#' @title Model Optimization Instructions
#' @description Provides directions for which parameters to loop over
#' during tuning. This becomes important when certain models can access
#' 'lower' parameters without running them independently.
#' @param method Vector of strings indicating which models will be fit
#' @param grid A list of parameters grids to be applied to the models
#' @return \item{modelInfo}{List of the following components}.
#' @return \itemize{
#' \item{scheme: String dictating which looping scheme to apply}
#' \item{loop: Dataframe of parameters to loop through for each model}
#' \item{model: Information regarding parameters of specific model}
#' \item{constant: Names of the 'loop' dataframe components}
#' \item{vary: Indication of parameters that vary and can access recursively}}
#' @author Charles E. Determan Jr.
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
# ' @export
tune.instructions <- function(method, grid)
modelInfo <- params(method)
## In a very similar fashion to the caret package, some models have
## parameters where several different models can be derived from one
## R object. For example, in plsDA models you can fit a model with 15
## components and get predictions for any mode with <= 15 components
## from the same object.
## if we don't have any of these types of parameters we can use a
## typical looping strategy
## i.e. scheme = "basic"
for(i in 1:length(modelInfo)){
modelInfo[[i]] <-
scheme = "basic",
loop = grid[[i]],
seqParam = NULL,
model = modelInfo[[i]],
constant = names(grid[[i]]),
vary = NULL)
for(i in 1:length(grid)){
paramVary <- unlist(lapply(grid[[i]],
function(u) length(unique(u)) > 1))
paramVary <- data.frame(
parameter = substring(names(paramVary), 2),
column = names(paramVary),
varies = paramVary)
modelInfo[[i]] <- merge(modelInfo[[i]], paramVary)
modelInfo[[i]]$varyingSeq <-
modelInfo[[i]]$varies & modelInfo[[i]]$seq
scheme <- if(any(modelInfo[[i]]$varyingSeq)) "seq" else "basic"
if(scheme == "seq")
constant <-
vary <-
## The data frame loop is the combination(s) of tuning
## parameters that we will be looping over. For each
## combination
## in loop, the list seqParam will provide the value(s) of the
## sequential parameter that should be evaluated for the same R
## model object
plsda =
grid[[i]] <- grid[[i]][order(grid[[i]]$.ncomp,
decreasing = TRUE),
, drop = FALSE]
loop <- grid[[i]][1,,drop = FALSE]
seqParam <- list(grid[[i]][-1,,drop = FALSE])
gbm =
loop <- aggregate(
.interaction.depth = grid[[i]]$.interaction.depth,
.shrinkage = grid[[i]]$.shrinkage), max)
names(loop)[3] <- ".n.trees"
seqParam <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(loop))
for(k in seq(along = loop$.n.trees))
index <- which(
grid[[i]]$.interaction.depth ==
loop$.interaction.depth[k] &
grid[[i]]$.shrinkage == loop$.shrinkage[k])
subTrees <- grid[[i]][index, ".n.trees"]
seqParam[[k]] <-
.n.trees = subTrees[subTrees != loop$.n.trees[k]])
pam =
grid[[i]] <- grid[[i]][order(grid[[i]]$.threshold,
decreasing = TRUE),
, drop = FALSE]
loop <- grid[[i]][1,,drop = FALSE]
seqParam <- list(grid[[i]][-1,,drop = FALSE])
glmnet =
uniqueAlpha <- unique(grid[[i]]$.alpha)
loop <- data.frame(.alpha = uniqueAlpha)
loop$.lambda <- NA
seqParam <- vector(mode = "list",
length = length(uniqueAlpha))
for(k in seq(along = uniqueAlpha))
seqParam[[k]] <-
.lambda = subset(
subset = loop$.alpha == uniqueAlpha[k])$.lambda)
modelInfo[[i]] <- list(scheme = "seq",
loop = loop,
seqParam = seqParam,
model = modelInfo[[i]],
constant = constant,
vary = vary)
} else {
modelInfo[[i]] <- list(scheme = "basic",
loop = grid[[i]],
seqParam = NULL,
model = modelInfo[[i]],
constant = names(grid[[i]]),
vary = NULL)
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