#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors 'elementMetadata<-' elementMetadata split
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end strand
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply MulticoreParam
# A wrapper for read annotation
annotate_contigs <- function(x,
insert = NULL,
genome = NULL,
customised_annotation = list(anno_polyA),
BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers = 3L))
# A wrapper function process both plus and minus stranded read clusters.
# Written by Cheuk-Ting Law
p <- x[strand(x) == "+"]
m <- x[strand(x) == "-"]
p_out <- .internal_annotation(p, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, insert = insert, genome = genome,
customised_annotation = customised_annotation,
unique_mapq = 30)
m_out <- .internal_annotation(m, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, insert = insert, genome = genome,
customised_annotation = customised_annotation,
unique_mapq = 30)
out <- rbind(p_out, m_out)
names(out) <- c("contig_detail", "nreads", "cluster_origin")
out$cluster_region <- as.character(x[out$cluster_origin])
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet letterFrequency
anno_polyA <- function(x){
# Annotating the polyA part of the constructed reads
j <- letterFrequency(BStringSet(x), letters = c("A", "T", "G", 'C'))
tot <- rowSums(j)
a_prop <- j[, 1] / tot
is_pa <- (a_prop > 0.85) & (nchar(x) > 5)
t_prop <- j[, 2] / tot
is_pt <- (t_prop > 0.85) & (nchar(x) > 5)
is_pt <- !grepl(":|N", x) & is_pt # Ignoring sequence with N
is_pa <- !grepl(":|N", x) & is_pa # Ignoring sequence with N
x[is_pa] <- paste0("polyA", ":", 1, "-", nchar(x[is_pa]), ":", strand = "+")
x[is_pt] <- paste0("polyA", ":", 1, "-", nchar(x[is_pt]), ":", strand = "-")
#' @export
.resolve_overlap <- function(start, end){
# To deal with overlapping range
# The one on the left hand side will occupy the place first, then the second one.
idx <- order(start)
start <- start[idx]
end <- end[idx]
diff <- start[-1] - head(end, -1)
diff[diff <= 0] <- 1
start <- c(start[1], diff + head(end, -1))
start <- start[order(idx)]
end <- end[order(idx)]
list(start = start, end = end)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr 'str_sub'
.add_back_seq <- function(x, occupied_info, QNAME){
#Adding back unmapped part of the constructed read to the annotation
if(nrow(occupied_info) == 0){
return(data.table(start = 1,
end = nchar(x),
width = nchar(x),
annotation = x,
cigar = "*",
seq = x))
occupied_start <- occupied_info$start
occupied_end <- occupied_info$end
diff <- occupied_start[-1] - head(occupied_end, -1)
diff[diff <= 0] <- 1
occupied_start <- c(occupied_start[1], diff + head(occupied_end, -1))
need_start <- c(1, occupied_end + 1)
need_end <- c(occupied_start - 1, nchar(x))
selected_seq <- str_sub(x, start = need_start, end = need_end)
need_start <- need_start[selected_seq!=""]
need_end <- need_end[selected_seq!=""]
selected_seq <- selected_seq[selected_seq!=""]
selected <- data.table(start = need_start,
end = need_end,
width = need_end - need_start + 1,
QNAME = rep(QNAME, length(selected_seq)),
annotation = selected_seq,
cigar = rep("*", length(selected_seq)))
occupied_info <- rbind(occupied_info, selected)
occupied_info$seq <- str_sub(x, start = occupied_info$start, end = occupied_info$end)
#' @export
#' @importFrom IRanges CharacterList
.internal_annotation <- function(clusters, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers = 3),
customised_annotation = list(anno_polyA),
insert, genome, unique_mapq = 30)
