.junctionDUreportExt <- function(
minAvgCounts = 5,
contrast = NULL,
filterWithContrasted = TRUE,
runUniformityTest = FALSE,
mergedBams = NULL,
maxPValForUniformityCheck = 0.2,
strongFilter = TRUE,
maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate = 24,
formula = NULL,
coef = NULL,
maxFDRForParticipation = 0.05,
useSubset = FALSE
if(is.null(contrast) & is.null(formula)){
stop("Must provide either contrast or formula.")
targets <- asd@targets
# Generate conditions combining experimental factors
if(!"condition" %in% colnames(targets)){
targets <- .condenseTargetsConditions(targets)
#If no contrast provided takes last two and warns
# contrast <- c(rep(0, times=length(unique(targets$condition))-2), -1, 1)
# warning(paste0("Null contrast povided, using following constrast: ", paste(contrast, collapse=",")))
# Create result object
jdu <- new( Class="ASpliJDU" )
#Contrast comes before formula
jdu@contrast <- contrast
formula <- NULL
design <- model.matrix( formula, data = targets )
contrast <- ginv(design)
coef <- nrow(contrast)
contrast <- contrast[coef, ] #the first one is the intercept
contrast[abs(contrast) < 1e-5] <- 0
contrastAggregated <- aggregate(contrast~targets$condition,FUN=sum)
contrast <- setNames(contrastAggregated[,2],contrastAggregated[,1])[getConditions(targets)]
jdu@contrast <- contrast
jdu@contrast <- setNames(contrast, getConditions(targets))
message("Running junctionsPJU test")
data <- junctionsPJU(asd)
#Only keep data related to current conditions. AR. AdHoc a borrar.
icols <- c(1:8,
which(colnames(data) %in% c(rownames(targets), targets$condition,
"StartHit", "EndHit",
paste(targets$condition, rep(c("start", "end"), each=nrow(targets)), sep="."))
columns <- colnames(data)[icols]
data <- data[, icols]
names(data) <- columns
start_J1 <- grep("StartHit", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J2 <- grep("EndHit", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J3 <- 9
end_J3 <- start_J3 + nrow(targets) - 1
junctions_of_interest <- .filterJunctionBySampleWithContrast(data[,start_J3:end_J3], targets=targets, threshold = minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted, contrast )
if(nrow(junctions_of_interest) == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE? ")
J1 <- as.character(data$StartHit[rownames(data) %in% rownames(junctions_of_interest)])
J2 <- as.character(data$EndHit[rownames(data) %in% rownames(junctions_of_interest)])
J3 <- rownames(junctions_of_interest)
if(length(J1) == 0 | length(J2) == 0 | length(J3) == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE?")
clusters <- .makeClusters(J1, J2, J3, strongFilter)
if(clusters$no == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE?")
countData <- .makeCountDataWithClusters(data[names(clusters$membership),start_J3:end_J3], clusters)
#We reduce data so dispersion estimates can be computed in a reasonable ammount of time
reduxData <- .makeReduxData(countData, targets, contrast, maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate)
ltsp <- .binsDUWithDiffSplice(reduxData$countData, reduxData$targets, reduxData$contrast, formula = formula, coef = coef)
tsp <- ltsp[["junction"]] #use junction statistics (notice bogus bin.fdr columnames)
jPSI <- tsp
mean.counts <- rowMeans(countData[rownames(jPSI), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]]])
jPSI$log.mean <- log2(mean.counts)
#for every junction, the maximal participation value observed across contrasted condiction
#is considered.
mean.counts.per.condition <- sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(countData[rownames(jPSI), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))})
participation <- aggregate(mean.counts.per.condition ~ jPSI$locus, FUN = function(r){return(rowSums(t(r)))})
rownames(participation) <- participation$locus
participation <- participation[jPSI$locus, -1]
participation <- mean.counts.per.condition/participation
maxparticipation <- apply(participation, 1, max)
minparticipation <- apply(participation, 1, min)
deltapariticipation <- maxparticipation - minparticipation
participation <- maxparticipation
jPSI <- jPSI[, c("locus", "log.mean", "logFC", "pvalue", "bin.fdr")]
jPSI$annotated <- ifelse(data[rownames(jPSI), "junction"] != "noHit", "Yes", "No")
jPSI$participation <- participation
jPSI$dParticipation <- deltapariticipation
#arrange columnames
colnames(jPSI)[match(c("locus","bin.fdr"),colnames(jPSI))] <- c("cluster","FDR")
jPSI <- cbind(jPSI, counts = mean.counts.per.condition)
localej(jdu) <- jPSI
#build localec
ltsp <- ltsp[["cluster"]]
junturas <- strsplit2(rownames(jPSI), "[.]")
