
Defines functions write_tbl lxb2mat write_gmt parse_gmt parse_gmx write_grp parse_grp write_gctx_meta update_gctx write_gctx write_gct append_dim parse_gctx process_ids read_gctx_ids read_gctx_meta fix_datatypes

Documented in append_dim fix_datatypes lxb2mat parse_gctx parse_gmt parse_gmx parse_grp process_ids read_gctx_ids read_gctx_meta update_gctx write_gct write_gctx write_gctx_meta write_gmt write_grp write_tbl

#### define some helper methods for parsing gctx files ###

#' Adjust the data types for columns of a meta data frame
#' @description GCT(X) parsing initially returns data frames
#'   of row and column descriptors where all columns are of
#'   type character. This is inconvenient for analysis, so
#'   the goal of this function is to try and guess the
#'   appropriate data type for each column.
#' @param meta a data.frame
#' @details This is a low-level helper function
#'   which most users will not need to access directly
#' @return meta the same data frame with (potentially) adjusted
#'   column types.
#' @examples 
#' # meta data table with all character types
#' str(cdesc_char)
#' fixed <- cmapR:::fix_datatypes(cdesc_char)
#' # note how some column classes have changed
#' str(fixed)
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @keywords internal
fix_datatypes <- function(meta) {
    for (field.name in names(meta)) {
        # get the field values
        field <- meta[[field.name]]
        # check if it's numeric. data may come in as a string
        # but actually contains numeric values. if so, as.numeric
        # will not result in a vector of NA values
        field.as.numeric <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(field))
        if (!any(is.na(field.as.numeric))) {
          field <- field.as.numeric
        if (is.numeric(field)) {
            # check if it's an integer. data may be floats but
            # if we coerce to an integer and the difference from
            # original values is zero, that means data are actually
            # integers. integer conversion will return NA if there
            # are any issues.
            field.as.integer <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(field))
            if (!any(is.na(field.as.integer))) {
              # integer conversion was fine, lets see if the
              # values are altered
              diffs <- field - field.as.integer
              if (all(diffs == 0)) {
                # converting to integer didn't change value,
                # set field to integer values
                field <- field.as.integer
        # insert back into the annotations
        meta[[field.name]] <- field

#' Parse row or column metadata from GCTX files
#' @param gctx_path the path to the GCTX file
#' @param dim which metadata to read (row or column)
#' @param ids a character vector of a subset of row/column ids
#'   for which to read the metadata
#' @return a \code{data.frame} of metadata
#' @examples
#' gct_file <- system.file("extdata", "modzs_n25x50.gctx", package="cmapR") 
#' # row meta
#' row_meta <- read_gctx_meta(gct_file)
#' str(row_meta)
#' # column meta
#' col_meta <- read_gctx_meta(gct_file, dim="column")
#' str(col_meta)
#' # now for only the first 10 ids
#' col_meta_first10 <- read_gctx_meta(gct_file, dim="column",
#' ids=col_meta$id[1:10])
#' str(col_meta_first10)
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @export
read_gctx_meta <- function(gctx_path, dim="row", ids=NULL) {
  if (!file.exists(gctx_path)) {
    stop(paste(gctx_path, "does not exist"))
  if (dim=="column") dim <- "col"
  if (!(dim %in% c("row", "col"))) {
    stop("dim can be either row or col")
  if (dim == "row") {
    name <- "0/META/ROW"
  } else {
    name <- "0/META/COL"
  raw_annots <- rhdf5::h5read(gctx_path, name=name) # returns a list
  fields <- names(raw_annots)
  # define an empty data frame of the correct dimensions
  annots <-  data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(raw_annots[[fields[1]]]),
  names(annots) <-  fields
  # loop through each field and fill the annots data.frame
  for (i in seq_along(fields)) {
    field <- fields[i]
    # remove any trailing spaces
    # and cast as vector
    annots[,i] <- as.vector(gsub("\\s*$", "", raw_annots[[field]], perl=TRUE))
  annots <- fix_datatypes(annots)
  # subset to the provided set of ids, if given
  if (is.null(ids)) {
    ids <- as.character(annots$id)
  } else {
    ids <- ids
  # make sure annots row ordering matches that of ids
  annots <- subset_to_ids(annots, ids)
  annots$id <- as.character(annots$id)

