globalVariables(c("BS_AUC", "FPR", "LowerTPR", "Signatures",
"TBsignatures", "TPR", "UpperTPR", "sigAnnotData"))
.myenv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# Helper functions for runTBsigProfiler
# Check whether a new sig list is in the working environment
check_sig_env <- function(signatures) {
# Override with global environment
if ("TBsignatures" %in% ls(envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
get("TBsignatures", envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
utils::data("TBsignatures", package = "TBSignatureProfiler",
envir = .myenv)
# Update gene names that are mogrified or outdated
update_genenames <- function(siglist) {
requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)
if (!requireNamespace("HGNChelper", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'HGNChelper' required to update gene names.",
"Either install or set update_genes = FALSE.")
newgenes <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
HGNChelper::checkGeneSymbols(siglist, = FALSE)))$Suggested.Symbol
ind <- grep("//", newgenes)
if (length(ind) != 0) newgenes[ind] <- strsplit(newgenes[ind],
" /// ")[[1]][1]
# run scoring algorithms
score_algorithm <- function(runindata, signatures, alg, assignDir = NULL, = 0,
ASSIGNiter = 100000, ASSIGNburnin = 50000,
ssgsea_norm = TRUE, combineSigAndAlgorithm,
one_alg) {
if ( > 1) {
utility_param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers =
} else utility_param <- BiocParallel::SerialParam(progressbar = FALSE)
if (alg == "GSVA") {
message("Running GSVA")
param_in <- GSVA::gsvaParam(exprData = runindata, geneSets = signatures)
algout <- GSVA::gsva(param_in, verbose = FALSE, BPPARAM = utility_param)
} else if (alg == "ssGSEA") {
message("Running ssGSEA")
param_in <- GSVA::ssgseaParam(exprData = runindata, geneSets = signatures,
normalize = ssgsea_norm)
algout <- GSVA::gsva(param_in, verbose = FALSE, BPPARAM = utility_param)
} else if (alg == "PLAGE") {
message("Running PLAGE")
param_in <- GSVA::plageParam(exprData = runindata, geneSets = signatures)
algout <- GSVA::gsva(param_in, verbose = FALSE, BPPARAM = utility_param)
} else if (alg == "Zscore") {
message("Running Zscore")
param_in <- GSVA::zscoreParam(exprData = runindata, geneSets = signatures)
algout <- GSVA::gsva(param_in, verbose = FALSE, BPPARAM = utility_param)
} else if (alg == "singscore") {
message("Running singscore")
algout <- matrix(ncol = ncol(runindata), nrow = length(signatures),
dimnames = list(names(signatures), colnames(runindata)))
rankDat <- singscore::rankGenes(runindata)
for (sig in names(signatures)) {
algout[sig, ] <- suppressWarnings(singscore::simpleScore(
rankData = rankDat,
upSet = signatures[[sig]],
knownDirection = FALSE)$TotalScore)
} else if (alg == "ASSIGN") {
delete_intermediate <- FALSE
if (is.null(assignDir)) {
assignDir <- tempfile("assign")
delete_intermediate <- TRUE
} else if (!dir.exists(assignDir)) dir.create(assignDir)
for (i in names(signatures)) {
message("Running ASSIGN: ", i)
currlist <- signatures[i]
currlist[[1]] <- currlist[[1]][currlist[[1]] %in% rownames(runindata)]
if (length(currlist[[1]]) < 2) {
message("Not enough signature genes in ", i, "; cannot run.")
} else {
if (!file.exists(i)) {
ASSIGN::assign.wrapper(testData = runindata, trainingLabel = NULL,
geneList = currlist, adaptive_S = TRUE,
iter = ASSIGNiter, burn_in = ASSIGNburnin,
outputDir = file.path(assignDir, i))
} else message("Result already exists. Delete to re-run.")
algout <- as.matrix(t(ASSIGN::gather_assign_results(assignDir)))
if (nrow(algout) == 0) algout <- NULL
if (delete_intermediate) {
unlink(assignDir, recursive = TRUE)
} else {
message("Intermediate ASSIGN results available at ", assignDir)
if (one_alg) return(algout)
if (length(combineSigAndAlgorithm) == 0) {
stop("You must choose whether or not to combine the ",
"signature and algorithm name using combineSigAndAlgorithm.")
