (is.null(rsScores)) {
                rsScores <- runCOCOA(sampleOrder=1:nrow(targetVar),
                                        variationMetric = variationMetric,
                                        rsMatList = rsMatList,
                                        rsInfo = rsInfo,
                                        returnCovInfo = returnCovInfo,
                                        alreadyCenteredDM = alreadyCenteredDM,  
                                        alreadyScaledDM = alreadyScaledDM, 
                                        alreadyCenteredFM = alreadyCenteredFM, 
                                        alreadyScaledFM = alreadyScaledFM)
            if (!is.null(nPerm) && nPerm > 0) {
                helperFun2 <- function(x) {
                    tmp <- runCOCOA(sampleOrder=x,
                                        variationMetric = variationMetric,
                                        rsInfo = rsInfo,
                                        returnCovInfo = returnCovInfo,
                                        alreadyCenteredDM = alreadyCenteredDM,  
                                        alreadyScaledDM = alreadyScaledDM, 
                                        alreadyCenteredFM = alreadyCenteredFM, 
                                        alreadyScaledFM = alreadyScaledFM)
                    rownames(tmp) <- seq_len(nrow(tmp))
                    colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp)== "rsName"] <- "regionSetName"
                    message(":", appendLF=FALSE)
            rsPermScores <- lapply(X = indList, helperFun2)
        } else {
            rsPermScores = rsScores
    ## Run the COCOA analysis, either using caching or not, for empirical p-values and scores.
    .analysisID <- paste0("_", nPerm, "Perm_", variationMetric, "_", dataID)
    if (is.null(nPerm) || nPerm == 0) {
        rsScores <- NULL
        rsPVals <- NULL
        rsZScores <- NULL
        gPValDF <- NULL
    } else {
        nullDistList <- convertToFromNullDist(rsPermScores)
        if (useSimpleCache) {
            simpleCache(paste0("empiricalPValsUncorrected", .analysisID), {
                rsPVals <- getPermStat(rsScores=rsScores, nullDistList=nullDistList,
                                    signalCol=colsToAnnotate, whichMetric = "pval",

            }, assignToVariable="rsPVals", cacheDir=cacheDir, ...)

            simpleCache(paste0("permZScores", .analysisID), {
                rsZScores <- getPermStat(rsScores=rsScores, nullDistList=nullDistList,
                                        signalCol=colsToAnnotate, whichMetric = "zscore")
            }, assignToVariable="rsZScores", cacheDir=cacheDir, ...)

            simpleCache(paste0("gammaPValsUncorrected", .analysisID), {
                gPValDF <- getGammaPVal(rsScores = rsScores, 
                                    nullDistList = nullDistList, 
                                    signalCol = colsToAnnotate, 
                                    method = gammaFitMethod, 
                                    realScoreInDist = realScoreInDist,
                gPValDF <- cbind(gPValDF, 
                                rsScores[, colnames(rsScores)[!(colnames(rsScores) 
                                                                        %in% colsToAnnotate)]])
            }, assignToVariable="gPValDF", cacheDir=cacheDir, ...)

        } else {

            rsPVals <- getPermStat(rsScores=rsScores, nullDistList=nullDistList,
                                signalCol=colsToAnnotate, whichMetric = "pval",
                                testType = testType)

            rsZScores <- getPermStat(rsScores=rsScores, nullDistList=nullDistList,
                                    signalCol=colsToAnnotate, whichMetric = "zscore")

            gPValDF <- getGammaPVal(rsScores = rsScores, 
                                nullDistList = nullDistList, 
                                signalCol = colsToAnnotate, 
                                method = gammaFitMethod, 
                                realScoreInDist = realScoreInDist,

            gPValDF <- cbind(gPValDF, 
                            rsScores[, colnames(rsScores)[!(colnames(rsScores) 
                                                                    %in% colsToAnnotate)]])

    # Add region set names 
    rsScores$regionSetName <- rsInfo$rsName
    rsPVals$regionSetName <- rsInfo$rsName
    rsZScores$regionSetName <- rsInfo$rsName
    gPValDF$regionSetName <- rsInfo$rsName
    # Sort by first column
    rsScores[order(rsScores[,1], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    rsPVals[order(rsPVals[,1], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    rsZScores[order(rsZScores[,1], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    gPValDF[order(gPValDF[,1], decreasing=TRUE), ]

