# Performance Permutation
#' @import graphics
# declare global variables (i.e. the foreach iterators)
globalVariables(c('p', 'fold'))
#' @title Monte Carlo Permutation of Model Performance
#' @description Applies Monte Carlo permutations to user specified models.
#' The user can either use the results
#' from \code{fs.stability} or provide specified model parameters.
#' @param fs.model Object containing results from \code{fs.stability}
#' @param X A scaled matrix or dataframe containing numeric values of
#' each feature
#' @param Y A factor vector containing group membership of samples
#' @param method A string of the model to be fit.
#' Available options are \code{"plsda"} (Partial Least Squares
#' Discriminant Analysis),
#' \code{"rf"} (Random Forest), \code{"gbm"} (Gradient Boosting Machine),
#' \code{"svm"} (Support Vector Machines), \code{"glmnet"}
#' (Elastic-net Generalized Linear Model),
#' and \code{"pam"} (Prediction Analysis of Microarrays)
#' @param k.folds How many and what fractions of dataset held-out for
#' prediction (i.e. 3 = 1/3, 10 = 1/10, etc.)
#' @param metric Performance metric to assess. Available options
#' are \code{"Accuracy"}, \code{"Kappa"}, and \code{"ROC.AUC"}.
#' @param nperm Number of permutations, default \code{nperm = 10}
#' @param allowParallel Logical argument dictating if parallel processing
#' is allowed via foreach package. Default \code{allowParallel = FALSE}
#' @param create.plot Logical argument whether to create a distribution
#' plot of permuation results.
#' @param verbose Logical argument whether output printed automatically
#' in 'pretty' format. Default \code{create.plot = FALSE}
#' @param ... Extra arguments that the user would like to apply to the models
#' @return \item{p.value}{Resulting p-value of permuation test}
#' @author Charles Determan Jr.
#' @references Guo Y., et. al. (2010) \emph{Sample size and statistical power
#' considerations in high-dimensionality data settings: a comparative study
#' of classification algorithms}. BMC Bioinformatics 11:447.
#' @example inst/examples/perm.class.R
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
#' @importFrom caret createMultiFolds
#' @importFrom permute shuffle
#' @export
perm.class <-
function(fs.model = NULL,
k.folds = 5,
metric = "Accuracy",
nperm = 10,
allowParallel = FALSE,
create.plot = FALSE,
# currently limiting to no more than 100,000 permutations
assert_is_in_closed_range(nperm, 0, 100000)
if(!method %in% modelList()$methods){
stop("Method not recognized. Check for method
code in 'modelList()'")
`%op%` <- if(allowParallel){
theDots <- list(...)
if(is.null(fs.model) & length(theDots) == 0){
stop("Error: you must either provide fitted model from fs.stability
or the parameters for the desired model")
obsLevels <- levels(Y)
data <- data.frame(X, .classes = Y)
## pam and will crash if there is a resample with <2 observations
## in a class. We will detect this and remove those classes.
if(method == "pam")
yDist <- table(data$.classes)
if(any(yDist < 2))
smallClasses <- names(yDist[yDist < 2])
data <- data[!(data$.classes %in% smallClasses),]
## Factor the class labels
levels(data$.classes) <- obsLevels
xNames <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% ".classes")]
trainX <- X
trainY <- Y
nr <- nrow(trainX)
if(method == "gbm" & length(obsLevels) == 2) {
numClasses <- ifelse(data$.classes == obsLevels[1], 1, 0)
args <- extract.args(fs.model, method)
if(!is.null(theDots) & length(theDots) != 0){
args <- theDots
if(!is.null(theDots) & length(theDots) != 0){
if(names(theDots) %in% names(args)){
arg.ind <- which(names(theDots) %in% names(args))
args <- theDots[arg.ind]
theDots <- theDots[-arg.ind]
args <- data.frame(do.call("cbind", args))
names(args) <- lapply(names(args), FUN = function(x) paste(".", x, sep = ""))
# for repeated cross-validation
# creates a list of samples used for models
inTrain <- createMultiFolds(trainY, k = k.folds, times = 1)
# get the remaining samples for testing group
outTrain <- lapply(inTrain, function(inTrain, total) total[-unique(inTrain)],
total = seq(nr))
# check if any only 1 index
ind <- which(lapply(outTrain, length) == 1)
# if only 1 index, randomly take one and add to outTrain
if(length(ind) > 0){
for(d in seq(along = ind)){
move.ind <- sample(inTrain[[ind[d]]], 1)
inTrain[[ind[d]]] <- inTrain[[ind[d]]][-move.ind]
outTrain[[ind[d]]] <- sort(c(outTrain[[ind[d]]], move.ind))
# extract new values of variables
N <- nrow(trainX)
perform <- foreach(p = seq.int(nperm+1),
.packages = c("OmicsMarkeR",
.export = c("shuffle"),
.verbose = FALSE,
.errorhandling = "stop") %:%
foreach(fold = seq(k.folds), # how many CV folds
.combine = "c",
.verbose = FALSE,
.packages = c("OmicsMarkeR", "foreach"),
.errorhandling = "stop") %op%
# permute group membership
if(!p == 1){
trainY <- trainY[perm]
trainY <- trainY
## combine variables and classes to make following functions simpler
trainData <- as.data.frame(trainX)
trainData$.classes <- trainY
# create models
mod <- try(
training(data = trainData,
method = method,
tuneValue = args,
obsLevels = obsLevels,
theDots = theDots
silent = TRUE)
# calculate predictions if model fit successfully
if(class(mod)[1] != "try-error")
predicted <- try(
predicting(method = method,
modelFit = mod$fit,
orig.data = trainData,
indicies = inTrain[[fold]],
newdata = trainData[outTrain[[fold]],
!(names(trainData) %in% ".classes"),
drop = FALSE],
param = args),
silent = TRUE)
# what should it do if predictionFunction fails???
if(class(predicted)[1] == "try-error")
#stop("prediction results failed")
stop(paste("prediction results failed on",
method, " fold: ", fold, sep = " "))
# what should it do if createModel fails???
} else {
stop("model could not be fit")
predicted <- as.vector(unlist(predicted))
predicted <- factor(as.character(predicted),
levels = obsLevels)
tmp <- data.frame(pred = predicted,
obs = trainData$.classes[outTrain[[fold]]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Set first column name to "pred"
names(tmp)[1] <- "pred"
## Generate performance metrics
perf.metrics <- perf.calc(tmp,
lev = obsLevels,
model = method)
value <- perf.metrics[metric]
# extract p-value (one-tailed)
perm.res <- sapply(perform, FUN = function(x) mean(x))
perm.p.val <- sprintf("%.3f", mean(
round(sum(perm.res[2:(nperm+1)] >= perm.res[1]))/nperm, digits = 3)
###plot distribution of permutations results
to = max(perm.res)),
xlab=paste(metric,"N=",nperm,sep=" "),
main="Permutation Test")
abline(v=perm.res[1], lwd=3, col='gold')
legend("bottomleft", c(paste("perm.pval=", perm.p.val), sep=""))
cat("\nPermutation Results\n")
cat(rep("-",20), sep="")
cat(paste("Metric =", metric))
cat(paste("\nP.Value =", perm.p.val))
perm.results = data.frame(p.value = perm.p.val)
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