#' Read GCTX row or column ids
#' @param gctx_path path to the GCTX file
#' @param dim which ids to read (row or column)
#' @return a character vector of row or column ids from the provided file
#' @examples 
#' gct_file <- system.file("extdata", "modzs_n25x50.gctx", package="cmapR")
#' # row ids
#' rid <- read_gctx_ids(gct_file)
#' head(rid)
#' # column ids
#' cid <- read_gctx_ids(gct_file, dim="column")
#' head(cid)
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @export
read_gctx_ids <- function(gctx_path, dim="row") {
  if (!file.exists(gctx_path)) {
    stop(gctx_path, " does not exist")
  if (dim == "column") dim <- "col"
  if (!(dim %in% c("row", "col"))) {
    stop("dimension can be either row or col")
  if (dim == "row") {
    name <- "0/META/ROW/id"
  } else {
    name <- "0/META/COL/id"
  # remove any spaces
  ids <- gsub("\\s*$", "", rhdf5::h5read(gctx_path, name=name), perl=TRUE)
  # cast as character
  ids <- as.character(ids)

#' Return a subset of requested GCTX row/colum ids
#' out of the universe of all ids
#' @details This is a low-level helper function
#'   which most users will not need to access directly
#' @param ids vector of requested ids. If \code{NULL}, no
#'   subsetting is performed
#' @param all_ids vector of universe of ids
#' @param type flag indicating the type of ids being processed
#' @return a list with the following elements
#'  \code{ids}: a character vector of the processed ids
#'  \code{idx}: an integer list of their corresponding indices in \code{all_ids}
#' @examples 
#' gct_file <- system.file("extdata", "modzs_n25x50.gctx", package="cmapR")
#' ids <- read_gctx_ids(gct_file)
#' processed_ids <- cmapR:::process_ids(ids[1:10], ids)
#' str(processed_ids)
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @keywords internal
process_ids <- function(ids, all_ids, type="rid") {
  if (!is.null(ids)) {
    if (is.numeric(ids)) {
      # is it numeric?
      idx <- ids
      is_invalid_idx <- (idx > length(all_ids)) | (idx <= 0)
      invalid_idx <- idx[is_invalid_idx]
      if (all(is_invalid_idx)) {
        stop("none of the requested", type,
                   " indices were found in the dataset")
      if (any(is_invalid_idx)) {
        # requested indices are outside of the possible range
        warning("the following ", type,
                      " were are outside possible range and will be ignored:\n",
                      paste(invalid_idx, collapse="\n")) 
      idx <- idx[!is_invalid_idx]
    } else {
      # assume its a character
      idx <- match(ids, all_ids)
      if (all(is.na(idx))) {
        stop("none of the requested ", type, " were found in the dataset")
      if (any(is.na(idx))) {
        ids_not_found <- ids[is.na(idx)]
        warning("the following ", type, 
                      " were not found and will be ignored:\n",
                      paste(ids_not_found, collapse="\n"))
      idx <- idx[!is.na(idx)]
  } else {
    # ids were null, just return an index vector
    # allong all_ids
    idx <- seq_along(all_ids)
  # subset the character ids to the ones we want
  id_keep <- as.character(all_ids[idx])
  return(list(idx=idx, ids=id_keep))

