# Many parts of this code were directly adapted from the
# CEMiTool package. This include chunks of copied and pasted code
# located inside the source code for CEMiTool functions.
# Functions that contained adapted code were explicit denoted.
# Imports --------
#' @importFrom clusterProfiler enricher
# Set Over Representation Analysis (ORA) --------
#' Over Representation Analysis (ORA)
#' This function was modified from the CEMiTool package.
#' Chunks of code were retained "as is"
#' @param fc A fcoex object.
#' @param gmt A gmt file with gene sets for ora analysis
#' @param verbose Controls verbosity. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @examples
#' data("fc")
#' gmt_fname <- system.file("extdata", "pathways.gmt", package = "CEMiTool")
#' gmt_in <- pathwayPCA::read_gmt(gmt_fname)
#' fc <- mod_ora(fc, gmt_in)
#' @return A fcoex object containing over-representation analysis data
#' @rdname mod_ora
#' @export
setGeneric("mod_ora", function(fc, gmt, verbose = FALSE) {
#' @rdname mod_ora
"mod_ora", signature("fcoex"),
function(fc, gmt, verbose = FALSE) {
if (!is(gmt, "pathwayCollection")) {
"The gmt object must be loaded via pathwayPCA::read_gmt and be a pathwayCollectionobject"
pathwayPCA_gmt <- gmt
gmt_df <- pathwayPCA_gmt$pathways
gmt_df <-
as.data.frame(unlist(gmt_df), use.names = TRUE)
pathway_sizes <-
unlist(lapply(pathwayPCA_gmt$pathways, length))
colnames(gmt_df) <- "gene"
gmt_df$term <- rep(pathwayPCA_gmt$TERMS, pathway_sizes)
gmt_df <- gmt_df[, c("term", "gene")]
if (verbose) {
message("Running ORA")
message("Using all genes in GMT file as universe.")
allgenes <- unique(gmt_df[, "gene"])
if (is.null(fc@module_list)) {
warning("No modules in fcoex object! Did you run find_cbf_modules()?")
mods <- fc@module_list
res_list <-
lapply(names(mods), ora, gmt_df, allgenes, mods)
if (all(lapply(res_list, nrow) == 0)) {
"Enrichment is NULL. Either your gmt file is inadequate or your modules really aren't enriched for any of the pathways in the gmt file."
names(res_list) <- names(mods)
res <- lapply(names(res_list), function(x) {
if (nrow(res_list[[x]]) > 0) {
as.data.frame(cbind(x, res_list[[x]]))
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
names(res)[names(res) == "x"] <- "Module"
rownames(res) <- NULL
fc@ora <- res
# Performs Over Representation Analysis for a list of genes and a GMT
# This function was modified from the CEMiTool package.
# Chunks of code were retained "as is"
# @keywords internal
# @param topgenes a vector of genes
# @param gmt.list a gmt from prepare.gmt function
# @param allgenes a vector containing all genes to be considered as universe
# @return a data.frame containing the results
ora <- function(mod_name, gmt_list, allgenes, mods) {
if (missing(allgenes)) {
message("Using all genes in GMT file as universe.")
allgenes <- unique(gmt_list[, "gene"])
topgenes <- mods[[mod_name]]
enriched <- clusterProfiler::enricher(
gene = topgenes,
pvalueCutoff = 1,
qvalueCutoff = 1,
universe = allgenes,
TERM2GENE = gmt_list
# TERM2NAME = gmt_list[['term2name']])
if (!is.null(enriched) && !is.logical(enriched)) {
result <- enriched@result
} else {
if (mod_name != "Not.Correlated") {
warning("Enrichment for module ", mod_name, " is NULL")
result <- data.frame(
Module = character(),
ID = character(),
Description = character(),
GeneRatio = numeric(),
BgRatio = numeric(),
pvalue = numeric(),
p.adjust = numeric(),
qvalue = numeric(),
geneID = character(),
Count = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
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