# Last revised by Maria Osborne (August 15 2023) #
#' Functions for weighting and adjusting CenSoc data
#' using NCHS population totals
#' compute_basic_weights() : compute inverse probability weights
#' for US-born people dying 1979 and later
#' extend_dmf_weights_backwards() : weight DMF 1975-1978
#' fill_weights() : compute filled weights for people born outside
#' the US, with unknown birthplace, or born in the US but not otherwise weightable
#' rake_weights_numident() / rake_weights_dmf() : For people born in the US
#' 1979 and later, calibrate marginal weighted totals to agree with population
#' marginal totals, and constrain weights to a set min and max
#' adjust_other_weights_numident() / adjust_other_weights_dmf(): for people
#' NOT born in the US and/or dying before 1979, adjust weights by constraining to
#' a set min and max
## Function for creating basic weights for people
## Born in the contiguous United States
compute_basic_weights <- function(censoc_data, tabulated_population_data) {
censoc_data_us <- censoc_data[bpl_flag_usa == 1]
# join tabulated data
joined_full <- as.data.table(left_join(censoc_data_us, tabulated_population_data[,.(population_n, key)], by = "key"))
# compute weights
joined_full[, ps_weight := population_n/sample_n]
# Function for creating filled weights for anyone:
# 1) born outside the US, including territories, Alaska, Hawaii,
# 2) Have unknown birthplaces
# 3) Born in US, belong to strata not present in NCHS data.
# Assign mean of US-born people with same characteristics (sex, age, year, race)
# Assign a weight of 1 if this fails
fill_weights <- function(censoc_data, unadjusted_us_born_weights, verbose = TRUE) {
# averages will be taken among
domestic_weighted <- unadjusted_us_born_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 1 & !is.na(ps_weight)]
# take averages by age/year/sex/race
domestic_weighted_uncounted <- domestic_weighted %>% uncount(weights = sample_n, .remove=FALSE)
domestic_means <- domestic_weighted_uncounted %>% group_by(sex_string, census_race, dyear, death_age) %>%
summarize(mean_wt = mean(ps_weight)) %>%
# define who we need to give a weight to:
# Alaska/Hawaii, unspecified US, US-born people
# who weren't assigned a weight for some reason
us_born_missing_strata <- unadjusted_us_born_weights[is.na(ps_weight)]$key
strata_to_fill <- censoc_data[bpl_flag_AKHI == 1 | bpl_flag_foreign == 1 |
bpl_flag_missing == 1 | bpl_flag_territory == 1 |
(key %in% us_born_missing_strata)]
filled_weights <- left_join(strata_to_fill, domestic_means[, .(sex_string, census_race, dyear, death_age,
by = c("sex_string", "census_race", "dyear", "death_age"))
# fill remaining NA's with ones
if(verbose) {
print(paste( nrow(filled_weights[is.na(mean_wt)]), "strata (", sum(filled_weights[is.na(mean_wt)]$sample_n),
"records) could not be filled and were set to one"))
filled_weights[is.na(mean_wt), mean_wt := 1]
# Function to rake and trim Numident Weights
rake_weights_numident <- function(all_unadjusted_weights, tabulated_population_data,
verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE) {
# Only calibrate records for US-born
numident_weights <- all_unadjusted_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 1]
numident_weights_uncounted <- numident_weights %>% uncount(weights = sample_n, .remove = FALSE)
numident_weights_uncounted[, dyear := as.factor(dyear)]
numident_weights_uncounted[, death_age := as.factor(death_age)]
# Set parameters for raking/trimming
max_weight <- mean(numident_weights_uncounted$unadj_weight)*5
min_weight <- 1
tolerance <- 0.0001 # calibrate until highest weight is within this distance of max_weight
if(debug) {
print(paste("maximum weight set to", round(max_weight,3)))
# Get Population marginal totals
all_strata <- tabulated_population_data[bpl_flag_usa == 1]
race_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(race_string) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = race_string,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "census_race")
sex_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(sex_string) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sex_string,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "sex_string")
age_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(death_age_years) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = death_age_years,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "death_age")
year_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = year,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "dyear")
bpl_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(bpl_key) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = bpl_key,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "bpl_key")
