#Internal functions for viper package
#Check and update regulons to version 2
updateRegulon <- function(regul) {
if (is.null(names(regul[[1]]))) {
tmp <- lapply(regul, function(x) {
tmp <- rep(0, length(x))
names(tmp) <- x
list(tfmode=tmp, likelihood=rep(1, length(tmp)))
if (names(regul[[1]])[1]=="tfmode") return(regul)
return(lapply(regul, function(x) list(tfmode=x, likelihood=rep(1, length(x)))))
#' Proportionally Weighted Enrichment Analysis for gene-set groups
#' This function performs a Proportionally Weighted Enrichment Analysis on groups of gene-sets
#' @param rlist Named vector containing the scores to rank the expression profile or matrix where columns contains bootstraped signatures
#' @param groups List of gene-sets (regulons), each component is a list of two vectors: \emph{TFmode} containing the TFMoA index (-1; 1) and \emph{likelihood} containing the interaction relative likelihood
#' @param nullpw Numerical matrix representing the null model, with genes as rows (geneID as rownames) and permutations as columns
#' @param alternative Character string indicating the alternative hypothesis, either two.sided, greater or less
#' @param per Integer indicating the number of permutations for the genes in case "nullpw" is ommited
#' @param minsize Integer indicating the minimum size for the regulons
#' @param cores Integer indicating the number of cores to use (only 1 in Windows-based systems)
#' @param verbose Logical, whether progression messages should be printed in the terminal
#' @return A list containing four matrices:
#' \describe{
#' \item{es}{Enrichment score}
#' \item{nes}{Normalized Enrichment Score}
#' \item{size}{Regulon size}
#' \item{p.value}{Enrichment p.value}
#' }
groupPwea3 <- function(rlist, groups, nullpw=NULL, alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), per=0, minsize=5, cores=1, verbose=TRUE) {
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
if (is.vector(rlist)) rlist <- matrix(rlist, length(rlist), 1, dimnames=list(names(rlist), NULL))
if (!is.list(groups) | names(groups)[1]=="tfmode") groups <- list(set=groups)
groups <- updateRegulon(groups)
rlist2 <- apply(rlist, 2, rank)/(nrow(rlist)+1)*2-1
rlist1 <- abs(rlist2)*2-1
rlist1 <- rlist1+(1-max(rlist1))/2
rlist1 <- qnorm(rlist1/2+.5)
rlist2 <- qnorm(rlist2/2+.5)
groups <- lapply(groups, function(x, genes) {
tmp <- names(x$tfmode) %in% genes
x$tfmode <- x$tfmode[tmp]
if(length(x$likelihood)==length(tmp)) x$likelihood <- x$likelihood[tmp]
}, genes=rownames(rlist))
groups <- groups[sapply(groups, function(x) length(x$tfmode))>=minsize]
if (is.null(nullpw)) {
if (per>0) {
nullpw <- list(eset=sapply(1:per, function(i, rlist) sample(rlist), rlist=rlist[, 1]))
colnames(nullpw$eset) <- 1:per
rownames(nullpw$eset) <- rownames(rlist)
else nullpw <- ppwea3NULLf(groups)
if (names(nullpw)[1]=="eset") nullpw <- pwea3NULLgroups(nullpw, groups, cores=cores, verbose=verbose)
if (names(nullpw)[1]=="groups") nullpw <- pwea3NULLf(nullpw, cores=cores, verbose=verbose)
pb <- NULL
if (verbose) {
message("\nComputing enrichment by PWEA3 on ", length(groups), " gene-sets.")