rango <- merge(aggregate(as.numeric(junturas[, 2]) ~ jPSI$cluster, FUN=min),
aggregate(as.numeric(junturas[, 3]) ~ jPSI$cluster, FUN=max))
rango <- apply(rango[jPSI$cluster, 2:3], 1, paste, collapse=".")
rango <- apply(cbind(junturas[, 1], rango), 1, paste, collapse=".")
#rango <- junturas[, 1], , collapse=".")
ltsp$range <- rango[rownames(ltsp)]
# the participation and dparticipation cluster values come from the
# significant junction (jPSI$FDR<maxFDRForParticipation) presenting maximal participation value inside the cluster
junturasDeInteres <- jPSI[jPSI$FDR < maxFDRForParticipation, ]
if(nrow(junturasDeInteres) > 0){
participacion <- aggregate(participation ~ cluster, junturasDeInteres, FUN = max)
delta <- aggregate(participation ~ cluster, junturasDeInteres, FUN = which.max)
dParticipation <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(delta)){
dParticipation <- c(dParticipation, junturasDeInteres[junturasDeInteres$cluster == delta$cluster[i], ][delta$participation[i], "dParticipation"])
names(dParticipation) <- rownames(participacion) <- participacion[, 1]
ltsp$participation <- participacion[rownames(ltsp), 2] #llena con NA las participaciones que no estan
ltsp$dParticipation <- dParticipation[rownames(ltsp)] #llena con NA las participaciones que no estan
ltsp$participation <- NA #llena con NA las participaciones que no estan
ltsp$dParticipation <- NA #llena con NA las participaciones que no estan
ltsp$size <- as.numeric(table(jPSI$cluster)[rownames(ltsp)])
ltsp <- ltsp[, c("size", "cluster.LR", "cluster.pvalue", "cluster.fdr", "range", "participation", "dParticipation")]
colnames(ltsp) <- c("size", "cluster.LR", "pvalue", "FDR", "range", "participation", "dParticipation")
localec(jdu) <- ltsp
message("Running junctionsPIR test")
data <- junctionsPIR(asd)
#Only keep data related to current conditions. AR. AdHoc a borrar.
icols <- which(colnames(data) %in% c(rownames(targets), targets$condition, "hitIntron", "hitIntronEvent"))
columns <- colnames(data)[icols]
data <- data[, icols]
names(data) <- columns
start_J1 <- 3
start_J2 <- 3+nrow(targets)
start_J3 <- 3+2*nrow(targets)
Js <- .makeJunctions(data, targets, start_J1, start_J2, start_J3, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted, contrast, strongFilter)
if(nrow(Js$J3) == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE?")
