.counterGenes <- function( reads, feature ) {
cores = 1
hits <- mclapply( reads, mc.cores = cores, function( x ) {
co <- countOverlaps( feature, x, ignore.strand = TRUE )
} )
# Create result dataframe
effectiveGeneLength <- sum( width( feature ) )
geneStarts <- sapply( start( feature ), min )
geneEnds <- sapply( end( feature ), max)
geneWidths <- geneEnds - geneStarts + 1
strand <- as.character( unlist(runValue( strand( feature ) ) ))
result <- data.frame(
symbol = feature@elementMetadata$symbol ,
locus_overlap = feature@elementMetadata$locus_overlap ,
gene_coordinates = feature@elementMetadata$gene_coordinates ,
start = geneStarts ,
end = geneEnds ,
length = geneWidths ,
effective_length = effectiveGeneLength)
#Le ponemos los hits despues porque si los nombres empiezan con un numero se rompen los nombres de las columnas
for(i in 1:length(hits)){
result[, names(hits)[i]] <- hits[[i]]
#ACH 20190520: reassure rownames are not lost
rownames(result) <- names(hits[[1]])
.counterBin <- function( reads, feature, genes ) {
cores = 1
hits <- mclapply( reads, mc.cores = cores, function(x) {
co <- countOverlaps( feature, x, ignore.strand = TRUE)
} )
# Create result dataframe
binToGeneIndex <- match( feature@elementMetadata$locus, rownames(genes) )
geneCoordinates <- genes$gene_coordinates[ binToGeneIndex ]
result <- data.frame( feature@elementMetadata[c ('feature', 'event', 'locus',
'locus_overlap', 'symbol')],
as.data.frame( feature@ranges )[ ,c("start", "end", "width")])
#Le ponemos los hits despues porque si los nombres empiezan con un numero se rompen los nombres de las columnas
for(i in 1:length(hits)){
result[, names(hits)[i]] <- hits[[i]]
colnames(result)[1:9] <- c( "feature","event","locus","locus_overlap","symbol",
"gene_coordinates","start","end","length" )
#ACH 20190520: reassure rownames are not lost
rownames(result) <- names(hits[[1]])
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# .counterJbin Cuenta reads que atraviesan dos bins.
# TODO: el argumento l es la longitud de una read. Que pasa con datos que
# tienen un tamano de read variable ?
.counterJbin <- function(reads, feature, genes, l) {
ungapped <- mclapply( reads, mc.cores = cores, function(x) { x[ njunc( x ) == 0 , ] } )
hits <- mclapply( ungapped, mc.cores = cores, function(x) {
co <- countOverlaps( feature, x, ignore.strand = TRUE, minoverlap = l)
jbinToGeneIndex <- match( feature@elementMetadata$locus, rownames(genes) )
gene_coordinates <- genes$gene_coordinates[jbinToGeneIndex]
result <- data.frame(
feature@elementMetadata[ c( 'event', 'locus', 'locus_overlap', 'symbol') ],
#Le ponemos los hits despues porque si los nombres empiezan con un numero se rompen los nombres de las columnas
for(i in 1:length(hits)){
result[, names(hits)[i]] <- hits[[i]]
result$names <- NULL
colnames(result)[1:8] <- c( "event", "locus", "locus_overlap", "symbol",
"gene_coordinates", "start", "end", "length" )
#ACH 20190520: reassure rownames are not lost
rownames(result) <- names(hits[[1]])
.getGeneGRanges <- function( aspliFeatures ) {
feature <- featuresg( aspliFeatures )
aggregate_first <- function (data, by){
d = b = NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
data <- data.table(d=data, b=by)
ans <- data[,list(A = first(d)), by = b]
# Search junctions within genes
unlistedFeatures <- unlist(feature)
