##' @name compare_Theta
##' @title Compute the differences between two Mutual Hazard Networks
##' @description This function computes the differences between two Mutual Hazard Networks.
##' @param true_Theta A ground truth MHN represented by a square matrix.
##' @param pred_Theta An estimated MHN represented by a square matrix.
##' @param q A threshold to zero out very small entries in the estimated MHN (Default: 1e-2).
##' @return A vector of performance metrics:
##' \itemize{
##' \item SHD: Structural Hamming Distance between the two matrices;
##' \item TP: True positives in the estimated MHN;
##' \item FP: False positives in the estimated MHN;
##' \item TN: True negatives in the estimated MHN;
##' \item FN: False negatives in the estimated MHN;
##' \item Precision: True positives divided by the total number of edges in the estimated MHN;
##' \item TPR (Recall): True positives divided by the total number of edges in the true MHN;
##' \item FPR_N: False positives divided by the total number of non-edges in the true MHN;
##' \item FPR_P: False positives divided by the total number of edges in the true MHN;
##' \item MSE: Mean squared error between the two matrices.
##' }
##' @author Xiang Ge Luo
##' @export
compare_Theta <- function(true_Theta, pred_Theta, q = 1e-2) {
if ((nrow(true_Theta) != nrow(pred_Theta)) ||
(ncol(true_Theta) != ncol(pred_Theta)) ||
(nrow(true_Theta) != ncol(true_Theta)) ||
(nrow(pred_Theta) != ncol(pred_Theta))) {
stop("The dimensions of the two MHN matrices are different!")
MSE <- mean((true_Theta - pred_Theta)^2)
n <- length(diag(true_Theta))
diag(true_Theta) <- 0
diag(pred_Theta) <- 0
pred_Theta[pred_Theta > q] <- 1
pred_Theta[pred_Theta < -q] <- -1
pred_Theta[(pred_Theta <= q) & (pred_Theta >= -q)] <- 0
true_Theta[true_Theta > 0] <- 1
true_Theta[true_Theta < 0] <- -1
# Number of edges in the estimated Theta
pred_P <- sum(pred_Theta != 0)
# Number of edges in the true Theta
true_P <- sum(true_Theta != 0)
# Number of non-edges in the true Theta
true_N <- sum(true_Theta == 0) - n
TP <- sum((pred_Theta != 0) * (pred_Theta == true_Theta))
FP <- pred_P - TP
FN <- sum((pred_Theta == 0) * (true_Theta != 0))
TN <- sum((pred_Theta == 0) * (true_Theta == 0)) - n
SHD <- FP + FN
# Precision
if ((TP + FP) == 0) {
Precision <- 0
} else {
Precision <- TP / (TP + FP)
if (true_P == 0) { # true graph is empty
if (FP >= 0) {
TPR <- 0
FPR_P <- 1
} else {
TPR <- 1
FPR_P <- 0
} else { # true graph is non-empty
TPR <- TP / true_P
FPR_P <- FP / true_P
if (true_N == 0) { # true graph is full
FPR_N <- 0
} else { # true graph is not full
FPR_N <- FP / true_N
compTheta <- c(SHD,TP,FP,TN,FN,Precision,TPR,FPR_N,FPR_P,MSE)
names(compTheta) <- c("SHD","TP","FP","TN","FN","Precision","TPR","FPR_N","FPR_P","MSE")
##' @name Theta_to_pathways
##' @title Compute the pathway probabilities given a Mutual Hazard Network
##' @description This function computes the pathway probabilities given a Mutual Hazard Network.
##' @param Theta An MHN represented by a square matrix.
##' @param n_order Length of the pathways (Default: 4).
##' @param prob_only A Boolean value that determines whether to output only the pathway probabilities
##' or the data frame containing also the pathways (Default: TRUE).