countData <- .makeCountData(Js$J3, Js$J1, Js$J2)
#We reduce data so dispersion estimates can be computed in a razonable ammount of time
reduxData <- .makeReduxData(countData, targets, contrast, maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate)
ltsp <- .binsDUWithDiffSplice(reduxData$countData, reduxData$targets, reduxData$contrast, formula = formula, coef = coef)#, test = "gene")
#keep only J3 rows
tsp <- ltsp[["junction"]]
J1 <- tsp[grep("[.][1]$", rownames(tsp)), ]
rownames(J1) <- J1$locus
J2 <- tsp[grep("[.][2]$", rownames(tsp)), ]
rownames(J2) <- J2$locus
tsp <- tsp[-(grep("[.][1-2]$", rownames(tsp))), ] #Saco las junturas que no son J3
tsp$P.Value <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.pvalue"]
#tsp$FDR <- p.adjust(ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"], "fdr") #bug? fdr(fdr)
tsp$FDR <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"]
tsp$LR <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.LR"]
tsp$J1.pvalue <- J1[rownames(tsp), "pvalue"]
tsp$J2.pvalue <- J2[rownames(tsp), "pvalue"]
jPIR <- tsp
mean.counts <- rowMeans(countData[rownames(jPIR), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]], drop = FALSE])
jPIR$log.mean <- log2(mean.counts)
#Run non-Uniformity only for IR junction sets with fdr less than maxFDRForUniformityCheck threshold
data_unif <- data[rownames(jPIR), getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]]
data_unif$FDR <- jPIR$FDR
message("Testing uniformity in junctionsPIR")
jPIR$NonUniformity <- .testUniformity(data_unif, mergedBams, maxPValForUniformityCheck, targets, contrast)
jPIR$NonUniformity <- rep(NA, nrow(jPIR))
#Add J1, J2 and J3 count data
jPIR <- cbind(jPIR, countsJ1 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J1[paste0(rownames(jPIR), ".1"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jPIR <- cbind(jPIR, countsJ2 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J2[paste0(rownames(jPIR), ".2"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jPIR <- cbind(jPIR, countsJ3 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J3[rownames(jPIR), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
#dPIR estimation
icols <- which(colnames(data) %in% getConditions(targets))
icols <- icols[(length(icols) - length(getConditions(targets)) + 1):length(icols)]
# icols <- icols[(length(icols) - nrow(targets) + 1):length(icols)]
dpir <- data[rownames(jPIR), icols]
jPIR$dPIR <- apply(dpir,1,function(x){
aux <- x[which(contrast != 0)]
if(any(is.nan(aux))) {
aux <- NA
aux <- sum(x*contrast,na.rm = TRUE)
#participation <- jPIR[, grep("countsJ3", colnames(jPIR))]/(jPIR[, grep("countsJ1", colnames(jPIR))] + jPIR[, grep("countsJ2", colnames(jPIR))] + jPIR[, grep("countsJ3", colnames(jPIR))])
#jPIR$participation <- apply(participation, 1, max)
#jPIR$dParticipation <- jPIR$participation-apply(participation, 1, min)
jPIR$annotated <- ifelse(!is.na(data[rownames(jPIR), "hitIntron"]), "Yes", "No")
jPIR <- jPIR[, c("log.mean", "logFC", "LR", "P.Value", "FDR", "J1.pvalue", "J2.pvalue", "NonUniformity", "dPIR", "annotated", colnames(jPIR)[grep("counts", colnames(jPIR))])]
colnames(jPIR)[match("P.Value",colnames(jPIR))] <- "pvalue"
anchorj(jdu) <- jPIR
aux <- ltsp[["cluster"]][,!colnames(ltsp[["cluster"]])%in%"size"]
colnames(aux) <- c("cluster.LR", "pvalue", "FDR")
anchorc(jdu) <- aux
#irPIR for annotated junctions
message("Running irPIR test")
data <- irPIR(asd)
#Only keep data related to current conditions. AR. AdHoc a borrar.
icols <- which(colnames(data) %in% c(rownames(targets), targets$condition, "event", "J1", "J2", "J3"))
columns <- colnames(data)[icols]
data <- data[, icols]
names(data) <- columns
start_J1 <- grep("J1", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J2 <- grep("J2", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J3 <- grep("J3", colnames(data)) + 1
data <- data[!is.na(data$J3), ]
Js <- .makeJunctions(data, targets, start_J1, start_J2, start_J3, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted, contrast, strongFilter)
if(nrow(Js$J3) == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE?")
