#' Methylation-based Inference of Regulatory Activity (MIRA)
#' MIRA is a score that infers regulatory activity of genomic elements
#' based on DNA methylation data. It assesses the degree of dip in methylation
#' level surrounding a regulatory site of interest, such as
#' transcription factor binding sites.
#' This package provides functions for aggregating methylation
#' data across region sets, in bins.
#' @docType package
#' @name MIRA
#' @author Nathan Sheffield
#' @author John Lawson
#' @references \url{http://github.com/databio}
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges GRangesList elementMetadata strand
#' seqnames granges
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes facet_wrap geom_boxplot geom_jitter geom_line
#' theme_classic xlab ylab geom_hline ylim scale_color_discrete
#' scale_x_discrete scale_fill_brewer scale_color_manual
#' scale_color_brewer
#' @import BiocGenerics S4Vectors IRanges
#' @importFrom data.table ":=" setDT data.table setkey fread setnames
#' setcolorder rbindlist setattr setorder copy is.data.table
#' @importFrom Biobase sampleNames
#' @importFrom stats lm coefficients poly
#' @importFrom bsseq getCoverage getMeth
#' @importFrom methods is
# Because of some issues with CRAN submission,
# (see here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9439256/)
# I have to register stuff used in data.table as non-standard evaluation,
# in order to pass some R CMD check NOTES.
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
".", "bin", "binID", "chr", "element_blank", "featureID",
"geom_violin", "methylCount", "id", "meth",
"methylProp", "coverage", "sumCoverage", "regionGroupID", "regionID",
"sampleName", "sampleType", "theme", "ubinID", "V1"))
#' Aggregate methylation data to get
#' a summary methylation profile for each region set
#' The main function for aggregating methylation data in MIRA analysis.
#' Aggregates methylation across all regions in a given region set to
#' give a summary methylation profile for each region set.
#' Each region is split into bins. For a given set of regions,
#' methylation is first aggregated (averaged) within each
#' bin in each region. Then methylation from corresponding bins from each
#' region are aggregated (averaged) across all regions
#' (all first bins together, all second bins together, etc.),
#' giving an aggregate methylation profile.
#' This process is done for each region set.
#' @param BSDT A single data.table that has DNA methylation data on individual
#' sites. Alternatively a BSseq object is allowed which will be converted
#' internally to data.tables. The data.table input should have columns:
#' "chr" for chromosome, "start" for
#' cytosine coordinate, "methylProp" for proportion of
#' methylation (0 to 1), optionally "methylCount"
#' for number of methylated reads, and
#' optionally "coverage" for total number of reads.
#' @param GRList A GRangesList object containing region sets, each set
#' corresponding to a type of regulatory element.
#' Each region set in the list should
#' be named. A named list of data.tables also works.
#' @param binNum How many bins each region should be split into for aggregation
#' of the DNA methylation data.
#' @param minBaseCovPerBin Screen out region sets that have any bins in the
#' final methylation profile with 'sumCoverage' below the 'minBaseCovPerBin'
#' threshold. 'sumCoverage' is an output column: during aggregation,
#' the 'coverage' values for each base in a bin are added, then these sums
#' are added for corresponding bins from all regions, producing a
#' 'sumCoverage' value for each bin. 'minBaseCovPerBin' is only
#' used if there is a "coverage" column in the input methylation data.table.
#' 'sumCoverage' is greater than or equal to the number of separate reads
#' that contributed to a given bin.
#' @return a data.table with binNum rows for each region set containing
#' aggregated methylation data. If the input was a BSseq object
#' with multiple samples, a list of data.tables will be returned with
#' one data.table for each sample.
#' Each region was split into bins; methylation was put in these bins;
#' Output contains sum of the all corresponding bins for the regions of each
#' region set, ie for all regions in each region set: first bins summed, second
#' bins summed, etc. Columns of the output should be "bin", "methylProp",
#' "sumCoverage" (only if coverage was an input column, described below),
#' "featureID" (ID for
#' the region set).
#' For information on symmetry of bins and output when a region set has
#' strand info, see ?BSBinAggregate.