##' @return Pathway probabilities
##' @author Xiang Ge Luo
##' @importFrom gtools permutations
##' @export
Theta_to_pathways <- function(Theta, n_order = 4, prob_only = TRUE) {
n <- nrow(Theta)
if (n < n_order) {
stop("The number of mutations is smaller than the order. Please check again...")
pathways <- permutations(n, n_order)
temp <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(pathways), ncol = n_order)
if (n_order == 1) {
temp[,1] <- sapply(c(1:n), function (i) exp(Theta[i,i]))
} else {
temp[,1] <- sapply(c(1:n), function (i) rep(exp(Theta[i,i]),
prod(sapply(c(0:(n_order - 2)),
function (j) (n - 1 - j)))))
temp[,1] <- temp[,1] / sum(exp(diag(Theta)))
exp_time <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(pathways), ncol = n_order)
exp_time[,1] <- 1 / sum(exp(diag(Theta)))
if (n_order > 1) {
# compute lambdas from Theta
for (i in c(1:nrow(pathways))) {
for (j in c(2:n_order)) {
temp[i,j] <- get_lambda(pathways[i,c(1:j)], Theta)
# compute pathway probabilities
for (j in c(2:n_order)) {
nr_pa <- prod(sapply(c(0:(j - 2)), function (i) (n - i)))
prod_factor <- prod(sapply(c(0:(n_order - j)), function (i) (n - j - i + 1)))
for (k in c(1:nr_pa)) {
idx <- c((1 + (k - 1) * prod_factor):(k * prod_factor))
if (length(idx) > 1) {
to_sum <- !duplicated(pathways[idx, c(1:j)])
exp_time[idx, j] <- 1 / sum(temp[idx, j] * to_sum)
temp[idx, j] <- temp[idx, j] / sum(temp[idx, j] * to_sum)
} else {
exp_time[idx, j] <- 1 / sum(temp[idx, j])
temp[idx, j] <- temp[idx, j] / sum(temp[idx, j])
prob <- apply(temp,1,prod)
if (prob_only) {
} else {
df <- data.frame(pathways)
df$prob <- prob
df <- cbind(df, exp_time)
return(df[order(df$prob,decreasing = TRUE),])
##' @name KL_divergence
##' @title Compute the KL divergence between two probability distributions
##' @description This function computes the KL divergence between two probability distributions.
##' @param p A probability distribution.
##' @param q Another probability distribution.
##' @return KL(p || q)
##' @export
KL_divergence <- function(p, q) {
return(as.numeric(p %*% log(p) - p %*% log(q)))
transitive_closure <- function(AM) {
diag(AM) <- 1
repeat {
new_AM <- AM %*% AM
new_AM <- (new_AM > 0) * 1
if (all(new_AM == AM)) {
} else {
AM <- new_AM
diag(AM) <- 0
##' trees_to_revolver_W(n, tree_df)
##' This function computes the row-normalized W matrix of the REVOLVER algorithm
##' @param n Number of mutational events
##' @param tree_df A data frame with the following columns:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Tree_ID: IDs of mutation trees, unique for each patient
##' \item Node_ID: IDs of each node in the tree, including the root node (with ID "1"), unique for each node
##' \item Mutation_ID: IDs of each mutational event, the root node has a mutation ID of "0",
##' other mutation IDs can be duplicated in the tree to allow for parallel mutations
##' \item Parent_ID: IDs of the parent node ID. The root node has itself as parent (ID "1").
##' }
##' @return Row-normalized W matrix of the REVOLVER algorithm.
##' @author Xiang Ge Luo
trees_to_revolver_W <- function(n, tree_df) {
N <- length(unique(tree_df$Tree_ID))
W <- matrix(0, nrow = n + 1, ncol = n + 1) # This matrix contains also the wild type (GL)
# Go through all trees and count the edge frequencies
for (i in c(1:N)) {
subtree_df <- tree_df %>% filter(Tree_ID == i)
AM_i <- matrix(0, nrow = n + 1, ncol = n + 1)
for (j in c(2:nrow(subtree_df))) {
parent <- subtree_df$Parent_ID[j]
parent <- subtree_df$Mutation_ID[which(subtree_df$Node_ID == parent)] + 1
child <- subtree_df$Mutation_ID[j] + 1
AM_i[parent, child] <- 1
W <- W + transitive_closure(AM_i)
W <- W + 1 # add pseudocounts
diag(W) <- 0 # no mutation can be the descendant of itself
W <- W / rowSums(W) # normalize by rows
W[is.na(W)] <- 0
##' @name get_revolver_pathways
##' @title Compute REVOLVER pathway probabilities
##' @description This function computes the pathway probabilities inferred from the
##' row-normalized W matrix of the REVOLVER algorithm
##' @param n Number of mutational events.