countData <- .makeCountData(Js$J3, Js$J1, Js$J2)
#We reduce data so dispersion estimates can be computed in a razonable ammount of time
reduxData <- .makeReduxData(countData, targets, contrast, maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate)
ltsp <- .binsDUWithDiffSplice(reduxData$countData, reduxData$targets, reduxData$contrast, formula = formula, coef = coef)
tsp <- ltsp[["junction"]]
#keep only J3 data
tsp <- tsp[-(grep("[.][1-2]$", rownames(tsp))), ]
tsp$pvalue <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.pvalue"]
#tsp$bin.fdr <- p.adjust(ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"], "fdr")
tsp$bin.fdr <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"]
tsp$bin.LR <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.LR"]
jirPIR <- tsp[, c("logFC", "pvalue", "bin.fdr", "bin.LR")]
jirPIR$log.mean <- log2(rowMeans(countData[rownames(jirPIR), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]], drop = FALSE]))
data_unif <- data[rownames(jirPIR), getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]]
rownames(data_unif) <- data[rownames(jirPIR), "J3"]
data_unif$FDR <- jirPIR$bin.fdr#pmin(jirPIR$bin.fdr,tsp$bin.fdr) #corro unif test si bin o juntura son suficientemente significativos
message("Testing uniformity in irPIR")
jirPIR$NonUniformity <- .testUniformity(data_unif, mergedBams, maxPValForUniformityCheck, targets, contrast)
jirPIR$NonUniformity <- rep(NA, nrow(jirPIR))
jirPIR$J3 <- data[rownames(jirPIR), "J3"]
jirPIR <- jirPIR[, c("J3", "logFC", "log.mean", "pvalue", "bin.fdr", "bin.LR", "NonUniformity")]
icols <- which(colnames(irPIR(asd)) %in% getConditions(targets))
icols <- icols[(length(icols) - length(getConditions(targets)) + 1):length(icols)]
# icols <- icols[(length(icols) - nrow(targets) + 1):length(icols)]
dpir <- irPIR(asd)[rownames(jirPIR), icols]
jirPIR$dPIR <- apply(dpir,1,function(x){
aux <- x[which(contrast != 0)]
if(any(is.nan(aux))) {
aux <- NA
aux <- sum(x*contrast,na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(jirPIR) <- c("J3", "logFC", "log.mean", "pvalue", "FDR", "LR", "NonUniformity","dPIR")
jirPIR$multiplicity <- "No"
jirPIR$multiplicity[grep(";", jirPIR$J3)] <- "Yes"
#Sacamos "cluster" de anchorj
jirPIR <- cbind(jirPIR, countsJ1 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J1[paste0(rownames(jirPIR), ".1"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jirPIR <- cbind(jirPIR, countsJ2 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J2[paste0(rownames(jirPIR), ".2"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jirPIR <- cbind(jirPIR, countsJ3 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J3[rownames(jirPIR), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
#jirPIR$dPIR <- apply(jirPIR,1,function(x){sum(x*contrast)})
#participation <- jirPIR$countsJ3/(jirPIR$countsJ1 + jirPIR$countsJ2 + jirPIR$countsJ3)
#jirPIR$participation <- apply(participation, 1, max)
jir(jdu) <- jirPIR
message("Running esPSI test")
data <- esPSI(asd)
#Only keep data related to current conditions. AR. AdHoc a borrar.
icols <- which(colnames(data) %in% c(rownames(targets), targets$condition, "event", "J1", "J2", "J3"))
columns <- colnames(data)[icols]
data <- data[, icols]
names(data) <- columns
start_J1 <- grep("J1", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J2 <- grep("J2", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J3 <- grep("J3", colnames(data)) + 1
data <- data[!is.na(data$J3), ]
Js <- .makeJunctions(data, targets, start_J1, start_J2, start_J3, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted, contrast, strongFilter)
if(nrow(Js$J3) == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE?")
countData <- .makeCountData(Js$J3, Js$J1, Js$J2)
#We reduce data so dispersion estimates can be computed in a razonable ammount of time
reduxData <- .makeReduxData(countData, targets, contrast, maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate)
ltsp <- .binsDUWithDiffSplice(reduxData$countData, reduxData$targets, reduxData$contrast, formula = formula, coef = coef)#, test = "gene")
tsp <- ltsp[["junction"]]
tsp <- tsp[-(grep("[.][1-2]$", rownames(tsp))), ]
tsp$pvalue <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.pvalue"]
#tsp$bin.fdr <- p.adjust(ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"], "fdr")
tsp$bin.fdr <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"]
tsp$bin.LR <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.LR"]
jesPSI <- tsp[, c("logFC", "pvalue", "bin.fdr", "bin.LR")]
jesPSI$log.mean <- log2(rowMeans(countData[rownames(jesPSI), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]], drop = FALSE]))
jesPSI$event <- data[rownames(jesPSI), "event"]
jesPSI$J3 <- data[rownames(jesPSI), "J3"]
jesPSI <- jesPSI[, c("event", "J3", "logFC", "log.mean", "pvalue", "bin.fdr", "bin.LR")]
icols <- which(colnames(esPSI(asd)) %in% getConditions(targets))
icols <- icols[(length(icols) - length(getConditions(targets)) + 1):length(icols)]
# icols <- icols[(length(icols) - nrow(targets) + 1):length(icols)]
dpsi <- esPSI(asd)[rownames(jesPSI), icols]
#clipedContrast <- contrast
#clipedContrast[clipedContrast > 0] <- 1
#clipedContrast[clipedContrast < 0] <- -1
jesPSI$dPSI <- apply(dpsi,1,function(x){
aux <- x[which(contrast != 0)]
if(any(is.nan(aux))) {
aux <- NA
aux <- sum(x*contrast,na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(jesPSI) <- c("event", "J3", "logFC", "log.mean", "pvalue", "FDR", "LR", "dPSI")
jesPSI$multiplicity <- "No"
jesPSI$multiplicity[grep(";", jesPSI$J3)] <- "Yes"
jesPSI <- cbind(jesPSI, countsJ1 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J1[paste0(rownames(jesPSI), ".1"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jesPSI <- cbind(jesPSI, countsJ2 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J2[paste0(rownames(jesPSI), ".2"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jesPSI <- cbind(jesPSI, countsJ3 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J3[rownames(jesPSI), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jes(jdu) <- jesPSI
message("Running altPSI test")
data <- altPSI(asd)
#Only keep data related to current conditions. AR. AdHoc a borrar.
