### =========================================================================
### Miscellaneous low-level utils
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Global character vector to hold default names for circular sequences.
DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS = c("chrM","MT","mit","2micron","2-micron");
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Miscellaneous (NOT exported).
### AFAIK UCSC doesn't flag circular sequences.
### As of Sep 21, 2010 (Ensembl release 59), Ensembl was still not flagging
### circular sequences in their db (see this thread for the details
### http://lists.ensembl.org/pipermail/dev/2010-September/000139.html),
### This just takes the list of things that users are calling circular in the
### circ_seqs argument and then marks those things as being circular and
### returns the vector all marked up
### TODO: still need to get the new parameter passed along to where this is called... :P
matchCircularity <- function(seqnames, circ_seqs)
## shorten and put to lowercase (for simplicity in subsequent comparisons)
seqs <- tolower(seqnames)
circs <- tolower(circ_seqs)
## checks
if(length(intersect(seqs,circs))<1 && length(circs)>0){
warning("None of the strings in your circ_seqs argument match your seqnames.")
int <- intersect(seqs,circs)
is_circular <- rep.int(FALSE, length(seqs))
for(i in seq_len(length(int))){
idx <- grep(int[i], seqs)
is_circular[idx] <- TRUE
### 'exon_count' must be a vector of positive integers and 'tx_strand' a
### character vector with "+" or "-" values. Both vectors must have the
### same length.
makeExonRankCol <- function(exon_count, tx_strand)
ans <- lapply(seq_len(length(exon_count)),
if (tx_strand[i] == "+")
.complements <- c("A"="T","T"="A",
.fastComplement = function(base) .complements[base]
#' Pure R function to turn a character vector of nucleotides into a reverse complement vector.
#' When running on many strings, this is much faster than Biostrings::reverseComplement(DNAString).
#' @param naString a character vector of nucleotides; IUPAC ambiguous nucleotides are supported
#' @return the reverse complement of naString
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fastComplement(c("GAT", "TACA")) # "CTA" "ATGT"
#' fastComplement("MAW") # "KTW"
fastComplement = function(naString)
sapply(lapply(strsplit(naString, ""), .fastComplement), paste0, collapse="")
#' Get URL to download protein sequence FASTA from UCSC genome browser for a given dbkey.
#' @param dbkey The UCSC dbkey to get protein sequences for, e.g. hg19, hg38, mm10.
#' @return A URL which can be downloaded with \code{\link{download.file}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getProteinFastaUrlFromUCSC("hg38")
getProteinFastaUrlFromUCSC = function(dbkey)
refseqTrack = ifelse(dbkey=="hg38", "refSeqComposite", "refGene")
paste0("http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=", dbkey,
"&hgta_track=", refseqTrack)
#' Get URL to download coding sequence FASTA from UCSC genome browser for a given dbkey.
#' @param dbkey The UCSC dbkey to get coding sequences for, e.g. hg19, hg38, mm10.
#' @return A URL which can be downloaded with \code{\link{download.file}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getCodingFastaUrlFromUCSC("hg38")
getCodingFastaUrlFromUCSC = function(dbkey)
paste0("http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?db=", dbkey,
#' Read the cached result of an expression from a locally cached file if it exists,
#' else evaluate the expression, cache it, and return result.
#' @param expression The expression to be evaluated and returned if the cached result does not exist.
#' @param local_cache_path The path that stores the cached objects. If NULL, no caching is performed.
#' @param object_name The name of the object used to read/create the cache file.
#' @return The result of evaluating the expression, either read from cache or from actually evaluating it.
