# Default colormaps ----
#' @importFrom viridisLite viridis
.defaultContinuousColorMap <- viridis # function(n)
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
.defaultDiscreteColorMap <- function(n) {
# Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197559/emulate-ggplot2-default-color-palette
hues=seq(15, 375, length=(n + 1))
hcl(h=hues, l=65, c=100)[seq_len(n)]
.defaultColorMap <- function(discrete){
if (discrete){
} else {
# Constructor ----
#' ExperimentColorMap class
#' @name ExperimentColorMap-class
#' @param assays List of colormaps for \code{assays}.
#' @param colData List of colormaps for \code{colData}.
#' @param rowData List of colormaps for \code{rowData}.
#' @param all_discrete Colormaps applied to all undefined
#' categorical \code{assays}, \code{colData}, and \code{rowData}, respectively.
#' @param all_continuous Colormaps applied to all undefined
#' continuous \code{assays}, \code{colData}, and \code{rowData}, respectively.
#' @param global_discrete Colormap applied to all undefined
#' categorical covariates.
#' @param global_continuous Colormap applied to all undefined
#' continuous covariates.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to the \code{ExperimentColorMap}
#' constructor
#' @details
#' Colormaps must all be functions that take at least one argument: the number
#' of (named) colours to return as a \code{character} vector.
#' This argument may be ignored in the body of the colormap function
#' to produce constant colormaps.
#' @section Categorical colormaps:
#' The default categorical colormap emulates the default ggplot2 categorical color palette
#' (Credit: \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197559/emulate-ggplot2-default-color-palette}).
#' This palette returns a set of colors sampled in steps of equal size that correspond to approximately equal perceptual changes in color:
#' \preformatted{
#' function(n) {
#' hues=seq(15, 375, length=(n + 1))
#' hcl(h=hues, l=65, c=100)[seq_len(n)]
#' }
#' }
#' To change the palette for all categorical variables,
#' users must supply a colormap that returns a similar value;
#' namely, an unnamed character vector of length \code{n}.
#' For instance, using the base R palette \code{rainbow.colors}
#' \preformatted{
#' function(n) {
#' rainbow(n)
#' }
#' }
#' @return An object of class \code{ExperimentColorMap}
#' @section Accessors:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an \code{ExperimentColorMap} object.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{assayColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)}:}{
#' Get an \code{assays} colormap for the specified assay \code{i}.}
#' \item{\code{colDataColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)}:}{
#' Get a \code{colData} colormap for the specified \code{colData} column \code{i}.}
#' \item{\code{rowDataColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)}:}{
#' Get a \code{rowData} colormap for the specified \code{rowData} column \code{i}.}
#' }
#' If the colormap for \code{i} cannot be found, one of the default colormaps is returned.
#' In this case, \code{discrete} is a logical scalar that indicates whether the colormap should be categorical.
#' The more specialized default is first attempted -
#' e.g., for \code{assayColorMap}, this would be the assay colormap specified in \code{assays} of \code{all_discrete} or \code{all_continuous} -
#' before falling back to the global default in \code{global_discrete} or \code{global_continuous}.
#' Similarly, if \code{i} is missing, the default discrete/continuous colormap is returned.