icols <- which(colnames(data) %in% c(rownames(targets), targets$condition, "event", "J1", "J2", "J3"))
columns <- colnames(data)[icols]
data <- data[, icols]
names(data) <- columns
start_J1 <- grep("J1", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J2 <- grep("J2", colnames(data)) + 1
start_J3 <- grep("J3", colnames(data)) + 1
data <- data[!is.na(data$J3), ]
Js <- .makeJunctions(data, targets, start_J1, start_J2, start_J3, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted, contrast, strongFilter, alt = T)
if(nrow(Js$J3) == 0) stop("No junctions to analyze! Is minReadLength less than bam read length? Maybe set strongFilter to FALSE?")
countData <- .makeCountData(Js$J3, Js$J1 + Js$J2)
ltsp <- .binsDUWithDiffSplice(countData, targets, contrast, formula = formula, coef = coef)#, test = "gene")
tsp <- ltsp[["junction"]]
tsp <- tsp[-(grep("[.][1-2]$", rownames(tsp))), ]
tsp$pvalue <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.pvalue"]
#tsp$bin.fdr <- p.adjust(ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"], "fdr")
tsp$bin.fdr <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.fdr"]
tsp$bin.LR <- ltsp$cluster[as.character(tsp$locus), "cluster.LR"]
jaltPSI <- tsp[, c("logFC", "pvalue", "bin.fdr", "bin.LR")]
jaltPSI$log.mean <- log2(rowMeans(countData[rownames(jaltPSI), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]], drop = FALSE]))
jaltPSI$event <- data[rownames(jaltPSI), "event"]
jaltPSI$J3 <- data[rownames(jaltPSI), "J3"]
jaltPSI <- jaltPSI[, c("event", "J3", "logFC", "log.mean", "pvalue", "bin.fdr", "bin.LR")]
icols <- which(colnames(altPSI(asd)) %in% getConditions(targets))
icols <- icols[(length(icols) - length(getConditions(targets)) + 1):length(icols)]
# icols <- icols[(length(icols) - nrow(targets) + 1):length(icols)]
dpsi <- altPSI(asd)[rownames(jaltPSI), icols]
jaltPSI$dPSI <- apply(dpsi,1,function(x){
aux <- x[which(contrast != 0)]
if(any(is.nan(aux))) {
aux <- NA
aux <- sum(x*contrast,na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(jaltPSI) <- c("event", "J3", "logFC", "log.mean", "pvalue", "FDR", "LR", "dPSI")
jaltPSI$multiplicity <- "No"
jaltPSI$multiplicity[grep(";", jaltPSI$J3)] <- "Yes"
jaltPSI <- cbind(jaltPSI, countsJ1 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J1[paste0(rownames(jaltPSI), ".1"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jaltPSI <- cbind(jaltPSI, countsJ2 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J2[paste0(rownames(jaltPSI), ".2"), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jaltPSI <- cbind(jaltPSI, countsJ3 = sapply(getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0], function(i){return(rowMeans(Js$J3[rownames(jaltPSI), rownames(targets)[targets$condition %in% i], drop = FALSE]))}))
jalt(jdu) <- jaltPSI
.filterJunctionBySampleWithContrast <- function(
filterWithContrasted = TRUE,
contrast = NULL
) {
# Simple function to compute the minimum of values of two vectors, by position
# Example:
# vecMin( c(1,2,3), c(2,0,0) ) -> c(1,0,0)
vecMin <- function ( a, b ) {
at <- a < b
bt <- a >= b
av <- rep( NA, length( a ) )
bv <- rep( NA, length( b ) )
av[ at ] <- a[ at ]
av[ !at ] <- 0
bv[ bt ] <- b[ bt ]
bv[ !bt ] <- 0
return( av + bv )
if(is.null(contrast)) warning("Constrast should be provided if filterWithContrast=TRUE")
uniqueConditions <- getConditions(targets)[contrast!=0]
auxtargets <- targets[targets$condition%in%uniqueConditions,]
cropped <- .extractCountColumns( df0, auxtargets )
uniqueConditions <- getConditions(targets)
auxtargets <- targets
cropped <- .extractCountColumns( df0, auxtargets )
# Creates an matrix with Inf ( the neutral element for Min function)
filter <- matrix( Inf ,
ncol = length( uniqueConditions ) ,
nrow = nrow( cropped ) )
