#' @include purityD-class.R purityD-constructor.R
# msPurity R package for processing MS/MS data - Copyright (C)
# This file is part of msPurity.
# msPurity is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msPurity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msPurity. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Using purityD object, calculates to average mz, intensity
#' and signal-to-noise of multiple scans from multiple MS datafiles
#' (mzML or .csv)
#' @description
#' Uses a purityD object with references to multiple MS files. For each file:
#' Averages multiple scans together,
#' see averageSpectraSingle for more information
#' @param Object object; purityD object
#' @inheritParams averageSpectraSingle
#' @aliases averageSpectra
#' @return purityD object with averaged spectra
#' @examples
#' datapth <- system.file("extdata", "dims", "mzML", package="msPurityData")
#' inDF <- Getfiles(datapth, pattern=".mzML", check = FALSE, cStrt = FALSE)
#' ppDIMS <- purityD(fileList=inDF, cores=1, mzML=TRUE)
#' ppDIMS <- averageSpectra(ppDIMS)
#' @seealso \code{\link{averageSpectraSingle}}
#' @export
setMethod(f="averageSpectra", signature="purityD", definition =
function(Object, rtscn = "all", scanRange=NA, timeRange = NA,
clustType="hc", ppm=1.5, snthr = 3, av="median",
missingV="zero", minfrac=0.6667, normTIC=FALSE,
snMeth="median") {
nfiles <- nrow(Object@fileList)
msfrOpt <- FALSE
msfrOpt <- TRUE
# Check if multicore
if (Object@cores>1){
operator <- foreach::'%dopar%'
# The cores are split across the files. If enough cores available they
# are also split across the clustering algorithm as well
if (Object@cores>nfiles){
cores4cl = floor(Object@cores/nfiles)
cores4files <- nfiles
} else {
cores4cl = 1
cores4files <- Object@cores
cl<-parallel::makeCluster(cores4files, type = "SOCK")
cores4files = 1
cores4cl = 1
operator <- foreach::'%do%'
# Perform averaging using "averageSpectraSingle" function
# on multiple single runs (1 file) multi-core (averaging scans in 1 file)
Object@avPeaks$orig <- operator(foreach::foreach(i=1:nfiles,
.packages = c("Rcpp", "mzR")),
averageSpectraSingle(filePth = as.character(Object@fileList$filepth[i]),
rtscn = rtscn,
scanRange= scanRange,
timeRange = timeRange,
snthr = snthr,
av = av,
missingV = missingV,
snMeth = snMeth,
cores = cores4cl,
csvFile = msfrOpt,
normTIC = normTIC,
mzRback=Object@mzRback) )
names(Object@avPeaks$orig) <- Object@fileList[,'name']
Object@avPeaks$processed <- Object@avPeaks$orig
Object@avParam$missingV <- missingV
Object@avParam$ppm <- ppm
Object@avParam$clustType <- clustType
Object@avParam$snthr <- snthr
Object@avParam$av <- av
Object@avParam$minfrac <- minfrac
Object@avParam$snMeth <- snMeth
Object@avParam$rtscn <- rtscn
Object@avParam$scanRange <- scanRange
Object@avParam$timeRange <- timeRange
#' @title Calculates to average mz, intensity and signal-to-noise of multiple
#' scans from 1 MS datafile (mzML or .csv)
#' @description
#' Averages multiple scans of mass spectrometry data together.
#' Each scan consisting of a minimum of intensity and mz values.
#' Works for either mzML or a .csv file consisting of mz, i, scanid,
#' (optional: noise, backgroun, snr)
#' Signal-to-noise (SNR) can be calculated a number of ways. Default is to
#' calculate the SN for every scan as the
#' "Intensity of peak / the median intensity of the scan".
#' Alternatively if using a .csv file as input (and assigning the csvFile parameter to TRUE), a precalculated SNR can be one of the
#' columns. The precalculated SNR can then be chosen by using the option 'precalc' for the parameter snMethod
#' The function will work for both LC-MS or DI-MS datasets.
#' @param filePth character; Path of the file to be processed
#' @param rtscn character; Whether it is scans or retention time to be filtered. Use "all" if all scans to be used. \['rt', 'scns', 'all'\]
#' @param scanRange vector; Scan range (if rtscn='scns') e.g. c(40, 69)
#' @param timeRange vector; Time range (if rtscn='rt) e.g. c(10.3, 400.8) (only if using mzML file)
#' @param clustType character; Type of clustering used either Hierarchical or just simple 1D grouping \['hc', 'simple'\]
#' @param ppm numeric; The ppm error to cluster mz together
#' @param snthr numeric; Signal to noise ratio threshold
#' @param av character; What type of averaging to do between peaks
#' @param missingV character; What to do with missing values (zero or ignore)
#' @param minfrac numeric; Min fraction of scans with a grouped peak to be an accepted averaged peak
#' @param cores numeric; Number of cores used to perform Hierarchical clustering WARNING: memory intensive, default 2
#' @param csvFile boolean; A csv file can be used as input. Useful for thermo files where the MSFileReader API can extract peaklist. This can consist of an .csv file with
#' the following columns c('mz', 'i', 'scanid', 'snr')
#' @param snMeth character; Type of snMethod to use \['mean', 'median', 'precalc'\]. Precalc only applicable when using the csvFile parameter as TRUE
#' @param normTIC boolean; If TRUE then RSD calculation will use the normalised intensity (intensity divided by TIC) if FALSE will use standard intensity
#' @param mzRback character; Backend to use for mzR parsing
#' @param MSFileReader boolean; Deprecapted. Use csvFile parameter
#' @return dataframe of the median mz, intensity, signal-to-noise ratio.