##' @param tree_df A data frame with the following columns:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Tree_ID: IDs of mutation trees, unique for each patient
##' \item Node_ID: IDs of each node in the tree, including the root node (with ID "1"), unique for each node
##' \item Mutation_ID: IDs of each mutational event, the root node has a mutation ID of "0",
##' other mutation IDs can be duplicated in the tree to allow for parallel mutations
##' \item Parent_ID: IDs of the parent node ID. The root node has itself as parent (ID "1").
##' }
##' @param n_order Length of the pathways (Default: 4).
##' @return A list containing the matrix W and the pathway probabilities
##' inferred from the row-normalized W matrix of the REVOLVER algorithm.
##' @author Xiang Ge Luo
##' @importFrom gtools permutations
##' @export
get_revolver_pathways <- function(n, tree_df, n_order = 4) {
W <- trees_to_revolver_W(n, tree_df)
if (n < n_order) {
stop("The number of mutations is smaller than the order. Please check again...")
pathways <- cbind(0, permutations(n, n_order)) + 1
probs <- rep(1, nrow(pathways))
for (i in c(1:nrow(pathways))) {
for (j in c(2:(n_order + 1))) {
probs[i] <- probs[i] * W[pathways[i,j-1], pathways[i,j]]
probs <- probs / sum(probs) # normalize
res <- list(W = W, probs = probs)
##' @name get_hintra_pathways
##' @title Compute HINTRA pathway probabilities
##' @description This function computes the pathway probabilities inferred from the
##' row-normalized beta matrix of the HINTRA algorithm.
##' @param n Number of mutational events.
##' @param tree_df A data frame with the following columns:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Tree_ID: IDs of mutation trees, unique for each patient
##' \item Node_ID: IDs of each node in the tree, including the root node (with ID "1"), unique for each node
##' \item Mutation_ID: IDs of each mutational event, the root node has a mutation ID of "0",
##' other mutation IDs can be duplicated in the tree to allow for parallel mutations
##' \item Parent_ID: IDs of the parent node ID. The root node has itself as parent (ID "1").
##' }
##' @param n_order Length of the pathways (Default: 4).
##' @return A list containing the matrix beta and the pathway probabilities
##' inferred from the row-normalized beta matrix of the HINTRA algorithm.
##' @author Xiang Ge Luo
##' @importFrom gtools combinations permutations
##' @export
get_hintra_pathways <- function(n, tree_df, n_order = 4) {
hintra_B_vec <- c("0")
to_mask <- list()
for (r in c(1:(n_order - 1))) {
pathways <- combinations(n,r)
temp <- apply(pathways, 1, function(x) paste0(x,collapse = "_"))
hintra_B_vec <- c(hintra_B_vec,temp)
to_mask <- append(to_mask, apply(pathways,1,list))
B <- matrix(0, nrow = length(hintra_B_vec), ncol = n)
N <- length(unique(tree_df$Tree_ID))
for (i in c(1:N)) {
tree <- tree_df[tree_df$Tree_ID == i,]
for (j in c(2:nrow(tree))) {
node <- tree$Mutation_ID[j]
set_P <- c()
current_pos <- j
pa_pos <- which(tree$Node_ID == tree$Parent_ID[current_pos])
pa <- tree$Mutation_ID[pa_pos]
if (pa == 0) {
} else {
set_P <- c(pa, set_P)
current_pos <- pa_pos
if (is.null(set_P)) {
set_P <- 0
P_idx <- which(hintra_B_vec == paste0(sort(set_P),collapse = "_"))
B[P_idx,node] <- B[P_idx,node] + 1
B <- B + 1
for (i in c(1:length(to_mask))) {
B[i+1, simplify2array(to_mask[[i]])] <- 0
B <- B / rowSums(B)
pathways <- permutations(n, n_order)
probs <- B[1, pathways[,1]]
for (i in c(1:nrow(pathways))) {
for (j in c(2:n_order)) {