#' Parse a GCTX file into the workspace as a GCT object
#' @param fname path to the GCTX file on disk
#' @param rid either a vector of character or integer
#'   row indices or a path to a grp file containing character
#'   row indices. Only these indicies will be parsed from the
#'   file.
#' @param cid either a vector of character or integer
#'   column indices or a path to a grp file containing character
#'   column indices. Only these indicies will be parsed from the
#'   file.
#' @param matrix_only boolean indicating whether to parse only
#'   the matrix (ignoring row and column annotations)
#' @details \code{parse_gctx} also supports parsing of plain text
#'   GCT files, so this function can be used as a general GCT parser.
#' @return a GCT object
#' @examples 
#' gct_file <- system.file("extdata", "modzs_n25x50.gctx", package="cmapR")
#' (ds <- parse_gctx(gct_file))
#' # matrix only
#' (ds <- parse_gctx(gct_file, matrix_only=TRUE))
#' # only the first 10 rows and columns
#' (ds <- parse_gctx(gct_file, rid=1:10, cid=1:10))
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
parse_gctx <- function(fname, rid=NULL, cid=NULL, matrix_only=FALSE) {
    ds <- methods::new("GCT",
              src = fname,
              rid = rid,
              cid = cid,
              matrix_only = matrix_only)

#' Append matrix dimensions to filename
#' @param ofile the file name
#' @param mat the matrix
#' @param extension the file extension
#' @return a character string of the filename with
#'   matrix dimensions appended
#' @details This is a helper function that most users
#'   will not use directly
#' @examples 
#' (filename <- cmapR:::append_dim("my.gctx.filename",
#'   matrix(nrow=10, ncol=15)))
#' @keywords internal
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
append_dim <- function(ofile, mat, extension="gct") {
  nc <- ncol(mat)
  nr <- nrow(mat)
  filename <- basename(ofile)
  if (grepl("n[0-9]+x[0-9]+\\.gct", filename)) {
    # already has a dimensions token, ignore
    filename <- sub("_n[0-9]+x[0-9]+\\.gct.*", "", filename)
  filename <- file.path(dirname(ofile),
                            nc, nr, extension))

#' Write a GCT object to disk in GCT format
#' @param ds the GCT object
#' @param ofile the desired output filename
#' @param precision the numeric precision at which to
#'   save the matrix. See \code{details}.
#' @param appenddim boolean indicating whether to append
#'   matrix dimensions to filename
#' @param ver the GCT version to write. See \code{details}.
#' @details Since GCT is text format, the higher \code{precision}
#'   you choose, the larger the file size.
#'   \code{ver} is assumed to be 3, aka GCT version 1.3, which supports
#'   embedded row and column metadata in the GCT file. Any other value
#'   passed to \code{ver} will result in a GCT version 1.2 file which
#'   contains only the matrix data and no annotations.
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples 
#' # note this will create a GCT file in your current directory
#' write_gct(ds, "dataset", precision=2)
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @export
write_gct <- function(ds, ofile, precision=4, appenddim=TRUE, ver=3) {
  if (!methods::is(ds, "GCT")) {
    stop("ds must be a GCT object")
  # make sure it's valid
  # extract the components
  m <- mat(ds)
  rdesc <- meta(ds)
  cdesc <- meta(ds, dimension="column")
  rid <- ids(ds)
  cid <- ids(ds, dimension="column")
  # append the dimensions of the data set, if desired
  if (appenddim) ofile <- append_dim(ofile, m, extension="gct")
  precision <- floor(precision)
  cat("Saving file to ", ofile, "\n")
  nr <- nrow(m)
  nc <- ncol(m)
  cat(sprintf("Dimensions of matrix: [%dx%d]\n", nr, nc))
  cat(sprintf("Setting precision to %d\n", precision))
  # open file and write   
  if (ver == 3) {
    # remove the 'id' columns
    cdesc$id <- NULL
    rdesc$id <- NULL
    # get the counts of meta data fields
    nrdesc <- ncol(rdesc)
    ncdesc <- ncol(cdesc)
    colkeys <- names(cdesc)
    # append header
    cat(sprintf("#1.%d\n%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", ver, nr, nc, nrdesc, ncdesc),
    # line 3: sample row desc keys and sample names
    cat(paste(c("id", names(rdesc), cid), collapse="\t"),
        file=ofile, sep="\n", append=TRUE)
    # line 4 + ncdesc: sample desc
    filler <- 'na'
    if (ncdesc > 0) {
      for (ii in seq_len(ncdesc)) {
        if (is.numeric(cdesc[, ii])) {
          cat(paste(c(colkeys[ii], rep(filler, nrdesc),
                      round(cdesc[, ii], precision)),
              file=ofile, sep="\n", append=TRUE)  
        } else {
          cat(paste(c(colkeys[ii], rep(filler, nrdesc),
                      cdesc[, ii]),
              file=ofile, sep="\n", append=TRUE)
    for (ii in seq_len(nr)) {    
      # print rows
                  rdesc[ii, ],
                  round(m[ii, ], precision)), collapse="\t"),
          sep="\n", file=ofile, append=TRUE)
  } else {
    # assume ver 1.2 and below, ignore descriptors
    # append header
    cat(sprintf("#1.%d\n%d\t%d", ver, nr, nc),
        file=ofile, sep="\n")      
    # line 3: sample row desc keys and sample names
    cat(paste(c("id", "Description", cid), collapse="\t"),
        file=ofile, sep="\n", append=TRUE)
    for (ii in seq_len(nr)) {    
      # print rows
                  rdesc[ii, 2],
                  round(m[ii, ], precision)), collapse="\t"),
          sep="\n", file=ofile, append=TRUE)

