
Defines functions dimred_umap

Documented in dimred_umap

#' Dimensionality reduction through PCA
#' @param MAE A multi-assay experiment object
#' @param tax_level The taxon level used for organisms
#' @param color A condition to color data points by e.g. "AGE"
#' @param shape A condition to shape data points by e.g. "SEX"
#' @param cx Component on the x-axis e.g. 1
#' @param cy Component on the y-axis e.g. 2
#' @param cz Component on the z-axis e.g. 3
#' @param n_neighbors Number of nearest neighbors
#' @param metric Distance function e.g. c("euclidean", "manhattan")
#' @param n_epochs Number of iterations
#' @param init Initial embedding using eigenvector e.g c("spectral", "random")
#' @param min_dist Determines how close points appear in the final layout
#' @param datatype Datatype to use e.g. c("logcpm", "relabu", "counts")
#' @return A list with a plotly object and summary table
#' @examples
#' data_dir <- system.file("extdata/MAE.rds", package = "animalcules")
#' toy_data <- readRDS(data_dir)
#' result <- dimred_umap(toy_data,
#'   tax_level = "genus",
#'   color = "AGE",
#'   shape = "DISEASE",
#'   cx = 1,
#'   cy = 2,
#'   datatype = "logcpm"
#' )
#' result$plot
#' @import umap
#' @import dplyr
#' @import scales
#' @import plotly
#' @import magrittr
#' @import reshape2
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
#' @export
dimred_umap <- function(MAE,
    shape = NULL,
    cx = 1,
    cy = 2,
    cz = NULL,
    n_neighbors = 15,
    metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan"),
    n_epochs = 200,
    init = c("spectral", "random"),
    min_dist = 0.1,
    datatype = c("logcpm", "relabu", "counts")) {
    # Default variables
    metric <- match.arg(metric)
    init <- match.arg(init)
    datatype <- match.arg(datatype)
    # Extract data
    microbe <- MAE[["MicrobeGenetics"]]
    # host <- MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(MAE)[[2]]
    tax_table <- as.data.frame(rowData(microbe)) # organism x taxlev
    sam_table <- as.data.frame(colData(microbe)) # sample x condition
    counts_table <-
        as.data.frame(assays(microbe))[, rownames(sam_table)] #organism x sample
    df <- counts_table %>%
        # Sum counts by taxon level
        upsample_counts(tax_table, tax_level) %>%
        # Choose data type
            if (datatype == "relabu") {
            } else if (datatype == "logcpm") {
            } else {
        } %>%
        # Fix constant/zero row
            if (sum(base::rowSums(as.matrix(.)) == 0) > 0) {
                . <- .[-which(base::rowSums(as.matrix(.)) == 0), ]
            } else {
        } %>%
        # Transpose
    # Custom Parameters
    umap.custom <- umap.defaults
    umap.custom$n_neighbors <- n_neighbors
    umap.custom$n_components <- max(cx, cy, cz)
    umap.custom$metric <- metric
    umap.custom$n_epochs <- n_epochs
    umap.custom$init <- init
    umap.custom$min_dist <- min_dist
    # Run UMAP
    umap.data <- umap(df, config = umap.custom, method = "naive")
    df.umap <- umap.data$layout
    colnames(df.umap) <- paste("C", seq_len(ncol(df.umap)), sep = "")
    # Merge in covariate information
    if (!is.null(shape)) {
        df.umap.m <- merge(df.umap,
            sam_table[, c(color, shape), drop = FALSE],
            by = 0, all = TRUE
        # When shape is required
        # Bypass duplicate colnames if color == shape
        shape <- colnames(df.umap.m)[ncol(df.umap.m)]
        df.umap.m[[shape]] <- as.factor(df.umap.m[[shape]])
    } else {
        df.umap.m <-
            merge(df.umap, sam_table[, color, drop = FALSE], by = 0, all = TRUE)
        shape <- "shape" # Referenced by plotly later
        df.umap.m[[shape]] <- 1 # Constant results in omitting shape
    # Plotly | Scatterplot
    if (is.null(cz)) {
        # 2D Plot
        p <- plot_ly(df.umap.m,
            x = as.formula(paste("~C", cx, sep = "")),
            y = as.formula(paste("~C", cy, sep = "")),
            mode = "markers",
            color = as.formula(paste("~", color, sep = "")),
            symbol = as.formula(paste("~", shape, sep = "")),
            type = "scatter",
            text = df.umap.m$Row.names,
            marker = list(size = 10)
    } else {
        # 3D Plot
        p <- plot_ly(df.umap.m,
            x = as.formula(paste("~C", cx, sep = "")),
            y = as.formula(paste("~C", cy, sep = "")),
            z = as.formula(paste("~C", cz, sep = "")),
            mode = "markers",
            color = as.formula(paste("~", color, sep = "")),
            symbol = as.formula(paste("~", shape, sep = "")),
            symbols = c(
            type = "scatter3d",
            text = df.umap.m$Row.names,
            marker = list(size = 6)
    p$p <- NULL # To suppress a shiny warning
    return(list(plot = p))
compbiomed/animalcules documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 12:13 p.m.