sampleRndNetwork = function(Sgenes, scaleFree=TRUE, gamma=2.5, maxOutDegree=length(Sgenes), maxInDegree=length(Sgenes), trans.close=TRUE, DAG=FALSE){
n = length(Sgenes)
S = diag(n) # network of S-genes
maxOutDegree = min(n,maxOutDegree)
degprob = (0:maxOutDegree)^(-gamma)
degprob[1] = 1
degprob = degprob/sum(degprob)
for(i in 1:n){ # connect network randomly
outdeg = sample(0:maxOutDegree,1,prob=degprob)# power law for out-degree => scale-free network
outdeg = sample(0:maxOutDegree,1)
if(outdeg > 0){
idx0 = which(S[i,] == 0)
idx0 = which(S[i,] == 0 & 1:n < i) # sample on lower triangle matrix
if(length(idx0) > 0){
idx = which(colSums(S[,idx0,drop=FALSE]) <= maxInDegree)
if(length(idx) > 0){
idx = sample(idx0[idx],min(outdeg,length(idx0[idx])),replace=TRUE)
S[i,idx] = 1
S = transitive.closure(S, mat=TRUE,loops=FALSE)
diag(S) = 0
colnames(S) = Sgenes
rownames(S) = Sgenes
sampleData = function(Phi, m, prob=NULL, uninformative=0, type="binary", replicates=4, typeI.err=0.05, typeII.err=0.2, alpha=sample(seq(0.1,0.9,by=0.1),ncol(Phi),replace=TRUE), beta=sample(5:50,ncol(Phi),replace=TRUE), lambda=matrix(sample(seq(0.01,0.49,by=0.01),ncol(Phi)*2,replace=TRUE),ncol=2), meansH1=rep(0.5, ncol(Phi)), meansH0=rep(-0.5, ncol(Phi)), sdsH1=sample(seq(0.1,1,by=0.1),ncol(Phi),replace=TRUE), sdsH0=sample(seq(0.1,1,by=0.1),ncol(Phi),replace=TRUE)){
Sgenes = colnames(Phi)
n = length(Sgenes)
epos = sample(1:n,m,replace=TRUE,prob=prob)
Theta = matrix(0, nrow=length(Sgenes), ncol=m)
for(i in 1:ncol(Theta))
Theta[epos[i],i] = 1
Phi = transitive.closure(Phi, mat=TRUE, loops=TRUE)
M = t((Phi%*%Theta > 0)*1)
if(type == "binary"){
D = matrix(0, ncol=n*replicates, nrow=m)
k2 = 1
for(i in 1:n){
D[M[,i] == 1, k2:(k2+replicates-1)] = matrix(sample(c(0,1),replicates*sum(M[,i]),replace=TRUE,prob=c(typeII.err,1-typeII.err)),ncol=replicates)# effected genes => aus H1 ziehen
D[M[,i] == 0, k2:(k2+replicates-1)] = matrix(sample(c(0,1),replicates*sum(M[,i] == 0),replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-typeI.err,typeI.err)), ncol=replicates) # ... and not effected ones => aus H0 ziehen
k2 = k2 + replicates
if(uninformative > 0)
D = rbind(D, matrix(sample(c(0,1),n*replicates*uninformative,replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-typeI.err,typeI.err)), nrow=uninformative, ncol=n*replicates)) # ... and not effected ones => aus H0 ziehen)
else if(type %in% c("density")){
lambda = cbind(1-rowSums(lambda), lambda)
palt = sapply(1:n, function(i) bum.ralt(m, c(alpha[i], beta[i]), lambda[i,]))
p0 = matrix(runif((m+uninformative)*n), ncol=n)
P = M*palt + (1-M)*p0[1:m,]
if(uninformative > 0)
P = rbind(P, p0[(m+1):nrow(p0),])
D = sapply(1:n, function(i) bum.dalt(P[,i], c(alpha[i], beta[i]), lambda[i,]))
D = log(D)
else if(type %in% c("lodds")){
palt = sapply(1:n, function(i) rnorm(m, mean=meansH1[i], sd=sdsH1[i]))
p0 = sapply(1:n, function(i) rnorm(m+uninformative, mean=meansH0[i], sd=sdsH0[i]))
D = M*palt + (1-M)*p0[1:m,]
if(uninformative > 0)
D = rbind(D, p0[(m+1):nrow(p0),])
stop(paste("unknown type", type, "\n"))
if(type == "binary")
colnames(D) = rep(Sgenes, each=replicates)
colnames(D) = Sgenes
list(D=D, epos=Sgenes[epos])
sampleData.pcnem = function(Phi, M, prob=NULL, map,uninformative=0,typeI.err=0.05, typeII.err=0.2){
Sgenes <- colnames(Phi)