    # Create one list of results
    allResultsList$rsScores <- rsScores
    allResultsList$permRSScores <- rsPermScores
    allResultsList$empiricalPVals <- rsPVals
    allResultsList$zScores <- rsZScores
    allResultsList$gammaPVal <- gPValDF


#' Run COCOA: quantify inter-sample variation, score region sets
#' A convenience function that does the two steps of COCOA: it 1) quantifies
#' the epigenetic variation; and 2) scores the region sets. This function
#' returns the real COCOA scores if using the default `sampleOrder` parameter
#' value. With the sampleOrder parameter, you can shuffle the samples, then
#' run COCOA to get permuted scores for each region set, which generates null
#' distributions to evaluate statistical significance.
#' There are multiple options for quantifying the epigenetic variation,
#' specified by the `variationMetric` parameter. Quantifying the variation for
#' the real/non-permuted COCOA  scores should be done with the same  variation
#' metric as is used for the random permutations. For an unsupervised analysis
#' using dimensionality reduction, first, the dimensionality reduction is done
#' outside `runCOCOA`, then the latent factors/principal components are input
#' to `runCOCOA` as the sample labels (targetVar parameter) when calculating
#' both the real and  also the permutated region set scores. For a supervised
#' analysis,  the target variables/phenotypes are the targetVar. See the
#' vignettes for examples.
#' @param sampleOrder numeric. A vector of length (number of samples). If
#' sampleOrder is 1:(number of samples) then this function will return the
#' real COCOA scores.
#' To generate random COCOA scores in order to make 
#' null distributions, shuffle the samples in a random order.
#' E.g. sampleOrder = sample(1:ncol(genomicSignal), ncol(genomicSignal))
#' where ncol(genomicSignal) is the number of samples. 
#' Set the seed with set.seed() before making sampleOrder to ensure reproducibility.
#' @template genomicSignal
#' @template signalCoord
#' @template GRList
#' @templateVar usesTargetVar TRUE
#' @template signalCol
#' @template targetVar
#' @template variationMetric
#' @template scoringMetric
#' @template verbose
#' @template absVal
#' @template olList
#' @template pOlapList
#' @permutations numeric -- specify the number of permutations. Leave NULL for no permutations (NULL by default).
#' @cores numeric -- specify the number of cores, default: cores=1
#' @param centerGenomicSignal Logical. Should rows in genomicSignal
#' be centered based on
#' their means? (subtracting row mean from each row)
#' @param centerTargetVar Logical. Should columns in targetVar be 
#' centered based
#' on their means? (subtract column mean from each column)
#' @template returnCovInfo
#' @return data.frame. The output of aggregateSignalGRList for one permutation.
#' @examples
#' data("esr1_chr1")
#' data("nrf1_chr1")
#' data("brcaMethylData1")
#' data("brcaMCoord1")
#' pcScores <- prcomp(t(brcaMethylData1))$x
#' targetVarCols <- c("PC1", "PC2")
#' targetVar <- pcScores[, targetVarCols]
#' # give the actual order of samples to `runCOCOA` to get the real scores
#' correctSampleOrder=1:nrow(targetVar)
#' realRSScores <- runCOCOA(genomicSignal=brcaMethylData1,
#'                         signalCoord=brcaMCoord1,
#'                         GRList=GRangesList(esr1_chr1, nrf1_chr1),
#'                         signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"),
#'                         targetVar=targetVar,
#'                         sampleOrder=correctSampleOrder,
#'                         variationMetric="cor")
#' realRSScores
#' # give random order of samples to get random COCOA scores 
#' # so you start building a null distribution for each region set 
#' # (see vignette for example of building a null distribution with `runCOCOA`)
#' randomOrder <- sample(1:nrow(targetVar), 
#'                       size=nrow(targetVar),
#'                       replace=FALSE)
#' randomRSScores <- runCOCOA(genomicSignal=brcaMethylData1,
#'                           signalCoord=brcaMCoord1,
#'                           GRList=GRangesList(esr1_chr1, nrf1_chr1),
#'                           signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"),
#'                           targetVar=targetVar,
#'                           sampleOrder=randomOrder,
#'                           variationMetric="cor")
#' randomRSScores
#' @export
runCOCOA <- function(genomicSignal, 
                    signalCoord, GRList, signalCol,
                    variationMetric = "cor", 
                    scoringMetric="default", verbose=TRUE,
                    absVal=TRUE, olList=NULL, pOlapList=NULL,
                    alreadyCenteredDM = FALSE,  
                    alreadyScaledDM = FALSE, 
                    alreadyCenteredFM = FALSE, 
                    alreadyScaledFM = FALSE,
                    noNA=FALSE) {

