# Define performance measures.
# Note regarding precision, recall, f1-score computation: https://github.com/dice-group/gerbil/wiki/Precision,-Recall-and-F1-measure
get.classification.counts <- function(df, col, alpha = 0.05) {
# df.classification <- df %>%
# mutate_at(vars(-"truth"), ~ as.numeric(. <= alpha)) %>%
# mutate(truth = as.numeric(truth != 0))
# tmp.func <- function(y, y.hat) {
# c(
# tp = sum(y.hat == 1 & y == 1, na.rm = TRUE),
# fp = sum(y.hat == 1 & y == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
# tn = sum(y.hat == 0 & y == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
# fn = sum(y.hat == 0 & y == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
# )
# }
# df.classification %>%
# map_dfc(~ tmp.func(df.classification$truth, .)) %>%
# select(-truth) %>%
# mutate(name = c("tp", "fp", "tn", "fn")) %>%
# column_to_rownames("name")
# the above code is really cool but unfortunately has poor performance
y <- as.numeric(df$truth != 0)
y.hat <- as.numeric(df[[col]] <= alpha)
tp = sum(y.hat == 1 & y == 1, na.rm = TRUE),
fp = sum(y.hat == 1 & y == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
tn = sum(y.hat == 0 & y == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
fn = sum(y.hat == 0 & y == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
compute.mse <- function(df, col) {
return(mean((df[[col]] - df$truth)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
compute.precision <- function(df, col, alpha = .05) {
c <- get.classification.counts(df, col, alpha = alpha)
if (c$tp == 0) {
if (c$fp == 0 && c$fn == 0 & any(!is.na(df[[col]]))) {
# "there are no results and we (correctly) identify none"
# avoid dividing by 0
return(c$tp / (c$tp + c$fp))
compute.recall <- function(df, col, alpha = .05) {
c <- get.classification.counts(df, col, alpha = alpha)
if (c$tp == 0) {
if (c$fp == 0 && c$fn == 0 & any(!is.na(df[[col]]))) {
# "there are no results and we (correctly) identify none"
# avoid dividing by 0
return(c$tp / (c$tp + c$fn))
compute.f1score <- function(df, col, alpha = .05) {
# handle special case
c <- get.classification.counts(df, col, alpha = alpha)
if (c$tp == 0) {
if (c$fp == 0 && c$fn == 0 & any(!is.na(df[[col]]))) {
# "there are no results and we (correctly) identify none"
# avoid dividing by 0
# actual computation
prec <- compute.precision(df, col, alpha = alpha)
reca <- compute.recall(df, col, alpha = alpha)
return(2 * prec * reca / (prec + reca))
compute.prauc_old <- function(df, col, seq = 1000, NAweight = 1) {
prec <- rec <- numeric(seq)
auc <- 0
alphas <- c(seq(0,1,length.out=seq-1), 2)
for (i in seq_len(seq)) {
alpha <- alphas[i]
prec[i] <- compute.precision(df, col, alpha = alpha)
if (is.na(prec[i])) { prec[i] <- NAweight }
rec[i] <- compute.recall(df, col, alpha = alpha)
if (i > 1) {
auc <- auc + (rec[i]-rec[i-1])*((prec[i]+prec[i-1])/2)
compute.prauc <- function(df, col, seq = 1000, NAweight = 1) {
prec <- rec <- numeric(seq)
auc <- 0
alphas <- c(seq(0,1,length.out=seq-1), 2)
for (i in seq_len(seq)) {
alpha <- alphas[i]
c <- get.classification.counts(df, col, alpha = alpha)
prec[i] <- c$tp / (c$tp + c$fp)
if (is.na(prec[i])) { prec[i] <- NAweight }
rec[i] <- c$tp / (c$tp + c$fn)
if (i > 1) {
auc <- auc + (rec[i]-rec[i-1])*((prec[i]+prec[i-1])/2)
compute.rocauc <- function(df, col, seq = 1000) {
sens <- spec <- numeric(seq)
auc <- 0
alphas <- c(seq(0,1,length.out=seq-1), 2)
for (i in seq_len(seq)) {
alpha <- alphas[i]
c <- get.classification.counts(df, col, alpha = alpha)
sens[i] <- c$tp / (c$tp + c$fn)
spec[i] <- c$tn / (c$tn + c$fp)
if (i > 1) {
auc <- auc + (spec[i-1]-spec[i])*((sens[i]+sens[i-1])/2)
compute.rocauc_es <- function(df, col) {
sens <- spec <- numeric(nrow(df))
auc <- 0
df <- abs(df)
alphas <- c(0, sort(df[, col]), max(sort(df[, col]))+1)
get.class.counts <- function(df, col, alpha = 0.05) {
y <- as.numeric(df$truth != 0)
y.hat <- as.numeric(df[[col]] > alpha)
tp = sum(y.hat == 1 & y == 1, na.rm = TRUE),
fp = sum(y.hat == 1 & y == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
tn = sum(y.hat == 0 & y == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
fn = sum(y.hat == 0 & y == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(length(alphas))) {
alpha <- alphas[i]
c <- get.class.counts(df, col, alpha = alpha)
sens[i] <- c$tp / (c$tp + c$fn)
spec[i] <- c$tn / (c$tn + c$fp)
if (i > 1) {
auc <- auc + (-spec[i-1]+spec[i])*((sens[i]+sens[i-1])/2)
apply.performance.measure <- function(df, methods, func, label, ...) {
purrr::map_dfc(methods, function(method) {
tmp <- data.frame(func(df, method, ...))
names(tmp) <- method
}) %>%
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