#' Construct and plot HIC contact matrix.
#' This function imports HIC reads and plot contact matrix based on user defined resolution.
#' @param resolution A \code{vector} of genomic bin sizes for which contact counts will be constructed and plotted.
#' @param highlight.pos A \code{vector} of genomic positions to be highlighted as horizontal and vertical lines.
#' @param title A \code{character} string to be used as a title for each plot.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @inheritParams bam2GRanges
#' @inheritParams plotNucmerCoords
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
plotHICregional <- function(bamfile, region = NULL, min.mapq = 10, resolution = 50000, highlight.pos = NULL, bsgenome = NULL, title=NULL) {
## Read in paired-end reads
message("Loading reads for region: ", as.character(region), " ...")
suppressWarnings( data.raw <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bamfile,
mapqFilter = min.mapq,
flag=Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE, isSupplementaryAlignment=FALSE)
use.names = TRUE
## Convert reads into read pairs
data.raw <- GenomicAlignments::makeGAlignmentPairs(x = data.raw)
## Convert data into GRanges objects
data.first <- as(GenomicAlignments::first(data.raw), 'GRanges') #mate1
data.last <- as(GenomicAlignments::last(data.raw), 'GRanges') #mate2
## Filter reads that spans user-defined region
hits.first <- findOverlaps(query = data.first, subject = region)
hits.last <- findOverlaps(query = data.last, subject = region)
mask <- intersect(queryHits(hits.first), queryHits(hits.last))
data.first <- data.first[mask]
data.last <- data.last[mask]
## Filter by mapping quality
# if (!is.null(min.mapq)) {
# mask <- data.first$mapq >= min.mapq & data.last$mapq >= min.mapq
# data.first <- data.first[mask]
# data.last <- data.last[mask]
# }
raw.data <- list()
plots <- list()
for (res in resolution) {
message(" Constructing contact matrix and plotting for binsize ", res, "bp ...")
## Make genomic bins
bins <- makeBins(bsgenome = bsgenome, chromosomes = as.character(seqnames(region)), binsize = res, stepsize = res)
bins <- subsetByOverlaps(bins, region)
## Preparing all possible combination of genomic bins
pairs <- t(combn(length(bins), 2))
## Get overlaps between reads and genomic bins
hits.first <- findOverlaps(subject = bins, query = data.first) #mate1
hits.last <- findOverlaps(subject = data.last, query = bins) #mate2
## Split reads indices by genomic bins indices
frags.idx.per.bin.first <- split(queryHits(hits.first), subjectHits(hits.first)) #mate1
frags.idx.per.bin.last <- split(subjectHits(hits.last), queryHits(hits.last)) #mate2
## Count shared mate1 and mate2 indices for all combinations of genomic bins
link.counts1 <- mapply(M1=frags.idx.per.bin.first[pairs[,1]], M2=frags.idx.per.bin.last[pairs[,2]], function(M1, M2) length(intersect(M1, M2)))
link.counts2 <- mapply(M1=frags.idx.per.bin.last[pairs[,1]], M2=frags.idx.per.bin.first[pairs[,2]], function(M1, M2) length(intersect(M1, M2)))
link.counts <- link.counts1 + link.counts2
## Construct data.frame with counts per contact bins
link.df <- data.frame('M1'=as.data.frame(bins[pairs[,1]])[,1:3], 'M2'=as.data.frame(bins[pairs[,2]])[,1:3], value=link.counts, idx1 = pairs[,1], idx2 = pairs[,2])
## Store raw data
raw.data[[length(raw.data) + 1]] <- link.df
## Plot binned contacts
plt <- ggplot(link.df[link.df$value > 0,]) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin=M1.start, xmax=M1.end, ymin=M2.start, ymax=M2.end, fill=value))
if (!is.null(highlight.pos)) {
highlight.pos <- sort(highlight.pos)
plt <- plt + geom_vline(xintercept = highlight.pos[1], color='red') +
geom_hline(yintercept = highlight.pos[2], color='red')
## Add title if defined to the resolution label
if (!is.null(title) & nchar(title > 0)) {
plt.label <- paste0(title, "\nResolution: ", res, "bp")
} else {
plt.label <- paste0("Resolution: ", res, "bp")
## Construct final plot
plt <- plt + scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "black", trans = 'log', name="Links (log)") +
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
xlab("Genomic position (bp)") +
ylab("Genomic position (bp)") +
annotate(geom="text", x=max(link.df$M1.start), y=min(link.df$M1.start), label=plt.label, hjust=1, vjust=-0.5) +
theme(aspect.ratio=1) + #Make sure plot is always a square
plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- plt
## Return plots and raw data used for plotting
return(list(plots = plots, raw.data = raw.data))
#' Plot horizontal HIC contact matrix.