    signalList <- NULL
    # if vector is given, return error
    if (is.null(dim(targetVar))) {
        stop("`targetVar` should be a matrix or data.frame")
    if (any(!(signalCol %in% colnames(targetVar)))) {
        stop("Not all specified columns are present in `targetVar`")

    # if vector is given, return error
    if (is.null(dim(targetVar))) {
        stop("`targetVar` should be a matrix or data.frame")
    if (any(!(signalCol %in% colnames(targetVar)))) {
        stop("Not all specified columns are present in `targetVar`")
    # subset to only signalCol
    targetVar <- as.data.frame(targetVar[, signalCol, drop=FALSE])
    # because names are dropped for a single column data.frame when indexing
    # single col data.frame is automatically converted to numeric
    featureNames <- colnames(targetVar)
    # reorder the sample labels
    targetVar <- data.frame(targetVar[sampleOrder, ])
    colnames(targetVar) <- featureNames
    # calculate correlation
    featureLabelCor <- createCorFeatureMat(dataMat = genomicSignal, 
                                          featureMat = targetVar,
                                          testType = variationMetric)

    # more efficient to do only once instead of for each region set later on
    if (absVal) {
        featureLabelCor <- abs(featureLabelCor)
        absVal <- FALSE    
    if (!is.null(rsMatList) && (scoringMetric %in% c("simpleMean", "regionMean", 
                                "proportionWeightedMean"))) {
        if (is.null(signalList)) {
            signalList <- splitSignal(signal = featureLabelCor, 
                                         maxRow = ncol(rsMatList[[1]]))
    # run COCOA

    thisPermRes <- aggregateSignalGRList(signal=featureLabelCor, 
                           signalCoord=signalCoord, GRList=GRList, 
                           signalCol = signalCol, 
                           scoringMetric = scoringMetric, verbose = verbose,
                           absVal = absVal, 
                           rsInfo = rsInfo,
    # return

#' Converts COCOA permutation results to null distributions and vice versa
#' This function will take a list of results of permutation tests that included
#' many region sets and return a list of data.frames where each data.frame
#' contains the null distribution for a single region set.
#' The function can also convert in the reverse order from 
#' a list of null distributions to a list of COCOA results. 
#' @param rsScoresList each item in the list is a data.frame, one item for
#' each permutation with the results of that permutation. Each row in the 
#' data.frame is a region set. All data.frames should be the same size and
#' each data.frame's rows should be in the same order
#' @return a list of data.frames. The function returns a list of data.frames. 
#' If the input is a list of data.frames from COCOA permutations, the output 
#' will be a list of data.frames containing null distributions for each region set, 
#' with the same columns as the input data.frames. If the input is a list of data.frames 
#' with null distributions for individual region sets, the output will be a list of data.frames, 
#' each with one row for each region set, representing results for a single COCOA permutation.
#' @examples
#' # six region sets (rows), 2 signals (columns)
#' fakePermScores <- data.frame(abs(rnorm(6)), abs(rnorm(6)))
#' fakePermScores2 <- data.frame(abs(rnorm(6)), abs(rnorm(6)))
#' # 2 fake COCOA results (i.e. nPerm=2)
#' permRSScores <- list(fakePermScores, fakePermScores2)
#' convertToFromNullDist(permRSScores)
#' @export

convertToFromNullDist <- function(rsScoresList) {
  nullDistList <- lapply(X = 1:nrow(rsScoresList[[1]]),
                         FUN = function(x) permListToOneNullDist(resultsList=rsScoresList, 
                                                                 rsInd = x))

# @param rsInd numeric. The row number for the region set of interest.
# do for only one region set
permListToOneNullDist <- function(resultsList, rsInd) {
  rowList <- lapply(resultsList, FUN = function(x) x[rsInd, ])
  rsNullDist <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(rowList))