#' 'sumCoverage' is calculated as follows: during aggregation,
#' the 'coverage' values for each base in a bin are added, then these sums
#' are added for corresponding bins from all regions, producing a
#' 'sumCoverage' value for each bin.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("exampleBSDT", package = "MIRA")
#' data("exampleRegionSet", package = "MIRA")
#' exBinDT <- aggregateMethyl(exampleBSDT, exampleRegionSet)
aggregateMethyl <- function(BSDT, GRList, binNum = 11, minBaseCovPerBin = 500){
if (is(BSDT, "BSseq")) {
# if input is not a data.table but rather a BSseq object
# bsseq objects can include multiple samples so make a list
## not adding sample name to BSDT because of memory it would require
## so sample names are no longer required in BSseq object
# # checking for sample names
# if (length(sampleNames(BSDT)) != ncol(BSDT)) {
# stop(cleanws("BSseq object must have sample name for each sample.
# Check output of bsseq::sampleNames(BSDT)"))
# }
BSDTList <- bsseqToDataTable(BSDT)
## not adding sample name to BSDT because of memory it would require
# # for each data.table, make a sampleName column with the appropriate
# # name (by reference)
# mapply(FUN = function(x, y) x[, sampleName := y],
# BSDTList,
# names(BSDTList))
# do the aggregation step on each data.table
bigMethylByBin <- lapply(X = BSDTList,
FUN = function(x) aggregateMethylInt(BSDT = x,
GRList = GRList,
binNum = binNum,
minBaseCovPerBin = minBaseCovPerBin))
} else {
bigMethylByBin <- aggregateMethylInt(BSDT = BSDT,
GRList = GRList,
binNum = binNum,
minBaseCovPerBin = minBaseCovPerBin)
aggregateMethylInt <- function(BSDT, GRList, binNum = 11, minBaseCovPerBin = 500) {
######### aggregateMethyl:Preprocessing and formatting###############
# BSDT should not be a list but can be converted
if (is(BSDT, "list")) {
if (length(BSDT) == 1) {
BSDT <- BSDT[[1]]
} else {
stop(cleanws("Only one BSDT may be given to function.
BSDT should not be a list."))
if (!is(BSDT, "data.table")) {
stop("BSDT must be a data.table")
# converting to list format if GRList is a data.table or GRanges object
if (is(GRList, "GRanges")) {
GRList <- GRangesList(GRList)
message("Converting to GRangesList...")
if (is(GRList, "data.table")) {
GRList <- list(GRList)
message("Converting to list...")
# checking that input is in list format
# should be either list or "GRangesList"
if (!(is(GRList, "list") || is(GRList, "GRangesList"))) {
stop("GRList should be a named list/GRangesList.")
# checking if region sets have names
if (is.null(names(GRList))) {
warning(cleanws("GRList should be a named list/GRangesList.
The region sets were assigned sequential names
based on their order in the list."))
names(GRList) <- paste0(rep("RegionSet", length(GRList)),
# checking that all objects in GRList are the same type
# and converting to data.tables
# first check if all objects are GRanges
if (all(sapply(X = GRList, FUN = function(x) is(x, "GRanges")))) {
# GRanges to data.tables
GRDTList <- lapply(X = GRList, FUN = grToDt, includeStrand = TRUE)
# next check if all objects are data.tables
}else if (all(sapply(X = GRList, FUN = function(x) is(x, "data.table")))) {
GRDTList <- GRList # this case is okay
stop("GRList should be a GRangesList or a list of data.tables")
# warning user if not all regions in a region set are the same length
# which could make the resulting MIRA profile hard to interpret
hasUniformRegionSizes = all(sapply(GRDTList, function(x)
diff(range(x$end - x$start)) < 0.000001))
if (!hasUniformRegionSizes) {
warning(cleanws("For at least one of the region sets, not all regions
in the set were the same length. It is recommended
that all regions in a given region
set be the same length so the final profile will be
easier to interpret. Regions can be resized outside MIRA
to meet this recommendation."))