#' This function imports HIC contact values and plots horizontal map of HIC contacts.
#' @param HICcontacts.df A \code{data.frame} with the following columns: M1.seqnames, M1.start, M1.end, M2.seqnames, M2.start, M2.end, value, idx1, idx2
#' @param yHeightRatio A size ratio between x and y axis. Default: 1/3, what means that the top third of y-axis values will be removed.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
plotHICcontactTable <- function(HICcontacts=NULL, yHeightRatio=1/3, sd.track=NULL, user.track=NULL, gene.track=NULL, title=NULL) {
## Get region boundaries
xstart <- min(HICcontacts$M1.start)
xend <- max(HICcontacts$M2.end)
region.width <- xend - xstart
#binNum <- (xend - xstart)/binSize
## Add unique bin id to each
HICcontacts$binID <- paste0('bin', 1:nrow(HICcontacts))
## Get differences between matrix indices
bin.diffs <- HICcontacts$idx2 - HICcontacts$idx1
## Get binsize of used genomic bins
bin.size <- (HICcontacts$M1.end[1] - HICcontacts$M1.start[1]) + 1
## Get position of bin centers on x-axis
centers <- rowMeans(
HICcontacts$M2.end ) )
## Get bin positions on y-axis
maxys <- 1 + (bin.diffs - 1) * 0.5
minys <- maxys - 1
## Construct data.frame for plotting
coords.df <- rbind(
x=centers - (bin.size/2),
y=rowMeans( data.frame(maxys, minys) ),
x=centers + (bin.size/2),
y=rowMeans( data.frame(maxys, minys) ),
bin=HICcontacts$binID) )
## Get center of each bin on x-axis
coords.df$x <- coords.df$x - bin.size/2
## Blunt ends of x-axis
xstart <- xstart - bin.size/2
xend <- xend - bin.size/2
## Scale y-axis to bin.size and set limit based on user defined retion of x and y size
coords.df$y <- pmax( 0, coords.df$y )
coords.df$y <- coords.df$y * bin.size
ylim2 <- region.width * yHeightRatio
## Set ploting theme
my.theme <- theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
## Make the plot
plt <- ggplot(coords.df[coords.df$value > 0,], aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_polygon(aes(fill = value, group = bin)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "black", trans = 'log', name="Links (log)") +
#coord_fixed( ratio=1, xlim=c(xstart, xend), ylim=c(0, ylim2) ) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = comma) +
xlab("Genomic Position (bp)") +
ylab("") +
theme_bw() +
offset <- -1
## Add SD annotation
if (!is.null(sd.track) & length(sd.track) > 0) {
sd.track <- subsetByOverlaps(sd.track, region)
sd.track <- reduce(sd.track)
sd.track.df <- as.data.frame(sd.track)
sd.track.df$ID <- 'SDs'
ylim2.minus <- offset
plt <- plt + geom_segment(data=sd.track.df, aes(x = start, y = offset, xend = end, yend = offset, color=ID), size=1.5, inherit.aes = FALSE)
## Add user annotation tracks if defined
if (!is.null(user.track) & length(user.track) > 0) {
user.track$level <- -disjointBins(user.track)
user.track$level <- user.track$level + offset
annot.df <- as.data.frame(user.track)
scale <- ylim2 * 0.01
ylim2.minus <- min(user.track$level * scale)
#plt + new_scale(new_aes = 'fill') +
# geom_rect(data=annot.df, aes(xmin=start, xmax=end, ymin=level, ymax=level*scale, fill=gen), inherit.aes = FALSE)
plt <- plt + geom_segment(data=annot.df, aes(x = start, y = level*scale, xend = end, yend = level*scale, color=gen), size=1.5, inherit.aes = FALSE)
offset <- min(user.track$level)
## Add gene annotation tracks if defined
if (!is.null(gene.track) & length(gene.track) > 0) {
gene.track$level <- -disjointBins(gene.track)
gene.track$level <- gene.track$level + offset
#annot.df <- as.data.frame(gene.track)
tmp.df <- as.data.frame(gene.track)
scale <- ylim2 * 0.03
ylim2.minus <- min(gene.track$level * scale)
plt <- plt + geom_segment(data=tmp.df, aes(x = start, y = level*scale, xend = end, yend = level*scale), size=1.5, inherit.aes = FALSE)
plt <- plt + geom_text(data=tmp.df, aes(x = start, y = level*scale, label=gene.name), size=1.5, inherit.aes = FALSE, hjust=1, position = position_jitter())
## Add y-axis limits and colors scale for user defined ranges
plt <- plt + coord_fixed(ratio=1, xlim=c(xstart, xend), ylim=c(ylim2.minus, ylim2)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c(HET='dodgerblue3', HOM='firebrick3', SDs='orange'), name="")
## Add title if defined to the resolution label
if (!is.null(title) & nchar(title > 0)) {
plt <- plt + ggtitle(toupper(title))
## Return the plot
#' Construct HIC contact matrix.