# for gammaNormalize()
pGammaSingle <- function(scoreVec, oneDist) {
    pValVec <- pgamma(q = scoreVec, shape = oneDist$estimate["shape"], 
           rate = oneDist$estimate["rate"], 
           lower.tail = FALSE) # lower.tail=FALSE means 1-x is given

# get gamma p-value for each region set based on feature values
# of all CpGs. This is done to normalize for the mean and variance of
# permutation feature value distributions
# @param featureVals matrix/data.frame. Should 
gammaNormalize <- function(rsScores, featureVals, method="mme", force=FALSE) {
    # estimate distribution parameters
    # returns a list where each item is a gamma dist for a column of featureVals
    gList <- fitGammaNullDist(nullDistDF = featureVals, 

    ####  get p-val for score
    pValList = list()
    # once for each column
    for (i in 1:ncol(rsScores)) {
        pValList[[i]] <- as.data.frame(pGammaSingle(scoreVec = as.numeric(rsScores[, i]), 
                                                    oneDist = gList[[i]]))
    pValDF <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", pValList))
    colnames(pValDF) <- colnames(rsScores)

# p value functions 

#' Get a p-value for region set scores based on a gamma distribution. 
#' First fit a gamma distribution to each region set's null distribution/s
#' (nullDistList). Then use this gamma distribution to convert scores in
#' rsScores to p-values.
#' @template rsScores 
#' @param nullDistList list of data.frames. Each list item 
#' has null distributions for a single 
#' region set (list items should be in the same order as rows of rsScores). 
#' Has same score columns as rsScores. 
#' Each column corresponds to a null distribution for that 
#' region set for a given sample variable of interest/target variable
#' (e.g. PC or sample phenotype).  
#' @templateVar usesRSScores TRUE
#' @template signalCol
#' @param method Character. Has the method to use to fit the gamma 
#' distribution to the null distribution.
#' Options are 
#' "mme" (moment matching estimation), "mle" (maximum likelihood estimation), 
#' "qme" (quantile matching estimation), and "mge" (maximum goodness-of-fit 
#' estimation). See ?fitdistrplus::fitdist() for
#' available options and meaning.
#' @param realScoreInDist logical. Should the actual score (from 
#' test with no permutations) be included in the null distribution 
#' when fitting the gamma distribution. realScoreInDist=TRUE is 
#' recommended.
#' @param force logical. If force=TRUE, when fitting the gamma distribution
#' returns an error (as may happen when a method other than "mme"
#' is used) then allow the error. If force=FALSE, when fitting the 
#' gamma distribution returns an error then don't return an error but 
#' instead use the "mme" method
#' for fitting that specific gamma distribution.
#' @return Returns a data.frame with p values, one column for each signalCol in
#' rsScores 
#' @examples 
# fakeOriginalScores <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
# fakePermScores <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
# fakePermScores2 <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
# fakePermScores3 <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
# permRSScores <- list(fakePermScores, fakePermScores2, fakePermScores3)
# nullDistList <- convertToFromNullDist(permRSScores)
# getGammaPVal(rsScores=fakeOriginalScores,
#              nullDistList=nullDistList,
#              signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"))
#' @export

getGammaPVal <- function(rsScores, nullDistList, signalCol, method="mme", 
                         realScoreInDist=TRUE, force=FALSE) {
    # take absolute value since gamma distribution cannot have negative values
    if (any(rsScores < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        rsScores <- abs(rsScores)
    conditionalAbs <- function(x) {
        if (any(x < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        } else {
    nullDistList <- lapply(X = nullDistList, FUN = conditionalAbs)
    # make sure the same columns are present/in the same order
    colsToAnnotate <- signalCol[signalCol %in% colnames(rsScores)]
    if (realScoreInDist) {
        # to get a more accurate gamma distribution, include the score from unpermuted test.
        # add to each null distribution
        for (i in 1:nrow(rsScores)) {
            nullDistList[[i]] <- rbind(nullDistList[[i]], as.numeric(rsScores[i, ]))
    rsScores <- rsScores[, colsToAnnotate, drop=FALSE]  
    # returns list, each item in list is also a list.
    # in sub list: each col in nullDistDF has one list item
    fittedDistList <- lapply(X = nullDistList, 
                             function(x) fitGammaNullDist(nullDistDF = 
                                                              x[, colsToAnnotate, 
    # region sets with no coverage have NA for fittedDistList value
    # pGammaList cannot assign these column names so assign them ahead of time
    # and don't run pGammaList on those region sets
    naInd = vapply(X = fittedDistList, 
                   FUN = function(x) all(is.na(x)), 
                   FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
    pValList <- list()
    # assign na items
    naEntry = as.data.frame(t(rep(NA, length(colsToAnnotate))))
    colnames(naEntry) = colsToAnnotate
    pValList[naInd] = list(naEntry)
    # once for each region set
    for (i in seq_along(nullDistList)[!naInd]) {
        pValList[[i]] <- as.data.frame(t(pGammaList(scoreVec = as.numeric(rsScores[i, ]), 
                                                   fitDistrList = fittedDistList[[i]])))
    pValDF <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(pValList))