# Annotating the clustered reads, the partner reads from the read cluster ,
# and long contigs that consist of clustered reads and their partner reads.
# 1. Aligning the sequence to the insert, LINE1 in this case
# 2. Aligning the remaining part to the genome in this case
# 3. Annotating the whole constructed reads
# 4. Identifying the polyA/polyT or customised annotation
# Written by Cheuk-Ting Law
strand <- as.character(unique(strand(clusters)))
if(length(strand) > 1){
if(length(strand) == 0){
# Can be sped up by combining all the reads together and only doing once.
flat_cluster_contigs <- unlist(clusters$cluster_contigs)
flat_partner_contigs <- unlist(clusters$partner_contigs)
flat_long_contigs <- unlist(clusters$long_contigs)
cluster_anno <- annotate_seq(flat_cluster_contigs, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, customised_annotation = customised_annotation,
insert = insert, genome = genome, unique_mapq = unique_mapq)
partner_anno <- annotate_seq(flat_partner_contigs, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, customised_annotation = customised_annotation,
insert = insert, genome = genome, unique_mapq = unique_mapq)
long_anno <- annotate_seq(flat_long_contigs, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, customised_annotation = customised_annotation,
insert = insert, genome = genome, unique_mapq = unique_mapq)
cluster_grp <- factor(rep(names(clusters), lengths(clusters$cluster_contigs)), levels = names(clusters))
partner_grp <- factor(rep(names(clusters), lengths(clusters$partner_contigs)), levels = names(clusters))
long_grp <- factor(rep(names(clusters), lengths(clusters$long_contigs)), levels = names(clusters))
# Combining annotation
cluster_anno <- lapply(cluster_anno, split, f = factor(cluster_anno$QNAME, levels = names(flat_cluster_contigs)))
cluster_anno <- lapply(cluster_anno, split, f = cluster_grp)
partner_anno <- lapply(partner_anno, split, f = factor(partner_anno$QNAME, levels = names(flat_partner_contigs)))
partner_anno <- lapply(partner_anno, split, f = partner_grp)
long_anno <- lapply(long_anno, split, f = factor(long_anno$QNAME, levels = names(flat_long_contigs)))
long_anno <- lapply(long_anno, split, f = long_grp)
tmp_fun <- function(x, y){mapply(c, rep(x, each = length(y)), rep(y, length(x)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)}
if(strand == "+"){ # Creating all possible combination of read structures
combined_info <- mapply(function(x,y)mapply(tmp_fun, x = x, y = y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
x = cluster_anno, y = partner_anno, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
combined_nreads <- IntegerList(mapply(function(x, y)rep(x, each = length(y)) + y,
x = elementMetadata(clusters$cluster_contigs)$n_reads,
y = elementMetadata(clusters$partner_contigs)$n_reads,
combined_info <- mapply(function(x,y)mapply(tmp_fun, x = x, y = y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
x = partner_anno, y = cluster_anno, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
combined_nreads <- IntegerList(mapply(function(x, y)rep(x, each = length(y)) + y,
x = elementMetadata(clusters$partner_contigs)$n_reads,
y = elementMetadata(clusters$cluster_contigs)$n_reads,
tmp_fun_2 <- function(...){
mapply(data.table, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
combined_info <- do.call(function(...)mapply(tmp_fun_2, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE), combined_info)
long_info <- do.call(function(...)mapply(tmp_fun_2, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE), long_anno)
long_nreads <- elementMetadata(clusters$long_contigs)$n_reads
combined_nreads[lengths(long_nreads) > 0] <- long_nreads[lengths(long_nreads) > 0]
combined_info[lengths(long_nreads) > 0] <- long_info[lengths(long_nreads) > 0]
names(combined_info) <- names(clusters)
combined_info_grp <- rep(names(combined_info), lengths(combined_info))
flat_combined_info <- unlist(combined_info, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
flat_combined_nreads <- unlist(combined_nreads)
combined_anno_dt <- data.table(flat_combined_info, flat_combined_nreads, combined_info_grp)
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments cigarWidthAlongQuerySpace cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace cigarQNarrow
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split runValue runLength nchar
#' @importFrom IRanges RleList CharacterList
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end width 'start<-' 'end<-'
annotate_seq <- function(seq, insert, genome,
BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers = 3),
customised_annotation = NULL,
unique_mapq = 20)
# This function annotates chimeric sequences that consist of any multi-mapped sequences/non-reference sequence and any genomic regions.