#' Write a GCT object to disk in GCTX format
#' @param ds a GCT object
#' @param ofile the desired file path for writing
#' @param appenddim boolean indicating whether the
#'   resulting filename will have dimensions appended
#'   (e.g. my_file_n384x978.gctx)
#' @param compression_level integer between 1-9 indicating
#'   how much to compress data before writing. Higher values
#'   result in smaller files but slower read times.
#' @param matrix_only boolean indicating whether to write
#'   only the matrix data (and skip row, column annotations)
#' @param max_chunk_kb for chunking, the maximum number of KB
#'   a given chunk will occupy
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples 
#' # note this will create a GCT file in your current directory
#' write_gctx(ds, "dataset")
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @export
write_gctx <- function(ds, ofile, appenddim=TRUE, compression_level=0,
                       max_chunk_kb=1024) {
  if (!methods::is(ds, "GCT")) {
    stop("ds must be a GCT object")
  # make sure it's valid
  ok <- methods::validObject(ds)
  # add dimensions to filename if desired
  if (appenddim) ofile <- append_dim(ofile, ds@mat, extension="gctx")
  # check if the file already exists
  if (file.exists(ofile)) {
    message(ofile, " exists, removing")
  message("writing ", ofile)
  # start the file object
  # create all the necessary groups
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(ofile, "0")
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(ofile, "0/DATA")
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(ofile, "0/DATA/0")
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(ofile, "0/META")
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(ofile, "0/META/COL")
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(ofile, "0/META/ROW")
  # create and write matrix data, using chunking
  bits_per_element <- switch(storage.mode(ds@mat),
                             "double" = 64,
                             "integer" = 32)
  elem_per_kb <- max_chunk_kb * 8 / bits_per_element
  # assume matrix is of dimensions row_dim x col_dim 
  row_dim <- nrow(ds@mat)
  col_dim <- ncol(ds@mat)
  row_chunk_size <- min(row_dim, 1000)
  # column chunk, such that row * col <= max_chunk_kb
  col_chunk_size <- min(((max_chunk_kb * elem_per_kb) %/% row_chunk_size),
  chunking <- c(row_chunk_size, col_chunk_size) 
  message(paste(c("chunk sizes:", chunking), collapse="\t"))
  rhdf5::h5createDataset(ofile, "0/DATA/0/matrix", dim(ds@mat), chunk=chunking,
  rhdf5::h5write(ds@mat, ofile, "0/DATA/0/matrix")
  # write annotations
  rhdf5::h5write(as.character(ds@rid), ofile, "0/META/ROW/id")
  rhdf5::h5write(as.character(ds@cid), ofile, "0/META/COL/id")
  if (!matrix_only) {
    write_gctx_meta(ofile, ds@cdesc, dimension="column")
    write_gctx_meta(ofile, ds@rdesc, dimension="row")
  # close any open handles
  if(utils::packageVersion('rhdf5') < "2.23.0") {
  } else {
  # add the version annotation and close
  fid <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(ofile)
  rhdf5::h5writeAttribute("GCTX1.0", fid, "version")