    # Check the NA values and convert them to numeric type (0)
    if(any(is.na(pValDF))) {
      pValDF[is.na(pValDF)] <- 0.0000

# @param nullDistDF a data.frame. Has null distributions for a single 
# region set. Each column corresponds to a null distribution for that 
# region set for a given variable/sample attribute.   
# @return Returns a list or NA. Each list item is a "fitdist" object which is 
# a fitted function. If there are any NA's in nullDistDF, then NA will 
# be returned instead.
# for one of the columns in nullDistDF (output of fitdist() from
# fitdistrplus.
# These are gamma distributions and can be used to get p values for the 
# null distribution so that a large number of permutations 
# are not required.The list is in order of the columns and will
# have the names of the data.frame columns. 

fitGammaNullDist <- function(nullDistDF, method="mme", force=FALSE) {
    processedList <- lapply(nullDistDF, function(x) {
      # Replace NA and NaN with a small number close to zero
      if(any(is.na(x))) {
        x[is.na(x) | is.nan(x)] <- 0.0000

    modelList <- lapply(processedList, function(x) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        fitdistrplus::fitdist(data=x, distr = "gamma", method=method)
      }, error = function(e) {
        print(paste("Error in fitting column:", e$message))
        return(NA)  # Return NA in case of an error

pGammaList <- function(scoreVec, fitDistrList) {
    if (any(is.na(scoreVec))) {
        naVec <- rep(NA, length(scoreVec))
        names(naVec) <- names(scoreVec)
    pValVec <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) pgamma(q = y, 
                                                 shape = x$estimate["shape"], 
                                                 rate = x$estimate["rate"], 
                                                 lower.tail = FALSE), x = fitDistrList, y = scoreVec)

#' Get p-value or z-score based on permutation results
#' This function starts with real COCOA scores for each
#' region set and null distributions for each
#' region set that comes from running COCOA on permuted data. 
#' Then this function uses the null distributions to get 
#' an empirical p-value or z-score for each region set. 
#' See vignettes for the workflow that leads to this function. 
#' The calculation of the p-value/z-score does not 
#' include the real region set score in the null distribution.
#' @template rsScores 
#' @param nullDistList List. one item per region set. Each item is a 
#' data.frame with the null distribution/s for a single region set. 
#' Each column in the data.frame is for a target variable 
#' (e.g. PC or phenotype), which is given by the `signalCol` parameter 
#' (each target variable has a different null distribution for a given region set).
#' @templateVar usesRSScores TRUE
#' @template signalCol 
#' @param testType Character. "greater", "lesser", "two-sided" Whether to
#' create p values based on one sided test or not. Only applies when
#' whichMetric="pval".
#' @param whichMetric Character. Can be "pval" or "zscore"
#' @return A data.table/data.frame. 
#' If whichMetric="pval", returns the empirical p-value for
#' each region set in `rsScores`. If the region set score is more extreme
#' than all scores in the null distribution, a p-value of 0 is returned but
#' this simply means the p-value is the minimum detectable p-value with
#' the given number of permutations used to make the null distributions. If
#' whichMetric="zscore", the function returns a z-score for each region set
#' score: ((region set score) - mean(null distribution)) / sd(null distribution)
#' @examples 
#' fakeOriginalScores <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
#' fakePermScores <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
#' fakePermScores2 <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
#' fakePermScores3 <- data.frame(PC1=abs(rnorm(6)), PC2=abs(rnorm(6)))
#' permRSScores <- list(fakePermScores, fakePermScores2, fakePermScores3)
#' nullDistList <- convertToFromNullDist(permRSScores)
#' getPermStat(rsScores=fakeOriginalScores, nullDistList=nullDistList, 
#'             signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"), whichMetric="pval") 
#' getPermStat(rsScores=fakeOriginalScores, nullDistList=nullDistList, 
#'             signalCol=c("PC1", "PC2"), whichMetric="zscore") 
#' @export

getPermStat <- function(rsScores, nullDistList, signalCol, 
                        testType="greater", whichMetric = "pval") {
    if (is(rsScores, "data.table")) {
        rsScores <- as.data.frame(rsScores)

