#' Annotate DE transcripts using NCBI BLAST AMI
#' @name annotateAWS
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom RCurl getURL
#' @import XML
#' @importFrom Biostrings readDNAStringSet writeXStringSet
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.csv write.table URLencode
#' @param ids A character vector of accessions from FASTA file to
#' be annotated
#' @param fasta FASTA file of transcripts to be annotated
#' @param out csv output file for annotation results
#' @param instance Instance from Amazon EC2 running NCBI BLAST AMI
#' @param dns DNS from Amazon EC2 running NCBI BLAST AMI
#' @param threads Number of threads to use for BLAST
#' @return Annotation results are written to the csv file specified by outFile
#' @examples
#' instance <- 'i-07da948c2d85b7388'
#' dns <- 'ec2-54-175-9-203.compute-1.amazonaws.com'
#' fasta <- system.file("extdata", "aiptasia.fa", package="Trans2Kegg")
#' annot <- system.file("extdata", "annot.csv", package="Trans2Kegg")
#' annotateAWS(c("KXJ29331.1"), fasta,annot, instance=instance,
#' dns=dns, threads=2)
#' @export
annotateAWS <- function(ids, fasta, out="annot.csv", instance, dns, threads){
transDone <- data.frame()
fastaOut <- "deTrans.fa"
# Check to see if BLAST already started.
transDone <- read.csv(out,
# If BLAST already started, what's left?
transLeft <- setdiff(ids, transDone)
# Read transcriptome FASTA file
refTrans <- readDNAStringSet(fasta)
for(accession in transLeft){
# Get sequences for transcripts remaining to be BLASTed
transSeqs <- refTrans[accession]
# Write as FASTA file. Initially saving as file and reloading
# To simplify debugging for any BLASTs that fail.
writeXStringSet(transSeqs, fastaOut, append=FALSE, compress=FALSE,
compression_level=NA, format="fasta")
query <- readChar(fastaOut, file.info(fastaOut)$size)
# BLAST the sequence via AWS
blastResult <- blastSequencesAWS(query,
fmt="data.frame", expect=1e-5,instance=instance,
dns=dns, threads=threads)
if(is.data.frame(blastResult) & length(blastResult) > 0){
blastResult <- subset(blastResult, select=c("Iteration_query-def",
"Iteration_query-len", "Hit_accession", "Hit_len",
"Hsp_evalue", "Hsp_identity", "Hsp_gaps", "Hsp_align-len"))
# Write BLAST output for debugging purposes
write.csv(blastResult, file="blastResult.csv")
# Get KEGG info for species-specific SwissProt matches
# If no BLAST hits found, write empty row so it won't be
# retried again.
emptyRow <- data.frame(uniprot=NA, kegg = NA, ko=NA, desc=NA,
Iteration_query.def=accession, Iteration_query.len=NA, Hit_len=NA,
Hsp_evalue=NA, Hsp_identity=NA, Hsp_gaps = NA, Hsp_align.len=NA)
# If file exists, append, otherwise write with column headers.
write.table(emptyRow, file=out,
append=file.exists(out), sep=',',
# Note: All functions below this line are based on source code from annotate.
# (Gentleman 2018). annotate: Annotation for microarrays. R package version
# 1.61.0. This subroutine was taken unchanged from annotate source because it
# is not exported in annotate. This can be eliminated if AWS option is
# incorporated into annotate. AWS suffix added to avoid conflict with standard
# version
#' BLAST Sequences to dataframe
#' @name .blastSequencesToDataFrameAWS
#' @import XML
#' @param xml XML BLAST results to be parsed
#' @return Returns parsed BLAST results as dataframe
.blastSequencesToDataFrameAWS <- function(xml) {
if (xpathSApply(xml, "count(//Hit)") == 0L) {
message("'blastSequences' returned 0 matches")
iter <- xml["//Iteration"]
iterlen <- vapply(iter, xpathSApply,double(1), "count(.//Hsp)")
iterdf <- xmlToDataFrame(iter, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hit <- xml["//Hit"]
hitlen <- vapply(hit, xpathSApply,double(1), "count(.//Hsp)")
hitdf <- xmlToDataFrame(hit, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hitdf <- hitdf[, names(hitdf) != "Hit_hsps", drop=FALSE]
hsp <- xmlToDataFrame(xml["//Hsp"] , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df <- cbind(