# Iterates over conditions and over samples of each condition
# uses filter matrix to compute partial min operations
for ( i in 1:length( uniqueConditions ) ) {
byCond <- cropped[ , auxtargets$condition == uniqueConditions[ i ] , drop = FALSE]
for ( j in 1:ncol( byCond ) ) {
filter[ , i ] <- vecMin( filter[ , i ] , byCond[ , j ] )
# Filter the initial dataframe
filter <- rowSums( filter > threshold ) > 0
return( df0[ filter, ] )
.makeClusters <- function(
bStrongFilter = FALSE
junctions_of_interest <- !is.na(J3) & J3 != "-"
J1 <- J1[junctions_of_interest]
J2 <- J2[junctions_of_interest]
J3 <- J3[junctions_of_interest]
#JJ3 <- J3[junctions_of_interest]
JJ3 <- strsplit(J3, ";")
main_junctions <- unlist(lapply(JJ3, function(s){return(s[1])}))
nJJ3 <- unlist(lapply(JJ3, length))-1
JJ3 <- unlist(lapply(JJ3[nJJ3 > 0], function(s){return(s[-1])}))
resMed <- cbind(rep(main_junctions, times=nJJ3), JJ3)
junctions_of_interest <- J1 != "-" & !is.na(J1)
J1 <- J1[junctions_of_interest]
J1 <- strsplit(J1, ";")
nJ1 <- unlist(lapply(J1, length))
J1 <- unlist(J1)
resStart <- cbind(rep(main_junctions[junctions_of_interest], times=nJ1), J1)
junctions_of_interest <- J2 != "-" & !is.na(J2)
J2 <- J2[junctions_of_interest]
J2 <- strsplit(J2, ";")
nJ2 <- unlist(lapply(J2, length))
J2 <- unlist(J2)
resEnd <- cbind(rep(main_junctions[junctions_of_interest], times=nJ2), J2)
#saco nodos que no pasaron el filtro (y que estaban en el string list starthit o endhit)
resStart <- resStart[which(resStart[,1] %in% J3 & resStart[,2] %in% J3),]
resEnd <- resEnd[which(resEnd[,1] %in% J3 & resEnd[,2] %in% J3),]
g <- graph_from_edgelist(rbind(resEnd, resStart, resMed),directed = FALSE)
gclus <- clusters(g)
.binsJDUWithDiffSplice <- function(
ignoreExternal = FALSE,
ignoreIo = TRUE,
ignoreI = FALSE,
maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate = 4
) {
# Filter bins
countData = countData[ ! ignoreExternal | countData$event != "external" ,]
countData = countData[ ! ignoreIo | countData$feature != "Io" ,]
countData = countData[ ! ignoreI | countData$feature != "I" ,]
# Define group and contrast
group <- targets$condition
if( is.null( contrast ) ) contrast <- .getDefaultContrasts( group )
# make DU analysis
y <- DGEList( counts = .extractCountColumns( countData, targets ),
group = factor( group, levels = getConditions(targets), ordered = TRUE) ,
genes = .extractDataColumns(countData, targets) ) #Must use regular targets in order to effectively remove the target columns
# TODO: Este filtro es muy resctrictivos
# keep <- rowSums( cpm( y ) > 1) >= 2
# y <- y[ keep, , keep.lib.sizes = FALSE ]
y <- calcNormFactors( y )
# model.matrix sort columns alphabetically if formula has characters instead
# of factors. Therefore to preserve order group is converted to ordered factors
groupFactor <- factor( group, unique( group ), ordered = TRUE )
design <- model.matrix( ~0 + groupFactor, data = y$samples )
y <- estimateDisp( y, design , robust=TRUE)
fit <- glmFit( y, design )
ds <- diffSpliceDGE( fit, contrast = contrast, geneid = "locus",
exonid = NULL, verbose = FALSE )
tsp <- topSpliceDGE( ds, test = "exon", FDR = 2, number = Inf )
tspg <- topSpliceDGE( ds, test = "gene", FDR = 2, number = Inf )
# make column names equal to the results of DUReport method
#colnames( tsp )[ match( 'FDR', colnames( tsp )) ] <- 'bin.fdr'
#colnames( tsp )[ match( 'P.Value', colnames( tsp )) ] <- 'pvalue'
#tsp$exon.LR <- NULL
tsp <- tsp[,c("locus","logFC","P.Value","FDR")]
rownames(tspg) <- tspg$locus
tspg <- tspg[,c("NExons","gene.LR","P.Value","FDR")]
colnames(tspg)[1:2] <- c("size","cluster.LR")
return( list(junction=tsp,cluster=tspg) )
.makeCountDataWithClusters <- function(
countData <- countData[names(clusters$membership), ]