#' @section Setters:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an \code{ExperimentColorMap} object,
#' and \code{i} is a character or numeric index.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{assayColorMap(x, i, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Set an \code{assays} colormap.}
#' \item{\code{colDataColorMap(x, i, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Set a \code{colData} colormap.}
#' \item{\code{rowDataColorMap(x, i, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Set a \code{rowData} colormap.}
#' \item{\code{assay(x, i, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Alias. Set an \code{assays} colormap.}
#' }
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assays assayNames
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export ExperimentColorMap
#' @exportClass ExperimentColorMap
#' @export assayColorMap
#' @export assayColorMap<-
#' @export colDataColorMap
#' @export colDataColorMap<-
#' @export rowDataColorMap
#' @export rowDataColorMap<-
#' @aliases class:ExperimentColorMap ExperimentColorMap-class
#' ExperimentColorMap
#' assayColorMap colDataColorMap rowDataColorMap
#' assayColorMap<- colDataColorMap<- rowDataColorMap<-
#' assays,ExperimentColorMap-method
#' assays<-,ExperimentColorMap,list-method
#' assayNames,ExperimentColorMap-method
#' assayNames<-,ExperimentColorMap,ANY-method
#' colData,ExperimentColorMap-method
#' colData<-,ExperimentColorMap,ANY-method
#' rowData,ExperimentColorMap-method
#' rowData<-,ExperimentColorMap,ANY-method
#' assayColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' assayColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,numeric-method
#' assayColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,missing-method
#' assay,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' assay,ExperimentColorMap,numeric-method
#' colDataColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' colDataColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,missing-method
#' rowDataColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' rowDataColorMap,ExperimentColorMap,missing-method
#' assayColorMap<-,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' assayColorMap<-,ExperimentColorMap,numeric-method
#' colDataColorMap<-,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' rowDataColorMap<-,ExperimentColorMap,character-method
#' show,ExperimentColorMap-method
#' @examples
#' # Example colormaps ----
#' count_colors <- function(n){
#' c("black", "brown", "red", "orange", "yellow")
#' }
#' fpkm_colors <- viridis::inferno
#' tpm_colors <- viridis::plasma
#' qc_color_fun <- function(n){
#' qc_colors <- c("forestgreen", "firebrick1")
#' names(qc_colors) <- c("Y", "N")
#' return(qc_colors)
#' }
#' # Constructor ----
#' ecm <- ExperimentColorMap(
#' assays=list(
#' counts=count_colors,
#' tophat_counts=count_colors,
#' cufflinks_fpkm=fpkm_colors,
#' rsem_tpm=tpm_colors
#' ),
#' colData=list(
#' passes_qc_checks_s=qc_color_fun
#' )
#' )
#' # Accessors ----
#' # assay colormaps
#' assayColorMap(ecm, "logcounts") # [undefined --> default]
#' assayColorMap(ecm, "counts")
#' assayColorMap(ecm, "cufflinks_fpkm")
#' assay(ecm, "cufflinks_fpkm") # alias
#' # colData colormaps
#' colDataColorMap(ecm, "passes_qc_checks_s")
#' colDataColorMap(ecm, "undefined")
#' # rowData colormaps
#' rowDataColorMap(ecm, "undefined")
#' # generic accessors
#' assays(ecm)
#' assayNames(ecm)
#' # Setters ----
#' assayColorMap(ecm, "counts") <- function(n){c("blue", "white", "red")}
#' assay(ecm, 1) <- function(n){c("blue", "white", "red")}
#' colDataColorMap(ecm, "passes_qc_checks_s") <- function(n){NULL}
#' rowDataColorMap(ecm, "undefined") <- function(n){NULL}
#' # Categorical colormaps ----
#' # Override all discrete colormaps using the base rainbow palette
#' ecm <- ExperimentColorMap(global_discrete = rainbow)
#' n <- 10
#' plot(1:n, col=assayColorMap(ecm, "undefined", discrete = TRUE)(n), pch=20, cex=3)
ExperimentColorMap <- function(
assays=list(), colData=list(), rowData=list(),
all_discrete=list(assays=NULL, colData=NULL, rowData=NULL),
all_continuous=list(assays=NULL, colData=NULL, rowData=NULL),
