# linprog.R Copyright 2015 Christian Diener <ch.diener@gmail.com> MIT license.
# See LICENSE for more information.
#' @useDynLib dycone
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
gf <- function(vec) c(0, vec)
# Helper function to convert various input formats for the objective reaction
# Also performs a set of validity checks
build_objective <- function(o, S) {
if (is.list(o)) {
if (!all(c("S", "P", "N_S", "N_P") %in% names(o)))
stop("objective list must contain entries for S, P, N_S and N_P.")
l <- sapply(c("S", "P", "N_S", "N_P"), function(i) length(o[[i]]))
if (l[1] - l[3] != 0)
stop("S and N_S must have the same length")
if (l[2] - l[4] != 0)
stop("P and N_P must have the same length")
valid_S <- !is.na(o$S)
valid_P <- !is.na(o$P)
sto <- c(-o$N_S[valid_S], o$N_P[valid_P])
mets <- c(o$S[valid_S], o$P[valid_P])
col <- rep(0, nrow(S))
names(col) <- rownames(S)
col[mets] <- sto
} else if (is.vector(o)) {
if (is.null(names(o))) {
if (length(o) == 1) {
if (o > ncol(S)) {
stop("Not a valid column index in S!")
} else if (length(o) != nrow(S))
stop(paste0("Unnamed objective vector must have ",
"the same length as rows in S."))
col <- o
} else {
if (!all(names(o) %in% rownames(S)))
stop("Some metabolites in the objective do not appear in S.")
col <- rep(0, nrow(S))
names(col) <- rownames(S)
col[names(o)] <- o
} else stop("objective must be a list or vector.")
# Helper function to allow single or multi-value constraints
expand_constraints <- function(v, n) {
if (length(v) == n) return(v)
else if (length(v) == 1) return(rep(v, n))
else stop(paste0("There must be a single flux constraint ",
"or one for each reaction."))
#' Maximizes the flux through a given objective reaction.
#' @param obj The objective reaction, whose flux will be be maximized. Can
#' be any of the following three:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{A list containing at least the four vectors S, P, N_S, and N_P, which
#' which contain the names of substrates and products and their respective
#' stochiometries.}
#' \item{A unnamed vector containing the corresponding column in the
#' stochiometric matrix.}
#' \item{A named vector containing only the non-zero entries in the respective
#' column of the stochiometric matrix being named by their respective
#' metabolite.}
#' \item{A single integer indicating which column of the stoichiometric
#' contains the objective reaction.}
#' }
#' @param S The stochiometrix matrix to be used (must be irreversible).
#' @param v_min Lower bounds for the reaction fluxes. Can be a single value or a
#' vector containing one value for each reaction.
#' @param v_max Upper bounds for the reaction fluxes. Can be a single value or a
#' vector containing one value for each reaction.
#' @return A vector with the same length as columns in \code{S} containing the
#' solution of the optimization.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1, 0, -2, 1), ncol = 2)
#' rownames(S) <- c("A", "B")
#' fba(c(B = -1), S)
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix summary
#' @export
fba <- function(obj, S, v_min = 0, v_max = 1) {
v_min <- expand_constraints(v_min, ncol(S))
v_max <- expand_constraints(v_max, ncol(S))
obj <- build_objective(obj, S)
if (length(obj) == 1) {
optidx <- obj
} else {
S <- Matrix(cbind(S, build_objective(obj, S)), sparse = TRUE)
optidx <- ncol(S)
sp <- summary(S)
glpk_res <- glpk_fba(gf(sp[, 1]), gf(sp[, 2]), gf(sp[, 3]), nrow(S),
ncol(S), gf(v_min), gf(v_max), optidx)
if (length(glpk_res) < ncol(S)) {
stop(paste0("GLPK failed with error code ", glpk_res, "."))
names(glpk_res) <- colnames(S)
#' Performs flux variance analysis for a given objective reaction. Thus, FVA
#' obtains lower and upper bounds for the fluxes under a given (sub-)optimal
#' solution.
#' @param obj The objective reaction, whose flux will be be maximized. Can
#' be any of the following three:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{A list containing at least the four vectors S, P, N_S, and N_P, which
#' which contain the names of substrates and products and their respective
#' stochiometries.}
#' \item{A unnamed vector containing the corresponding column in the
#' stochiometric matrix.}
#' \item{A named vector containing only the non-zero entries in the respective
#' column of the stochiometric matrix being named by their respective
#' metabolite.}
#' \item{A single integer indicating which column of the stoichiometric
#' contains the objective reaction.}
#' }
#' @param alpha A positive scalar <=1. FVA is performed assuming that the
#' optimal solution can not be less than alpha*opt.
#' @param S The stochiometrix matrix to be used (must be irreversible).
#' @param v_min Lower bounds for the reaction fluxes. Can be a single value or a
#' vector containing one value for each reaction.
#' @param v_max Upper bounds for the reaction fluxes. Can be a single value or a
#' vector containing one value for each reaction.
