## the whole fucking bunch of current utilities
#' Selection of points at the ends of simplex using VCA algorithms several times
#' @param reduced matrix or data.frame object representing objects in reduced space
#' @param dims positive number, dimensionality of reduced space
#' @param number_of_iterations number of iterations to perform VCA
#' @return data.frame contains endpoints of reduced dataset and associated cluster number
#' @export
#' @examples
point_selection <- function(reduced, dims, number_of_iterations=100) {
results <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncol(reduced))
colnames(results) <- colnames(reduced)
center <- colMeans(reduced)
for (i in 1:number_of_iterations) {
endm <- vca05(reduced, p=dims)
results <- rbind(results, reduced[endm, ])
reduced <- reduced[-endm, ]
directions <- t(apply(results, 1, function(r) r - center))
directions <- t(apply(directions, 1, function(r) r / sqrt(sum(r^2))))
clusters <- Kmeans(directions, directions[1:dims, ], method="euclidean", iter.max=20000)$cluster
return(cbind(results, clusters))
point_selection_vca <- point_selection
getEndpoints <- function(x, k) {
x_mean <- rowMeans(x)
em <- matrix(x_mean, ncol=1)
get_next <- function(em) {
props <- pseudoinverse(em) %*% x
reconstruct <- em %*% props
errors <- x - reconstruct
rmse <- apply(errors, 2, function(cc) mean(cc^2))
endpoints <- get_next(em)
while (length(endpoints) < k) {
em <- x[, endpoints, drop=F]
endpoints <- c(endpoints, get_next(em))
#' Selection of points at the ends of simplex using IEA algorithms several times
#' @param reduced matrix or data.frame object representing objects in reduced space
#' @param dims positive number, dimensionality of reduced space
#' @param number_of_iterations number of iterations to perform VCA
#' @return data.frame contains endpoints of reduced dataset and associated cluster number
#' @export
#' @examples
point_selection_iea <- function(x, dims, number_of_iterations=100, toNormalise=T) {
results <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncol(x))
colnames(results) <- colnames(x)
if (toNormalise) {
x_norm <- x / rowSums(x)
} else {
x_norm <- x
center <- colMeans(x_norm)
x_norm_t <- t(x_norm)
for (i in 1:number_of_iterations) {
endm <- getEndpoints(x_norm_t, dims)
results <- rbind(results, x_norm[names(endm), ])
x_norm_t <- x_norm_t[, -endm]
directions <- t(apply(results, 1, function(r) r - center))
directions <- t(apply(directions, 1, function(r) r / sqrt(sum(r^2))))
clusters <- Kmeans(directions, directions[1:dims, ], method="euclidean", iter.max=20000)$cluster
return(cbind(results, clusters))
plot_rotation <- function(reduced, dims, step=5, colors=NULL, fileName="rotation.gif") {
if (is.null(colors)) {
for (i in seq(0, 180, step)) {
png(sprintf("tmpRotation%03d.png", i), width=4, height=4, units="in", res=300)
s3d <- scatterplot3d(as.matrix(reduced[, (dims-2):dims]),
angle = i, pch = 16, scale.y = 0.8, grid=F, cex.symbols = 0.5)
} else {
for (i in seq(0, 180, step)) {
png(sprintf("tmpRotation%03d.png", i), width=4, height=4, units="in", res=300)
s3d <- scatterplot3d(as.matrix(reduced[, (dims-2):dims]),
angle = i, pch = 16, scale.y = 0.8, grid=F, cex.symbols = 0.5)
system(paste0("convert -delay 20 tmpRotation*.png ", fileName))
system("rm tmpRotation*")
#' Dimensionality reconstruction
#' Returns a matrix of given rank which approximates (in terms of SVD) given matrix m
#' @param m given matrix to be approximated
#' @param dims dimensionality of return matrix
#' @return approximation of m with matrix of rank dims
#' @export
#' @examples
dimensionality_reconstruction <- function(m, dims) {
dec <- svd(m, nu = dims, nv = dims)
approx <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(m), ncol=ncol(m))
for (i in 1:dims) {
approx <- approx + dec$u[, i, drop=F] %*% dec$v[, i] * dec$d[i]
#' SVD based dimensionality reduction
#' Projection of given amtrix m to space of rank dims
#' If needed given points are projected to hyperplane in resulting space
#' @param m given matrix to be projected
#' @param dims dimensionality of resulting matrix
#' @param projection project resulting matrix to dims-1 dimensional hyperplane
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
dimensionality_reduction <- function(m, dims, projection=FALSE) {
m <- t(m)
um <- svd(m, nu = dims, nv = 0)$u
x <- crossprod(um, m)
x <- t(x)
if (projection) {
u <- colMeans(x)
x <- x / as.vector(x %*% u)
#' Out of space error
#' Calculates an error between given matrix M and its approximation matrix M_red of lower rank for every gene
#' @param m given matrix M
#' @param m_red approximation of M of lower rank
#' @return sorted vector of errors
#' @export
#' @examples
dim_error <- function(m, m_red) {
diff <- m - m_red
diffs <- diff^2
return(sort(rowSums(diffs), decreasing = T))
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