message("Process started at ", date())
if (cores>1) {
es <- mclapply(1:length(groups), function(i, reg, r1, r2) {
reg <- reg[[i]]
pos <- match(names(reg$tfmode), rownames(r1))
ll <- reg$likelihood / sum(reg$likelihood)
sum1 <- t(filterRowMatrix(r2, pos)) %*% matrix(reg$tfmode * ll, length(ll), 1)
ss <- sign(sum1)
ss[ss==0] <- 1
sum2 <- t(filterRowMatrix(r1, pos)) %*% matrix(ll * (1-abs(reg$tfmode)), length(ll), 1)
return((abs(sum1)+(sum2*(sum2>0))) * ss)
}, reg=groups, r1=rlist1, r2=rlist2, mc.cores=cores)
es <- sapply(es, function(x) x)
else {
if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(groups), style=3)
es <- sapply(1:length(groups), function(i, reg, r1, r2, pb, verbose) {
reg <- reg[[i]]
pos <- match(names(reg$tfmode), rownames(r1))
ll <- reg$likelihood / sum(reg$likelihood)
sum1 <- t(filterRowMatrix(r2, pos)) %*% matrix(reg$tfmode * ll, length(ll), 1)
ss <- sign(sum1)
ss[ss==0] <- 1
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
sum2 <- t(filterRowMatrix(r1, pos)) %*% matrix(ll * (1-abs(reg$tfmode)), length(ll), 1)
return((abs(sum1)+(sum2*(sum2>0))) * ss)
}, reg=groups, r1=rlist1, r2=rlist2, pb=pb, verbose=verbose)
names(es) <- names(groups)
if (is.vector(es)) es <- matrix(es, 1, length(es), dimnames=list(NULL, names(es)))
colnames(es) <- names(groups)
temp <- lapply(colnames(es), function(x, es, pfun, alter) pfun[[x]](es[, x]), es=es, pfun=nullpw)
names(temp) <- colnames(es)
nes <- sapply(temp, function(x) qnorm(x$p.value/2, lower.tail=FALSE))*sign(es)
senes <- sqrt(fcvarna(nes)/nrow(nes))[, 1]
if (nrow(nes)==1) senes <- NULL
nes1 <- colMeans(nes)
pval1 <- pnorm(abs(nes1), lower.tail=FALSE)*2
if (verbose) message("\nProcess ended at ", date())
return(list(es=colMeans(es), nes=nes1, nes.se=senes, size=sapply(groups, function(x) length(x$tfmode)), p.value=pval1, nes.bt=t(nes)))
#' Regulon-specific NULL model
#' This function generates the regulon-specific NULL models
#' @param pwnull Numerical matrix representing the null model, with genes as rows (geneID as rownames) and permutations as columns
#' @param groups List containing the regulons
#' @param cores Integer indicating the number of cores to use (only 1 in Windows-based systems)
#' @param verbose Logical, whether progression messages should be printed in the terminal
#' @return A list containing two elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{groups}{Regulon-specific NULL model containing the enrichment scores}
#' \item{ss}{Direction of the regulon-specific NULL model}
#' }
pwea3NULLgroups <- function(pwnull, groups, cores=1, verbose=TRUE) {
if (is.null(pwnull)) return(NULL)
if (is.matrix(pwnull)) pwnull <- list(eset=pwnull)
groups <- updateRegulon(groups)
if (is.list(pwnull$eset)) {
t <- unlist(pwnull$eset, use.names=FALSE)
dim(t) <- c(length(pwnull$eset[[1]]), length(pwnull$eset))
rownames(t) <- names(pwnull$eset[[1]])
colnames(t) <- 1:length(pwnull$eset)
else t <- pwnull$eset
t2 <- apply(t, 2, rank)/(nrow(t)+1)*2-1
t1 <- abs(t2)*2-1
t1 <- t1+(1-max(t1))/2
t1 <- qnorm(t1/2+.5)
t2 <- qnorm(t2/2+.5)
pb <- NULL
if (verbose) {
message("\nComputing the null distribution for ", length(groups), " gene-sets.")
