build_heatmaps <-
cluster.MEM = "both",
cluster.medians = "none",
cluster.IQRs = "none",
display.thresh = 1,
output.files = FALSE,
labels = FALSE,
only.MEMheatmap = FALSE) {
#heatmap clustering variables
dendro_var_MEM <- cluster.MEM
dendro_var_med <- cluster.medians
dendro_var_IQR <- cluster.IQRs
##Build MEM heatmap with natural language output
#Get MEM values and the max and min MEM value
heatmap_data <- (MEM_values[[5]])[[1]]
output.dir <- "./output files/"
if (length(which(apply(heatmap_data, 1, function(row) any(row < 0)))) == 0){ #referenceless MEM (no negative values)
scale_max <- 10
#Initialize heatmap color palette
heat_palette_MEM <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "yellow", "#FAF7C9"))
#splitting points for binning data into colors
pairs.breaks_MEM <-
c(seq(0, scale_max / 6.6, by = 0.1),
seq(scale_max / 6.6, scale_max / 3.3, by = 0.1),
seq(scale_max / 3.3, scale_max, by = 0.1)
pairs.breaks_MEM <- unique(pairs.breaks_MEM)
}else{ #regular MEM (positive and negative MEM scores)
scale_max <- 10
scale_min <- (-10)
#Initialize heatmap color palette
heat_palette_MEM <- colorRampPalette(c("#A8C3F4", "#17499B", "black", "yellow", "#FAF7C9"))
#splitting points for binning data into colors
pairs.breaks_MEM <-
seq(scale_min, scale_min / 3.3, by = 0.2),
seq(scale_min / 3.3, scale_min / 6.6, by = 0.2),
seq(scale_min / 6.6, 0, by = 0.2),
seq(0, scale_max / 6.6, by = 0.2),
seq(scale_max / 6.6, scale_max / 3.3, by = 0.2),
seq(scale_max / 3.3, scale_max, by = 0.2)
pairs.breaks_MEM <- unique(pairs.breaks_MEM)}
#Initialize heatmap for medians
medians_MEM_values <- (MEM_values[[1]])[[1]]
scale_max_med <- max(medians_MEM_values)
heat_palette_med <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "yellow", "#FAF7C9"))
pairs.breaks_med <- c(seq(0, scale_max_med / 6.6, by = 0.1),
seq(scale_max_med / 6.6, scale_max_med / 3.3, by = 0.1),
seq(scale_max_med / 3.3, scale_max_med, by = 0.1))
pairs.breaks_med <- unique(pairs.breaks_med)
#Initialize heatmap for IQR
IQR_MEM_values <- (MEM_values[[3]])[[1]]
if (max(IQR_MEM_values) <= 2.8) {
scale_max_IQR <- 2.81
scale_max_IQR <- max(IQR_MEM_values)
heat_palette_IQR <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "yellow", "#FAF7C9"))
pairs.breaks_IQR <- c(seq(0.5, (scale_max_IQR + 0.5) / 6.6, by = 0.1),
seq((scale_max_IQR + 0.5) / 6.6, (scale_max_IQR + 0.5) / 3.3, by = 0.1),
seq((scale_max_IQR + 0.5) / 3.3, scale_max_IQR, by = 0.1))
pairs.breaks_IQR <- unique(pairs.breaks_IQR)
#Round MEM enrichment vals
MEM_vals_scale <- as.matrix(round(heatmap_data, 0))
#Initialize variables
#Call create.labels
new_rownames <- create.labels(MEM_vals_scale, display.thresh, heatmap_data)
new_rownames_txt <- create.labels.txt(MEM_vals_scale, display.thresh, heatmap_data)
#Specify heatmap clustering parameters
if (dendro_var_MEM == "both") { #cluster MEM rows and columns
Colv_var_MEM = TRUE
Rowv_var_MEM = TRUE
if (dendro_var_MEM == "row") { #only cluster MEM rows
Colv_var_MEM = FALSE
Rowv_var_MEM = TRUE
if (dendro_var_MEM == "col") { #only cluster MEM columns
Colv_var_MEM = TRUE
Rowv_var_MEM = FALSE
if (dendro_var_MEM == "none") { #no clustering
Colv_var_MEM = FALSE
Rowv_var_MEM = FALSE
if (dendro_var_med == "both") { #cluster median rows and columns
Colv_var_med = TRUE
Rowv_var_med = TRUE
if (dendro_var_med == "row") { #only cluster median rows
Colv_var_med = FALSE
Rowv_var_med = TRUE