# It first mapped the bait (repeated regions/non-reference sequence), then the genomic regions by bwa
# Written by Cheuk-Ting Law
if(length(seq) == 0){
stop("Sequence names are duplicated.")
names(seq) <- paste0("read_", seq_along(seq))
# Mapping to LINE1 sequence
aln_1 <- bwa_alignment(seq, ref = insert, samtools_param = "")
aln_1 <- convertingHtoS(aln_1, unique_id = "QNAME")
# Annotating the reads
aln_1$unified_cigar <- unify_cigar_strand(aln_1$CIGAR, flag = aln_1$FLAG, to = "+")
# Getting clipped sequences
clipped_seq_1 <- get_unmapped_clipped_read(aln_1, include_middle_unmapped = TRUE) #Need to improve
# Mapping to genome
middle <- clipped_seq_1$middle
clipped_seq_1 <- clipped_seq_1$clipped
# Can be sped up by combining all the reads together and only doing once.
aln_2 <- bplapply(clipped_seq_1, bwa_alignment, call_bwa = "bwa mem ",
samtools_param = "-F 128 -F 4", BPPARAM = BPPARAM, ref = genome)
aln_2 <- lapply(aln_2, convertingHtoS, unique_id = "QNAME")
aln_2 <- lapply(aln_2, function(x)x[x$MAPQ > unique_mapq,])
aln_2 <- lapply(aln_2, function(x){x$unified_cigar <- unify_cigar_strand(x$CIGAR, flag = x$FLAG, to = "+"); x})
mapping_2 <- lapply(aln_2, sam2gr)
middle_aln_2 <- bwa_alignment(unlist(middle$seq), call_bwa = "bwa mem ", samtools_param = "-F 128 -F 4", ref = genome)
middle_aln_2 <- convertingHtoS(middle_aln_2, unique_id = "QNAME")
middle_aln_2$unified_cigar <- unify_cigar_strand(middle_aln_2$CIGAR, flag = middle_aln_2$FLAG, to = "+")
# Annotating the sequencing reads
# Getting the location of the mapped location in the reads
mapped_1 <- aln_1[!aln_1$CIGAR=="*",]
mapping1_read_loc <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(mapped_1$unified_cigar, ops = c("M", "I"), reduce.ranges = TRUE))
elementMetadata(mapping1_read_loc)$QNAME <- mapped_1$QNAME
elementMetadata(mapping1_read_loc)$annotation <- as.character(sam2gr(mapped_1))
elementMetadata(mapping1_read_loc)$cigar <- mapped_1$unified_cigar
# For left clipped reads
left_read_loc <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(aln_2$left$unified_cigar, ops = c("M", "I"), reduce.ranges = TRUE))
elementMetadata(left_read_loc)$QNAME <- aln_2$left$QNAME
elementMetadata(left_read_loc)$annotation <- as.character(sam2gr(aln_2$left))
elementMetadata(left_read_loc)$cigar <- aln_2$left$unified_cigar
# For right clipped reads
right_clipped_read_loc <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(aln_2$right$unified_cigar, ops = c("M", "I"), reduce.ranges = TRUE))
right_clipped_len <- cigarWidthAlongQuerySpace(aln_2$right$unified_cigar)
right_clipped_start_after <- nchar(seq[aln_2$right$QNAME]) - right_clipped_len
right_read_loc <- IRanges(start = right_clipped_start_after + start(right_clipped_read_loc),
end = right_clipped_start_after + end(right_clipped_read_loc))
elementMetadata(right_read_loc)$QNAME <- aln_2$right$QNAME
elementMetadata(right_read_loc)$annotation <- as.character(sam2gr(aln_2$right))
elementMetadata(right_read_loc)$cigar <- aln_2$right$unified_cigar
# For middle clipped regions
middle_grp <- sub("\\.[0-9]+$", "\\1", middle_aln_2$QNAME)
mid_start <- unlist(middle$start[middle_grp])[middle_aln_2$QNAME]
mid_end <- unlist(middle$end[middle_grp])[middle_aln_2$QNAME]
mid_clipped_read_loc <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(middle_aln_2$unified_cigar, ops = c("M", "I"), reduce.ranges = TRUE))
mid_read_loc <- IRanges(start = mid_start + start(mid_clipped_read_loc) - 1,
end = mid_start + end(mid_clipped_read_loc) - 1 )
elementMetadata(mid_read_loc)$QNAME <- gsub("\\..*", "", middle_aln_2$QNAME)