# adding a methylProp column if it is not already in the BSDT
if (!("methylProp" %in% names(BSDT))) {
BSDTList <- addMethPropCol(list(BSDT))
BSDT <- BSDTList[[1]]
# checking for a coverage column in BSDT
hasCoverage <- "coverage" %in% colnames(BSDT)
######## aggregateMethyl:Binning and processing output####################
# list of data.tables but some list items could be NULL
methylByBin <- lapply(X = GRDTList,
FUN = function(x) BSBinAggregate(BSDT = BSDT,
rangeDT = x,
binNum = binNum,
splitFactor = NULL,
minBaseCovPerBin = minBaseCovPerBin,
hasCoverage = hasCoverage))
names(methylByBin) <- names(GRList)# preserving names
# adding a feature ID column to each data.table that
# should identify what region set was used
for (i in seq_along(methylByBin)) {
# if it wasn't a data.table, this would give an error
if (is.data.table(methylByBin[[i]])) {
methylByBin[[i]][, featureID := rep(names(methylByBin)[i],
# screening out region sets that had incomplete binning
binNumScreen <- sapply(X = methylByBin, FUN = NROW) # NROW gives 0 for NULL
# taking out incomplete region sets
removeInd = binNumScreen < binNum
# tell user what region sets had no overlap with BSDT and were screened out
if (any(removeInd)) {
# will cause an error later on if length(removeInd) = 0
methylByBin <- methylByBin[!removeInd]
# names of removed sets
removedRS = paste0(names(GRList)[removeInd], collapse = ", ")
warning(c( cleanws("The following region sets were screened out for
this sample. Reasons include no overlap between region set and BSDT
or at least one bin being below minBaseCovPerBin. Region sets: "),
removedRS, "."))
bigMethylByBin <- rbindlist(methylByBin)
## letting user take care of sampleName stuff outside aggregateMethyl()
# sampleNameInBSDT <- "sampleName" %in% colnames(BSDT)
# if (sampleNameInBSDT && (ncol(bigMethylByBin) != 0)) {
# # creating new sampleName column
# bigMethylByBin[, sampleName := rep(BSDT[1, sampleName])][]
# }
# not using hasCoverage since if all region sets didn't overlap
# with BSDT then bigMethylByBin
# will be a null data.table with no column names (hasCoverage only applies to BSDT)
if ("coverage" %in% colnames(bigMethylByBin)) {
# changing coverage col name to be more clear that it is a different type
# of coverage than input coverage
setnames(bigMethylByBin, "coverage", "sumCoverage")
