#' Data class null.freq
#' Class to store observed and null distr. as well as ampirical corrected p-values associated with observed values
#' @param freq.cut (numeric): the value from observed distribution that satisfies certain p-value cutoff
#' @param pvalues (numeric): a vector containing the total number of breakpoints in each sample
#' @param observed (numeric): vector of observed distribution
#' @param null (numeric): vector of null distribution
#' @param param (list): a list of parametres provided
#' @return an instance of the class 'freq.cut'
#' @export
null.freq <- setClass("null.freq", representation(
freq.cut = 'numeric',
pvalues = 'numeric',
observed = 'numeric',
param = 'list'
writeLines(paste("An object of class null.freq from svpluscnv"))
#' Return frequency threshold from null.freq object
#' @param object (null.freq) An object of class null.freq
#' @return an instance of the class 'chromo.regs' containing breakpoint mapping onto genes
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname freq.threshold-methods
setGeneric("freq.threshold", function(object) standardGeneric("freq.threshold"))
#' @rdname freq.threshold-methods
setMethod("freq.threshold", "null.freq", function(object) object@freq.cut)
#' Frequency hot spot detection
#' Obtains significance cutoff for the frequency of binary events encoded in a matrix such as that generated by shattered.regions and shattered.regions.cnv algorithms
#' @param mat (numeric matrix) a binary matrix where columns will be tested for their sum value compared to a permutated matrix
#' @param method (character) the method to pass to p.adjust function
#' @param p.cut (numeric) the cutoff for multiple hypothesis corrected p.value
#' @param iter (numeric) Number of iterations to produce null distribution (note that null size will be iter*ncol(mat))
#' @param zerofreq (logical) whether to remove bins with observed frequency = 0; It is recommended to set to TRUE when the bins span genomic regions of low coverage
#' @param plot (logical) whether to generate a histogram comparing observed and null frequency distributions
#' @param verbose (logical) whether to return messages
#' @return an instance of the class 'freq.cut'
#' @keywords empirical p.value, p.adjust
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## validate input data.frames
#' cnv <- validate.cnv(segdat_lung_ccle)
#' ## obtain a matrix of genomic bins vs samples indicating high density of breaks
#' shatt.regions <- shattered.regions.cnv(cnv)
#' mat <- shatt.regions@high.density.regions.hc
#' freq.p.test(mat)
freq.p.test <- function(mat,
p.cut= 0.05,
# obtain a frequency vector
highDensitiBinsFreq <- apply(mat,2,sum)
bins.nozero <- names(which(highDensitiBinsFreq > 0))
mat <- mat[,bins.nozero]
highDensitiBinsFreq <- highDensitiBinsFreq[bins.nozero]
if(verbose) message( paste("Testing ",dim(mat)[2],"non-zero bins in ",dim(mat)[1], "samples") )
if(verbose) message( paste("Testing ",dim(mat)[2],"bins in ",dim(mat)[1], "samples") )
# create null distribution by sample shuffling
for(i in 1:iter){
highDensitiBinsRandom<- t(apply(mat,1,sample))
highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreq[[i]] <- apply(highDensitiBinsRandom,2,sum)
highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull <- unlist(highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreq)
if(zerofreq)highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull[which(highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull == 0)] <- 1
# obtain the frequency cutoff for statistical significance (e.g. FDR < 0.01)
pvalues <- highDensitiBinsFreq
for(i in 0:max(highDensitiBinsFreq)){
pvalues[which(highDensitiBinsFreq == i)] <- length(which(highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull >i))/ length(highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull)
freq.cut <- min(highDensitiBinsFreq[names(which(p.adjust(pvalues, method=method) < p.cut))])
xstart<- 1
obsd <- highDensitiBinsFreq[which(highDensitiBinsFreq >= xstart)]
nulld<- highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull[which(highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull >= xstart)]
max_freq <- max(as.numeric(names(table(obsd))),as.numeric(names(table(nulld))))
h1 <- hist(obsd, breaks=seq(xstart,max_freq,1),plot=FALSE)
h2 <- hist(nulld, breaks=seq(xstart,max_freq,1),plot=FALSE)
max_density <- max(h1$density,h2$density)
hist(obsd, breaks=seq(xstart,max_freq,1),col='salmon', border=NA, xlim=c(0,max_freq), ylim=c(0,max_density),
las=1,cex.axis=1.4,ylab="",prob = TRUE ,main="",xlab="n samples",right = TRUE)
hist(nulld, breaks=seq(xstart,max_freq,1), add=TRUE,col=scales::alpha('black',.5),
border=NA, prob = TRUE)
lines(c(freq.cut,freq.cut),c(0,max(h1$density)/2)) # cutoff for statistical significance
text(freq.cut+max_freq/25,max(h1$density)/3,paste(method, "<", p.cut),srt=90)
freq.cut = freq.cut,
pvalues = pvalues,
observed = highDensitiBinsFreq,
null = highDensitiBinsFreqRandomFreqNull,
param = list(method=method, p.cut= p.cut, iter=iter)
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