#' Update the matrix of an existing GCTX file
#' @param x an array of data
#' @param ofile the filename of the GCTX to update
#' @param rid integer indices or character ids of the rows
#'   to update
#' @param cid integer indices or character ids of the columns
#'   to update
#' @details Overwrite the rows and columns of \code{ofile} 
#' as indicated by \code{rid} and \code{cid} respectively.
#' \code{rid} and \code{cid} can either be integer indices
#' or character ids corresponding to the row and column ids
#' in \code{ofile}.
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' m <- matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=10)
#' # update by integer indices
#' update_gctx(m, ofile="my.gctx", rid=1:10, cid=1:2)
#' # update by character ids
#' row_ids <- letters[1:10]
#' col_ids <- LETTERS[1:2]
#' update_gctx(m, ofile="my.gctx", rid=row_ids, cid=col_ids)
#' }
#' @export
update_gctx <- function(x, ofile, rid=NULL, cid=NULL) {
  # x must be numeric
  # must give us at least one of rid or cid
  if (is.null(rid) && is.null(cid)) {
    stop("one of rid or cid must not be NULL")
  # make sure the dimensions of x agree with the 
  # number of rid and cid supplied
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    stopifnot(all(dim(x) == c(length(rid), length(cid))))
  } else {
    # x is a vector, so we must be updating in one dimension
    if(!is.null(rid) & !is.null(cid)) {
      stop("x is a vector so you can only update in one dimension\n",
                 "(only one of rid or cid can be non-NULL)")
    if (is.null(rid)) {
      stopifnot(length(cid) == length(x))
    if (is.null(cid)) {
      stopifnot(length(rid) == length(x))
  # get the dimensions of the file in question
  info <- rhdf5::h5dump(ofile, load=FALSE)
  dims <-
  # make sure we got the dimensions back successfully
  stopifnot(all(is.integer(dims)) && all(dims > 0))
  # get the full space of row and column ids
  all_rid <- read_gctx_ids(ofile, dim="row")
  all_cid <- read_gctx_ids(ofile, dim="col")
  # helper functions to validate integer and character ids
  validate_integer_ids <- function(ids, maxdim, which_dim) {
    stopifnot(all(ids > 0))
    all_idx <- seq_len(maxdim)
    # all_idx <- 1:maxdim
    out_of_range <- setdiff(ids, all_idx)
    if (length(out_of_range) > 0) {
      stop("the following ", which_dim, " indices are out of range\n",
                 paste(out_of_range, collapse="\n"))
  validate_character_ids <- function(ids, all_ids, which_dim) {
    out_of_range <- setdiff(ids, all_ids)
    if (length(out_of_range) > 0) {
      stop("the following ", which_dim,
                 " ids do not exist in the dataset\n",
                 paste(out_of_range, collapse="\n"))
  # given integer ids
  if (is.integer(rid)) {
    validate_integer_ids(rid, dims[1], "row")
    ridx <- rid
  if (is.integer(cid)) {
    validate_integer_ids(cid, dims[2], "column")
    cidx <- cid
  # given character ids
  if (is.character(rid)) {
    validate_character_ids(rid, all_rid, "row")
    ridx <- match(rid, all_rid)
  if (is.character(cid)) {
    validate_character_ids(cid, all_cid, "column")
    cidx <- match(cid, all_cid)
  # make the updates to the specified rows/columns
  rhdf5::h5write(x, ofile, "0/DATA/0/matrix", index=list(ridx, cidx))
  # close any open handles
  if(utils::packageVersion('rhdf5') < "2.23.0") {
  } else {