if (dendro_var_med == "col") { #only cluster median columns
Colv_var_med = TRUE
Rowv_var_med = FALSE
if (dendro_var_med == "none") { #no clustering
Colv_var_med = FALSE
Rowv_var_med = FALSE
if (dendro_var_IQR == "both") { #cluster IQR rows and columns
Colv_var_IQR = TRUE
Rowv_var_IQR = TRUE
if (dendro_var_IQR == "row") { #only cluster IQR rows
Colv_var_IQR = FALSE
Rowv_var_IQR = TRUE
if (dendro_var_IQR == "col") { #only cluster IQR columns
Colv_var_IQR = TRUE
Rowv_var_IQR = FALSE
if (dendro_var_IQR == "none") { #no clustering
Colv_var_IQR = FALSE
Rowv_var_IQR = FALSE
# Print MEM heatmap according to cluster spec
if (length(which(apply(heatmap_data, 1, function(row) any(row < 0)))) == 0){ #referenceless MEM (no negative values)
title_MEM <- " MEM* Heatmap"
}else{ #regular referenced MEM (positive and negative values)
title_MEM <- " MEM Heatmap"}
#MEM heatmap arguments
args_heatmap_MEM <- list(
main = title_MEM,
dendrogram = dendro_var_MEM,
Rowv = Rowv_var_MEM,
Colv = Colv_var_MEM,
breaks = pairs.breaks_MEM,
revC = FALSE,
symm = FALSE,
symkey = FALSE,
symbreaks = FALSE,
scale = "none",
cexRow = 0.8,
cexCol = 0.8,
col = heat_palette_MEM,
key = TRUE,
key.title = NA, key.xlab = NA, key.ylab = NA,
lhei = c(0.5, 1.5),
lwid = c(0.5, 2.2),
trace = "none"
#add labels to MEM arguments if specified
if (labels == TRUE) {
args_heatmap_MEM <- c(
labRow = new_rownames,
margins = c(5, 15)
args_heatmap_MEM <- c(
margins = c(5, 10)
#create the MEM heatmap
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check for one cluster
markers <- colnames(heatmap_data) #get marker names
cluster <- rownames(heatmap_data) #get cluster name
values <- heatmap_data[1,] #get MEM scores
df <- data.frame(x=markers, y=cluster, z=values)
MEM.heatmap <- ggplot(df, aes(markers, cluster)) + geom_tile(aes(fill= values)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heat_palette_MEM(100), limits=c(0, 10)) + labs(title=title_MEM, x=element_blank(), y=element_blank()) + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.3), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank())
print(MEM.heatmap) #output the MEM heatmap to the console
#set some variables for later
table <- list(rowInd=NA, colInd=NA)
table$rowInd <- 1
table$colInd <- c(1:ncol(MEM_values[[1]][[1]]))
table <, args_heatmap_MEM)
clustered_matrix <- heatmap_data[rev(table$rowInd), table$colInd]
matrix.test<- as.matrix(new_rownames)
matrix.test_txt <- as.matrix(new_rownames_txt)
#generate the actual MEM labels
if (length(which(apply(heatmap_data, 1, function(row) any(row < 0)))) >0){
enrichment_score_ordered_txt <- matrix.test_txt[rev(table$rowInd), ]
enrichment_score_ordered_txt <- matrix.test_txt[rev(table$rowInd), ]}
if (length(which(apply(heatmap_data, 1, function(row) any(row < 0)))) >0){
enrichment_score_ordered <- matrix.test[rev(table$rowInd), ]
enrichment_score_ordered <- matrix.test[rev(table$rowInd), ]}
# Print medians heatmap according to cluster spec
reorder_medians <- as.matrix(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])[rev(table$rowInd), table$colInd]
# Print IQR heatmap according to cluster spec
reorder_IQR <- as.matrix(MEM_values[[3]][[1]])[rev(table$rowInd), table$colInd]
#transpose if only one cluster
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){
reorder_medians <- t(reorder_medians)
rownames(reorder_medians) <- rownames(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])