# Get MIRA score for each sample/region set combination
# Takes methylation data and sets of regions then aggregates
# methylation for each region set and scores the resulting profile.
# A wrapper for aggregateMethyl and calcMIRAScore but it does not return
# the summary methylation profiles, just the scores. This function is
# given only for convenience in working with small numbers of samples/region
# sets. For large analyses, "aggregateMethyl" and "calcMIRAScore" are recommended.
# See vignettes for recommended use of MIRA.
# @param BSDT A single data table that has DNA methylation data on individual
# sites. Alternatively a BSseq object may be input which will be converted
# internally to data.table/s (sample names must be in BSseq object).
# For the data.table input, it should
# include a "chr" column with chromosome, a "start" column with the
# coordinate number for the cytosine, a "methylProp" column with proportion of
# methylation (0 to 1), optionally a "methylCount" column with
# number of methylated reads
# for each site, and optionally a "coverage" column with
# total number of reads for each
# site.
# @param GRList A GRangesList object containing region sets, each set
# corresponding to a regulatory element (or having regions with the
# same biological annotation).
# Each region set in the list should be named.
# @param binNum How many bins each region should be split into for aggregation
# of the DNA methylation data.
# @param scoringMethod Method to calculate MIRA score after binning.
# "logRatio" is currently the only option. See calcMIRAScore function.
# @param minBaseCovPerBin Screen out region sets that have any bins in the
# final methylation profile with 'sumCoverage' below the 'minBaseCovPerBin'
# threshold. 'sumCoverage' is an output column: during aggregation,
# the 'coverage' values for each base in a bin are added, then these sums
# are added for corresponding bins from all regions, producing a
# 'sumCoverage' value for each bin. 'minBaseCovPerBin' is only
# used if there is a "coverage" column in the input methylation data.table.
# 'sumCoverage' is greater than or equal to the number of separate reads
# that contributed to a given bin.
# @return A data.table with a MIRA score for each region set in GRList.
# See ?calcMIRAScore.
# If input for "BSDT" is a BSseq object, output will be a list of
# data.tables if there were multiple samples in the BSseq object (named
# list if sample names were in BSseq object).
# @examples
# data("exampleBSDT", package = "MIRA")
# data("exampleRegionSet", package = "MIRA")
# MIRAScore(BSDT = exampleBSDT, GRList = exampleRegionSet)
MIRAScore <- function(BSDT, GRList, binNum = 11, scoringMethod = "logRatio",
minBaseCovPerBin = 500){
## not requiring sampleName column to save memory
# # checking for sampleName column
# if (is(BSDT, "data.table")) {
# if (!("sampleName" %in% colnames(BSDT))) {
# stop("sampleName column must be present in BSDT")
# }
# }
# if BSseq object was given, convert to a list of data.tables
# then run aggregation on each with lapply
if (is(BSDT, "BSseq")) {
## not requiring sampleName to save on memory
# # checking for sample names
# if (length(sampleNames(BSDT)) != ncol(BSDT)) {
# stop(cleanws("BSseq object must have sample name for each sample.
# Check output of bsseq::sampleNames(BSDT)"))
# }
BSDTList <- bsseqToDataTable(BSDT)
## not adding sampleName column in order to save on memory
# # for each data.table, make a sampleName column with the appropriate
# # name (by reference)
# mapply(FUN = function(x, y) x[, sampleName := y],
# BSDTList,
# names(BSDTList))
sampleNames = names(BSDTList) # could be NULL
bigBinList <- lapply(X = BSDTList,
FUN = function(x) aggregateMethylInt(BSDT = x,
GRList = GRList,
binNum = binNum,
minBaseCovPerBin = minBaseCovPerBin))
# using binned methylation data to calculate MIRA score
scoreDT <- lapply(X = bigBinList, FUN = function(x) x[, .(score = calcMIRAScore(methylProp,
method = scoringMethod)),
by = .(featureID)])
if (!is.null(sampleNames)) {
setnames(scoreDT, sampleNames)
} else {
bigBin <- aggregateMethyl(BSDT = BSDT, GRList = GRList, binNum = binNum,
minBaseCovPerBin = minBaseCovPerBin)
# using binned methylation data to calculate MIRA score
scoreDT <- bigBin[, .(score = calcMIRAScore(methylProp,
method = scoringMethod)),
by = .(featureID)]
#' Score methylation profile based on its shape
#' This will take a data.table
#' that has the methylation level in each bin in the MIRA profile and
#' return a single score. For the "logRatio" method, this score summarizes
#' how large the 'dip'
#' in methylation is at the center of that methylation profile.
#' A column for sample ID/name and a column for region set ID/name
#' should be included in the data.table because a separate score will be given
#' for each sample/region set combination.
#' See `method` parameter for details on scoring calculations.
#' @param binnedDT A data.table with columns for:
#' bin ("bin"), methylation level ("methylProp"),
#' region set ID/name (default expected column name is "featureID"
#' but this is configurable via a parameter), sample name (default expected column name is
#' "sampleName" but this is configurable via a parameter).
#' The bin column is not used for calculations since it is assumed by
#' the function that the rows will be in the order of the bins (so the
#' function will work without a bin column although the bin column assists
#' in human readability of the input data.table)
#' @param shoulderShift Used to determine the number of bins away from the
#' center to use as the shoulders. Default value "auto" optimizes the
#' shoulderShift variable for each sample/region set combination to try find the
#' outside edges of the dip. shoulderShift may be manually set as an integer
#' that will be used for all sample/region set combinations. "auto" does not
#' currently work with region sets that include strand info.
#' Brief description/example of the algorithm for "auto": for concave up MIRA
#' profiles with an odd number of bins, the first potential shoulder
#' will be the 2nd bin from the center (if the center was 0). This is
#' the first bin that could not be included in center methylation value for
#' scoring. From there, the shoulder will be changed to the next bin towards
#' the outside of the profile if the next bin over has a higher methylation
#' value or if the average methylation value of the next two bins are
#' higher than the methylation value of the current shoulder bin. The
#' potential shoulder bin keeps moving outward toward the edges of the MIRA
#' profile until neither of these conditions are met and whatever
#' bin it stops on is used for the shoulder in the MIRA
#' score calculation. For symmetrical MIRA profiles (the general use case),
#' the shoulders picked on both sides of the center will be the same number of
#' bins away from the center bin (symmetrical shoulders).
#' @param method The scoring method. "logRatio" is the log of the ratio of outer
#' edges to the middle. This ratio is the average of outside values
#' of the dip (shoulders) divided by either the center value if
#' it is lower than the two surrounding values (lower for concave up profiles or
#' higher for concave down profiles) or if it is not lower (higher for
#' concave down profiles), an
#' average of the three middle values. For an even binNum, the middle four
#' values would be averaged with the 1st and 4th being weighted by half (as
#' if there were 3 values).
