#' Gene track visualization
#' Creates a track visualization of a genomic region defined by gene boundaries or custom provided
#' @param chrom (character) Chromosome (e.g. chr9)
#' @param start (numeric) Genomic coordinate from specified chromosome to start plotting
#' @param stop (numeric) Genomic coordinate from specified chromosome to stop plotting
#' @param symbol (character) Gene acceoted hgnc symbol to retrieve coordinates and area plotting ()
#' @param upstr (numeric) Distance upstream specified gene to extend the area plotted
#' @param dnstr (numeric) Distance downstream specified gene to extend the area plotted
#' @param genome.v (character) Reference genome version to draw chromosome limits and centromeres (hg19 or hg38)
#' @param addtext (logic) Whether to include transcript RefSeq ids in the plot
#' @param cex.text (numeric) The magnification to be used for transcript RefSeq text added
#' @param plot (logic) Whether to generate plot in open device
#' @param summary (logic) Whether to produce a data.table output with transcript information
#' @return A data.frame with gene isoform annotations and/or plot into open device
#' @param ... Additional graphical parameters
#' @keywords CNV, segmentation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # obtain the coordinates of a desired genomic regionbased on a known gene locus
#' refSeqGene <- gene.symbol.info(refseq_hg19,"PTPRD")
#' chrom <- refSeqGene$chrom
#' start <- refSeqGene$start - 150000;
#' stop <- refSeqGene$stop + 50000;
#' gene.track.view(symbol="PTPRD", genome.v="hg19")
gene.track.view <- function(chrom=NULL, start=NULL, stop=NULL,
plot = TRUE,
if(genome.v %in% c("hg19","GRCh37")){
refseq <- refseq_hg19
refseq@data <- refseq@data[order(refseq@data$txStart)]
refseq_gr <- with(refseq@data, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=txStart, end=txEnd), symbol=name2,transcript=name))
}else if(genome.v %in% c("hg38","GRCh38")){
refseq <- refseq_hg38
refseq@data <- refseq@data[order(refseq@data$txStart),]
refseq_gr <- with(refseq@data, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=txStart, end=txEnd), symbol=name2,transcript=name))
}else{stop("Unspecified, or non available genome")}
# define genomic region to plot
if(!is.null(symbol) && symbol %in% refseq@data$name2){
isonames <- refseq@data$name2[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)]
names(isonames) <- refseq@data$name[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)]
strand <- refseq@data$strand[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)][1]
if(is.null(upstr)) upstr= 10000
if(is.null(dnstr)) dnstr= 5000
chrom <- unique(refseq@data$chrom[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)])
if(strand == "-"){
start <- min(refseq@data$txStart[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)]) - dnstr
stop <- max(refseq@data$txEnd[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)]) + upstr
start <- min(refseq@data$txStart[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)]) - upstr
stop <- max(refseq@data$txEnd[which(refseq@data$name2 == symbol)]) + dnstr
}else if(!is.null(chrom) && !is.null(start) && !is.null(stop)){
coordgr <- with(data.frame(chrom,start,stop), GRanges(chrom, IRanges(start=start, end=stop)))
isonames <- refseq_gr[queryHits(GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(refseq_gr,coordgr))]@elementMetadata$symbol
names(isonames) <- refseq_gr[queryHits(GenomicAlignments::findOverlaps(refseq_gr,coordgr))]@elementMetadata$transcript
if(length(isonames) == 0) stop("There is no transcripts in specified coordinates!")
stop("Genomic coordinates or a valid hgnc gene symbol must be provided!")
isonames_list <- sapply(unique(isonames), function(i) names(which(isonames==i)),simplify = FALSE)
exons_coord <- sapply(names(isonames), function(i) cbind(refseq@exonStarts[[i]],refseq@exonEnds[[i]]) ,simplify = FALSE)
refseq_df <- refseq@data[which(refseq@data$name %in% names(exons_coord)),]
rownames(refseq_df) <- names(exons_coord)
geneRanges <- t(sapply(names(isonames), function(i)
c(min(refseq@data$txStart[which(refseq@data$name == i)]),max(refseq@data$txEnd[which(refseq@data$name == i)]))))
hits <- findOverlaps(IRanges(geneRanges[,1],geneRanges[,2]))
hitsNames <- data.frame(names(isonames)[queryHits(hits)],names(isonames)[subjectHits(hits)])
maxOverlaps <- max(table(hitsNames[,1]))
ylimit <- 1 + 0.5*maxOverlaps
rect(-1e6,0,1e16,10000,col = "grey90")
seqYpos <- rep(seq(0.1,ylimit,ylimit/maxOverlaps ),length(isonames_list)) +0.5
isoct <- 0
for(gene in names(isonames_list)){
for(iso in isonames_list[[gene]]){
isoct <- isoct +1
ypos <- seqYpos[isoct]
refseq_iso <- refseq_df[which(refseq_df$name == iso)]
iso_length <- refseq_iso$txEnd - refseq_iso$txStart
plot_length <- stop-start
narrows <- ceiling(20*iso_length/plot_length)
arrow_x <- seq(refseq_iso$txStart,refseq_iso$txEnd , iso_length/narrows)
strandpos <- exons_coord[[iso]][1,1]-(stop-start)/100
if(refseq_iso$strand == "-" ){
points(strandpos, ypos, pch="-", col="red")
arrows(arrow_x[2:(narrows+1)]+plot_length/200,rep(ypos,narrows), arrow_x[1:narrows],rep(ypos,narrows),length=0.1)
}else if(refseq_iso$strand == "+" ){
lines(matrix(c(refseq_iso$txStart,refseq_iso$txEnd, ypos, ypos), 2, 2), lwd=2)
bordercolor <- "black"; bgcolor<-"grey"
for(i in 1:nrow(exons_coord[[iso]])){
interval <- round((stop - start)/5000) * 1000
xlabs <- seq(floor(start/10000)*10000, ceiling(stop/10000)*10000,interval)
axis(1, at = xlabs, lwd.ticks=1.5 ,pos=0, ...)
mtext(gsub("chr","Chr ",chrom),side=2,las=1,...)
refSeqDat(data=refseq@data[which(refseq@data$name %in% unlist(isonames_list))],
exonStarts = refseq@exonStarts[unlist(isonames_list)],
exonEnds = refseq@exonEnds[unlist(isonames_list)],
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