message("Process started at ", date())
if (cores>1) {
temp <- mclapply(1:length(groups), function(i, groups, t1, t2) {
x <- groups[[i]]
pos <- match(names(x$tfmode), rownames(t1))
sum1 <- matrix(x$tfmode * x$likelihood, 1, length(x$tfmode)) %*% filterRowMatrix(t2, pos)
ss <- sign(sum1)
ss[ss==0] <- 1
sum2 <- matrix((1-abs(x$tfmode)) * x$likelihood, 1, length(x$tfmode)) %*% filterRowMatrix(t1, pos)
return(list(es=as.vector(abs(sum1) + sum2*(sum2>0)) / sum(x$likelihood), ss=ss))
}, groups=groups, t1=t1, t2=t2, mc.cores=cores)
else {
if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(groups), style=3)
temp <- lapply(1:length(groups), function(i, groups, t1, t2, pb, verbose) {
x <- groups[[i]]
pos <- match(names(x$tfmode), rownames(t1))
sum1 <- matrix(x$tfmode * x$likelihood, 1, length(x$tfmode)) %*% filterRowMatrix(t2, pos)
ss <- sign(sum1)
ss[ss==0] <- 1
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
sum2 <- matrix((1-abs(x$tfmode)) * x$likelihood, 1, length(x$tfmode)) %*% filterRowMatrix(t1, pos)
return(list(es=as.vector(abs(sum1) + sum2*(sum2>0)) / sum(x$likelihood), ss=ss))
}, groups=groups, pb=pb, t1=t1, t2=t2, verbose=verbose)
names(temp) <- names(groups)
if (verbose) message("\nProcess ended at ", date())
es <- t(sapply(temp, function(x) x$es))
ss <- t(sapply(temp, function(x) x$ss))
return(list(groups=es, ss=ss))
#' Null model function
#' This function generates the NULL model function, which computes the normalized enrichment score and associated p-value
#' @param pwnull Object generated by \code{pwea3NULLgroups} function
#' @param cores Integer indicating the number of cores to use (only 1 in Windows-based systems)
#' @param verbose Logical, whether progression messages should be printed in the terminal
#' @return List of function to compute NES and p-value
pwea3NULLf <- function(pwnull, cores=1, verbose=TRUE) {
if (!is.null(pwnull)) {
pb <- NULL
if (verbose) {
message("\nComputing the null distribution function for ", nrow(pwnull$groups), " TFs.")
message("Process started at ", date())
if (cores>1) {
res <- mclapply(1:nrow(pwnull$groups), function(i, pwnull) {
x <- pwnull$groups[i, ]
iqr <- quantile(x, c(.5, 1-5/length(x)))
pd <- ecdf(x)
a <- list(x=knots(pd), y=pd(knots(pd)))
filtro <- a$x>iqr[1] & a$x<=iqr[2] & a$y<1
spl <- smooth.spline(a$x[filtro], -log(1-a$y[filtro]), spar=.75)
return(function(x, alternative="greater") {
x <- abs(x)
p <- exp(-predict(spl, x)$y)
pos <- which(x<iqr[1])
if (length(pos)>0) p[pos] <- 1-pd(x[pos])
nes <- qnorm(p/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
if (length(p)==1) {
p <- as.vector(p)
nes <- as.vector(nes)
list(nes=nes*pwnull$ss[i], p.value=p)
}, pwnull=pwnull, mc.cores=cores)
else {
if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=nrow(pwnull$groups), style=3)
res <- lapply(1:nrow(pwnull$groups), function(i, pwnull, pb, verbose) {
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
x <- pwnull$groups[i, ]
iqr <- quantile(x, c(.5, 1-5/length(x)))
pd <- ecdf(x)
a <- list(x=knots(pd), y=pd(knots(pd)))
filtro <- a$x>iqr[1] & a$x<=iqr[2] & a$y<1
spl <- smooth.spline(a$x[filtro], -log(1-a$y[filtro]), spar=.75)