global_discrete=NULL, global_continuous=NULL,
if (is.null(names(assays))){
names(assays) <- character(length(assays))
if (is.null(names(colData))){
names(colData) <- character(length(colData))
if (is.null(names(rowData))){
names(rowData) <- character(length(rowData))
all_discrete <- .sanitize_controlled_colormaps(usr=all_discrete)
all_continuous <- .sanitize_controlled_colormaps(usr=all_continuous)
assays=assays, colData=colData, rowData=rowData,
all_discrete=all_discrete, all_continuous=all_continuous,
global_discrete=ifelse(is.null(global_discrete), .nullColorMap, global_discrete),
global_continuous=ifelse(is.null(global_continuous), .nullColorMap, global_continuous),
# replace NULL values by the .nullColorMap
.substituteNullColorMap <- function(x){ifelse(
# set missing names to .nullColorMap
.sanitize_controlled_colormaps <- function(
if (is.null(names(usr))){
stop("User-defined colormap must be a named list")
usr_names <- names(usr)
usr <- lapply(usr, .substituteNullColorMap)
names(usr) <- usr_names
# set the colormaps given by the user
# note that invalid ones will be picked up by the class validity check later
def[names(usr)] <- usr
# Accessors ----
# assays ----
setMethod("assays", c("ExperimentColorMap"),
"assays", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", value="list"),
function(x, value) {
x@assays <- value
# assayNames ----
setMethod("assayNames", c("ExperimentColorMap"),
setReplaceMethod("assayNames", "ExperimentColorMap", function(x, value) {
names(x@assays) <- value
# colData ----
setMethod("colData", c("ExperimentColorMap"),
"colData", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", value="list"),
function(x, value) {
x@colData <- value
# rowData ----
setMethod("rowData", c("ExperimentColorMap"),
"rowData", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", value="list"),
function(x, value) {
x@rowData <- value
# assay ----
setMethod("assay", c("ExperimentColorMap", "character"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
# Alias
assayColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=discrete)
setMethod("assay", c("ExperimentColorMap", "numeric"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
# Alias
assayColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=discrete)
"assay", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", i="character"),
function(x, i, ..., value) {
.replaceAssayColorMap(x, i, ..., value=value)
"assay", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", i="numeric"),
function(x, i, ..., value) {
.replaceAssayColorMap(x, i, ..., value=value)
# assayColorMap ----
setMethod("assayColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "character"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.assayColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=discrete)
setMethod("assayColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "numeric"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.assayColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=discrete)
.assayColorMap <- function(x, i, ..., discrete){
assay_map <- tryCatch({
}, error=function(err) {
# WARNG: out-of-bound index does not throw an error!
# instead it returns the default colormap
if (is.null(assay_map)){
assay_map <- .nullColorMap
if (.activeColormap(assay_map)){
return(.assayAllColorMap(x, discrete))
setMethod("assayColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "missing"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.assayAllColorMap(x, discrete=discrete)
.assayAllColorMap <- function(x, discrete){
if (discrete){
all_assays_map <- x@all_discrete$assays
} else {
all_assays_map <- x@all_continuous$assays
if (.activeColormap(all_assays_map)){
return(.globalColorMap(x, discrete))
"assayColorMap", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", i="character"),
function(x, i, ..., value) {
.replaceAssayColorMap(x, i, ..., value=value)
"assayColorMap", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", i="numeric"),
function(x, i, ..., value) {
.replaceAssayColorMap(x, i, ..., value=value)
.replaceAssayColorMap <- function(x, i, ..., value){
new_assays <- assays(x)
new_assays[[i]] <- value
assays(x) <- new_assays