population_marginal_totals <- cbind(race_marginals, sex_marginals,
year_marginals, bpl_marginals, age_marginals)
# get the (unweighted) CenSoc totals in form of a model matrix
# (it's not rally a model matrix, as it doesn't drop a level from the categorical vars)
# we don't have enough RAM to do this in one fell swoop, so will make matrices by
# each variable and then attach them
#dummy_vars <- dummyVars( ~ census_race + sex_string + dyear + bpl_key + death_age,
# data = numident_weights_uncounted,
# sep = NULL)
#dummy_mat <- data.frame(predict(dummy_vars, newdata = numident_weights_uncounted))
dv_year <- dummyVars(~ dyear, data = numident_weights_uncounted, sep = NULL)
mat_year <- data.frame(predict(dv_year, newdata = numident_weights_uncounted))
dv_age <- dummyVars(~ death_age, data = numident_weights_uncounted, sep = NULL)
mat_age <- data.frame(predict(dv_age, newdata = numident_weights_uncounted))
dv_bpl <- dummyVars(~ bpl_key, data = numident_weights_uncounted, sep = NULL)
mat_bpl <- data.frame(predict(dv_bpl, newdata = numident_weights_uncounted))
dv_othervars <- dummyVars(~ census_race + sex_string, data = numident_weights_uncounted, sep = NULL)
mat_othervars <- data.frame(predict(dv_othervars, newdata = numident_weights_uncounted))
dummy_mat <- cbind(mat_othervars, mat_year, mat_bpl, mat_age)
rm(mat_age, mat_bpl, mat_year, mat_othervars)
temp <- numident_weights_uncounted
if (debug) {
# check that the sample matrix has same properties as the population marginal data structure
length(population_marginal_totals) == ncol(dummy_mat)
# variables must be in exact same order
mean(names(population_marginal_totals) == names(dummy_mat)) == 1
##### Loop ########
# initial values
temp[, wt_to_adjust := unadj_weight]
temp[ wt_to_adjust > max_weight, wt_to_adjust := max_weight]
temp[ wt_to_adjust < min_weight, wt_to_adjust := min_weight]
d <- temp$wt_to_adjust
Xs <- as.matrix(dummy_mat)
iters <- 25 # max number of times to run the loop, but should stop much earlier
for(i in 1:iters) {
gs <- calib(Xs = Xs, # model matrix
d = d, # unadjusted weights
total = t(as.matrix(population_marginal_totals)), # pop marginal totals
method = "raking", # method
q=rep(1, nrow(temp))) # heteroskedasticity thing,,
# check the calibration
check <- checkcalibration(Xs = Xs,
d= d,
total = t(as.matrix(population_marginal_totals)),
g = gs,
EPS = 1e-6)
if (verbose) {
# Check that the model converged
print(paste("iteration no.", i))
print("calibration results:")
adj_wts <- gs * d
print("summary of adjusted weights")
print(paste('Distance of highest weight from maximum allowable weight:', abs(max_weight - max(adj_wts))))
if(abs(max_weight - max(adj_wts)) < tolerance) {
print(paste0("reached acceptable bounds in ", i, " iterations"))
# trim and go again
adj_wts[adj_wts > max_weight] <- max_weight
adj_wts[adj_wts < min_weight] <- min_weight
d <- adj_wts
if (i == iters) {
print(paste0("did not reached acceptable bounds within ", i, " iterations"))
# Reattach adjusted weights to data
temp$raked_weight <- adj_wts
if (debug) {
# check that the totals are kosher
temp %>% group_by(census_race) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight))
temp %>% group_by(sex_string) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight))
temp %>% group_by(death_age) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight)) %>%
cbind((cbind(name = names(age_marginals), count = t(age_marginals[1,]))))
temp %>% group_by(dyear) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight)) %>%
cbind((cbind(name = names(year_marginals), count = t(year_marginals[1,]))))
# return raked weights by strata
return(temp %>% distinct(key, raked_weight, .keep_all = TRUE))
# function to rake and trim DMF weights
rake_weights_dmf <- function(all_unadjusted_weights, tabulated_population_data,
verbose = TRUE, debug = TRUE) {
# Only calibrate records for US-born years 1979 +
dmf_weights <- all_unadjusted_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 1 & dyear >= 1979]
dmf_weights_uncounted <- dmf_weights %>% uncount(weights = sample_n, .remove = FALSE)
# Set parameters for raking/trimming
max_weight <- mean(dmf_weights_uncounted$unadj_weight)*5
min_weight <- 1
tolerance <- 0.0001 # calibrate until highest weight is within this distance of max_weight
if(debug) {
print(paste("maximum weight set to", round(max_weight,3)))
# Get Population marginal totals
all_strata <- tabulated_population_data[bpl_flag_usa == 1]
race_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(race_string) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = race_string,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "census_race")