#' Write a \code{data.frame} of meta data to GCTX file
#' @param ofile the desired file path for writing
#' @param df the \code{data.frame} of annotations
#' @param dimension the dimension to annotate
#'   (row or column)
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # assume ds is a GCT object
#' write_gctx_meta("/my/file/path", cdesc_char, dimension="col")
#' }
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @keywords internal
write_gctx_meta <- function(ofile, df, dimension="row") {
  path <- if ((dimension=="row")) "0/META/ROW/" else "0/META/COL/"
  # loop through all columns
  fields <- names(df)
  if (length(fields) > 0) {
    for (i in seq_along(fields)) {
      field <- fields[i]
      # if this is the id field, skip b/c that field is special
      # and is written as part of write_gctx
      if (field == "id") next
      v <- df[, i]
      # convert factors to character
      if(is.factor(v) || methods::is(v, "AsIs")) {
        v <- as.character(v)
      rhdf5::h5write(v, ofile, paste(path, field, sep=""))

### functions for other CMap file types ###

#' Read a GRP file and return a vector of its contents
#' @param fname the file path to be parsed
#' @return a vector of the contents of \code{fname}
#' @examples 
#' grp_path <- system.file("extdata", "lm_epsilon_n978.grp", package="cmapR")
#' values <- parse_grp(grp_path)
#' str(values)
#' @family CMap parsing functions
#' @seealso Visit \url{http://clue.io/help} for details on the GRP file format
#' @export
parse_grp <- function(fname) {
  grp <- scan(fname, what = "", quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE, sep="\n")

#' Write a vector to a GRP file
#' @param vals the vector of values to be written
#' @param fname the desired file name
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' write_grp(letters, "letter.grp")
#' }
#' @family CMap parsing functions
#' @seealso Visit \url{http://clue.io/help} for details on the GRP file format
#' @export
write_grp <- function(vals, fname) {
  if (is.list(vals)) vals <- unlist(vals)
  if (!is.vector(vals)) vals <- as.vector(vals)
  write(vals, fname, ncolumns=1)

#' Read a GMX file and return a list
#' @param fname the file path to be parsed
#' @return a list of the contents of \code{fname}. See details.
#' @details \code{parse_gmx} returns a nested list object. The top
#'   level contains one list per column in \code{fname}. Each of 
#'   these is itself a list with the following fields:
#'   - \code{head}: the name of the data (column in \code{fname})
#'   - \code{desc}: description of the corresponding data
#'   - \code{len}: the number of data items
#'   - \code{entry}: a vector of the data items
#' @examples 
#' gmx_path <- system.file("extdata", "lm_probes.gmx", package="cmapR")
#' gmx <- parse_gmx(gmx_path)
#' str(gmx)
#' @family CMap parsing functions
#' @seealso Visit \url{http://clue.io/help} for details on the GMX file format
#' @export
parse_gmx <- function(fname) {
    tmp <- utils::read.table(fname, sep = "\t", 
                     header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # preallocate a list for the gmx
    L <- list()
    # loop over the first row of the .gmx
    for ( n in names(tmp) ) {
        # get all the values; remove empties at the end
        values <- tmp[[n]][-1]
        remove.idx <- values == ""
        values <- values[!remove.idx]
        # put in a list
        L[[n]] <- list(head = n,
                      desc = tmp[[n]][1], 
                      len = length(values), 
                      entry = values)