# colDataColorMap ----
setMethod("colDataColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "character"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.colDataColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=discrete)
.colDataColorMap <- function(x, i, ..., discrete){
coldata_map <- x@colData[[i]]
if (is.null(coldata_map)){
coldata_map <- .nullColorMap
if (.activeColormap(coldata_map)){
return(.colDataAllColorMap(x, discrete))
setMethod("colDataColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "missing"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.colDataAllColorMap(x, discrete=discrete)
.colDataAllColorMap <- function(x, discrete){
if (discrete){
all_coldata_map <- x@all_discrete$colData
} else {
all_coldata_map <- x@all_continuous$colData
if (.activeColormap(all_coldata_map)){
return(.globalColorMap(x, discrete))
"colDataColorMap", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", i="character"),
function(x, i, ..., value) {
.replaceColDataColorMap(x, i, ..., value=value)
.replaceColDataColorMap <- function(x, i, ..., value){
new_coldata <- colData(x)
new_coldata[[i]] <- value
colData(x) <- new_coldata
# rowDataColorMap ----
setMethod("rowDataColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "character"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.rowDataColorMap(x, i, ..., discrete=discrete)
.rowDataColorMap <- function(x, i, ..., discrete){
rowdata_map <- x@rowData[[i]]
if (is.null(rowdata_map)){
rowdata_map <- .nullColorMap
if (.activeColormap(rowdata_map)){
return(.rowDataAllColorMap(x, discrete))
setMethod("rowDataColorMap", c("ExperimentColorMap", "missing"),
function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE)
.rowDataAllColorMap(x, discrete=discrete)
.rowDataAllColorMap <- function(x, discrete){
if (discrete){
all_rowdata_map <- x@all_discrete$rowData
} else {
all_rowdata_map <- x@all_continuous$rowData
if (.activeColormap(all_rowdata_map)){
return(.globalColorMap(x, discrete))
"rowDataColorMap", signature(x="ExperimentColorMap", i="character"),
function(x, i, ..., value) {
.replaceRowDataColorMap(x, i, ..., value=value)
.replaceRowDataColorMap <- function(x, i, ..., value){
new_rowdata <- rowData(x)
new_rowdata[[i]] <- value
rowData(x) <- new_rowdata
# global colormap ----
.globalColorMap <- function(x, discrete){
if (discrete){
global_map <- x@global_discrete
} else {
global_map <- x@global_continuous
if (.activeColormap(global_map)){
# show ----
.activeColormap <- function(x){
# Return TRUE if the colormap does not return NULL for an arbitrary
# number of colors
"show", "ExperimentColorMap",
scat <- function(fmt, vals=character(), exdent=2, ...)
vals <- ifelse(nzchar(vals), vals, "''")
lbls <- paste(S4Vectors:::selectSome(vals), collapse=" ")
txt <- sprintf(fmt, length(vals), lbls)
cat(strwrap(txt, exdent=exdent, ...), sep="\n")
cat("Class: ExperimentColorMap\n")
## assays
scat("assays(%d): %s\n", names(object@assays))
## colData
scat("colData(%d): %s\n", names(object@colData))
## rowData
scat("rowData(%d): %s\n", names(object@rowData))
## all_discrete
which_valid <- vapply(object@all_discrete, .activeColormap, logical(1))
scat("all_discrete(%d): %s\n", names(object@all_discrete)[which_valid])
## all_continuous
which_valid <- vapply(object@all_continuous, .activeColormap, logical(1))
scat("all_continuous(%d): %s\n", names(object@all_continuous)[which_valid])
## global_discrete
if (.activeColormap(object@global_discrete)){
## global_continuous
if (.activeColormap(object@global_continuous)){
# colorMap
# checkColormapCompatibility ----
#' Check compatibility between ExperimentColorMap and SummarizedExperiment
#' objects
#' This function compares a pair of \linkS4class{ExperimentColorMap} and
#' \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} objects, and examines whether
#' all of the \code{assays}, \code{colData}, and \code{rowData} defined
#' in the ExperimentColorMap object exist in the SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param ecm An \linkS4class{ExperimentColorMap}.
#' @param se A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}.
#' @return A character vector of incompatibility error messages, if any.