return(function(x, alternative="greater") {
x <- abs(x)
p <- exp(-predict(spl, x)$y)
pos <- which(x<iqr[1])
if (length(pos)>0) p[pos] <- 1-pd(x[pos])
nes <- qnorm(p/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
if (length(p)==1) {
p <- as.vector(p)
nes <- as.vector(nes)
list(nes=nes*pwnull$ss[i], p.value=p)
}, pwnull=pwnull, pb=pb, verbose=verbose)
if (verbose) message("\nProcess ended at ", date(), "\n", sep="")
names(res) <- rownames(pwnull$groups)
ppwea3NULLf <- function(regulon) {
lapply(regulon, function(x) {
ww <- x$likelihood
ww <- ww/max(ww)
ww <- sqrt(sum(ww^2))
return(function(x, alternative="two.sided") {
x <- x*ww
p <- switch(pmatch(alternative, c("two.sided", "less", "greater")),
pnorm(abs(x), lower.tail=FALSE)*2,
pnorm(x, lower.tail=TRUE),
pnorm(x, lower.tail=FALSE))
list(nes=x, p.value=p)
regulonScore <- function(x, slope=20, inflection=.3) {
if (is.list(x)) return(lapply(x, regulonScore, slope=slope, inflection=inflection))
regulonDist <- function (groups, cutoff = 50, method = "FET", copula = TRUE, mode = FALSE) {
if (!mode)
groups <- lapply(groups, function(x) {
res <- abs(sign(x))
res[res == 0] <- 1
total <- unique(unlist(lapply(groups, names), use.names = FALSE))
groups <- groups[sapply(groups, length) >= cutoff]
group <- groups
dmatrix <- NULL
for (i in 1:(length(groups) - 1)) {
group <- group[-which(names(group) == names(groups)[i])]
test <- groups[[i]]
res <- sapply(group, function(x, test, total, method) {
tmp1 <- tmp2 <- rep(0, length(total))
tmp1[match(names(test), total)] <- sign(test)
tmp2[match(names(x), total)] <- sign(x)
tmp <- abs(tmp1 + tmp2) > 0
test1 <- abs(tmp1 * tmp) > 0
test2 <- abs(tmp2 * tmp) > 0
tmp <- fisher.test(table(test1, test2), alternative = "greater")
switch(pmatch(method, c("odds", "FET")), res <- tmp$estimate,
res <- tmp$p.value)
}, test = test, total = total, method = method)
dmatrix <- cbind(dmatrix, c(dmatrix[i, ], 0, res))
dmatrix <- cbind(dmatrix, c(dmatrix[length(groups), ], 0))
rownames(dmatrix) <- colnames(dmatrix) <- names(groups)
if (copula) {
rdm <- rank(dmatrix)
dmatrix <- matrix(rdm/max(rdm), nrow(dmatrix), ncol(dmatrix),
dimnames = list(names(groups), names(groups)))
#' Filter for rows of a matrix with no loss of col and row names
#' This function filters the rows of a matrix returning always a two dimensional matrix
#' @param x Matrix
#' @param filter Logical or numerical index of rows
#' @return Matrix
#' @export
filterRowMatrix <- function(x, filter) {
if (is.logical(filter)) largo <- length(which(filter))
else largo <- length(filter)
matrix(x[filter, ], largo, ncol(x), dimnames=list(rownames(x)[filter], colnames(x)))
#' Filter for columns of a matrix with no loss of col and row names
#' This function filters the columns of a matrix returning always a two dimensional matrix
#' @param x Matrix
#' @param filter Logical or numerical index of columns
#' @return Matrix
#' @export
filterColMatrix <- function(x, filter) t(filterRowMatrix(t(x), filter))
#' Mode of continuous distributions
#' This function computes the mode for continuous distributions
#' @param x Numeric data vector
