#' Plot msviper results
#' This function generate a plot for msviper results showing the enrichment of the target genes for each significant master regulator on the gene expression signature
#' @param x msviper object produced by \code{msviper} function
#' @param mrs Either an integer indicating the number of master regulators to include in the plot, or a character vector containing the names of the master regulators to include in the plot
#' @param color Vector of two components indicating the colors for the negative and positive parts of the regulon
#' @param pval Optional matrix of p-values to include in the plot
#' @param bins Number of bins to split the vector of scores in order to compute the density color of the bars
#' @param cex Number indicating the text size scaling, 0 indicates automatic scaling
#' @param density Integrer indicating the number of steps for the kernel density. Zero for not ploting it
#' @param smooth Number indicating the proportion of point for smoothing the density distribution. Zero for not using the smoother
#' @param sep Number indicating the separation from figure and text
#' @param hybrid Logical, whether the 3-tail approach used for computingthe enrichment should be reflected in the plot
#' @param include Vector indicating the information to include as heatmap to the right of the msviper plot: expression and activity
#' @param gama Positive number indicating the exponential transformation for the activity and expression color scale
#' @param ... Given for compatibility to the plot generic function
#' @return Nothing, a plot is generated in the default output device
#' @method plot msviper
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{msviper}}
#' @examples
#' data(bcellViper, package="bcellViper")
#' sig <- rowTtest(dset, "description", c("CB", "CC"), "N")$statistic
#' dnull <- ttestNull(dset, "description", c("CB", "CC"), "N", per=100) # Only 100 permutations to reduce computation time, but it is recommended to perform at least 1000 permutations
#' mra <- msviper(sig, regulon, dnull)
#' plot(mra, cex=.7)
plot.msviper <- function(x, mrs=10, color=c("cornflowerblue","salmon"), pval=NULL, bins=500, cex=0, density=0, smooth=0, sep=.2, hybrid=TRUE, include=c("expression", "activity"), gama=2, ...) {
maobject <- x
marg <- par("mai")
rlist <- maobject$signature
if (ncol(rlist)>0) rlist <- rowMeans(rlist)
if (length(mrs)==1 & is.numeric(mrs[1])) {
mrs <- names(maobject$es$nes)[order(maobject$es$p.value)[1:round(mrs)]]
mrs <- mrs[order(maobject$es$nes[match(mrs, names(maobject$es$nes))], decreasing=TRUE)]
groups <- maobject$regulon[match(mrs, names(maobject$regulon))]
if (is.null(pval)) pval <- maobject$es$p.value[match(mrs, names(maobject$es$nes))]
if (is.data.frame(pval)) pval <- as.matrix(pval)
if (is.matrix(rlist)) rlist <- rlist[,1]
if (min(rlist)<0) rlist <- sort(rlist)
else rlist <- sort(-rlist)
groups <- groups[length(groups):1]
color1 <- color
layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2), widths=c(10-length(include), length(include)))
color <- rgb2hsv(col2rgb(color))
satval <- color[3,]
color <- color[1,]
preg <- as.numeric(any(sapply(groups, function(x) any(x$tfmode<0))))+1
textsize <- 1
xlimit <- c(0, length(rlist)*(1+.2*max(nchar(names(groups)))/8))
if (!is.null(pval)) {
if (is.matrix(pval)) {
pval <- pval[nrow(pval):1, ]
pval <- pval[, ncol(pval):1]
xlimit <- c(-length(rlist)*(sep*ncol(pval)+.02), length(rlist)*(1+.2*max(nchar(names(groups)))/9))
else {
pval <- pval[length(pval):1]
xlimit <- c(-length(rlist)*.12, length(rlist)*(1+.2*max(nchar(names(groups)))/9))
if (length(include)>0 & include[1] != "") par(mai=c(marg[1:3], .05))
plot(1, type="n", ylim=c(0, length(groups)), xlim=xlimit, axes=FALSE, ylab="", xlab="", yaxs="i")
if (cex>0) textsize <- (length(groups)<=20)*cex+(length(groups)>20)*(20/length(groups))*cex
for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
densi <- rep(0, length(rlist))
x <- which(names(rlist) %in% names(groups[[i]]$tfmode))
if (length(x)>0) {
densi[x] <- 1
denStep <- round(length(densi)/bins)
x1 <- x[x<denStep]
x2 <- x[x>=denStep & x <= (length(rlist)-denStep)]
x3 <- x[x>(length(rlist)-denStep)]
densiRes <- sapply(x2, function(i, densi, denStep)
sum(densi[(i-denStep):(i+denStep)]), densi=densi, denStep=denStep)
densiRes <- densiRes/max(densiRes)
temp <- rlist[x]
if (satval[1]==0) temp <- hsv((temp<0)*color[1] + (temp>0)*color[2], satval, 1-densiRes)
else temp <- hsv((sign(temp)<0)*color[1] + (sign(temp)>0)*color[2], densiRes, satval)