    # do once for each region set
    thisStatList <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(rsScores)) {
        thisStatList[[i]] <- as.data.frame(t(getPermStatSingle(rsScore=rsScores[i, signalCol], 
                                                              nullDist = nullDistList[[i]],
                                                              signalCol = signalCol,
        colnames(thisStatList[[i]]) <- signalCol
    thisStat <- rbindlist(thisStatList)
    # add back on annotation info
    thisStat <- cbind(thisStat, rsScores[, colnames(rsScores)[!(colnames(rsScores) %in% signalCol)]])
    # pVals <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) getPermPvalSingle(rsScore=x, 
    #                                            nullDist = y,
    #                                            signalCol = signalCol), 
    #        x = rsScores[, signalCol], y=nullDistList)

# get p values for a single region set (can get p val for multiple columns)
# @param rsScore a row of values for a single region set. One 
# value for each signalCol
getPermStatSingle <- function(rsScore, nullDist, 
                              signalCol, testType="greater", whichMetric = "pval") {

    # Check if nullDist is a list and convert it to a data frame
    if (is.list(nullDist)) {
      nullDist <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, nullDist))
    } else if (is(nullDist, "data.table")) {
      nullDist <- as.data.frame(nullDist)
    # Replace NaN values with 0.0000 in each column
    nullDist[] <- lapply(nullDist, function(x) replace(x, is.nan(x), 0.0000))
    # if score was NA, return NA
    if (any(is.na(rsScore))) {
      return(rep(NA, length(rsScore)))

    if (whichMetric == "pval") {
        pVal <- rep(-1, length(rsScore))
        if (testType == "greater") {
            for (i in seq_along(pVal)) {
                # only for one sided test (greater than)
                pVal[i] <- 1 - ecdf(x = nullDist[, signalCol[i]])(rsScore[i])
        } else if (testType == "lesser") {
            for (i in seq_along(pVal)) {
                # only for one sided test (less than)
                pVal[i] <- ecdf(x = nullDist[, signalCol[i]])(rsScore[i])
        } else if (testType == "two-sided") {
            for (i in seq_along(pVal)) {
                cdfVal <- ecdf(x = nullDist[, signalCol[i]])(rsScore[i])
                # convert to two sided pval
                pVal[i] <- -2 * abs(cdfVal - 0.5) + 1

        thisStat <- pVal
    if (whichMetric == "zscore") {
      zScore <- rep(NA, length(rsScore))
      for (i in seq_along(zScore)) {
        if (is.nan(mean(nullDist[, signalCol[i]])) || is.nan(sd(x = nullDist[, signalCol[i]]))) {
          zScore[i] <- 0.0000
        } else {
          zScore[i] <- (rsScore[i] - mean(nullDist[, signalCol[i]])) / sd(x = nullDist[, signalCol[i]])

      # Condition to check NA in zScore
      if(any(is.na(zScore))) {
        zScore[is.na(zScore)] <- 0.0000
      thisStat <- as.numeric(zScore)

############### old ###################

# Run COCOA permutations to get null distributions for each region set.
# For one permutation, there are several steps: 
# First, we shuffle the sample labels. Second, we calculate the association
# between the epigenetic data and the shuffled sample labels using the 
# chosen metric (e.g. correlation). Third, the resulting feature coefficients
# are used as input to the aggregateSignalGRList function to score each region set.
# This process is repeated `nPerm` times.
# @param groupByRS logical

# @return A list where each item is a data.frame with the null 
# distribution for a single region set. The length of the list
# is equal to the number of region sets. The number of rows of 
# each data.frame is equal to the number of permutations.
# getNullDist <- function(groupByRS=TRUE) {
# }
databio/PCRSA documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 3:55 a.m.