#' @param adj Number indicating the adjustment for the kernel bandwidth
#' @return Number
#' @examples
#' data(bcellViper, package="bcellViper")
#' d1 <- exprs(dset)
#' mean(d1[, 1])
#' median(d1[, 1])
#' distMode(d1[, 1])
#' plot(density(d1[, 1]))
#' abline(v=c(mean(d1[, 1]), median(d1[, 1]), distMode(d1[, 1])), col=c("green", "red", "blue"))
#' legend("topleft", c("Mean", "Median", "Mode"), col=c("green", "red", "blue"), lwd=4)
#' @export
distMode <- function (x, adj = 1) {
tmp <- density(x, adjust = adj)
#' Correction for pleiotropy
#' This function penalyze the regulatory interactions based on pleiotropy analysis
#' @param ss Named vector containing the gene expression signature
#' @param nes Named vector containing the normalized enrichment scores
#' @param regul Regulon object
#' @param regulators Number indicating the number of top regulators to consider for the analysis or the p-value threshold for considering significant regulators
#' @param shadow Number indicating the p-value threshold for considering a significant shadow effect
#' @param targets Integer indicating the minimal number of overlaping targets to consider a pair of regulators for pleiotropy analysis
#' @param penalty Number higher than 1 indicating the penalty for the pleiotropic interactions. 1 = no penalty
#' @param method Character string indicating the method to use for computing the pleiotropy, either absolute or adaptive
#' @return Corrected regulon object
shadowRegulon <- function(ss, nes, regul, regulators=.05, shadow=.05, targets=10, penalty=2, method=c("absolute", "adaptive")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
pval <- pnorm(abs(nes), lower.tail=FALSE)*2
if (regulators<1) tfs <- names(pval)[pval<regulators]
else tfs <- names(pval)[order(pval)[1:regulators]]
pos <- grep("--", tfs)
if (length(pos)>0) tfs <- tfs[-pos]
if (length(tfs)<2) return(NULL)
tmp <- lapply(unique(tfs), function(tf1, tfs, regul, ss, nes, targets) {
reg <- lapply(tfs[tfs != tf1], function(tf2, regul, tf1) {
pos <- names(regul[[tf1]]$tfmode) %in% names(regul[[tf2]]$tfmode)
list(tfmode=regul[[tf1]]$tfmode[pos], likelihood=regul[[tf1]]$likelihood[pos])
}, regul=regul, tf1=tf1)
names(reg) <- tfs[tfs != tf1]
pos <- which(names(ss) %in% names(regul[[tf1]]$tfmode))
s2 <- rank(ss[pos])/(length(ss[pos])+1)*2-1
s1 <- abs(s2)*2-1
s1 <- s1+(1-max(s1))/2
s1 <- qnorm(s1/2+.5)
tmp <- sign(nes[tf1])
if (tmp==0) tmp <- 1
s2 <- qnorm(s2/2+.5)*tmp
tmp <- sapply(reg, function(x, s1, s2, targets) {
if (length(x$tfmode)<targets) return(NA)
pos <- match(names(x$tfmode), names(s1))
sum1 <- sum(x$tfmode * x$likelihood * s2[pos])
ss <- sign(sum1)
ss[ss==0] <- 1
sum2 <- sum((1-abs(x$tfmode)) * x$likelihood * s1[pos])
ww <- x$likelihood/max(x$likelihood)
return((abs(sum1) + sum2*(sum2>0)) / sum(x$likelihood) * sign(ss) * sqrt(sum(ww^2)))
}, s1=s1, s2=s2, targets=targets)
return(pnorm(tmp, lower.tail=FALSE))
}, tfs=tfs, regul=regul, ss=ss, nes=nes, targets=targets)
names(tmp) <- unique(tfs)
pval <- unlist(tmp, use.names=F)
names(pval) <- paste(rep(names(tmp), sapply(tmp, length)), unlist(lapply(tmp, names), use.names=FALSE), sep=" x ")
pval <- pval[!is.na(pval)]