#' A higher score with "logRatio" corresponds to a deeper dip. "logRatio" is the
#' only scoring method currently but more methods may be added in the future.
#' @param usedStrand If strand information is included as part of an
#' input region set when aggregating methylation,
#' the MIRA profile will probably not be
#' symmetrical. In this case, the automatic
#' shoulderShift sensing (done when shoulderShift="auto") needs to
#' be done for both sides of the dip instead of just one side so set
#' usedStrand=TRUE if strand was included for a region set.
#' usedStrand=TRUE only has an effect on the function when shoulderShift="auto".
#' @param regionSetIDColName A character object. The name of the column
#' that has region set names/identifiers.
#' @param sampleIDColName A character object. The name of
#' the column that has sample names/identifiers.
#' @return A data.table with a column for region set ID
#' (default name is featureID), sample ID (default name is sampleName),
#' and MIRA score (with name "score"). There will
#' be one row and MIRA score for each sample/region set combination.
#' The MIRA score quantifies the "dip" of
#' the MIRA profile which is an aggregation of methylation
#' over all regions in a region set.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("exampleBins")
#' calcMIRAScore(exampleBins)
calcMIRAScore <- function(binnedDT,
shoulderShift = "auto",
method = "logRatio",
usedStrand = FALSE,
regionSetIDColName = "featureID",
sampleIDColName = "sampleName"){
if (is(binnedDT, "data.table")) {
# the expected/necessary columns
expectedCols <- c("methylProp", regionSetIDColName,
expectedColsPresent <- expectedCols %in% colnames(binnedDT)
if (!all(expectedColsPresent)) {
stop(paste("Missing the following expected columns:",
paste(expectedCols[!expectedColsPresent], collapse=" "),
sep=" "))
scoreDT <- binnedDT[, .(score = scoreDip(methylProp,
by = .(get(regionSetIDColName), get(sampleIDColName))]
#fixing names (not assigned normally because of using "get")
setnames(scoreDT, c(regionSetIDColName, sampleIDColName, "score"))
} else if (is(binnedDT, "numeric")) {
# if binnedDT is actually a vector as was original behaviour of function
# preserving ability to use calcMIRAScore on a single vector or in a
# data.table j expression
# scoring by sample and region set will be accomplished outside
# this function in the "by" part of the data.table expression
# output is called scoreDT but is actually a single number object
scoreDT <- scoreDip(values=binnedDT,
} else {
# the preferred input is data.table
stop("Input should be a data.table object")
# This function was the original scoreDip but it was a wrapper was
# created to add some features and simplify the user interface.
# This will take a vector
# describing the methylation pattern and return a single score summarizing
# that vector for how large the 'dip' in methylation is at the center of
# the vector.
# @param values A vector with proportion of methylation values for each bin.
# Between 0 and 1.
# @return A MIRA score. The MIRA score quantifies the "dip" of
# the MIRA profile which is an aggregation of methylation
# over all regions in a region set.
# @examples
# data("exampleBins")
# exampleBins[, .(score = scoreDip(methylProp)),
scoreDip <- function(values,
shoulderShift = "auto",
method = "logRatio",
usedStrand = FALSE){
if (!(method %in% "logRatio")) { # add new methods eventually
stop("Invalid scoring method. Check spelling/capitalization.")