#' @examples
#' mzmlPth <- system.file("extdata", "dims", "mzML", "B02_Daph_TEST_pos.mzML", package="msPurityData")
#' avP <- averageSpectraSingle(mzmlPth)
#' @export
averageSpectraSingle <- function(filePth,
rtscn = "all",
timeRange = NA,
snthr = 3,
snMeth = "median",
normTIC = FALSE,
if (MSFileReader){
message('MSFileReader option deprecated, please use csvFile parameter for further development')
csvFile = MSFileReader
# Get the peaks from each scan
# (filtering out any above the signal to noise thres)
# CSV file created from Thermo csvFile
peaklist <- msfrProcess(filePth, scanRange, snthr, snMeth)
# mzML file to be read in by mzR
peaklist <- mzMLProcess(filePth, rtscn, scanRange,
timeRange, snthr, snMeth, mzRback)
# get normalised TIC intensity
peaklist <- plyr::ddply( peaklist, ~ scanid, function(x){
x$inorm = x$i/sum(x$i)
message("No peaks to process (perhaps SNR filter too high)")
# calculate the min number of scans required for each peak
totalScans <- length(unique(peaklist$scanid))
minnum <- ceiling(totalScans*minfrac)
# Order before clustering
peaklist <- peaklist[order(peaklist$mz, decreasing = FALSE),]
# Perform clustering
cl <- clustering(peaklist$mz, ppm=ppm, clustType=clustType, cores = cores)
# add groups onto the peaklist
peaklist <- cbind(peaklist, cl)
# re-index the matrix
rownames(peaklist) <- seq(1, nrow(peaklist))
if (cores>1){
clust <- parallel::makeCluster(cores, type = "SOCK")
parallelBool <- TRUE
parallelBool <- FALSE
averages <- plyr::ddply(peaklist, ~ cl, .parallel = parallelBool,
averageCluster, # FUNCTION
normTIC = normTIC)
# get rid of the first column (the cluster id)
final <- averages[order(averages$mz, decreasing = FALSE),]
# get rid of the first column (the cluster id)
final$cl <- seq(1, nrow(averages))
colnames(final)[1] <- "peakID"
message("no peaks! possibly the parameters used are too harsh for the data")
mzMLProcess <- function(mzmlPth, rtscn, scanRange, timeRange, snthr, snMeth, backend){
# Read in mzml file from mzR
#print("reading in mzML")
mr <- mzR::openMSfile(mzmlPth, backend=backend)
# Get the peaks
scanPeaks <- mzR::peaks(mr)
h <- mzR::header(mr)
# get the ms1 scans
hms1 <- h[h$msLevel==1,]
scans <- hms1$seqNum
# header takes up alot of memory
# Convert RT to scan time (only available when using mzML)
# Get the scan range (roi) for the rt range supplied
rtimes <- hms1$retentionTime
difs <- abs(rtimes-timeRange[1])
dife <- abs(rtimes-timeRange[2])
startTime <- rtimes[difs==min(difs)]
strtIdx <- match(startTime, rtimes)
endTime <- rtimes[dife==min(dife)]
endIdx <- match(endTime, rtimes)
scansROI <- scans[strtIdx:endIdx]
}else if(rtscn =="all"){
scansROI <- seq(1, length(scanPeaks))
}else {
#print("scans used")
scansROI <- scans[as.numeric(scanRange[1]):as.numeric(scanRange[2])]
names(scanPeaks) <- seq(1, length(scanPeaks))
# Get the scans for the roi
scanList <- scanPeaks[scansROI]
peaklist <- plyr::ldply(scanList)
colnames(peaklist)[1] <- "scanid"
colnames(peaklist)[2] <- "mz"
colnames(peaklist)[3] <- "i"
# remove any peaks that are have zero intensity (for waters)
peaklist <- peaklist[peaklist$i>0,]
peaklist <- plyr::ddply(peaklist, ~ scanid,
snrFilter, # FUNCTION
# get only scans of interest if selected to do so
if (!is.na(scanRange)){
peaklist <- peaklist[peaklist$scanid %in% scansROI]
msfrProcess <- function(filePth, scanRange, snthr, snMeth){
csvFileOut <- read.csv(filePth)
keep <- c('mz', 'i', 'scanid', 'snr')
csvFileOut <- csvFileOut[,(names(csvFileOut ) %in% keep)]
# First filter out on scan by scan basis those peaks below a certain threshold
cat("snmeth:", snMeth)
peaklist <- plyr::ddply(csvFileOut, ~ scanid,
snrFilter, # FUNCTION
# get only scans of interest if selected to do so
if (!is.na(scanRange)){
sr <- seq(scanRange[1], scanRange[2])
peaklist <- peaklist[peaklist$scanid %in% sr]