} else if (combineSigAndAlgorithm && !is.null(algout)) {
scoremat <- algout
rownames(scoremat) <- paste(alg, rownames(algout), sep = "_")
} else if (!combineSigAndAlgorithm) {
alg_col <- algout[, 1, drop = FALSE]
colnames(alg_col) <- "algorithm"
alg_col[, 1] <- rep(alg, nrow(algout))
pathcol <- alg_col
pathcol[, 1] <- rownames(algout)
colnames(pathcol) <- "pathway"
scoremat <- cbind(pathcol, alg_col, algout)
rownames(scoremat) <- NULL
# Create proper output class for runTBsigProfiler
output_function <- function(input, signatures, algorithm, outputFormat,
runindata, sig_result) {
if (is.null(outputFormat)) {
# Output will be the same as input class
if (class(input)[1] %in% c("SummarizedExperiment", "SingleCellExperiment",
"SCtkExperiment")) {
SummarizedExperiment::colData(input) <-
} else if (methods::is(input, "matrix")) {
} else if (methods::is(input, "data.frame")) {
dfres <- data.frame(sig_result)
colnames(dfres) <- colnames(sig_result)
} else if (outputFormat == "matrix") {
} else if (outputFormat == "data.frame") {
dfres <- data.frame(sig_result)
colnames(dfres) <- colnames(sig_result)
} else if (outputFormat == "SummarizedExperiment") {
attr(rownames(runindata), ".match.hash") <- NULL
outdata <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = S4Vectors::SimpleList(data = runindata),
colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(t(sig_result)))
} else stop("'OutputFormat' should be one of 'SummarizedExperiment', ",
"'matrix', or 'data.frame'")
#' Run TB gene signature profiling.
#' Using some subset of the signatures listed in \code{TBsignatures} and
#' specified scoring algorithms, this function runs gene signature profiling
#' on an input gene expression dataset. It allows for scores to be computed for
#' these signatures which can be compared using various visualization tools also
#' provided in the TBSignatureProfiler package.
#' @param input an input data object of the class \code{SummarizedExperiment},
#' \code{data.frame}, or \code{matrix} containing gene expression data. Required.
#' @param useAssay a character string specifying the assay to use for signature
#' profiling when \code{input} is a \code{SummarizedExperiment}. Required only for
#' input data of the class \code{SummarizedExperiment}. If null, the assay
#' used will be \code{"counts"}. The default is \code{NULL.}
#' @param signatures a \code{list} of signatures to run with their associated genes.
#' This list should be in the same format as \code{TBsignatures}, included in
#' the TBSignatureProfiler package. If \code{signatures = NULL}, the default set
#' of signatures \code{TBsignatures} list is used.
#' For details, run \code{?TBsignatures}.
#' If <2 genes in a signature are present in the sample, that signature will
#' not be evaluated and will not be present in the resulting SE object.
#' The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param algorithm a vector of algorithms to run, or character string if only
#' one is desired. The default is \code{c("GSVA", "ssGSEA", "ASSIGN",
#' "PLAGE", "Zscore", "singscore")}.
#' @param combineSigAndAlgorithm logical, if \code{TRUE}, output row names will
#' be of the form <algorithm>_<signature>. It must be set to \code{TRUE} if the
#' \code{ouputFormat} will be a SummarizedExperiment and
#' \code{length(algorithm) > 1}.
#' It will always be \code{FALSE} if only one algorithm is selected.