# determining number of bins
binNum <- length(values)
# determining whether profile is concave up or down in general
# because values for finding shoulder need to be altered if concave
# down ('logratio scoring')
# also it matters for getting middle value for 'logratio' scoring
concaveUp <- isProfileConcaveUp(values, binNum)
if (method == "logRatio") {
centerSpot <- (binNum + 1) / 2 # X.5 for even binNum
if ((binNum %% 2) == 0) { # if binNum is even, centerSpot is X.5
# if one of middle 2 vals is lowest, use it, otherwise average
# order of midVals vector matters because of which.min
midVals=values[c(centerSpot - .5, centerSpot + .5, centerSpot - 1.5,
centerSpot + 1.5)]
if (which.min(midVals) == 1) { # first middle bin
midpoint <- midVals[1]
} else if (which.min(midVals) == 2) { # second middle bin
midpoint <- midVals[2]
} else { # otherwise take average
# includes 4 bins but outer two bins are weighted by half
# approximates having 3 middle bins
midpoint <- (.5 * values[centerSpot - 1.5]
+ values[centerSpot - .5]
+ values[centerSpot + .5]
+ 0.5 * values[centerSpot + 1.5]) / 3
}else {# if binNum is odd, centerSpot is X.0
# if the middle is lowest for concave up/highest for concave down
# use it, otherwise average will be taken
if (concaveUp) {
# order matters in which.min (for ties) so centerSpot is first
useMiddlePoint <- (which.min(values[c(centerSpot,
centerSpot - 1,
centerSpot + 1)]) == 1)
} else {
# if concave down, see if middle point is the max of
# the three middle points
useMiddlePoint <- (which.max(values[c(centerSpot,
centerSpot - 1,
centerSpot + 1)]) == 1)
if (useMiddlePoint) {
midpoint <- values[centerSpot]
} else { # if centerSpot does not have lowest/highest value of
# the three, average the three middle bins
midpoint <- (values[centerSpot] + values[centerSpot + 1]
+ values[centerSpot - 1] ) / 3
# automatically figuring out shoulderShift based on each profile
if (shoulderShift == "auto") {
if (concaveUp) {
values2 <- values
} else {
# converts to concave up so same `findShoulder` algorithm
# can be used for both cases
# values2 is not used for scoring, just for finding shoulders
values2 <- 1 - values
# profile will probably not be symmetrical if strand was used
if (usedStrand) { # probably not common but still an option
shoulderShiftL <- findShoulder(values2, binNum, centerSpot,
whichSide = "left")
shoulderShiftR <- findShoulder(values2, binNum, centerSpot,
whichSide = "right")
} else { # most common use case, strand was not used
# either side would work since profile is symmetrical
shoulderShift <- findShoulder(values2, binNum, centerSpot,
whichSide = "right")
# floor and ceiling are only relevant when binNum is even
#(which means centerSpot is X.5)
if (usedStrand && (shoulderShift == "auto")) { # probably uncommon case
# floor and ceiling should not matter when "auto" is used but
# I kept them just in case
leftSide <- floor(centerSpot - shoulderShiftL)
rightSide <- ceiling(centerSpot + shoulderShiftR)
} else { # most common case, strand was not used,
#"auto" may or may not have been used
leftSide <- floor(centerSpot - shoulderShift)
rightSide <- ceiling(centerSpot + shoulderShift)
shoulders <- ((values[leftSide] + values[rightSide]) / 2)
if (midpoint < .000001) {
warning("Division by zero. Consider adding a small constant
to all bins for this region set.")
if (shoulders < .000001) {
warning("Taking log of zero. Consider adding a small constant
to all bins for this region set.")
# log ratio...
score <- log(shoulders / midpoint)