#' @title Using purityD object, group multiple peaklists by similar mz values
#' (mzML or .csv)
#' @description
#' Uses a purityD object to group all the peaklists in the 'avPeaks$processing' slot
#' @param Object object = purityD object
#' @param ppm numeric = The ppm tolerance to group peaklists
#' @param clustType = if 'hc' the hierarchical clustering, if 'simple' the mz values will just be grouped using a simple 1D method
#' @param sampleOnly = if TRUE the sample peaks will only be grouped
#' @aliases groupPeaks
#' @return data.frame of peaklists grouped together by mz
#' @examples
#' datapth <- system.file("extdata", "dims", "mzML", package="msPurityData")
#' inDF <- Getfiles(datapth, pattern=".mzML", check = FALSE, cStrt = FALSE)
#' ppDIMS <- purityD(fileList=inDF, cores=1, mzML=TRUE)
#' ppDIMS <- averageSpectra(ppDIMS)
#' grpedP <- groupPeaks(ppDIMS)
#' @export
setMethod(f="groupPeaks", signature="purityD", definition =
function(Object, ppm=3, sampleOnly=FALSE, clustType='hc') {
if (sampleOnly){
idx = Object@sampleIdx
idx = seq(1, nrow(Object@fileList))
# only show a limited number of columns otherwise the data frame gets too big
shrt <- sapply(Object@avPeaks$processed[idx], simplify = FALSE,USE.NAMES = TRUE, function(x){
x <- x[ , which(names(x) %in% c("peakID","mz",'i', 'snr', 'inorm', 'medianPurity'))]
Object@groupedPeaks <- groupPeaksEx(shrt, cores = Object@cores, clustType = clustType, ppm = ppm)
#' @title Group peaklists from a list of dataframes
#' @description
#' Group a list of dataframes by their m/z values
#' @param peak_list list = A list (named) of dataframes consiting of a least the following columns \['peakID', 'mz'\]
#' @param ppm numeric = The ppm tolerance to group peaklists
#' @param clustType = if 'hc' the hierarchical clustering, if 'simple' the mz values will just be grouped using a simple 1D method
#' @param cores = number of cores used for calculation
#' @aliases groupPeaksEx
#' @return data.frame of peaklists grouped together by mz
#' @examples
#' datapth <- system.file("extdata", "dims", "mzML", package="msPurityData")
#' inDF <- Getfiles(datapth, pattern=".mzML", check = FALSE, cStrt = FALSE)
#' ppDIMS <- purityD(fileList=inDF, cores=1, mzML=TRUE)
#' ppDIMS <- averageSpectra(ppDIMS)
#' grpedP <- groupPeaks(ppDIMS)
#' @export
groupPeaksEx <- function(peak_list, cores = 1, clustType = 'hc', ppm = 2){
comb <- plyr::ldply(peak_list)
if (cores>1) {
parallelBool = TRUE
} else {
parallelBool = FALSE
# Need to be ordered! important for when clustering (especially if when the peaks have
# to be split for hc
comb <- comb[order(comb$mz),]
mz <- comb$mz
# Cluster the peaks togther
comb$cl <- clustering(mz, clustType = clustType, cores = cores, ppm = ppm)
# Create a dataframe with each file is a column
sampnms <- unique(comb$.id)
total <-data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(sampnms)){
snmi = sampnms[i]
sub <- comb[comb$.id == snmi, ]
# if multiple mz values in the group then average
sub <- plyr::ddply(sub, ~ cl, medGroup)
addnew <- sub[ , -which(names(sub) %in% c("cl", ".id"))]
for(j in 1:ncol(addnew)){
colnames(addnew)[j] <- paste(colnames(addnew)[j], snmi, sep="_")
addnew$cl <- sub$cl
if (nrow(total)==0){
total <- addnew
total <- merge(x = total, y =addnew, by = "cl", all = TRUE)
mzall <- total[ , which(names(total) %in% grep(".*mz.*", colnames(total), value=TRUE))]
mzmedian <- apply(mzall, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
total <- total[-1]
total <- total[,order(colnames(total))]
total <- cbind(mzmedian, total)
medGroup <- function(x){
medx <- apply(x[,-which(names(x) %in% c(".id"))], 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
x <- data.frame(.id=unique(x$.id), t(medx))
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