row_idx <- which(hintra_B_vec == paste0(sort(pathways[i,1:(j-1)]),collapse = "_"))
probs[i] <- probs[i] * B[row_idx, pathways[i,j]]
res <- list(B = B, probs = probs)
get_children <- function(n, pathway) {
nr_ch <- n - length(pathway)
to_add <- setdiff(c(1:n), pathway)
pathways <- vector("list", nr_ch)
if (nr_ch > 0) {
for (i in c(1:nr_ch)) {
pathways[[i]] <- c(pathway, to_add[i])
Theta_to_pathways_w_sampling <- function(Theta, top_M = 10, lambda_s = 1, mutation_mapping = NULL) {
n <- nrow(Theta)
pathways <- vector("list", top_M)
probs <- rep(0, top_M)
current_pathways <- as.list(c(1:n))
while (length(current_pathways) > 0) {
next_pathways <- list()
for (p in current_pathways) {
p_prob <- 1
for (i in c(1:length(p))) {
pp <- p[c(1:i)]
num <- get_lambda(pp, Theta)
denom_set <- get_children(n, pp[-length(pp)])
denom <- lambda_s + sum(sapply(denom_set, function (l) get_lambda(l, Theta)))
p_prob <- p_prob * num / denom
# times the probability of the pathway stopping at the sampling event
p_ch <- get_children(n, p)
if (length(p_ch) > 0) {
p_prob <- p_prob * lambda_s / (lambda_s + sum(sapply(p_ch, function (l) get_lambda(l, Theta))))
if (p_prob > min(probs)) {
to_replace <- which.min(probs)
pathways[[to_replace]] <- p
probs[to_replace] <- p_prob
next_pathways <- append(next_pathways, p_ch)
current_pathways <- next_pathways
probs <- probs / (1 - lambda_s / (lambda_s + sum(exp(diag(Theta)))))
if (is.null(mutation_mapping)) {
pathways <- sapply(pathways, function (x) paste(x, collapse = "_"))
} else {
pathways <- sapply(pathways, function (x) paste(mutation_mapping[x], collapse = "_"))
df <- data.frame(pathways, probs) %>% arrange(desc(probs))
pathway_helper <- function(tree, index = 1, pathway = character(0)) {
ch_set <- tree$children[[index]]
ch_set <- ch_set[tree$in_tree[ch_set]]
if (index != 1) {
if (length(pathway) == 0) {
pathway <- as.character(tree$nodes[index])
} else {
pathway <- paste(pathway, tree$nodes[index], sep = "_")
if (length(ch_set) == 0) {
} else {
return(sapply(ch_set, function(ch) pathway_helper(tree, ch, pathway)))
##' @import dplyr
get_observed_pathways <- function(tree_obj) {
pathways <- c()
trees <- tree_obj$trees
for (tree in trees) {
pathways <- c(pathways, unlist(pathway_helper(tree)))
df <- data.frame(pathways) %>%
group_by_all() %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
mutate(probs = count / sum(count)) %>%
##' @import dplyr
get_next_mutations <- function(tree_df, Theta, mutations = NULL) {
n <- nrow(Theta)
if (is.null(mutations)) {
mutations <- as.character(seq(1,n))
} else {
if (length(mutations) != n) {
stop("The number of mutations doesn't match matrix dimension. Please check again...")
} else if (length(unique(mutations)) != n) {
stop("Mutation names must be unique. Please check again...")
next_mutations <- c()
next_lambdas <- c()
next_parents <- c()
pathways <- c()
for (i in c(1:nrow(tree_df))) {
pathway_i <- get_pathway_tree_df(tree_df, i)
siblings <- setdiff(tree_df$Mutation_ID[tree_df$Parent_ID == tree_df$Node_ID[i]], c(0))
for (j in setdiff(c(1:n), c(pathway_i, siblings))) {
pathway_i_j <- c(pathway_i, j)
pathways <- c(pathways, paste(c("Root", mutations[pathway_i_j]), collapse = "->"))
next_mutations <- c(next_mutations, j)
next_lambdas <- c(next_lambdas, get_lambda(pathway_i_j, Theta))
next_parents <- c(next_parents, tree_df$Node_ID[i])
probs <- next_lambdas / sum(next_lambdas)
df <- data.frame(pathways, probs) %>%
arrange(desc(probs)) %>%
mutate(rank = c(1:length(probs)))
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