# # alternate way of scoring by the area in the dip
# if (method == "area") {
# maxMethyl <- max(values)
# score <- maxMethyl * binNum - sum(values)
# }
# # another alternate method
# if (method == "parabola") {
# # fit2 <- lm(y~poly(x, 2, raw = TRUE))
# # lines(xx, predict(fit2, data.frame(x = xx)), col = "green")
# }
# helper function for determining concavity of MIRA profile
# fits a parabola to the values then looks at the x^2 coefficient to
# determine concavity (+ is concave up, - is concave down)
# if number of bins is high enough, a wide parabola is fit using all the data
# and then a narrow parabola is fit using the middle 50% or so values. The
# fit with the best adjusted R^2 value is used. This could help when the
# dip is mostly in the middle half but is somewhat arbitrary and
# there might be a better way to do this.
# @return TRUE if concave up, FALSE if concave down
isProfileConcaveUp <- function(values, binNum) {
wideFit <- lm(values ~ poly(seq_along(values), 2))
wideX2Coef <- coefficients(wideFit)[3]
wideR2 <- summary(wideFit)$adj.r.squared
# if x2 coef is positive, it is concave up
concaveUp <- (wideX2Coef >= 0) # up is preferred so inclusive of 0
# only do a narrow fit if enough bins are used
# want at least 7 bins to be a part of the narrow fit (smallerHalf)
# floor(15 / 2) = 7
# because 3 bins can be used for center in scoring (with odd binNum)
# and we want at least 2 bins on each side of those center bins
if (binNum >= 15) {
# using middle 50% or so for this fit
smallerHalf <- floor(binNum / 2)
endFirstQuarter <- ceiling((binNum - smallerHalf) / 2)
narrowInd <- c(endFirstQuarter + seq(smallerHalf)) # middle ~half
narrowFit <- lm(values[narrowInd] ~
poly(seq_along(values[narrowInd]), 2))
narrowX2Coef <- coefficients(narrowFit)[3] # the x^2 coefficient
narrowR2 <- summary(narrowFit)$adj.r.squared
# use narrow fit if it has a better R2
if (narrowR2 > wideR2) {
concaveUp <- (narrowX2Coef >= 0)
# helper function for automatic shoulder sensing
# for unsymmetrical profiles this function should be run twice, once
# with whichSide="right" and once with whichSide="left"
# only finds the right shoulder so to find the left shoulder, flip the
# input values "values", then take length(values)-shoulderShift
# used in scoreDip
# @param whichSide the side of the profile to find the shoulder for
# @param for other params see ?scoreDip
# @return shoulderShift The distance from the center of the profile to the shoulder.
# It may be X.0 (ie an integer) if centerSpot is an integer or
# X.5 if centerSpot was X.5
findShoulder <- function(values, binNum, centerSpot, whichSide="right"){
if (whichSide == "left") {
values <- rev(values)
# first value that's not part of midpoint calculations
shoulderStart <- ceiling(centerSpot) + 2
shoulderSpot <- shoulderStart
for (i in shoulderStart:(binNum - 2)) {
if (values[i + 1] > values[i]) {
shoulderSpot <- i + 1
} else if (((values[i + 2] + values[i + 1]) / 2) > values[i]) {
shoulderSpot <- i + 1
} else {
# testing the last/most outside point if appropriate
if (shoulderSpot == (binNum - 1)) {
if (values[shoulderSpot + 1] > values[shoulderSpot]) {
shoulderSpot <- shoulderSpot + 1
# should work for X.0 and X.5 values of centerSpot
# assuming calculations for leftSide and rightSide vars stay the same
shoulderShift <- shoulderSpot - centerSpot
#' Add column for proportion of methylation
#' Adding methylProp column that has proportion of reads that were
#' methylated for each site based on number of methylated reads
#' divided by total number of reads.
#' Note: Assigns methylProp column by reference with ":="
#' @param BSDTList A bisulfite datatable or list of datatables
#' with a column for number of methylated reads (methylCount) and
#' a column for number of total reads
#' (coverage) for each cytosine that was measured.
#' @return The BSDTList but with extra `methylProp` column on each
#' data.table in list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("exampleBSDT", package = "MIRA")
#' exampleBSDT[, methylProp := NULL] # removing methylProp column
#' addMethPropCol(list(exampleBSDT))
addMethPropCol <- function(BSDTList){
# converting to a data.table list if it was a single data.table
if (is(BSDTList, "data.table")) {
BSDTList <- list(BSDTList)
# stopping the function if the input was not data.table originally
if (!is(BSDTList[[1]], "data.table")) {
stop('Input must be a single data.table object
or list of data.table objects')
# using anonymous function to apply operation
# that adds methylProp column to each element of list
# extra [] on the end is necessary for proper display/printing of the object
BSDTList <- lapply(X = BSDTList,
FUN = function(x) x[, methylProp :=
round(methylCount / coverage, 3)][])
#' Read in files from biseq meth caller
#' Parses the x/y format of methylation calls,
#' splitting them into individual columns: "methylCount" column for
#' number of methylated reads for site and "coverage" column for total
#' number of reads covering that site. Input files should have the following
#' columns: "chr", "start", "end", "meth", "rate", "strand".
#' This can run into memory problems if there are too many files...
#' because of the way parallel lacks long vector support. The solution is
#' to just use a single core; or to pass mc.preschedule = FALSE; This
#' makes it so that each file is processed as a separate job. Much better.
#' @param files a vector of file paths
#' @param contrastList Generally not needed for MIRA.
#' A list of named character vectors,
#' each with length equal to the number of items in files.
#' These will translate into column names in the final table.
#' @param cores number of processors.
#' @param returnAsList Whether to return the output as a list
#' or as one big data.table.
#' @return Data from each input file joined together into one big data.table.