#' If \code{FALSE}, there will be a column named algorithm' that lists which
#' algorithm is used, and a column named 'pathway' that lists the signature
#' profiled. If \code{NULL}, and one algorithm was used, the algorithm will not
#' be listed. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param assignDir a character string naming a directory to save intermediate
#' ASSIGN results if \code{algorithm} specifies \code{"ASSIGN"}. The default is
#' \code{NULL}, in which case intermediate results will not be saved.
#' @param outputFormat a character string specifying the output data format.
#' Possible values are \code{"SummarizedExperiment"}, \code{"matrix"}, or
#' \code{"data.frame"}. The default is to return the same type as the
#' \code{input} object.
#' @param an integer identifying the number of processors to use
#' when running the calculations in parallel for the GSVA and ssGSEA algorithms.
#' If \code{ = 0}, all cores are used. The default is \code{0}.
#' @param ASSIGNiter an integer indicating the number of iterations to use in
#' the MCMC for the ASSIGN algorithm. The default is \code{100,000}.
#' @param ASSIGNburnin an integer indicating the number of burn-in iterations
#' to use in the MCMC for the ASSIGN algorithm. These iterations are discarded
#' when computing the posterior means of the model parameters. The default is
#' \code{50,000}.
#' @param ssgsea_norm logical, passed to \code{GSVA::gsva()}. When parameter
#' \code{algorithm = "ssgsea"},the profiler runs the SSGSEA method from
#' Barbie et al. (2009) normalizing the scores by the absolute difference
#' between the minimum and the maximum, as described in their paper.
#' When \code{ssgsea.norm = FALSE}, this last normalization step is skipped.
#' The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param update_genes logical, denotes whether gene names from \code{signatures}
#' and the rownames of \code{input} should be checked for accuracy using
#' \code{HGNChelper::checkGeneSymbols()}. The mapping assumes
#' genes are from humans and will keep unmapped genes as the original
#' input gene name. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{SummarizedExperiment} object, \code{data.frame}, or
#' \code{matrix} of signature profiling results. The returned object will be
#' of the format specified in \code{outputFormat}.
#' If \code{input} is a \code{SummarizedExperiment} and
#' \code{outputFormat = "SummarizedExperiment"}, then the output will retain
#' any input information stored in the input colData. In general, if
#' \code{outputFormat = "SummarizedExperiment"} then columns in the \code{colData}
#' will include the scores for each desired signature with samples on the rows.
#' If \code{input} is a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}, then the returned
#' object will have signatures on the rows and samples on the columns.
#' @references
#' Barbie, D.A., Tamayo, P., Boehm, J.S., Kim, S.Y., Moody, S.E., Dunn, I.F., Schinzel, A.C.,
#' Sandy, P., Meylan, E., Scholl, C., et al. (2009). Systematic RNA interference reveals
#' that oncogenic KRAS-driven cancers require TBK1. \emph{Nature} \strong{462}, 108-112.
#' doi: \href{}{10.1038/nature08460}.
#' Foroutan, M. et al. (2018). Single sample scoring of molecular phenotypes.
#' \emph{BMC Bioinformatics}, \bold{19}. doi:
#' \href{}{10.1186/s12859-018-2435-4}.
#' Lee, E. et al. (2008). Inferring pathway activity toward precise disease
#' classification. \emph{PLoS Comp Biol}, 4(11):e1000217. doi:
#' \href{}{10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000217}
#' Shen, Y. et al. (2015). ASSIGN: context-specific genomic profiling of
#' multiple heterogeneous biological pathways. \emph{Bioinformatics}, \bold{31},
#' 1745-1753. doi:
#' \href{}{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv031}.
#' Subramanian, A. et al. (2005). Gene set enrichment analysis: A knowledge-based
#' approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. \emph{PNAS},
#' \strong{102}, 15545-15550. doi:
#' \href{}{10.1073/pnas.0506580102}.