regind <- t(combn(tfs, 2))
regind <- filterRowMatrix(regind, paste(regind[, 1], regind[, 2], sep=" x ") %in% names(pval))
pval <- cbind(pval[match(paste(regind[, 1], regind[, 2], sep=" x "), names(pval))], pval[match(paste(regind[, 2], regind[, 1], sep=" x "), names(pval))])
tests <- table(as.vector(regind))
tmp <- rbind(regind[pval[, 1]<shadow & pval[, 2]>shadow, ], regind[, 2:1][pval[, 1]>shadow & pval[, 2]<shadow, ])
if (nrow(tmp)==0) return(NULL)
for (i in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
ll <- regul[[tmp[i, 1]]]$likelihood
pos <- which(names(regul[[tmp[i, 1]]]$tfmode) %in% names(regul[[tmp[i, 2]]]$tfmode))
ll[pos] <- ll[pos]/penalty^(1/tests[tmp[i, 1]])
regul[[tmp[i, 1]]]$likelihood <- ll
pval1 <- log10(pval[, 2])-log10(pval[, 1])
tmp <- NULL
if (length(which(pval1>0))>0) tmp <- filterRowMatrix(regind, pval1>0)
if (length(which(pval1<0))>0) tmp <- rbind(tmp, filterRowMatrix(regind, pval1<0)[, 2:1])
pval1 <- c(pval1[pval1>0], -pval1[pval1<0])
if (is.null(nrow(tmp))) return(NULL)
for (i in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
ll <- regul[[tmp[i, 1]]]$likelihood
pos <- which(names(regul[[tmp[i, 1]]]$tfmode) %in% names(regul[[tmp[i, 2]]]$tfmode))
ll[pos] <- ll[pos]/(1+pval1[i])^(penalty/tests[tmp[i, 1]])
regul[[tmp[i, 1]]]$likelihood <- ll
return(regul[which(names(regul) %in% tmp[, 1])])
#' Approximate empirical commulative distribution function
#' This function generates an empirical null model that computes a normalized statistics and p-value
#' @param dnull Numerical vector representing the null model
#' @param symmetric Logical, whether the distribution should betreated as symmetric around zero and only one tail should be approximated
#' @param n Integer indicating the number of points to evaluate the empirical cummulative probability function
#' @return function with two parameters, \code{x} and \code{alternative}
aecdf <- function(dnull, symmetric=FALSE, n=100) {
dnull <- dnull[is.finite(dnull)]
if (symmetric) {
tmp <- sort(abs(dnull), decreasing=T)
i <- 4
n <- 4
while(n<14) {
i <- i+1
n <- length(unique(tmp[1:i]))
if (n==5) iq1 <- i
tl1 <- i
iqr <- quantile(abs(dnull), c(.5, 1-iq1/length(dnull)))
epd <- ecdf(abs(dnull))
a <- list(x=knots(epd), y=epd(knots(epd)))
fit <- lm(y~0+x, data=list(x=a$x[length(a$x)-(tl1:iq1)+1]-iqr[2], y=log(1-epd(iqr[2]))-log(1-a$y[length(a$x)-(tl1:iq1)+1])))
val <- seq(0, iqr[2], length=n)
pd <- approxfun(val, epd(val), method="linear", yleft=0, rule=2)
dnull <- function(x, alternative=c("two.sided", "greater", "less")) {
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
x1 <- abs(x)
p <- exp(log(1-pd(iqr[2]))-predict(fit, list(x=x1-iqr[2])))
p[!is.finite(p)] <- 1
p <- p * (x1>iqr[2]) + (1-pd(x1)) * (x1<=iqr[2])
nes <- qnorm(p/2, lower.tail=F)*sign(x)
two.sided={p <- p},
greater={p <- p/2; p[x<0] <- 1-p[x<0]},
less={p <- p/2; p[x>0] <- 1-p[x>0]}
names(nes) <- names(p) <- names(x)
list(nes=nes, p.value=p)
tmp <- sort(dnull, decreasing=FALSE)
i <- 4
n <- 4
while(n<14) {
i <- i+1
n <- length(unique(tmp[1:i]))
if (n==5) iq1 <- i
tl1 <- i
tmp <- sort(dnull, decreasing=TRUE)
i <- 4
n <- 4