geneAndChr <- paste( names(unlistedFeatures) , as.character( seqnames(unlistedFeatures)), sep="_" )
geneChr <- aggregate_first( as.data.frame(seqnames(unlistedFeatures))[, 1], by = geneAndChr)
geneStarts <- aggregate( as.data.frame(start(unlistedFeatures)), by = list(geneAndChr), FUN = min)[,2]
geneEnds <- aggregate( as.data.frame(end(unlistedFeatures)), by = list(geneAndChr), FUN = max)[,2]
strand <- aggregate_first( as.data.frame(strand(unlistedFeatures))[, 1], by = geneAndChr)
geneCoordinates <- rep( feature@elementMetadata$gene_coordinates ,table(names(unlistedFeatures)))
geneCoordinates <- aggregate_first( geneCoordinates, by = geneAndChr)
symbols <- rep( feature@elementMetadata$symbol ,table(names(unlistedFeatures)))
symbols <- aggregate_first( symbols, by = geneAndChr)
geneNames <- aggregate_first( as.data.frame(names(unlistedFeatures),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[, 1] , by = geneAndChr)
genes <- GRanges(
seqnames = geneChr ,
strand = strand,
ranges = IRanges(geneStarts,geneEnds),
gene_coordinates = geneCoordinates,
symbol=symbols )
mcols(genes)$names <- geneNames
return ( genes )
.getJunctionOverlapGeneData <- function(jranges, genes) {
hitGen <- rep("-", length(jranges))
hitGenStrand <- rep("*", length(jranges))
gene_coordinates <- rep("-", length(jranges))
ambiguos <- rep("-", length(jranges))
symbol <- rep("-", length(jranges))
overGene <- findOverlaps(jranges, genes, type="within")
overGeneDF <- as.data.frame(overGene)
posJrange <- overGeneDF$queryHits
posGene <- overGeneDF$subjectHits
overGeneDF$queryHits <- names(jranges)[as.numeric(overGeneDF$queryHits)]
overGeneDF$subjectHits <- mcols(genes)$names[as.numeric(overGeneDF$subjectHits)]
table <- table(overGeneDF$queryHits)
# BUG FIX: aggregate fails with 0-rows dfCountsStart.
if ( nrow( overGeneDF ) > 0 ) {
ttG <- data.frame(aggregate(subjectHits ~ queryHits, data = overGeneDF, paste, collapse=";"))
} else {
ttG <- data.frame( names = character(0) )
for ( i in 1:ncol( overGeneDF ) ) {
ttG[, i+1] <- integer(0)
colnames( ttG )[2:ncol(ttG)] <- colnames( overGeneDF )
dd0 <- match(ttG$queryHits, names(jranges))
hitGen[dd0] <- ttG$subjectHits
dd <- match(ttG$queryHits, names(table) )
ttG$undef <- table[dd]
ttG$tag <- rep("-", nrow(ttG))
ttG$tag[ttG$undef>1] <- "yes"
ambiguos[dd0] <- ttG$tag
hitGen[posJrange] <- mcols(genes)$names[posGene]
hitGen[-posJrange] <- "noHit"
hitGenStrand[posJrange] <- as.character(strand(genes)[posGene])
gene_coordinates[posJrange] <- mcols(genes)$gene_coordinates[posGene]
symbol[posJrange] <- as.character(genes@elementMetadata$symbol[posGene])
return( list( ambiguos, hitGen, hitGenStrand, gene_coordinates, symbol ) )
.getJunctionMatchingBins <- function( features, jranges ) {
hitBin <- rep("-", length(jranges))
annJunctions <- featuresj(features)
overJ <- findOverlaps(jranges, annJunctions, type="equal") #identify annotated junctions
overJDF <- as.data.frame(overJ) #get a df
namesJ <- as.numeric(overJDF[,1]) #get index of jrangs that hit against annJunctions
namesAnnJ <- as.numeric(overJDF[,2]) #get index of annJunctions thta hit against jranges
#jname[namesJ] <- names(jranges[namesJ])
hitBin[namesJ] <- names(annJunctions[namesAnnJ]) #ok, metadata vector
hitBin[-namesJ] <- "noHit" #ok, metadata vector.