#' @return A data frame with two columns, min and max, denoting the respective
#' minimum and maximum fluxes for each reaction.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1, 0, -2, 1), ncol = 2)
#' rownames(S) <- c("A", "B")
#' fva(c(B = -1), S=S)
#' @export
fva <- function(obj, S, alpha=1, v_min = 0, v_max = 1) {
v_min <- expand_constraints(v_min, ncol(S))
v_max <- expand_constraints(v_max, ncol(S))
obj <- build_objective(obj, S)
if (length(obj) == 1) {
optidx <- obj
} else {
S <- Matrix(cbind(S, build_objective(obj, S)), sparse = TRUE)
optidx <- ncol(S)
sp <- summary(S)
glpk_res <- glpk_fva(gf(sp[, 1]), gf(sp[, 2]), gf(sp[, 3]), nrow(S),
ncol(S), gf(v_min), gf(v_max), optidx, alpha)
if (length(glpk_res) == 1) {
stop(paste0("GLPK failed with error code ", glpk_res, "."))
names(glpk_res) <- colnames(S)
#' Maximizes a set of given fluxes within the k-cone using parsimonous FBA.
#' Here, 'parsimonous' means that from all the possible maxima we will return
#' the one minimizing the overall flux sum, thus, being the most 'economic' one
#' for the organism.
#' @param obj The objective reaction, whose flux will be be maximized. Can
#' be any of the following three:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{A list containing at least the four vectors S, P, N_S, and N_P, which
#' which contain the names of substrates and products and their respective
#' stochiometries.}
#' \item{A unnamed vector containing the corresponding column in the
#' stochiometric matrix.}
#' \item{A named vector containing only the non-zero entries in the respective
#' column of the stochiometric matrix being named by their respective
#' metabolite.}
#' \item{A single integer indicating which column of the stoichiometric
#' contains the objective reaction.}
#' }
#' @param S The stochiometrix matrix to be used (must be irreversible).
#' @param alpha Fraction of optimum value. Objective must be at least
#' alpha * fba_solution.
#' @param v_min Lower bounds for the reaction fluxes. Can be a single value or a
#' vector containing one value for each reaction.
#' @param v_max Upper bounds for the reaction fluxes. Can be a single value or a
#' vector containing one value for each reaction.
#' @return A vector with the same length as columns in \code{S} containing the
#' solution of the optimization.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1, 0, -2, 1), ncol = 2)
#' rownames(S) <- c("A", "B")
#' pfba(c(B = -1), S)
pfba <- function(obj, S, alpha = 1, v_min = 0, v_max = 1) {
v_min <- expand_constraints(v_min, ncol(S))
v_max <- expand_constraints(v_max, ncol(S))
obj <- build_objective(obj, S)
if (length(obj) == 1) {
optidx <- obj
} else {
S <- Matrix(cbind(S, build_objective(obj, S)), sparse = TRUE)
optidx <- ncol(S)
sp <- summary(S)
glpk_res <- glpk_pfba(gf(sp[, 1]), gf(sp[, 2]), gf(sp[, 3]), nrow(S),
ncol(S), gf(v_min), gf(v_max), optidx, alpha)
if (length(glpk_res) < ncol(S)) {
stop(paste0("GLPK failed with error code ", glpk_res, "."))
names(glpk_res) <- colnames(S)
#' Finds all reaction indices using the given subtrates and products.
#' @export
#' @param r A reaction list.
#' @param S a list of substrates to be searched or empty string.
#' @param P a list of products to be searched or empty string.
#' @return A data frame with two columns, the first specifying the index
#' of the reaction and the second the metabolites found for that reaction.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' which_reaction(eryth, P = c("pyr", "atp"))
which_reaction <- function(r, S = "", P = "") {
have_it <- sapply(r, function(x) any(S %in% x$S) || any(P %in% x$P))
idx <- which(have_it)
out <- lapply(idx, function(i) {
subs <- S[S %in% r[[i]]$S]
prods <- P[P %in% r[[i]]$P]
data.frame(idx = i, metabolites = c(subs, prods))
return(do.call(rbind, out))
#' Finds the closest point in within the k-cone to a query point p.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fba}} for optimization within the k-cone.
#' @param p The query point. Can be outside or inside the k-cone.
#' @param S The stochiometric matrix.
#' @param m_terms The metbaolic terms to be used. Must be have
#' \code{ncol(S)} elements.
#' @return A vector containing the closest point to p within the k-cone.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- stoichiometry(eryth)
#' mats <- runif(ncol(S))
#' closest(runif(ncol(S)), S, mats)
#' @importFrom quadprog solve.QP
#' @export
closest <- function(p, S, m_terms) {
if (!requireNamespace("quadprog", quietly = TRUE))
stop("This function requires the quadprog package.")
if (length(p) != ncol(S))
stop("p does not have the correct dimension!")
dp <- enorm(p)
A <- S %*% diag(m_terms)
A <- t(as.matrix(rbind(A, diag(ncol(S)))))
qp <- solve.QP(diag(ncol(S)), p / dp, A, meq = nrow(S))
return(qp$solution * dp)
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