#' Tomfohr, J. et al. (2005). Pathway level analysis of gene expression using
#' singular value decomposition. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics}, 6:225. doi:
#' \href{}{10.1186/1471-2105-6-225}
#' @source Profiling for the Z-Score, PLAGE, GSVA, ssGSEA algorithms are all
#' conducted with the Bioconductor \code{GSVA} package. Profiling for the
#' singscore algorithm is conducted with the Bioconductor \code{singscore}
#' package.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Using a data.frame input/output
#' # Create some toy data to test Zak_RISK_16 signature, using 5 samples with low
#' # expression & five samples with high expression of the signatures genes.
#' df_testdata <-, rnorm(80) + 5), 16, 10,
#' dimnames = list(TBsignatures$Zak_RISK_16,
#' paste0("sample", seq_len(10)))),
#' matrix(rnorm(1000), 100, 10,
#' dimnames = list(paste0("gene", seq_len(100)),
#' paste0("sample", seq_len(10))))))
#' res <- runTBsigProfiler(input = df_testdata,
#' signatures = TBsignatures["Zak_RISK_16"],
#' algorithm = c("GSVA", "ssGSEA"),
#' combineSigAndAlgorithm = FALSE,
#' = 1)
#' subset(res, res$pathway == "Zak_RISK_16")
#' ## Using a SummarizedExperiment input/output
#' # The TB_indian SummarizedExperiment data is included in the package.
#' GSVA_res <- runTBsigProfiler(input = TB_indian,
#' useAssay = "logcounts",
#' signatures = TBsignatures["Zak_RISK_16"],
#' algorithm = c("GSVA"),
#' combineSigAndAlgorithm = FALSE,
#' = 1)
#' GSVA_res$Zak_RISK_16
runTBsigProfiler <- function(input, useAssay = NULL, signatures = NULL,
algorithm = c("GSVA", "ssGSEA", "ASSIGN",
"PLAGE", "Zscore", "singscore"),
combineSigAndAlgorithm = FALSE, assignDir = NULL,
outputFormat = NULL, = 0,
ASSIGNiter = 100000, ASSIGNburnin = 50000,
ssgsea_norm = TRUE, update_genes = TRUE) {
if (is.null(signatures)) signatures <- check_sig_env(signatures)
acc_methods <- c("GSVA", "ssGSEA", "ASSIGN", "PLAGE", "Zscore", "singscore")
if (!all(algorithm %in% acc_methods)) {
stop("Invalid algorithm. Supported algorithms are: ",
"GSVA, ssGSEA, PLAGE, Zscore, singscore, and ASSIGN")
runindata <- input
if (methods::is(runindata, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (is.null(useAssay)) {
if ("counts" %in% names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(input))) {
useAssay <- "counts"
} else stop("useAssay required for SummarizedExperiment Input")
runindata <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(input, useAssay)
if (!combineSigAndAlgorithm && length(algorithm) > 1) {
stop("SummarizedExperiment not supported when ",
"combineSigAndAlgorithm FALSE.")
} else if (!is.null(useAssay)) {
stop("useAssay only supported for SummarizedExperiment objects")
} else if (methods::is(runindata, "data.frame")) {
runindata <- as.matrix(runindata)
} else if (!methods::is(runindata, "matrix")) {
stop("Invalid input data type. Accepted input formats are matrix, ",
"data.frame, or SummarizedExperiment. Your input: ",
if (update_genes) {
message("Parameter update_genes is TRUE. Gene names will be updated.")
signatures <- lapply(signatures, update_genenames)
rownames(runindata) <- update_genenames(rownames(runindata))
# Remove signatures not present in the data
sig_ind <- vapply(signatures,
function(x) sum(x %in% rownames(runindata)),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) > 1
if (any(!sig_ind)) message("The following signatures have <2 genes that",
" coincide with the genes in the given sample",
" and will not be scored: ",
collapse = " "))
signatures <- signatures[which(sig_ind)]
if (length(algorithm) == 1) {
sig_result <- score_algorithm(runindata, signatures, algorithm, assignDir,, ASSIGNiter, ASSIGNburnin,
ssgsea_norm, combineSigAndAlgorithm,
one_alg = TRUE)
if (is.null(sig_result)) stop("All valid outputs are empty.")