reorder_IQR <- t(reorder_IQR)
rownames(reorder_IQR) <- rownames(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])
if (only.MEMheatmap == FALSE) {
#median heatmap arguments
args_heatmap_MEDs <- list(
main = "Median Heatmap",
breaks = pairs.breaks_med,
revC = FALSE,
symm = FALSE,
symkey = FALSE,
symbreaks = FALSE,
scale = "none",
cexRow = 0.8,
cexCol = 0.8,
col = heat_palette_med,
key = TRUE,
key.title = NA, key.xlab = NA, key.ylab = NA,
lhei = c(0.5, 1.5),
lwid = c(0.5, 2.2),
trace = "none"
if (cluster.medians != "none") { #cluster the median heatmap
args_heatmap_MEDs <- c(
list(dendrogram = dendro_var_med,
Rowv = Rowv_var_med,
Colv = Colv_var_med,
margins = c(5, 10))
#create heatmap
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check if one cluster
values <- MEM_values[[1]][[1]] #pull median values
df <- data.frame(x=markers, y=cluster, z=values) #same markers and cluster as MEM heatmap
med.heatmap <- ggplot(df, aes(markers, cluster)) + geom_tile(aes(fill= values)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heat_palette_MEM(100), limits=c(0, scale_max_med)) + labs(title="Median Heatmap", x=element_blank(), y=element_blank()) + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.3), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank())
print(med.heatmap) #output the median heatmap to the console
medians_table <- list(rowInd=NA, colInd=NA)
medians_table$rowInd <- 1
medians_table$colInd <- c(1:ncol(MEM_values[[1]][[1]]))
medians_table <-, args_heatmap_MEDs)
reorder_medians <- as.matrix(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])[rev(medians_table$rowInd), medians_table$colInd]
}else{ #don't cluster the median heatmap
args_heatmap_MEDs <- c(
list(dendrogram = "none",
Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE,
margins = c(5, 15))
#create heatmap
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check if one cluster
values <- MEM_values[[1]][[1]] #pull median values
df <- data.frame(x=markers, y=cluster, z=values) #same markers and cluster as MEM heatmap
med.heatmap <- ggplot(df, aes(markers, cluster)) + geom_tile(aes(fill= values)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heat_palette_MEM(100), limits=c(0, scale_max_med)) + labs(title="Median Heatmap", x=element_blank(), y=element_blank()) + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.3), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank())
print(med.heatmap) #output the median heatmap to the console
table2 <-, args_heatmap_MEDs)
#IQR heatmap arguments
args_heatmap_IQRs <- list(
main = "IQR Heatmap",
breaks = pairs.breaks_IQR,
revC = FALSE,
symm = FALSE,
symkey = FALSE,
symbreaks = FALSE,
scale = "none",
cexRow = 0.8,
cexCol = 0.8,
col = heat_palette_IQR,
key = TRUE,
key.title = NA, key.xlab = NA, key.ylab = NA,
lhei = c(0.5, 1.5),
lwid = c(0.5, 2.2),
trace = "none"
if (cluster.IQRs != "none") { #cluster the IQR heatmap
args_heatmap_IQRs <- c(
list(dendrogram = dendro_var_IQR,
Rowv = Rowv_var_IQR,
Colv = Colv_var_IQR,
margins = c(5, 10))
#create IQR heatmap
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check if one cluster
values <- MEM_values[[3]][[1]] #pull IQR values
df <- data.frame(x=markers, y=cluster, z=values) #same markers and cluster as MEM heatmap