#' @export
#' @author Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @examples
#' # Example colormaps ----
#' count_colors <- function(n){
#' c("black","brown","red","orange","yellow")
#' }
#' qc_color_fun <- function(n){
#' qc_colors <- c("forestgreen", "firebrick1")
#' names(qc_colors) <- c("Y", "N")
#' return(qc_colors)
#' }
#' ecm <- ExperimentColorMap(
#' assays = list(
#' tophat_counts = count_colors
#' ),
#' colData = list(
#' passes_qc_checks_s = qc_color_fun
#' )
#' )
#' # Example SingleCellExperiment ----
#' library(scRNAseq)
#' sce <- ReprocessedAllenData(assays="tophat_counts")
#' # Test for compatibility ----
#' checkColormapCompatibility(ecm, sce)
checkColormapCompatibility <- function(ecm, se){
errors <- c()
# The count of colormaps cannot exceed the count of assays
num_assay_maps <- length(ecm@assays)
num_assay_se <- length(se@assays)
if (num_assay_maps > num_assay_se){
errors <- c(errors, paste0(
"More assays in colormap (",
") than experiment (",
# Named colormaps must map to existing data in the experiment
names_assays_maps <- names(ecm@assays)
names_coldata_maps <- names(ecm@colData)
names_rowdata_maps <- names(ecm@rowData)
names_assays_se <- assayNames(se)
names_coldata_se <- names(colData(se))
names_rowdata_se <- names(rowData(se))
# process assays
names_assays_maps <- names_assays_maps[names_assays_maps != ""]
check_assay_names <- names_assays_maps %in% names_assays_se
if (!all(check_assay_names)){
errors <- c(errors, sprintf(
"assay `%s` in colormap missing in experiment",
# process colData
check_coldata_names <- names_coldata_maps %in% names_coldata_se
if (!all(check_coldata_names)){
errors <- c(errors, sprintf(
"colData `%s` in colormap missing in experiment",
# process rowData
check_rowdata_names <- names_rowdata_maps %in% names_rowdata_se
if (!all(check_rowdata_names)){
errors <- c(errors, sprintf(
"rowData `%s` in colormap missing in experiment",
# synchronizeAssays ----
#' Synchronize assay colormaps to match those in a SummarizedExperiment
#' This function returns an updated \linkS4class{ExperimentColorMap}
#' in which colormaps in the \code{assays} slot
#' are ordered to match the position of their corresponding
#' assay in the \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' Assays in the SingleCellExperiment that do not have a match
#' in the ExperimentColorMap are assigned the appropriate default colormap.
#' @details
#' It is highly recommended to name \emph{all} assays in both
#' ExperimentColorMap and SummarizedExperiment prior to calling this function,
#' as this will facilitate the identification of matching assays
#' between the two objects. In most cases, unnamed colormaps will be dropped
#' from the new ExperimentColorMap object.
#' The function supports three main situations:
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \emph{all} assays in the SingleCellExperiment are named,
#' this function
#' will populate the \code{assays} slot of the new ExperimentColorMap
#' with the name-matched colormap from the input ExperimentColorMap,
#' if available.
#' Assays in the SingleCellExperiment that do not have a colormap defined
#' in the ExperimentColorMap are assigned the appropriate default colormap.
#' \item If \emph{all} assays in the SingleCellExperiment are unnamed, this function
#' requires that the ExperimentColorMap supplies a number of assay colormaps
#' \emph{identical} to the number of assays in the SingleCellExperiment object.
#' In that case, the ExperimentColorMap object will be returned \emph{as is}.
#' \item If only a subset of assays in the SingleCellExperiment are named,
#' this function will ignore unnamed colormaps in the ExperimentColorMap;
#' It will populate the \code{assays} slot of the new ExperimentColorMap
#' with the name-matched colormap from the input ExperimentColorMap,
#' if available.
#' Assays in the SingleCellExperiment that are unnamed, or that
#' do not have a colormap defined
#' in the ExperimentColorMap are assigned the appropriate default colormap.
#' }
#' @param ecm An \linkS4class{ExperimentColorMap}.
#' @param se A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}.
