#' @rdname getSampleSummaryStatsTable
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
setMethod("getSampleSummaryStatsTable", "SingleCellExperiment", function(inSCE, statsName, ...){
allStatsNames <- listSampleSummaryStatsTables(inSCE)
if(!statsName %in% allStatsNames){
stop(paste(statsName, "is not a table within the SingleCellExperiment object.",
"The following are the names of the tables stored:",
paste(allStatsNames, collapse = ",")))
#' @rdname getSampleSummaryStatsTable
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
setReplaceMethod("setSampleSummaryStatsTable", c("SingleCellExperiment", "ANY"), function(inSCE, statsName, ..., value) {
metadata(inSCE)$sctk$sample_summary[[statsName]] <- value
#' @rdname listSampleSummaryStatsTables
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
setMethod("listSampleSummaryStatsTables", "SingleCellExperiment", function(inSCE, ...){
p <- paste("No sample-level QC tables are available.",
"Please try executing functions such as sampleSummaryStats first.")
allStatsNames <- names(metadata(inSCE)$sctk$sample_summary)
if(is.null(allStatsNames) || length(allStatsNames) == 0){
paste("No sample-level QC tables are available.",
"Please try executing functions such as sampleSummaryStats first.")
.sampleSummaryStats <- function(dataFrame, colName = "All Samples",
simple = TRUE){
metrics <- c("Number of Cells")
values <- c(as.integer(nrow(dataFrame)))
if ("sum" %in% colnames(dataFrame)) {
metrics <- c(metrics, "Mean counts", "Median counts")
values <- c(values, mean(dataFrame$sum),
if ("detected" %in% colnames(dataFrame)) {
metrics <- c(
metrics, "Mean features detected",
"Median features detected"
values <- c(values, mean(dataFrame$detected),
if(simple != TRUE){
if ("dropletUtils_barcodeRank_knee" %in% colnames(dataFrame)) {
metrics <- c(
metrics, "BarcodeRank - Number of libraries above knee point"
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$dropletUtils_BarcodeRank_Knee))
if ("dropletUtils_barcodeRank_inflection" %in% colnames(dataFrame)) {
metrics <- c(
metrics, "BarcodeRank - Number of libraries above inflection point"
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$dropletUtils_BarcodeRank_Inflection))
if ("scrublet_call" %in% colnames(dataFrame)) {
metrics <- c(
metrics, "Scrublet - Number of doublets",
"Scrublet - Percentage of doublets"
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$scrublet_call == TRUE),
signif(sum(dataFrame$scrublet_call == TRUE) / length(dataFrame$scrublet_call) * 100, 3)
if ("scDblFinder_doublet_call" %in% colnames(dataFrame)) {
metrics <- c(metrics, "scDblFinder - Number of doublets",
"scDblFinder - Percentage of doublets")
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$scDblFinder_doublet_call == "Doublet"),
signif(sum(dataFrame$scDblFinder_doublet_call == "Doublet")/length(dataFrame$scDblFinder_doublet_call) * 100, 3))
if (any(grepl("doubletFinder_doublet_label_resolution",
colnames(dataFrame)))) {
dfIx <- grep("doubletFinder_doublet_label_resolution",
for (ix in dfIx) {
metrics <- c(metrics,
paste("DoubletFinder - Number of doublets, Resolution",
paste("DoubletFinder - Percentage of doublets, Resolution",
values <- c(values,sum(dataFrame[, ix] == "Doublet"),
signif(sum(dataFrame[, ix] == "Doublet") / length(dataFrame[, ix]) * 100, 3))
if("scds_cxds_call" %in% colnames(dataFrame)){
metrics <- c(metrics, "CXDS - Number of doublets",
"CXDS - Percentage of doublets")
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$scds_cxds_call == "Doublet"),
signif(sum(dataFrame$scds_cxds_call == "Doublet")/length(dataFrame$scds_cxds_call) * 100, 3))
if("scds_bcds_call" %in% colnames(dataFrame)){
metrics <- c(metrics, "BCDS - Number of doublets",