#' @note If evaluating the expression has side-effects,
#' they will not happen if the result is returned from cache.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read_or_update_local_cache(2+2, tempdir(), "TwoPlusTwo")
#' }
read_or_update_local_cache <- function(expression, local_cache_path, object_name)
if (is.null(local_cache_path))
return (expression)
cached_filepath = paste0(local_cache_path, "/", object_name, ".rds")
if (file.exists(cached_filepath))
return (readRDS(cached_filepath))
if (!dir.exists(local_cache_path)) { dir.create(local_cache_path, recursive=TRUE) }
result = expression
saveRDS(result, file=cached_filepath)
return (result)
read_or_update_local_cacheDb <- function(expression, local_cache_path, object_name)
if (is.null(local_cache_path))
return (expression)
cached_filepath = paste0(local_cache_path, "/", object_name, ".sqlite")
if (file.exists(cached_filepath))
return (loadDb(cached_filepath))
if (!dir.exists(local_cache_path)) { dir.create(local_cache_path, recursive=TRUE) }
result = expression
saveDb(result, file=cached_filepath)
return (result)
`%||%` <- function(a, b) if (is.null(a)) b else a
#' Expectation: is the object equal to a reference value stored in a file?
#' This expectation is equivalent to [expect_equal()], except that the
#' expected value is stored in an RDS file instead of being specified literally.
#' This can be helpful when the value is necessarily complex. If the file does
#' not exist then it will be created using the value of the specified object,
#' and subsequent tests will check for consistency against that generated value.
#' The test can be reset by deleting the RDS file.
#' It is important to initialize the reference RDS file within the source
#' package, most likely in the `tests/testthat` directory. Testing spawned
#' by [devtools::test()/test_file()], for example, will accomplish this. But note
#' that testing spawned by `R CMD check` and [devtools::check()] will NOT.
#' In the latter cases, the package source is copied to an external location
#' before tests are run. The resulting RDS file will not make its way back into
#' the package source and will not be available for subsequent comparisons.
#' @param object object to test
#' @param info extra information to be included in the message (useful when
#' writing tests in loops).
#' @param file The file name used to store the object. Should have an "rds"
#' extension.
#' @param label For the full form, a label for the expected object, which is
#' used in error messages. Useful to override the default (which is based on
#' the file name), when doing tests in a loop. For the short-cut form, the
#' object label, which is computed from the deparsed object by default.
#' @param expected.label Equivalent of `label` for shortcut form.
#' @param on.update If non-NULL and if the reference file does not exist,
#' [on.update(o, t)] will be called with 2 parameters:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item the new object
#' \item a title string composed of the reference file name and the object name
#' }
#' If on.update is NULL and the reference file does not exist, a short message
#' will be printed to alert the tester that the reference file was created instead of tested.
#' @param on.fail If non-NULL and the tested object does not match the reference object,
#' [on.fail(ref, new, title)] will be called with 3 parameters:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item the reference object
#' \item the new object
#' \item a title string composed of the reference file name and the object name
#' }
#' If on.fail is NULL, normal testthat reporting will still occur.
#' @param ... other values passed to [expect_equal()]
#' @family expectations
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expect_equal_to_reference(1, "one.rds")
#' }
expect_equal_to_reference = function(object, file, ..., info=NULL, label=NULL, expected.label=NULL,
on.fail=getOption("testthat.on.fail")) {
lab_act <- testthat:::quasi_label(rlang::enquo(object), label)
lab_exp <- expected.label %||% paste0("reference from `", file, "`")
# check for reference files either in current directory or in ./tests/testthat directory
if (!file.exists(file) && file.exists(file.path("tests", "testthat", file)))
file = file.path("tests", "testthat", file)
if (!file.exists(file)) {
# first time always succeeds
saveRDS(object, file)
if (is.null(on.update))
print(paste0("Updated reference file \"", file, "\" for object ", deparse(substitute(object))))
on.update(object, paste0(file, ":", deparse(substitute(object))))
} else {
reference <- readRDS(file)
if (class(reference)[1] == "GRanges")
reference = GenomicRanges::updateObject(reference)
object = GenomicRanges::updateObject(object)
comp <- testthat::compare(object, reference, ...)