#' This function imports HIC reads and construct contact matrix based on
#' user defined resolution or a number of required genomic bins.
#' @param nbins A number of required bins to split selected genomic region into.
#' @param resolution A \code{vector} of genomic bin sizes for which contact counts will be constructed and plotted.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} object with HiC contact counts between two genomic region in each row.
#' @inheritParams bam2GRanges
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
getHIContactCounts <- function(bamfile, region = NULL, min.mapq = 10, nbins=NULL, resolution = NULL, bsgenome = NULL) {
## Read in paired-end reads
message("Loading reads for region: ", as.character(region), " ...")
suppressWarnings( data.raw <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bamfile,
mapqFilter = min.mapq,
flag=Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE, isSupplementaryAlignment=FALSE)
use.names = TRUE
## Convert reads into read pairs
data.raw <- GenomicAlignments::makeGAlignmentPairs(x = data.raw)
## Convert data into GRanges objects
data.first <- as(GenomicAlignments::first(data.raw), 'GRanges') #mate1
data.last <- as(GenomicAlignments::last(data.raw), 'GRanges') #mate2
## Filter reads that spans user-defined region
hits.first <- findOverlaps(query = data.first, subject = region)
hits.last <- findOverlaps(query = data.last, subject = region)
mask <- intersect(queryHits(hits.first), queryHits(hits.last))
data.first <- data.first[mask]
data.last <- data.last[mask]
## Calculate binsize resolution
if (nbins > 0 & is.null(resolution)) {
app.resolution <- width(region) / nbins
resolution <- plyr::round_any(app.resolution, 1000)
} else if (nbins > 0 & resolution > 0) {
message(" Warning: both 'nbins' and 'resolution' parameters defined, using 'nbins' to bin the genome!!!")
app.resolution <- width(region) / nbins
resolution <- plyr::round_any(app.resolution, 1000)
} else {
message(" Warning: please define 'nbins' or 'resolution' parameters to bin the genome!!!")
message(" Constructing contact matrix for binsize ", resolution, "bp ...")
## Make genomic bins
bins <- makeBins(bsgenome = bsgenome, chromosomes = as.character(seqnames(region)), binsize = resolution, stepsize = resolution)
bins <- subsetByOverlaps(bins, region)
## Preparing all possible combination of genomic bins
pairs <- t(combn(length(bins), 2))
## Get overlaps between reads and genomic bins
hits.first <- findOverlaps(subject = bins, query = data.first) #mate1
hits.last <- findOverlaps(subject = data.last, query = bins) #mate2
## Split reads indices by genomic bins indices
frags.idx.per.bin.first <- split(queryHits(hits.first), subjectHits(hits.first)) #mate1
frags.idx.per.bin.last <- split(subjectHits(hits.last), queryHits(hits.last)) #mate2
## Count shared mate1 and mate2 indices for all combinations of genomic bins
link.counts1 <- mapply(M1=frags.idx.per.bin.first[pairs[,1]], M2=frags.idx.per.bin.last[pairs[,2]], function(M1, M2) length(intersect(M1, M2)))
link.counts2 <- mapply(M1=frags.idx.per.bin.last[pairs[,1]], M2=frags.idx.per.bin.first[pairs[,2]], function(M1, M2) length(intersect(M1, M2)))
link.counts <- link.counts1 + link.counts2
## Construct data.frame with counts per contact bins
link.df <- data.frame('M1'=as.data.frame(bins[pairs[,1]])[,1:3], 'M2'=as.data.frame(bins[pairs[,2]])[,1:3], value=link.counts, idx1 = pairs[,1], idx2 = pairs[,2])
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