IQR.heatmap <- ggplot(df, aes(markers, cluster)) + geom_tile(aes(fill= values)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heat_palette_MEM(100), limits=c(0, scale_max_IQR)) + labs(title="IQR Heatmap", x=element_blank(), y=element_blank()) + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.3), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank())
print(IQR.heatmap) #output the IQR heatmap to the console
IQR_table <- list(rowInd=NA, colInd=NA)
IQR_table$rowInd <- 1
IQR_table$colInd <- c(1:ncol(MEM_values[[1]][[1]]))
reorder_IQR <- as.matrix(t(MEM_values[[3]][[1]])[rev(IQR_table$rowInd), IQR_table$colInd])
IQR_table <-, args_heatmap_IQRs)
reorder_IQR <- as.matrix(MEM_values[[3]][[1]])[rev(IQR_table$rowInd), IQR_table$colInd]
}else{ #don't cluster the IQR heatmap
args_heatmap_IQRs <- c(
list(dendrogram = "none",
Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE,
margins = c(5, 15))
#create IQR heatmap
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check if one cluster
values <- MEM_values[[3]][[1]] #pull IQR values
df <- data.frame(x=markers, y=cluster, z=values) #same markers and cluster as MEM heatmap
IQR.heatmap <- ggplot(df, aes(markers, cluster)) + geom_tile(aes(fill= values)) + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heat_palette_MEM(100), limits=c(0, scale_max_IQR)) + labs(title="IQR Heatmap", x=element_blank(), y=element_blank()) + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.3), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank())
print(IQR.heatmap) #output the IQR heatmap to the console
table3 <-, args_heatmap_IQRs)
dir.create(file.path(getwd(), output.dir), showWarnings = FALSE)
if (output.files == TRUE) {
# file attributes
file_prefix <- file.path(output.dir, strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"))
# ----- pdf output ----------------------------
cairo_pdf(paste0(file_prefix, " MEM heatmap.pdf"), width = 15, onefile = TRUE)
# MEM heatmap plot
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check if one cluster
}else{, args_heatmap_MEM)
if (only.MEMheatmap == FALSE) {
if (nrow(MEM_values[[1]][[1]])==1){ #check if one cluster
# Plot median heatmap
# Plot IQR heatmap
# Plot median heatmap, args_heatmap_MEDs)
# Plot IQR heatmap, args_heatmap_IQRs)
# ----- end of pdf output ---------------------
# Write data to text files
#MEM matrix
paste0(file_prefix, " MEM matrix.txt"),
sep = "\t",
row.names = TRUE)
#median matrix
paste0(file_prefix, " Medians matrix.txt"),
sep = "\t",
row.names = TRUE)
#IQR matrix
paste0(file_prefix, " IQRs matrix.txt"),
sep = "\t",
row.names = TRUE)
#MEM label txt file
if (((MEM_values[[6]])[[1]]) == 0){ #check for multiple files
paste0(file_prefix, " enrichment score-rownames.txt"),
sep = "\t")
}else{ #multiple files for the clusters
filenames <- unlist(MEM_values[[6]])
matrix.filenames <- as.matrix(filenames)
filenames_ordered <- matrix.filenames[rev(table$rowInd), ]
new_rownames_filenames <-
cbind(filenames_ordered, enrichment_score_ordered)
colnames(new_rownames_filenames) <- c("File", "MEM label")
paste0(file_prefix, " enrichment score-rownames.txt"),
sep = "\t"
if (((MEM_values[[6]])[[1]]) == 0){
show(paste("MEM label for cluster",enrichment_score_ordered))
filenames <- unlist(MEM_values[[6]])
matrix.filenames <- as.matrix(filenames)
filenames_ordered <- matrix.filenames[rev(table$rowInd), ]
show(paste("MEM label ",enrichment_score_ordered))
#return the MEM labels
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