for (ii in order(densiRes)) lines(c(x[ii], x[ii]),c(i-1, i), col=temp[ii])
if (density>0) {
denStep <- round(length(densi)/density)
xpos <- seq(denStep, length(rlist)-denStep, length=density)
densiRes <- sapply(xpos, function(i, densi, denStep) {
}, densi=densi, denStep=denStep)
densiRes <- densiRes/max(densiRes)
if (smooth>0) densiRes <- smooth.spline(xpos, densiRes, spar=smooth)$y
lines(xpos, i+densiRes-1)
text(rep(length(rlist)*1.02, length(groups)), 1:length(groups)-.5, names(groups), adj=0, cex=textsize)
if (!is.null(pval)) {
if (is.matrix(pval)) {
for (i in 1:ncol(pval)) {
text(rep(-length(rlist)*(sep*(i-1)+.02), length(groups)), 1:length(groups)-.5, pval[, i], adj=1, cex=.85*textsize)
text(-length(rlist)*(sep*(i-1)+.02), length(groups)+.5, colnames(pval)[i], adj=1, cex=1)
else {
text(rep(-length(rlist)*.02, length(groups)), 1:length(groups)-.5, signif(pval, 3), adj=1, cex=.85*textsize)
text(0, length(groups)+.5, ifelse(max(pval)>1, "oddsR", "p-value"), adj=1, cex=1.2)
text(length(rlist)*1.02, length(groups)+.5, "Set", adj=0, cex=1.2)
for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
for (ii in 1:2) {
tset <- groups[[i]]$tfmode
tset <- tset[(tset<0 & ii==1)|(!(tset<0) & ii==2)]
tset1 <- names(tset)[abs(tset)>.5]
tset2 <- names(tset)[abs(tset)<.5]
if (length(tset)>1) {
densi <- rep(0, length(rlist))
x <- match(names(tset), names(rlist))
tw1 <- rep(1, length(x))
if (hybrid) {
x <- match(tset1, names(rlist))
if (ii==1) {
x <- c(x, match(tset2, names(sort(-abs(rlist)*sign(maobject$es$nes[names(maobject$es$nes) == names(groups)[i]])))))
else {
x <- c(x, match(tset2, names(sort(abs(rlist)*sign(maobject$es$nes[names(maobject$es$nes) == names(groups)[i]])))))
tw1 <- groups[[i]]$likelihood[match(c(tset1, tset2), names(groups[[i]]$tfmode))]
tw1 <- tw1/max(tw1)
densi[x] <- 1
denStep <- round(length(densi)/bins)
x1 <- x[x<denStep]
x2 <- x[x>=denStep & x <= (length(rlist)-denStep)]
x3 <- x[x>(length(rlist)-denStep)]
densiRes <- sapply(x2, function(i, densi, denStep) {
}, densi=densi, denStep=denStep)
densiRes <- densiRes*(tw1[x>=denStep & x <= (length(rlist)-denStep)])
densiRes <- densiRes/max(densiRes)
temp <- rlist[x]
temp <- hsv(color[ii], densiRes, satval)
for (iii in order(densiRes)) {
lines(c(x[iii], x[iii]),c(i-1+(ii-1)/2, i-1+ii/2), col=temp[iii])
if (density>0) {
denStep <- round(length(densi)/density)
xpos <- seq(denStep, length(rlist)-denStep, length=density)
densiRes <- sapply(xpos, function(i, densi, denStep)
sum(densi[(i-denStep):(i+denStep)]), densi=densi, denStep=denStep)
densiRes <- densiRes/max(densiRes)
if (smooth>0) densiRes <- smooth.spline(xpos, densiRes, spar=smooth)$y
lines(xpos, i-1+densiRes/2+(ii-1)/2)
text(rep(length(rlist)*1.02, length(groups)), 1:length(groups)-.5, names(groups), adj=0, cex=textsize)
if (!is.null(pval)) {
if (is.matrix(pval)) {
for (i in 1:ncol(pval)) {
text(rep(-length(rlist)*(sep*(i-1)+.02), length(groups)), 1:length(groups)-.5, pval[, i], adj=1, cex=.85*textsize)
text(-length(rlist)*(sep*(i-1)+.02), length(groups)+.5, colnames(pval)[i], adj=1, cex=1)
else {
text(rep(-length(rlist)*.02, length(groups)), 1:length(groups)-.5, signif(pval, 3), adj=1, cex=.85*textsize)
axis(3, -.05*length(rlist), ifelse(max(pval)>1, "oddsR", "p-value"), adj=1, cex=1.2, tick=FALSE, line=-.5)
axis(3, length(rlist)*1.05, "Set", adj=0, cex=1.2, line=-.5, tick=FALSE)
lines(c(0, 0), c(0, length(groups)))
lines(c(length(rlist), length(rlist)), c( 0, length(groups)))
ss <- maobject$signature
if (!is.null(dim(ss))) ss <- ss[, 1]
x <- NULL
xn <- NULL
xpos <- NULL
if("activity" %in% include) {
x <- maobject$es$nes[match(mrs, names(maobject$es$nes))]/max(abs(maobject$es$nes))
xn <- "Act"
if ("expression" %in% include) {
x <- cbind(x, ss[match(mrs, names(ss))]/max(abs(ss)))
xn <- c(xn, "Exp")
xpos <- rank(-abs(ss))[match(mrs, names(ss))]
if (!is.null(x)) {
if(is.null(dim(x))) dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1)
rownames(x) <- colnames(x) <- NULL
marg[2] <- .05
scmax <- max(abs(x), na.rm=TRUE)
x <- abs(x/scmax)^gama*sign(x)
x <- filterRowMatrix(x, nrow(x):1)
x1 <- x
x1[is.na(x1)] <- 0
coli <- hsv(ifelse(x1<0, color[1], color[2]), abs(x1), 1)
coli[is.na(x)] <- hsv(0, 0, .5)
image(1:ncol(x), 1:nrow(x), t(matrix(1:(ncol(x)*nrow(x)), nrow(x), ncol(x))), col=coli, ylab="", xlab="", axes=FALSE, yaxs="i")
grid(ncol(x), nrow(x), col="black", lty=1)
axis(3, 1:length(xn), xn, las=2, line=-.5, tick=FALSE)
axis(4, length(xpos):1, xpos, las=1, tick=FALSE, line=-.4, cex.axis=.85*textsize)
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