if (!comp$equal && !is.null(on.fail))
on.fail(reference, object, paste0(file, ":", deparse(substitute(object))))
sprintf("%s not equal to %s.\n%s", lab_act, lab_exp, comp$message),
info = info
# stock on.update function that will open the new data with View (suitable for rectangular data)
on.update.view = function(new_ref, t) { utils::View(new_ref, t) }
# stock on.update function that will open the new data in a browser window
on.update.edit = function(new_ref, t)
old = options(max.print = 1000000)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
diff = as.character(diffobj::diffPrint("Reference file missing", new_ref, interactive=FALSE, mode="unified", format="html", style=list(html.output="diff.w.style"), disp.width=2000))
if (!"package:knitr" %in% search())
diffFile = tempfile(gsub("[^-\\w^&'@{},$=!#().%+~ ]", "_", t, perl=TRUE), fileext=".html")
cat(diff, file=diffFile)
# stock on.fail function that will open a diff between the reference and new data in a browser window
on.fail.diff = function(reference, new, t)
old = options(max.print = 1000000)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
diff = as.character(diffobj::diffPrint(reference, new, interactive=FALSE, mode="unified", format="html", style=list(html.output="diff.w.style"), disp.width=2000))
if (!"package:knitr" %in% search())
diffFile = tempfile(gsub("[^-\\w^&'@{},$=!#().%+~ ]", "_", t, perl=TRUE), fileext=".html")
cat(diff, file=diffFile)
# @return full path to this script
#' current script file (in full path)
#' @return The path of the currently executing script or code snippet.
#' @note Works with Rscript, source() or in RStudio Run selection
current_script_file <- function() {
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/32016824/2292993
cmdArgs = commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
needle = "--file="
match = grep(needle, cmdArgs)
if (length(match) > 0) {
# Rscript via command line
return(normalizePath(sub(needle, "", cmdArgs[match])))
} else {
ls_vars = ls(sys.frames()[[1]])
if ("fileName" %in% ls_vars) {
# Source'd via RStudio
} else {
if (!is.null(sys.frames()[[1]]$ofile)) {
# Source'd via R console
#} else if (rstudioapi::isAvailable() && nchar(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path) > 0) {
# # RStudio Run Selection
# # http://stackoverflow.com/a/35842176/2292993
# return(normalizePath(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path))
} else {
# Downloaded from: https://gist.github.com/xhdong-umd/6429e7f96735142fa467f3b1daa91a2c
# To decompress zip, gz, bzip2, xz into temp file, run function then remove temp file.
.temp_unzip <- function(filename, fun, ...){
BFR.SIZE <- 1e7
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
stop("No such file: ", filename);
if (!is.function(fun)) {
stop(sprintf("Argument 'fun' is not a function: %s", mode(fun)));
temp_dir <- tempdir()
# test if it's zip
files_in_zip <- try(utils::unzip(filename, list = TRUE)$Name, silent = TRUE)
if (class(files_in_zip) == "character") {
# hidden files can be ignored: starting with ., ending with $, __MACOSX folder
visible_files <- files_in_zip[!grepl("((^__MACOSX\\/.*)|(^\\..*)|(^.*\\$$))",
# will not continue for multiple non-hidden files since behavior is not well defined.
if(length(visible_files)>1) {
stop(paste0("Zip file contains multiple visible files:\n",
paste0(" ", visible_files, collapse = "\n")))
if(length(visible_files) == 0) { stop("\n No visible file found in Zip file")}
# proceed with single non-hidden file
utils::unzip(filename, files = visible_files[1], exdir = temp_dir, overwrite = TRUE)
dest_file <- file.path(temp_dir, visible_files[1])
} else {
dest_file <- tempfile()
# Setup input and output connections
inn <- gzfile(filename, open = "rb")
out <- file(description = dest_file, open = "wb")
# Process
nbytes <- 0
repeat {
bfr <- readBin(inn, what=raw(0L), size=1L, n=BFR.SIZE)
n <- length(bfr)
if (n == 0L) break;
nbytes <- nbytes + n
writeBin(bfr, con=out, size=1L)
bfr <- NULL # Not needed anymore
# call fun with temp file
res <- fun(dest_file, ...)
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