N <- length(Sgenes)
epos = sample(1:N, M,replace=TRUE,prob=prob)
Theta = matrix(0, nrow=length(Sgenes), ncol=M)
for(i in 1:ncol(Theta))
Theta[epos[i],i] = 1
cmap <- 1-map # complementary probabilities
Phi2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(map),ncol=ncol(map))
if(any(diag(Phi) == 1)){ diag(Phi) <- 0} # no loops
PathMat <- matrix(NA,nrow=N,ncol=N) # Number of paths from a node(rows) to target node(columns)
dimnames(PathMat) <- dimnames(Phi)
for(i in 1:N){
for(j in 1:N){
PathMat[i,j] <- PathNumber(Sgenes[i],Sgenes[j],Phi)
for(k in 1:nrow(map)){
for(n in 1:ncol(map)){
g <- which(PathMat[,n] != 0)
Phi2[k,n] <- 1-prod((cmap[k,g]^PathMat[g,n]))
colnames(Phi2) <- colnames(Phi)
rownames(Phi2) <- rownames(map) <- t(Phi2%*%Theta)
D = matrix(0, ncol=nrow(Phi2), nrow=ncol(Theta))
for(x in 1:nrow(D)){
for(y in 1:ncol(D)){
D[x,y] <- sample(c(0,1),1,
prob=c(([x,y]*typeII.err+ ([x,y])*(1-typeI.err)),
(([x,y]*(1-typeII.err))+ (([x,y])*typeI.err))))
if(uninformative > 0){
D = rbind(D, matrix(sample(c(0,1),nrow(Phi2)*uninformative,replace=TRUE,
prob=c(1-typeI.err,typeI.err)), nrow=uninformative, ncol=nrow(Phi2)))
colnames(D) <- rownames(Phi2)
list(D = D, epos =Sgenes[epos])
# sampleData.gnem = function(net, m, int, map, t){
# nnodes = length(net$measure.nodes)
# t = as.character(t)
# D = matrix(0, ncol=nnodes, nrow=m)
# if(length(int) == 0){
# for(i in 1:nnodes){
# cond = net$parameters[[i]]
# D[,i] = rnorm(m, mean=cond[[t]]$no_intervention["mu"], sd=cond[[t]]$no_intervention["sd"])
# }
# return(D)
# }
# else{
# effected = simulate.interventions(net, int, map)
# for(i in 1:nnodes){
# cond = net$parameters[[i]]
# if(net$measure.nodes[i] %in% effected)
# D[,i] = rnorm(m, mean=cond[[t]]$intervention["mu"], sd=cond[[t]]$intervention["sd"])
# else
# D[,i] = rnorm(m, mean=cond[[t]]$no_intervention["mu"], sd=cond[[t]]$no_intervention["sd"])
# }
# }
# D
# }
# sampleData.BN = function(core, reporters=40, nr_intven=3, beta1=0.9, nullnode=FALSE){
# vert = ncol(core)
# original = core
# core = transitive.closure(core, mat=T, loops=T)
# diag(core) = diag(original)
# intven = rep(1:vert, each = nr_intven)
# Delta = t(core)[,intven]
# ind = sample(1:nrow(core), reporters, replace = TRUE)
# Delta = Delta[ind,]
# colnames(Delta) = paste("I", intven,sep=".")
# if(nullnode){
# l = nrow(core)
# coregraph = matrix(0,nrow = l+1, ncol = l+1)
# coregraph[1:l,1:l] = core
# rownames(coregraph) = c(unique(colnames(Delta)),"null")
# colnames(coregraph) = c(unique(colnames(Delta)),"null")
# core = coregraph}
# Theta = matrix(0, ncol=reporters, nrow =ncol(core))
# for(i in 1:ncol(Theta))
# {Theta[ind[i],i] = 1}
# if(nullnode){rownames(Theta) = c(unique(colnames(Delta)),"null")}
# else{rownames(Theta) = unique(colnames(Delta))}
# colnames(Theta) = as.character(1:ncol(Theta))
# report = rbinom(length(Delta), size = 1, prob = beta1)
# report[which(Delta == 0)] = 1 - report[which(Delta == 0)]
# dim(report) = dim(Delta)
# colnames(report)=colnames(Delta)
# rownames(report) = colnames(Theta)
# BN = createBN(data = report, coregraph = core, marginal = Theta, nullnode = nullnode)
# D = BN$data
# colnames(D) = rep(colnames(core), each=nr_intven)
# epos = apply(Theta>0,2,which)
# list(D=D, epos=epos)
# }
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