elementMetadata(mid_read_loc)$annotation <- as.character(sam2gr(middle_aln_2))
elementMetadata(mid_read_loc)$cigar <- middle_aln_2$unified_cigar
# For unmapped reads
unmapped_read_loc <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(aln_2$unmapped$unified_cigar, ops = c("M", "I"), reduce.ranges = TRUE))
elementMetadata(unmapped_read_loc)$QNAME <- aln_2$unmapped$QNAME
elementMetadata(unmapped_read_loc)$annotation <- as.character(sam2gr(aln_2$unmapped))
elementMetadata(unmapped_read_loc)$cigar <- aln_2$unmapped$unified_cigar
# Re-calculating data after resolving overlapped annotation
combined_read_loc <- c(mapping1_read_loc, left_read_loc, right_read_loc, mid_read_loc, unmapped_read_loc)
combined_read_loc <- data.table(data.frame(combined_read_loc))
read_origin <- factor(combined_read_loc$QNAME, levels = names(seq))
combined_read_loc <- split(combined_read_loc, read_origin)
resolved <- mapply(.resolve_overlap, start = lapply(combined_read_loc, "[[", i = "start"),
end = lapply(combined_read_loc, "[[", i = "end"), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
start <- lapply(resolved, "[[", i = "start")
end <- lapply(resolved, "[[", i = "end")
resolved <- data.table(start = unlist(start), end = unlist(end))
combined_read_loc <- do.call(rbind, combined_read_loc)
tmp_cigar <- sub("^[0-9]+S", "", combined_read_loc$cigar)
combined_read_loc$cigar <- sub("[0-9]+S$", "", tmp_cigar)
cigar_start <- resolved$start - combined_read_loc$start + 1
cigar_end <- cigar_start + resolved$end - resolved$start
combined_read_loc <- combined_read_loc[!resolved$start > resolved$end,] # in case, there is complete overlapping
resolved <- resolved[!resolved$start > resolved$end,]
combined_read_loc$cigar <- cigarQNarrow(combined_read_loc$cigar, start = cigar_start, end = cigar_end)
combined_read_loc$start <- resolved$start
combined_read_loc$end <- resolved$end
# Correcting the annotation cos some read annotation are trimmed in add_back_seq
is_plus <- grepl(":\\+", combined_read_loc$annotation)
plus_gr <- convert_character2gr(combined_read_loc$annotation[is_plus])
start(plus_gr) <- end(plus_gr) - cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace(combined_read_loc$cigar[is_plus]) + 1
combined_read_loc$annotation[is_plus] <- as.character(plus_gr)
is_minus <- grepl(":-", combined_read_loc$annotation)
minus_gr <- convert_character2gr(combined_read_loc$annotation[is_minus])
end(minus_gr) <- start(minus_gr) + cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace(combined_read_loc$cigar[is_minus]) - 1
combined_read_loc$annotation[is_minus] <- as.character(minus_gr)
# Adding back those unannotation parts
combined_read_loc <- combined_read_loc[order(combined_read_loc$start),] #make sure reads are ordered within each read
combined_read_loc <- combined_read_loc[order(combined_read_loc$QNAME),]
combined_read_loc <- split(combined_read_loc, factor(combined_read_loc$QNAME, levels = names(seq)))
combined_read_loc <- mapply(.add_back_seq, x = seq, occupied_info = combined_read_loc, QNAME = names(combined_read_loc),SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
combined_read_loc <- data.table::rbindlist(combined_read_loc)
combined_read_loc <- combined_read_loc[order(combined_read_loc$start),] #make sure reads are ordered within each read
combined_read_loc <- combined_read_loc[order(factor(combined_read_loc$QNAME, levels = names(seq))),]
# Customized annotation
for(i in customised_annotation){
combined_read_loc$annotation <- i(combined_read_loc$annotation)
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