iterdf[rep(seq_len(nrow(iterdf)), iterlen),, drop=FALSE],
hitdf[rep(seq_len(nrow(hitdf)), hitlen),, drop=FALSE],
rownames(df) <- NULL
# This subroutine was taken un-changed from annotate source R. Gentleman
# (2018). annotate: Annotation for microarrays. R package version 1.61.0. This
# subroutine was taken un-changed from annotate source because it is not
# exported in annotate. This can/will be eliminated if AWS option is
# incorporated into annotate. Aws suffix added to avoid conflict with standard
# version.
#' Parse results from AWS BLAST
#' @name .tryParseResultAws
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @param baseUrl URL from which to retrieve response
#' @param rid ID associated with BLAST response
#' @param rtoe Estimated response time
#' @param timeout Timeout value
#' @return Returns BLAST results as XML
.tryParseResultAws <- function(baseUrl, rid, rtoe, timeout) {
message("estimated response time ", rtoe, " seconds")
start <- Sys.time()
end <- Sys.time() + timeout
url <- sprintf("%s?CMD=Get&FORMAT_OBJECT=SearchInfo&RID=%s",
baseUrl, rid)
Sys.sleep(min(rtoe, timeout))
repeat {
elapsed <- as.double(Sys.time() - start, units="secs")
result <- as(htmlParse(getURL(url, followlocation=TRUE),
error = xmlErrorCumulator(immediate=FALSE)),
if (grepl("Status=FAILED", result))
stop("BLAST search failed")
else if (grepl("Status=UNKNOWN", result))
stop("BLAST search expired")
else if (grepl("Status=READY", result)) {
url <- sprintf("%s?RID=%s&FORMAT_TYPE=XML&CMD=Get", baseUrl, rid)
result <- xmlParse(getURL(url, followlocation=TRUE),
error = xmlErrorCumulator(immediate=FALSE))
} else if (grepl("Status=WAITING", result)) {
message(sprintf("elapsed time %.0f seconds", elapsed))
if (Sys.time() > end && interactive()) {
msg <- sprintf("wait another %d seconds? [y/n] ", timeout)
repeat {
ans <- substr(trimws(tolower(readline(msg))), 1, 1)
if (ans %in% c("y", "n"))
if (ans == "n")
end <- Sys.time() + timeout
} else
stop("BLAST search unknown response")
msg <- sprintf("'blastSequences' timeout after %.0f seconds",
stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
# The majority of this subroutine was taken from annotate source, R. Gentleman
# (2018). annotate: Annotation for microarrays. R package version 1.61.0.
# Modifications were added to support NCBI BLAST AMI. Code is freely available
# for incorporation into annotate if the author chooses to do so. Using the
# REST-ish API described at
# http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Doc/node2.html
# Added instance and dns parameters to support AWS
# Added Aws suffix to avoid conflict with standard version
# Changed as to fmt to avoid conflict with function as
blastSequencesAWS <- function(x, database="nr",
fmt=c("DNAMultipleAlignment", "data.frame",
PARSE <- switch(match.arg(fmt),
# assemble the query from AWS instance and DNS
baseUrl <- paste0("http://blast:",instance, "@", dns, "/cgi-bin/blast.cgi")
query <- paste("QUERY=", URLencode(as.character(x)), "&DATABASE=",database,
"&NUM_THREADS=",threads, "&EXPECT=",expect,"&PROGRAM=",program,
url0 <- sprintf("%s?%s&CMD=Put", baseUrl, query)
post <- htmlParse(getURL(url0, followlocation=TRUE))
x <- post[['string(//comment()[contains(., "QBlastInfoBegin")])']]
rid <- sub(".*RID = ([[:alnum:]]+).*", "\\1", x)
rtoe <- as.integer(sub(".*RTOE = ([[:digit:]]+).*", "\\1", x))
result <- .tryParseResultAws(baseUrl, rid, rtoe, timeout)
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