#' Read a GMT file and return a list
#' @param fname the file path to be parsed
#' @return a list of the contents of \code{fname}. See details.
#' @details \code{parse_gmt} returns a nested list object. The top
#'   level contains one list per row in \code{fname}. Each of 
#'   these is itself a list with the following fields:
#'   - \code{head}: the name of the data (row in \code{fname})
#'   - \code{desc}: description of the corresponding data
#'   - \code{len}: the number of data items
#'   - \code{entry}: a vector of the data items
#' @examples 
#' gmt_path <- system.file("extdata", "query_up.gmt", package="cmapR")
#' gmt <- parse_gmt(gmt_path)
#' str(gmt)
#' @family CMap parsing functions
#' @seealso Visit \url{http://clue.io/help} for details on the GMT file format
#' @export
parse_gmt <- function(fname) {
    gmt.lines <- scan(fname, what = "", sep = "\n",
                     quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
    tmp <- lapply(gmt.lines, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\t")))
    mk.gmt.entry <- function(x) {
        L <- list()
        L[["head"]] <- x[1]
        L[["desc"]] <- x[2]
        l.entry <- x[-c(1, 2)]
        idx <- l.entry != ""
        L[["entry"]] <- l.entry[idx]
        L[["len"]] <- length(L[["entry"]])
    L <- lapply(tmp, function(x) mk.gmt.entry(x))
    names(L) <- unlist(lapply(L, function(x) x$head))

#' Write a nested list to a GMT file
#' @param lst the nested list to write. See \code{details}.
#' @param fname the desired file name
#' @details \code{lst} needs to be a nested list where each 
#'   sub-list is itself a list with the following fields:
#'   - \code{head}: the name of the data
#'   - \code{desc}: description of the corresponding data
#'   - \code{len}: the number of data items
#'   - \code{entry}: a vector of the data items
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' write_gmt(gene_set, "gene_set.gmt")
#' }
#' @family CMap parsing functions
#' @seealso Visit \url{http://clue.io/help} for details on the GMT file format
#' @export
write_gmt <- function(lst, fname) {
  # assumes that each element of the list will have the fields
  # head, desc, entry
  if (file.exists(fname)) {
    message(paste(fname, "exists, deleting..."))
  for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
    el <- lst[[i]]
    ncolumns <- 2 + length(el$entry)
    write(c(el$head, el$desc, el$entry), file=fname, sep="\t",
          append=TRUE, ncolumns=ncolumns)

#' Read an LXB file and return a matrix
#' @param lxb_path the path to the lxb file
#' @param columns which columns in the lxb file to retain
#' @param newnames what to name these columns in the returned matrix
#' @examples 
#' lxb_path <- system.file("extdata", "example.lxb", package="cmapR")
#' lxb_data <- lxb2mat(lxb_path)
#' str(lxb_data)
#' @return a matrix
#' @importFrom flowCore read.FCS exprs
#' @family CMap parsing functions
#' @export
lxb2mat <- function(lxb_path, columns=c("RID", "RP1"),
                    newnames=c("barcode_id", "FI")) {
  message("reading ", lxb_path)
  # suppressing warning about signed integers since
  # lxb data will be unsigned
  lxb <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(flowCore::read.FCS(lxb_path)))
  m <- flowCore::exprs(lxb)[, columns]
  keep_idx <- m[, 1] != 0
  m <- m[keep_idx, ]
  colnames(m) <- newnames

### Other Misc. utility functions ######

#' Write a \code{data.frame} to a tab-delimited text file
#' @param tbl the \code{data.frame} to be written
#' @param ofile the desired file name
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to \code{write.table}
#' @details This method simply calls \code{write.table} with some
#'   preset arguments that generate a unquoated, tab-delimited file
#'   without row names.
#' @return silently returns NULL
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' write_tbl(cdesc_char, "col_meta.txt")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{write.table}}
#' @export
write_tbl <- function(tbl, ofile, ...) {
    utils::write.table(tbl, file = ofile, sep="\t", quote=FALSE,
      col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, ...)
cmap/cmapR documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 12:51 a.m.