#' If returnAsList = TRUE, then input from each file will be
#' in its own data.table in a list.
#' @examples
#' shortBSDTFile <- system.file("extdata", "shortRRBS.bed", package = "MIRA")
#' shortBSDT <- BSreadBiSeq(shortBSDTFile)
#' @export
BSreadBiSeq <- function(files, contrastList = NULL,
cores = 4, returnAsList = FALSE) {
cores <- min(length(files), cores); # not more cores than files!
if (!is.null(contrastList)) {
if (any(sapply(contrastList, length) != length(files))) {
stop("contrastList must be a list,
with each value having the same number of elements as files.");
message("Reading ", length(files), " files..");
freadList <- lapplyAlias(files, fread, mc.preschedule = FALSE);
colNames <- names(contrastList)
message("File reading finished (",
" files). Parsing Biseq format...",
appendLF = FALSE);
# TODO: This parsing takes awhile, and could be done in parallel.
freadListParsed <- lapplyAlias(freadList, parseBiseq, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
message("Parsing complete, building final tables and cleaning up...")
numberOfFiles <- length(freadListParsed);
for (i in 1:numberOfFiles) {
# if (numberOfFiles > 1) {
# message(i, ": ", sampleNames[i], "; ", appendLF = FALSE)
# }
# if (numberOfFiles > 1 && i == numberOfFiles) {
# message("", appendLF = TRUE)
# }
DT <- freadListParsed[[i]]; # convenience alias.
if (!is.null(contrastList)) {
DT[, get("colNames") := as.list(sapply(contrastList, "[[", i))]
# if (!is.null(sampleNames)) {
# DT[, sampleName := sampleNames[i]]
# }
freadListParsed[[i]] <- DT
# filteredList <- do.call(rbind, freadListParsed)
# gc(); # rbind call is memory inefficient; this helps.
# rbindlist supposedly does the same thing as do.call(rbind, list) but
# faster
# default (returnAsList = FALSE) is to return as
# one combined data.table/data.frame
if (!returnAsList) {
filteredList <- rbindlist(freadListParsed)
filteredList <- freadListParsed
# Takes a data.table from BSreadBiSeq and parses the strange x/y format
# of methylation calls, splitting them into individual columns
# @param DT data.table to parse
# "chr", "start", "end", "meth", "rate", "strand" columns expected
# in that order.
# @return data.table with separate methylated and unmethylated columns.
# Specific col names are set
parseBiseq <- function(DT) {
message(".", appendLF = FALSE);
setnames(DT, paste0("V", 1:6),
c("chr", "start", "end", "meth", "rate", "strand"))
DT[, meth := gsub("'", "", meth)]
# split the '12/12' format of meth calls
ll <- unlist(strsplit(DT$meth, "/", fixed = TRUE))
idx <- seq(1, length(ll), by = 2)
DT[, `:=` (methylCount = as.integer(ll[idx]),
coverage = as.integer(ll[idx + 1]))]
DT[, start := as.integer(start + 1)] # re-index
DT[, c("rate", "end", "meth" ) := NULL] # remove unnecessary columns
DT[, strand := NULL]
DT <- DT[, list(methylCount = sum(methylCount), coverage = sum(coverage)),
by = list(chr, start)] # smash measurements
setcolorder(DT, c("chr", "start", "methylCount", "coverage"));
DT <- DT[ !grep("_", chr), ]; # clean Chrs
# Given a BSDT (bisulfite data.table), remove any entries that overlap
# regions given in the excludeGR argument and/or filter out sites
# that have lower than a minimum number of reads.
# @param BSDT Bisulfite data.table to filter
# @param minReads Require at least this level of coverage at a cpg.
# @param excludeGR GRanges object with regions to filter.
# @return The BSDT with appropriate regions removed.
BSFilter <- function(BSDT, minReads = 10, excludeGR = NULL) {
# First, filter for minimum reads.
if (minReads > 0) {
BSDT <- BSDT[coverage >= minReads, ]
if (NROW(BSDT) == 0) { return(data.table(NULL)) }
# Now, filter entries overlapping a region in excludeGR.
if (!is.null(excludeGR)) {
gr <- dtToGr(BSDT)
fo <- findOverlaps(gr, excludeGR)
qh <- unique(queryHits(fo))
BSDT <- BSDT[-qh, ]
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