.getJunctionSpanningBins <- function( jranges, exonsBins) {
over <- findOverlaps(jranges, exonsBins)
overDF <- as.data.frame(over)
namesJ <- as.numeric(overDF[,1])
overDF[,1] <- names(jranges[namesJ])
namesBins <- as.numeric(overDF[,2])
overDF[,2] <- names(exonsBins[namesBins])
# BUG FIX: aggregate fails with 0-rows dfCountsStart.
if ( nrow( overDF ) > 0 ) {
tt <- data.frame(aggregate(subjectHits ~ queryHits, data = overDF, paste, collapse=";"))
} else {
tt <- data.frame( names = character(0) )
for ( i in 1:ncol( overDF ) ) {
tt[, i+1] <- integer(0)
colnames( tt )[2:ncol(tt)] <- colnames( overDF )
span <- rep("-", length(jranges))
te <- match(names(jranges), tt$queryHits)
span[ ! is.na(te) ] <- tt$subjectHits[te][ ! is.na(te) ]
.getJunctionWithinBins <- function(jranges, exonsBins) {
j_within_bin <- rep("-", length(jranges))
overJunctionWithinBins <- findOverlaps(jranges, exonsBins, type="within")
if (length (overJunctionWithinBins ) > 0) {
overJunctionWithinBinsDF <- as.data.frame(overJunctionWithinBins)
namesJ <- as.numeric(overJunctionWithinBinsDF[,1])
namesB <- as.numeric(overJunctionWithinBinsDF[,2])
overJunctionWithinBinsDF[,1] <- names(jranges[namesJ])
overJunctionWithinBinsDF[,2] <- names(exonsBins[namesB])
agtt <- data.frame( aggregate( subjectHits ~ queryHits,
data = overJunctionWithinBinsDF, paste, collapse=";"))
tw <- match(names(jranges), agtt$queryHits)
j_within_bin[ ! is.na(tw) ] <- agtt$subjectHits[tw][ ! is.na(tw) ]
return( j_within_bin )
.ovBinJunction <- function( features, jranges ) {
# Creates GRanges for genes, including repeating genes in different
# chromosomes
genes <- .getGeneGRanges( features )
# Looks for data of junction overlapping genes
ovGene <- .getJunctionOverlapGeneData( jranges, genes )
ambiguos <- ovGene[[1]]
hitGen <- ovGene[[2]]
hitGenStrand <- ovGene[[3]]
gene_coordinates <- ovGene[[4]]
symbol <- ovGene[[5]]
# Search junction equal to annotated junctions
hitBin <- .getJunctionMatchingBins(features, jranges)
# Search junctions spanning bins
exonsBins <- featuresb(features)[featuresb(features)@elementMetadata$feature=="E",]
span <- .getJunctionSpanningBins(jranges, exonsBins )
# Search junctions within exons!
j_within_bin <- .getJunctionWithinBins(jranges, exonsBins)
mcols(jranges) <- append( mcols(jranges), DataFrame(
.counterJunctions <- function(features, bam, maxISize) {
ujunctions <- mclapply (bam, mc.cores = cores, function(x) {
junctions <- unlist(junctions(x) )
strand(junctions) <- "*"
start(junctions) <- start(junctions)-1
end(junctions) <- end(junctions)+1
ujunctions <- unique(junctions)
} )
jranges <- unique( unlist( GRangesList( unlist( ujunctions ) ) ) )
# Filter junctions by Intron size
maxWidth <- maxISize+2
jranges <- jranges[width(jranges)<= maxISize]
#Here I summarize hits agains the element
fcoord <- paste(seqnames(jranges),
end(jranges) , sep="." )
jranges@ranges@NAMES <- fcoord
jcounts <- mclapply(bam, mc.cores = cores, function(x) {
junctions <- unlist(junctions(x) )
strand(junctions)<- "*"
start(junctions) <- start(junctions)-1
end(junctions) <- end(junctions)+1
count <- countMatches(jranges, junctions)
jc <- data.frame(row.names=names(jranges), count)
df <- do.call("cbind", jcounts)
colnames(df) <- names(jcounts)
jranges <- .ovBinJunction(features, jranges)
jrdf <- data.frame(
row.names=names(jranges) )
colnames(jrdf) <- c("junction",
rownames(jrdf) <- names(jranges)
aa <- merge(jrdf, df, by.x="row.names", by.y="row.names", sort=FALSE)
rnames <- paste(start(jranges)-1,end(jranges)+1, sep="-" )
rownames(aa) <- fcoord
aa$Row.names <- NULL
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