"BCDS - Percentage of doublets")
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$scds_bcds_call == "Doublet"),
signif(sum(dataFrame$scds_bcds_call == "Doublet")/length(dataFrame$scds_bcds_call) * 100, 3))
if("scds_hybrid_call" %in% colnames(dataFrame)){
metrics <- c(metrics, "SCDS Hybrid - Number of doublets",
"SCDS Hybrid - Percentage of doublets")
values <- c(values, sum(dataFrame$scds_hybrid_call == "Doublet"),
signif(sum(dataFrame$scds_hybrid_call == "Doublet")/length(dataFrame$scds_hybrid_call) * 100, 3))
if("decontX_clusters" %in% colnames(dataFrame)){
metrics <- c(metrics, "DecontX - Mean contamination",
"DecontX - Median contamination")
values <- c(values, signif(mean(dataFrame$decontX_contamination), 3),
signif(stats::median(dataFrame$decontX_contamination), 3))
df <- matrix(values)
rownames(df) <- metrics
colnames(df) <- colName
#' @title Generate table of SCTK QC outputs.
#' @description Creates a table of QC metrics generated from
#' QC algorithms, which is stored within the metadata slot of the
#' input SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param inSCE Input \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object with saved
#' \link{assay} data and/or \link{colData} data. Required.
#' @param sample Character vector. Indicates which sample each cell belongs to.
#' @param useAssay A string specifying which assay in the SCE to use. Default
#' 'counts'.
#' @param simple Boolean. Indicates whether to generate a table of only
#' basic QC stats (ex. library size), or to generate a summary table of all
#' QC stats stored in the inSCE.
#' @param statsName Character. The name of the slot that will store the
#' QC stat table. Default "qc_table".
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment object with a summary table for QC statistics
#' in the `sample_summary` slot of metadata.
#' @examples
#' data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
#' sce <- subsetSCECols(sce, colData = "type != 'EmptyDroplet'")
#' sce <- sampleSummaryStats(sce, simple = TRUE)
#' getSampleSummaryStatsTable(sce, statsName = "qc_table")
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
sampleSummaryStats <- function(inSCE,
sample = NULL,
useAssay = "counts",
simple = TRUE,
statsName = "qc_table"){
if (!is.null(sample)) {
if(length(sample) == 1){
SummarizedExperiment::colData(inSCE)) == sample))){
sample = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(inSCE))
stop("'sample' must be either stored in the colData",
"or the same length as the number of columns in 'inSCE'")
}else if (length(sample) != ncol(inSCE)) {
"'sample' must be the same length as the number",
" of columns in 'inSCE'"
} else {
sample <- rep("Sample", ncol(inSCE))
samples <- unique(sample)
if(any(!c("sum", "detected") %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(inSCE)))){
inSCE <- scater::addPerCellQC(inSCE)
# if(simple == FALSE){
qcDataFrame <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(inSCE)
dfTableAll <- .sampleSummaryStats(dataFrame = qcDataFrame, simple = simple)
if(length(samples) > 1){
forTable <- lapply(samples, function(x) {
sampleInd <- which(sample == x)
sampleSub <- sample[sampleInd]
inSCESub <- inSCE[, sampleInd]
qcDataFrame <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(inSCESub)
df <- .sampleSummaryStats(dataFrame = qcDataFrame, colName = x,
simple = simple)
dfTableSample <- do.call(cbind, forTable)
dfTableRes <- cbind(dfTableSample, dfTableAll)
dfTableRes <- dfTableAll
dfTableRes <- as.data.frame(dfTableRes)
dfTableRes <- apply(dfTableRes, seq(2), function(x){
setSampleSummaryStatsTable(inSCE, statsName = statsName) <- dfTableRes
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