#' R6 class representing the set of parameters used in an analysis
#' @export
ParamList <- R6::R6Class("ParamList",
private = list(
descriptions=list(alpha="The threshold of statistical significance is {deparse(alpha)}",
lfcThreshold="The threshold for absolute effect size is {}",
title="The name of the project is '{}'",
top_n_variable="Only use {} genes for unsupervised clustering",
script="The project was generated by '{}'",
showCategory= "Only show top {} enriched categories in plots",
seed="A random seed of {} is used to ensure reproduciblity",
filterFun="{if (is.null(filterFun)) 'Default' else deparse(filterFun)} independent filtering",
baseMeanMin="Discard transcripts with few average counts per sample than {}"
public = list(
#' @description
#' Create a new set of parameters.
#' @param defaults Named list of default values. Names are the parameters, and the values will be their default.
#' @return An object that will store all future values of analysis parameters.
initialize = function(defaults=list()) {
private$defaults <- defaults
#' @description
#' Set the value of a parameter
#' @param id The name of the parameter to be set.
#' @param value The value the parameter should taken henceforth; if missing, it will take the default value.
#' @param description A string describing what the purpose of the parameter is.
#' @param div Logical, whether to mention in the markdown report what the value has been set to.
set = function(id, value, description="", div=TRUE) {
if (missing(value)) {
if (id %in% names(private$defaults)) {
value <- private$defaults[[id]]
} else {
eg <- readLines(system.file("templates/example.spec", package="DESdemonA"))
eg <- eg[grep(paste0("^\\s+", id),eg)]
if (length(eg)>0) {
stop("Attempt to set '", id, "' but no value or default provided.\n", "You may need to update your spec file, as new settings have been introduced. Maybe lines like:\n", paste(eg, collapse="\n"))
} else {
stop("Attempt to set '", id, "' but no value or default provided.\n")
if (is.null(value)) {
private$params[id] <- list(NULL)
} else {
if (description=="") {
if (!(id %in% names(private$descriptions))) { # provide tautological definition if
description=paste0("The value of ", id, " is {", id, "}")
} else {
description <- sub("\\{\\}", paste0("{", id, "}"), description)
if (div & isTRUE(getOption('knitr.in.progress'))) {
# cat(knitr::knit_child(text=knitr::knit_expand(text=c("```{block, type='rparam'}", self$describe(id), "```")), quiet=TRUE))
cat("\n\n<div class=\"rparam\">", self$describe(id), "</div>\n\n")
#' @description
#' Get the value that the parameter is currently set to.
#' @param id Name of the value you want to access.
get = function(id) {
if (!id %in% names(private$params)) {
stop(id, " has not yet been initialized")
ret <- private$params[[id]]
if (is.call(ret)) eval(ret) else ret
#' @description
#' Turn the mutable object into a list
publish = function() {
lapply(private$params, eval)
#' @description
#' Get a text description of what the setting is, and what value it currently takes.
#' @param id Name of the value you want to access.
describe = function(id) {
if (missing(id)) {
map(private$descriptions[names(private$params)], function(d) glue::glue_data(.x =private$params, d))
} else {
##' Populate a folder with DESdemonA starter scripts
##' To start a DESdemonA-based project, we provide a sample set
##' of scripts to point you in the right direction. Firstly there is
##' an '00_init.r' file that will create a universal DESeqDataSet object
##' from your quantified counts file. You may need to edit this to link
##' it to where your quantification pipeline stores its results, and to
##' ensure that the full set of metadata is inserted into the colData.
##' There is an example '.spec' file - rename and use this as a basis
##' for your statistical analysis plan, or if you have an existing one,
##' delete the example one and copy the existing one into the folder instead.
##' The main analysis is run via "01_analyse.r" - you should render this
##' via rmarkdown. It will look for every '.spec' file in the current
##' directory.
##' There will also be a "02_further_steps.r" script at some point. This
##' will give concrete examples of how you might want to extract results
##' for further programmatic use, to build upon the html report that
##' rendering the "01_analyse.r" will provide.
##' There's also a DESCRIPTION file, so that it is easy to turn your
##' analysis into a re-distributable R package.
##' The recommended usage is, at the start of project development,
##' to simply call 'DESdemonA::get_started()' in the relevant directory,
##' as the defaults path and files are sufficient - it will refuse
##' to overwrite existing files, so is safe in that sense.
##' @title Initiate a DESdemonA project
##' @param files Which files to retreive from the DESdemonA project
##' @param path Where to copy the files to
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
#' @export
get_started <- function(files = dir(system.file("templates",package="DESdemonA")),
) {
args <- list(...)
if (yml!="") {
yml_args <- read_yml(yml)
ind <- setdiff(yml_args, args)
args[ind] <- yml_args[ind]
defaults <- list(
metadata=system.file("extdata/metadata.xlsx", package="babsrnaseq"),
counts=quote(file.path(nfcore, "star_rsem")),
ind <- setdiff(names(defaults), names(args))
args <- c(args, defaults[ind])
args <- lapply(args, eval, args)
pre_exist <- file.exists(file.path(path, files))
if (any(pre_exist) && (!overwrite)) {
stop(paste(file.path(path, files), collapse=", "), " already exist. Remove or rename them")
for (fname in files) {
if (file.exists(fname) && overwrite) {
usethis::use_template(fname, save_as=fname, data=args, package="DESdemonA")
##' Run DESdemonA Report on existing counts object
##' This will generate a standard report on the DESeq2 data object you
##' provide it. It will store data objects in the `data` directory, so
##' that will need to be created, as will the results folder.
##' @param dds The DESeqDataSet object that you want to run the report
##' on. It needs the basic set of `colData` columns that are used in
##' the analysis plan. `colnames(dds)` will be used as labels in
##' plot, etc. In addition, if its `mcols` has columns of the that
##' are set to `entrez` and/or `symbol`, these will get added to the
##' report. `metadata(dds)$org <- "org.Mm.eg.db"` will ensure that
##' the correct annotation libraries are used, but this is only strictly
##' necessary for functional annotation (which also requires those additional
##' columns in the `mcols` property.
##' @param spec_file The Analaysis Plan
##' @param results Directory in which to store excel results
##' @param output_file The name of the html report.
##' @param title HTML Title of the document
##' @param autor The name of the author to appear on the report
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
#' @export
run_report <- function(dds, spec_file, results="results", output_file="analyse.html", title="RNASeq Analysis", author=Sys.info["user"]) {
fname <- paste0(tempfile("analyse", tmpdir="."), ".r")
if (!file.exists(fname)) break
file.copy(system.file("templates/01_analyse.r", package="DESdemonA"), fname)
read_yml <- function(file) {
lines <- readLines(file)
lines <- lines[grepl(" .*:", lines)]
field <- gsub(" (*[^:]*):.*", "\\1", lines)
value <- gsub(" *[^:]*: *", "", lines)
setNames(as.list(value), field)
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