#' @return An \linkS4class{ExperimentColorMap} with colormaps in the
#' \code{assay} slot synchronized to match the position of the corresponding
#' assay in the SingleCellExperiment.
#' @export
#' @author Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @examples
#' # Example ExperimentColorMap ----
#' count_colors <- function(n){
#' c("black","brown","red","orange","yellow")
#' }
#' fpkm_colors <- viridis::inferno
#' ecm <- ExperimentColorMap(
#' assays = list(
#' counts = count_colors,
#' tophat_counts = count_colors,
#' cufflinks_fpkm = fpkm_colors,
#' rsem_counts = count_colors,
#' orphan = count_colors,
#' orphan2 = count_colors,
#' count_colors,
#' fpkm_colors
#' )
#' )
#' # Example SingleCellExperiment ----
#' library(scRNAseq)
#' sce <- ReprocessedAllenData(assays="tophat_counts")
#' library(scater)
#' sce <- logNormCounts(sce, exprs_values="tophat_counts")
#' sce <- runPCA(sce)
#' sce <- runTSNE(sce)
#' # Example ----
#' ecm_sync <- synchronizeAssays(ecm, sce)
synchronizeAssays <- function(ecm, se){
stopifnot(is(ecm, "ExperimentColorMap"))
stopifnot(inherits(se, "SummarizedExperiment"))
se_assay_names <- assayNames(se)
ecm_assay_names <- assayNames(ecm)
# Prepare a warning message for unused colormaps
unnamed_ecm <- which(ecm_assay_names == "")
unnamed_warning <- ifelse(
length(unnamed_ecm) == 0,
sprintf("unnamed [%s]", paste(unnamed_ecm, collapse = ","))
orphan_ecm <- setdiff(ecm_assay_names, se_assay_names)
orphan_ecm <- setdiff(orphan_ecm, "")
orphan_warning <- ifelse(
length(orphan_ecm) == 0,
sprintf("named [%s]", paste(orphan_ecm, collapse = ","))
ecm_warning <- paste(unnamed_warning, orphan_warning, sep = ", ")
if (all(se_assay_names != "")){
# If all of the SCE assays are named
# Drop assays from ECM that are absent in se
if (length(orphan_ecm) + length(unnamed_ecm) > 0){
"Unused assays dropped from ecm: ",
# Fetch named-matched assay colormaps
assay_numeric <- vapply(se_assay_names, .isAssayNumeric, logical(1), se=se)
new_ecm_assays <- mapply(FUN = function(i, discrete) { assayColorMap(ecm, i, discrete = discrete) },
i = se_assay_names, discrete = !assay_numeric)
} else if (all(se_assay_names == "")){
# If none of the SCE assays are named
# Require that the number of assay colormaps in ECM is identical
# if so, return the ECM as is
if (length(ecm_assay_names) == length(se_assay_names)){
new_ecm_assays <- assays(ecm)
# NOTE: uncomment below to strip assayNames from the colormaps,
# thereby matching the assayNames of the SCE
# names(new_ecm_assays) <- rep("", length(new_ecm_assays))
} else {
"Cannot synchronize assays.",
"Length of unnamed assays must match: se [%i], ecm [%i]",
} else {
# If a subset of the SCE assays are named
if (length(orphan_ecm) + length(unnamed_ecm) > 0){
"Unused assays dropped from ecm: ",
# Exclude unnamed assay colormaps in the ExperimentColorMap
assays(ecm) <- assays(ecm)[assayNames(ecm) != ""]
# Fetch named-matched assay colormaps
assay_numeric <- vapply(seq_along(se_assay_names), .isAssayNumeric, logical(1), se=se)
new_ecm_assays <- mapply(FUN = function(i, discrete) { assayColorMap(ecm, i, discrete = discrete) },
i = se_assay_names, discrete = !assay_numeric)
# Apply assayNames from the SummarizedExperiment
names(new_ecm_assays) <- se_assay_names
assays(ecm) <- new_ecm_assays
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