countData <- cbind(length = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(end = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(start = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(gene_coordinates = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(symbol = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(locus_overlap = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(locus = clusters$membership, countData)
countData <- cbind(event = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(feature = "", countData)
countData <- countData[order(rownames(countData)), ]
.makeJunctions <- function(
filterWithContrasted = TRUE,
contrast = NULL,
strongFilter = TRUE,
alt = FALSE
#Pasamos todos los NA a 0
data[, start_J1:(start_J1 + nrow(targets) - 1)][is.na(data[, start_J1:(start_J1 + nrow(targets) - 1)])] <- 0
data[, start_J2:(start_J2 + nrow(targets) - 1)][is.na(data[, start_J2:(start_J2 + nrow(targets) - 1)])] <- 0
data[, start_J3:(start_J3 + nrow(targets) - 1)][is.na(data[, start_J3:(start_J3 + nrow(targets) - 1)])] <- 0
J1 <- data[, start_J1:(start_J1 + nrow(targets) - 1)]
J2 <- data[, start_J2:(start_J2 + nrow(targets) - 1)]
J3 <- data[, start_J3:(start_J3 + nrow(targets) - 1)]
#reliables <- rep(FALSE, times=nrow(J3))
#for(condition in unique(targets$condition)[contrast != 0]){
# reliables <- reliables | (rowMeans(J1[, grep(condition, colnames(J1))]) > minAvgCounts &
# rowMeans(J2[, grep(condition, colnames(J2))]) > minAvgCounts &
# rowMeans(J3[, grep(condition, colnames(J3))]) > minAvgCounts)
reliables <- list()
reliables[["J1"]] <- .filterJunctionBySampleWithContrast( J1, targets, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted = filterWithContrasted, contrast )
if(nrow(reliables[["J1"]]) > 0) reliables[["J1"]] <- rownames(reliables[["J1"]])
reliables[["J2"]] <- .filterJunctionBySampleWithContrast( J2, targets, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted = filterWithContrasted, contrast )
if(nrow(reliables[["J2"]]) > 0) reliables[["J2"]] <- rownames(reliables[["J2"]])
reliables[["J3"]] <-.filterJunctionBySampleWithContrast( J3, targets, minAvgCounts, filterWithContrasted = filterWithContrasted, contrast )
if(nrow(reliables[["J3"]]) > 0) reliables[["J3"]] <- rownames(reliables[["J3"]])
#No queremos filtrar todas las junturas de alt, solo que tenga o J1 o J2
reliables <- Reduce(intersect, reliables)
reliables <- unique(c(intersect(reliables[["J1"]], reliables[["J3"]]),
intersect(reliables[["J2"]], reliables[["J3"]])))
reliables <- reliables[["J3"]]
#for(condition in unique(targets$condition)[contrast != 0]){
# reliables <- reliables | rowMeans(J3[, grep(condition, colnames(J3))]) > minAvgCounts
#reliables <- reliables & apply(data, 1, function(s){return(!any(is.na(s)))})
rownames(J1) <- paste0(rownames(J3), ".1")
rownames(J2) <- paste0(rownames(J3), ".2")
J1 <- J1[paste0(reliables, ".1"), ]
J2 <- J2[paste0(reliables, ".2"), ]
J3 <- J3[reliables, ]
return(list(J1 = J1, J2 = J2, J3 = J3))
.makeCountData <- function(
Jaux2 = NULL
reps <- 2
countData <- rbind(J3, Jaux1)
countData <- rbind(countData, Jaux2)
reps <- 3
countData <- cbind(length = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(end = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(start = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(gene_coordinates = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(symbol = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(locus_overlap = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(locus = rep(rownames(J3), times=reps), countData)
countData <- cbind(event = "", countData)
countData <- cbind(feature = "", countData)
countData <- countData[order(rownames(countData)), ]
.testUniformity <- function(
warning("Can't run uniformity test without merged bams.")
