context("Testing celda_C")
celdaC.sim = simulateCells("celda_C", K=10)
model_C = celda_C(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, sample.label=celdaC.sim$sample.label,
K=celdaC.sim$K, algorithm="EM", verbose=FALSE,
factorized = factorizeMatrix(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod = model_C)
# celda_C
test_that(desc = "Testing simulation and celda_C model", {
expect_equal(typeof(celdaC.sim$counts), "integer")
expect_true(all(sweep(factorized$counts$sample, 2, colSums(factorized$counts$sample), "/") == factorized$proportions$sample))
expect_true(ncol(factorized$proportions$module) == model_C$K)
expect_true(all(is.numeric(completeLogLikelihood(celda.mod = model_C))))
expect_equal(max(completeLogLikelihood(celda.mod = model_C)), finalLogLikelihood(model_C))
# GitHub #347
numeric.counts = celdaC.sim$counts
storage.mode(numeric.counts) = "numeric"
K=celdaC.sim$K, algorithm="EM", verbose=FALSE,
# clusterProbability
test_that(desc = "Testing clusterProbability with celda_C", {
expect_true(all(round(rowSums(clusterProbability(model_C, counts = celdaC.sim$counts)[[1]])) == 1))
# celdaGridSearch and perplexity calculations
test_that(desc = "Testing celdaGridSearch with celda_C", {
celdaC.res <- celdaGridSearch(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, model = "celda_C",
nchains = 2, params.test=list(K=c(5,6)),
max.iter = 2, verbose = FALSE, best.only=FALSE)
expect_error(celdaGridSearch(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, model="celda_C",
params.test=list(K=4:5, M = 3:4),
"The following elements in 'params.test' are not arguments of 'celda_C': M")
model="celda_C", nchains = 1, max.iter=1,
params.test=list(K=4:5, sample.label = "Sample"),
"Setting parameters such as 'z.init', 'y.init', and 'sample.label' in 'params.test' is not currently supported.")
model="celda_C", nchains = 1, max.iter=1,
"The following arguments are not in 'params.test' or 'params.fixed' but are required for 'celda_C': K")
expect_error(celdaGridSearch(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, model="celda_C",
nchains = 1, max.iter = 1,
xxx = "xxx")),
"The following elements in 'params.fixed' are not arguments of 'celda_C': xxx")
expect_true(class(celdaC.res)[1] == "celda_list")
expect_equal(names(runParams(celda.list = celdaC.res)), c("index","chain","K","log_likelihood"))
expect_equal(is.null(celdaC.res$perplexity), TRUE)
celdaC.res = resamplePerplexity(celdaC.sim$counts, celdaC.res, resample=2)
expect_equal(is.null(celdaC.res$perplexity), FALSE)
expect_is(celdaC.res, "celda_list")
expect_is(celdaC.res, "celda_C")
expect_error(resamplePerplexity(celdaC.sim$counts, celdaC.res, resample="2"))
expect_error(resamplePerplexity(celdaC.sim$counts, "celdaC.res", resample=2))
plot.obj = plotGridSearchPerplexity(celdaC.res)
expect_is(plot.obj, "ggplot")
celdaC.res.index1 = subsetCeldaList(celdaC.res, params=list(index = 1))
expect_true(all(is(celdaC.res.index1, "celda_C") && !is(celdaC.res.index1, "celda_list")))
expect_error(subsetCeldaList(celdaC.res, params = list(K = 11)))
expect_error(subsetCeldaList(celdaC.res, params = list(K = 5, M = 10)))
celdaC.res.K5 <- subsetCeldaList(celdaC.res, params=list(K = 5))
model_C_2 = selectBestModel(celdaC.res.K5)
res <- perplexity.celda_C(celdaC.sim$counts, model_C)
res2 <- perplexity.celda_C(celdaC.sim$counts, model_C, new.counts = celdaC.sim$counts + 1)
expect_error(res <- perplexity.celda_C(celdaC.sim$counts, model_C, new.counts = celdaC.sim$counts[-1,]))
# logLikelihood
test_that(desc = "Testing logLikelihood.celda_C", {
counts = celdaC.sim$counts,z = celdaC.sim$z,
K = celdaC.sim$K, alpha = 1, beta = 1,
sample.label = celdaC.sim$sample.label), 0)
fake.z = celdaC.sim$z
fake.z[1] = celdaC.sim$K + 1
z = fake.z, counts = celdaC.sim$counts,
K = celdaC.sim$K, alpha = 1, beta = 1,
sample.label = celdaC.sim$sample.label),
"An entry in z contains a value greater than the provided K.")