} else {
combined <- lapply(algorithm, function(x) {
score_algorithm(runindata, signatures, x, assignDir,, ASSIGNiter, ASSIGNburnin,
ssgsea_norm, combineSigAndAlgorithm, one_alg = FALSE)
sig_result <- as.matrix(, combined))
return(output_function(input, signatures, algorithm, outputFormat, runindata,
#' Compare scoring algorithms on a single signature via heatmap or boxplot.
#' It may be useful to compare the results of scoring across several different
#' scoring algorithms via a method of visualization, such as a heatmap. The
#' \code{compareSigs} function allows the input of a SummarizedExperiment
#' data object and conducts
#' profiling on each signature desired, and outputting a heatmap or boxplot
#' for each signature.
#' @inheritParams runTBsigProfiler
#' @inheritParams signatureHeatmap
#' @inheritParams compareBoxplots
#' @param input an input data object of the class \code{"SummarizedExperiment"}.
#' Required.
#' @param show.pb logical, whether warnings and other output
#' from the profiling should be suppressed (including progress bar output).
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param output a character string specifying whether the outputted plot
#' should be a \code{"heatmap"} or \code{"boxplot"}. The default is
#' \code{"heatmap"}.
#' @return A heatmap or boxplot for each signature specified comparing
#' the enumerated algorithms.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compareAlgs(TB_indian,
#' signatures = TBsignatures[c("Gliddon_OD_3")],
#' annotationColName = "label",
#' algorithm = c("ssGSEA", "PLAGE"),
#' scale = TRUE, = 1, output = "heatmap")
compareAlgs <- function(input, signatures = NULL, annotationColName,
useAssay = "counts",
algorithm = c("GSVA", "ssGSEA", "ASSIGN", "PLAGE",
"Zscore", "singscore"),
showColumnNames = TRUE,
showRowNames = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
colorSets = c("Set1", "Set2", "Set3", "Pastel1",
"Pastel2", "Accent", "Dark2",
choose_color = c("blue", "gray95", "red"),
colList = list(),
show.pb = FALSE, = 0, output = "heatmap",
num.boot = 100, column_order = NULL) {
if (output != "heatmap" && output != "boxplot") {
stop("Output parameter must specify either 'heatmap' or 'boxplot'")
if (is.null(signatures)) signatures <- check_sig_env(signatures)
for (sig in names(signatures)) { <- paste("Scoring Methods for", sig)
if (!show.pb) {
utils::capture.output(scored <- runTBsigProfiler(
input, useAssay = useAssay, combineSigAndAlgorithm = TRUE,
signatures = signatures[sig], algorithm = algorithm, =
} else if (show.pb) {
scored <- runTBsigProfiler(
input, useAssay = useAssay, combineSigAndAlgorithm = TRUE,
signatures = signatures[sig], algorithm = algorithm, =
if (methods::is(input, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
already.there <- names(SummarizedExperiment::colData(input))
col.names <- subset(names(SummarizedExperiment::colData(scored)),
%in% already.there))
} else stop("Input must be a SummarizedExperiment object.")
if (output == "heatmap") {
name =,
signatureColNames = col.names,
annotationColNames = annotationColName,
scale = scale,
showColumnNames = showColumnNames,
showRowNames = showRowNames,
colorSets = colorSets, choose_color = choose_color,
colList = colList, split_heatmap = "none",
column_order = column_order))
} else if (output == "boxplot") {
annotationColName = annotationColName,
signatureColNames = col.names,
num.boot = num.boot, name =, = show.pb, rotateLabels = TRUE))
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