return(rep(NA, length=nrow(data)))
mergedBams <- as.character(mergedBams[,1])
warning("Can't run uniformity test. Problems with merged bams specifications.")
return(rep(NA, length=nrow(data)))
if(!all(file.exists(c(mergedBams, paste0(mergedBams, ".bai"))))){
warning("Can't run uniformity test. Couldn't find merged bams or their index.")
return(rep(NA, length=nrow(data)))
ii <- rownames(data)[data$FDR < maxFDRForUniformityCheck]
Uniformity <- rep(NA, length=nrow(data))
names(Uniformity) <- rownames(data)
if(length(ii) == 0){
message("No junctions with FDR < maxFDRForUniformityCheck to run uniformity test to")
# + pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
# + setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
# + close(pb
i = 0
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1,max=length(ii),style=3)
Uniformity[ii] <- sapply(ii, function(p){
#if(i %% 100 == 0) print(paste(i/length(elementos), "%"))
i <- i + 1
# if(i %% 10 == 0){
# message(paste0("Uniformity test: ", round(i/length(ii)*100), "% completed"))
# }
#reader <- bamReader(mergedBams[2], idx=TRUE)
#reader <- readers[[which.max(data[p, getConditions(targets)])]]
pp <- strsplit2(p, "[.]")[1, ]
ad <- system(paste0("samtools depth -r ", paste0(pp[1], ":", (as.numeric(pp[2])-10), "-", (as.numeric(pp[3])+10)), " ", mergedBams[which.max(data[p, getConditions(targets)[contrast != 0]])]), intern = T)
if(length(ad) > 40){
ad <- as.numeric(strsplit2(ad, "\t")[, 3])
#if(refid[pp[1]] < 5){
#for(i in 1:100){
#reader <- bamReader(mergedBams[which.max(data[p, getConditions(targets)])], idx=TRUE)
#brange <- bamRange(reader,c(refid[pp[1]],(as.numeric(pp[2])-10), (as.numeric(pp[3])+10)), complex = FALSE)
#brange <- bamRange(reader,c(0, 10, 10000))
#ad <- alignDepth(brange)
b <- sd(ad[11:(length(ad)-12)])
a <- mean(c(ad[1:10], ad[(length(ad)-11):length(ad)]))
#for(i in 1:length(readers)){
# bamClose(readers[[i]])
#Para que el test corra en un tiempo razonable en datasets muy grandes, evaluamos en un subconjunto
.makeReduxData <- function(countData, targets, contrast, maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate){
group <- targets$condition
ugroup <- unique(group)
names(contrast) <- ugroup
contrast_groups <- ugroup[contrast != 0]
other_groups <- ugroup[contrast == 0]
other_groups <- sample(other_groups, min(length(other_groups), abs(maxConditionsForDispersionEstimate-length(contrast_groups))))
final_groups <- c(contrast_groups, other_groups)
final_groups <- names(contrast)[names(contrast) %in% final_groups]
redux_targets <- targets[targets$condition %in% final_groups, ]
contrast <- contrast[final_groups]
targets <- targets[targets$condition %in% redux_targets$condition, ]
countData <- cbind(.extractDataColumns(countData, targets), .extractCountColumns( countData, redux_targets ))
reduxData <- list(countData = countData, targets = targets, contrast = contrast)
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