# Gibbs sampling
test_that(desc = "Testing celda_C with Gibbs sampling", {
res <- celda_C(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, sample.label=celdaC.sim$sample.label, K=celdaC.sim$K, algorithm="Gibbs", max.iter=5, nchain=1)
expect_is(res, "celda_C")
# normalizeCounts
test_that(desc = "Making sure normalizeCounts doesn't change dimensions of counts matrix", {
norm.counts <- normalizeCounts(celdaC.sim$counts)
expect_error(normalizeCounts(celdaC.sim$counts, transformation.fun = "scale"),
"'transformation.fun' needs to be of class 'function'")
expect_error(normalizeCounts(celdaC.sim$counts, scale.fun = "scale"),
"'scale.fun' needs to be of class 'function'")
# recodeClusterZ
test_that(desc = "Testing recodeClusterZ with celda_C", {
expect_error(recodeClusterY(celda.mod = model_C, from = c(1,2,3,4,5), to = c(5,4,3,2,1)))
expect_error(recodeClusterZ(celda.mod = model_C, from = NULL, to = ))
expect_error(recodeClusterZ(celda.mod = model_C, from = c(1,2,3,4,5), to = c(1,2,3,4,6)))
expect_error(recodeClusterZ(celda.mod = model_C, from = c(1,2,3,4,6), to = c(1,2,3,4,5)))
new.recoded <- recodeClusterZ(celda.mod = model_C, from = c(1,2,3,4,5), to = c(5,4,3,2,1))
expect_equal(model_C$z == 1, new.recoded$z == 5)
# compareCountMatrix
test_that(desc = "Testing CompareCountMatrix with celda_C", {
expect_true(compareCountMatrix(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod = model_C))
less.cells <- celdaC.sim$counts[,1:100]
expect_error(compareCountMatrix(counts = less.cells, celda.mod = model_C),
"The provided celda object was generated from a counts matrix with a different number of cells than the one provided.")
counts.matrix.error <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = nrow(celdaC.sim$counts), ncol = ncol(celdaC.sim$counts))
expect_false(compareCountMatrix(counts = counts.matrix.error, celda.mod = model_C, error.on.mismatch = FALSE))
expect_error(compareCountMatrix(counts = counts.matrix.error, celda.mod = model_C, error.on.mismatch = TRUE))
# topRank
test_that(desc = "Checking topRank to see if it runs without errors", {
top.rank <- topRank(matrix = factorized$proportions$module, threshold = NULL)
top.rank <- topRank(matrix = factorized$proportions$module, n = 1000)
# plotHeatmap
test_that(desc = "Testing plotHeatmap with celda_C", {
expect_error(plotHeatmap(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, z = model_C$K), "Length of z must match number of columns in counts matrix")
expect_error(plotHeatmap(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, z = model_C$z, scale.row = model_C), "'scale.row' needs to be of class 'function'")
expect_error(plotHeatmap(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, z = model_C$z, trim = 3), "'trim' should be a 2 element vector specifying the lower and upper boundaries")
# plotHeatmap with annotation.cell
test_that(desc = "Testing plotHeatmap with celda_C, including annotations",{
annot <- as.data.frame(c(rep(x = 1, times = ncol(celdaC.sim$counts) - 100),rep(x = 2, 100)))
rownames(annot) <- colnames(celdaC.sim$counts)
expect_equal(names(plotHeatmap(celda.mod = model_C, counts = celdaC.sim$counts, annotation.cell = annot, z = model_C$z)),
c("tree_row", "tree_col", "gtable"))
rownames(annot) <- NULL
expect_equal(names(plotHeatmap(celda.mod = model_C, counts = celdaC.sim$counts, annotation.feature = as.matrix(annot), z = model_C$z)),
c("tree_row", "tree_col", "gtable"))
rownames(annot) <- rev(colnames(celdaC.sim$counts))
expect_error(plotHeatmap(celda.mod = model_C, counts = celdaC.sim$counts, annotation.cell = annot, z = model_C$z),
"Row names of 'annotation.cell' are different than the column names of 'counts'")