while(n<14) {
i <- i+1
n <- length(unique(tmp[1:i]))
if (n==5) iq2 <- i
tl2 <- i
iqr <- quantile(dnull, c(iq1/length(dnull), .5, 1-iq2/length(dnull)))
epd <- ecdf(dnull)
a <- list(x=knots(epd), y=epd(knots(epd)))
fit1 <- lm(y~0+x, data=list(x=a$x[iq1:tl1]-iqr[1], y=log(epd(iqr[1]))-log(a$y[iq1:tl1])))
fit2 <- lm(y~0+x, data=list(x=a$x[length(a$x)-(tl2:iq2)+1]-iqr[3], y=log(1-epd(iqr[3]))-log(1-a$y[length(a$x)-(tl2:iq2)+1])))
val <- seq(iqr[1], iqr[3], length=n)
pd <- approxfun(val, epd(val), method="linear", rule=2)
dnull <- function(x, alternative=c("two.sided", "greater", "less")) {
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
p1 <- exp(log(pd(iqr[1]))-predict(fit1, list(x=x-iqr[1])))
p2 <- exp(log(1-pd(iqr[3]))-predict(fit2, list(x=x-iqr[3])))
p1[!is.finite(p1)] <- 1
p2[!is.finite(p2)] <- 1
p <- p1*(x<iqr[1]) + p2*(x>iqr[3]) + pd(x)*(x>=iqr[1] & x<iqr[2]) + (1-pd(x))*(x>=iqr[2] & x<=iqr[3])
nes <- qnorm(p, lower.tail=F)*sign(x-iqr[2])
two.sided={p <- p*2},
greater={p[x<iqr[2]] <- 1-p[x<iqr[2]]},
less={p[x>=iqr[2]] <- 1-p[x>=iqr[2]]}
names(nes) <- names(p) <- names(x)
list(nes=nes, p.value=p)
aecdf1 <- function(dnull, symmetric=FALSE, x, alternative=c("two.sided", "greater", "less")) {
dnull <- dnull[is.finite(dnull)]
if (symmetric) {
iqr <- quantile(abs(dnull), c(.5, 1-5/length(dnull)))
pd <- ecdf(abs(dnull))
a <- list(x=knots(pd), y=pd(knots(pd)))
fit <- lm(y~0+x, data=list(x=a$x[length(a$x)-(15:4)]-iqr[2], y=log(1-pd(iqr[2]))-log(1-a$y[length(a$x)-(15:4)])))
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
x1 <- abs(x)
p <- exp(log(1-pd(iqr[2]))-predict(fit, list(x=x1-iqr[2])))
p <- p * (x1>iqr[2]) + (1-pd(x1)) * (x1<=iqr[2])
nes <- qnorm(p/2, lower.tail=FALSE)*sign(x)
two.sided={p <- p},
greater={p <- p/2; p[x<0] <- 1-p[x<0]},
less={p <- p/2; p[x>0] <- 1-p[x>0]}
names(nes) <- names(p) <- names(x)
return(list(nes=nes, p.value=p))
iqr <- quantile(dnull, c(5/length(dnull), .5, 1-5/length(dnull)))
pd <- ecdf(dnull)
a <- list(x=knots(pd), y=pd(knots(pd)))
fit1 <- lm(y~0+x, data=list(x=a$x[5:14]-iqr[1], y=log(pd(iqr[1]))-log(a$y[5:14])))
fit2 <- lm(y~0+x, data=list(x=a$x[length(a$x)-(15:4)]-iqr[3], y=log(1-pd(iqr[3]))-log(1-a$y[length(a$x)-(15:4)])))
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
p1 <- exp(log(pd(iqr[1]))-predict(fit1, list(x=x-iqr[1])))
p2 <- exp(log(1-pd(iqr[3]))-predict(fit2, list(x=x-iqr[3])))
p <- p1*(x<iqr[1]) + p2*(x>iqr[3]) + pd(x)*(x>=iqr[1] & x<iqr[2]) + (1-pd(x))*(x>=iqr[2] & x<=iqr[3])
nes <- qnorm(p, lower.tail=F)*sign(x-iqr[2])
two.sided={p <- p*2},
greater={p[x<iqr[2]] <- 1-p[x<iqr[2]]},
less={p[x>=iqr[2]] <- 1-p[x>=iqr[2]]}
names(nes) <- names(p) <- names(x)
return(list(nes=nes, p.value=p))
#' Sigmoid transformation
#' This function transforms a numeric vector using a sigmoid function
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param slope Number indicating the slope at the inflection point
#' @param inflection Number indicating the inflection point
#' @return Numeric vector
sigT <- function (x, slope = 20, inflection = 0.5) 1 - 1/(1 + exp(slope * (x - inflection)))
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