# celdaHeatmap
test_that(desc = "Testing celdaHeatmap with celda_C", {
expect_equal(names(celdaHeatmap(celda.mod = model_C, counts = celdaC.sim$counts)),
c("tree_row", "tree_col", "gtable"))
# celdaProbabilityMap
test_that(desc = "Testing celdaProbabiltyMap.celda_C for sample level",{
plot.obj = celdaProbabilityMap(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod=model_C, level="sample")
## Without a sample label
model_C = celda_C(celdaC.sim$counts, sample.label=NULL, K=celdaC.sim$K, max.iter=5, nchain=1)
plot.obj = celdaProbabilityMap(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod=model_C, level="sample")
# differentialExpression
test_that(desc = "Testing differentialExpression with celda_C", {
diffexp_K1 <- differentialExpression(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod = model_C, c1 = 1)
expect_equal(class(diffexp_K1), c("data.table", "data.frame"))
expect_equal(class(diffExp_K1 <- differentialExpression(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod = model_C, c1 = 2:3, c2 = 4, log2fc.threshold = 0.5)),
c("data.table", "data.frame"))
expect_error(differentialExpression(counts = "counts", celda.mod = model_C, c1 = 3, log2fc.threshold = 0.5),"'counts' should be a numeric count matrix")
expect_error(differentialExpression(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod = NULL, c1 = 3), "'celda.mod' should be an object of class celda_C or celda_CG")
expect_error(differentialExpression(counts = celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod = model_C, c1 = NULL, log2fc.threshold = 0.5, only.pos = TRUE))
test_that(desc = "Testing celdaTsne with celda_C when model class is changed, should error",{
model_X <- model_C
class(model_X) <- "celda_X"
expect_error(celdaTsne(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod=model_X, max.cells=length(model_C$z), min.cluster.size=10),
"celda.mod argument is not of class celda_C, celda_G or celda_CG")
test_that(desc = "Testing celdaTsne with celda_C including all cells",{
tsne = celdaTsne(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod=model_C, max.cells=length(model_C$z), min.cluster.size=10)
plot.obj = plotDimReduceCluster(tsne[,1], tsne[,2], model_C$z)
expect_true(ncol(tsne) == 2 & nrow(tsne) == length(model_C$z))
test_that(desc = "Testing celdaTsne with celda_C including a subset of cells",{
expect_success(expect_error(tsne <- celdaTsne(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod=model_C, max.cells=50, min.cluster.size=50)))
tsne <- celdaTsne(counts=celdaC.sim$counts, celda.mod=model_C, max.cells=100, min.cluster.size=10)
plot.obj = plotDimReduceCluster(tsne[,1], tsne[,2], model_C$z)
expect_true(ncol(tsne) == 2 & nrow(tsne) == length(model_C$z) && sum(!is.na(tsne[,1])) == 100)
# featureModuleLookup
test_that(desc = "Testing featureModuleLookup with celda_C", {
expect_error(featureModuleLookup(celdaC.sim$counts, model_C, "test_feat"))
# cC.splitZ
test_that(desc = "Testing error checking for cC.splitZ", {
r = simulateCells("celda_C", S=1, C.Range=c(50,100), K=2)
dc = cC.decomposeCounts(r$counts, r$sample.label, r$z, r$K)
res = cC.splitZ(r$counts, dc$m.CP.by.S, dc$n.G.by.CP, dc$n.CP, s=as.integer(r$sample.label), z=r$z, K=r$K, nS=dc$nS, nG=dc$nG, alpha=1, beta=1, z.prob=NULL, min.cell=1000)
expect_true(grepl("Cluster sizes too small", res$message))
test_that(desc = "Testing perplexity.celda_C", {
expect_true(is.numeric(perplexity(celdaC.sim$counts, model_C)))
class(model_C) = c("celda_CG")
expect_error(perplexity.celda_C(celdaC.sim$counts, model_C),
"The celda.mod provided was not of class celda_C.")
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