age_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(death_age_years) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = death_age_years,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "death_age")
year_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = year,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "dyear")
bpl_marginals <- all_strata %>%
group_by(bpl_key) %>%
summarize(n = sum(population_n)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = bpl_key,
values_from = n,
values_fill = 0,
names_prefix = "bpl_key")
population_marginal_totals <- cbind(race_marginals, year_marginals, bpl_marginals, age_marginals)
# get the (unweighted) CenSoc totals in form of a model matrix
# (it's not rally a model matrix, as it doesn't drop a level from the categorical vars)
dmf_weights_uncounted[, dyear := as.factor(dyear)]
dmf_weights_uncounted[, death_age := as.factor(death_age)]
dummy_vars <- dummyVars( ~ census_race + dyear + bpl_key + death_age,
data = dmf_weights_uncounted,
sep = NULL)
dummy_mat <- data.frame(predict(dummy_vars, newdata = dmf_weights_uncounted))
if (debug) {
# check that the sample matrix has same properties as the population marginal data structure
length(population_marginal_totals) == ncol(dummy_mat)
mean(names(population_marginal_totals) == names(dummy_mat)) == 1
##### Loop ########
# initial values
temp <- dmf_weights_uncounted
temp[, wt_to_adjust := unadj_weight]
temp[ wt_to_adjust > max_weight, wt_to_adjust := max_weight]
temp[ wt_to_adjust < min_weight, wt_to_adjust := min_weight]
d <- temp$wt_to_adjust
iters <- 25 # max number of times to run the loop, but should stop much earlier
for(i in 1:iters) {
gs <- calib(Xs = as.matrix(dummy_mat), # model matrix
d = d, # unadjusted weights
total = t(as.matrix(population_marginal_totals)), # pop marginal totals
method = "raking", # method
q=rep(1, nrow(temp))) # heteroskedasticity thing,,
# check the calibration
check <- checkcalibration(Xs = as.matrix(dummy_mat),
d= d,
total = t(as.matrix(population_marginal_totals)),
g = gs,
EPS = 1e-6)
if (verbose) {
# Check that the model converged
print(paste("iteration no.", i))
print("calibration results:")
adj_wts <- gs * d
print("summary of adjusted weights")
print(paste('Distance of highest weight from maximum allowable weight:', abs(max_weight - max(adj_wts))))
if(abs(max_weight - max(adj_wts)) < tolerance) {
print(paste0("reached acceptable bounds in ", i, " iterations"))
# trim and go again
adj_wts[adj_wts > max_weight] <- max_weight
adj_wts[adj_wts < min_weight] <- min_weight
d <- adj_wts
if (i == iters) {
print(paste0("did not reached acceptable bounds within ", i, " iterations"))
# Reattach adjusted weights to data
temp$raked_weight <- adj_wts
if (debug) {
# manually inspect raked marginal totals to see if they align with true pop totals
temp %>% group_by(census_race) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight))
temp %>% group_by(death_age) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight)) %>%
cbind((cbind(name = names(age_marginals), count = t(age_marginals[1,]))))
temp %>% group_by(dyear) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight)) %>%
cbind((cbind(name = names(year_marginals), count = t(year_marginals[1,]))))
temp %>% group_by(bpl_key) %>%
summarize(weighted_total = sum(raked_weight)) %>%
cbind((cbind(name = names(bpl_marginals), count = t(bpl_marginals[1,]))))
# return raked weights by strata
return(temp %>% distinct(key, raked_weight, .keep_all = TRUE))
# Function for getting 1975-1978 weights using
# weights of same strata in 1979
extend_dmf_weights_backwards <- function(censoc_data, unadjusted_us_born_weights) {
# get weights in 1979
dmf_weights_real <- unadjusted_us_born_weights[dyear == 1979 & !is.na(ps_weight)]
# select and rename vars to match across datasets
dmf_weights_real[, year_weight_from := dyear]
dmf_weights_real <- dmf_weights_real[, .(year_weight_from, death_age, sex_string, census_race, bpl_key, ps_weight)]
# Attach 1979 weights to previous years
dmf_pre79_dat <- censoc_data[dyear %in% 1975:1978 & bpl_flag_usa == 1]
dmf_pre79_dat <- left_join(dmf_pre79_dat, dmf_weights_real[year_weight_from == 1979],
by = c("death_age", "census_race", "sex_string", "bpl_key"))
# Return
# Function to adjust weights that are not affecting by raking
# (People born outside the United States)
adjust_other_weights_numident <- function(all_unadjusted_weights) {
# Set min and max for trimming
ua_weights_uncounted <- all_unadjusted_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 1] %>%
uncount(weights = sample_n, .remove = FALSE)
max_weight <- mean(ua_weights_uncounted$unadj_weight)*5
min_weight <- 1
to_adjust <- all_unadjusted_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 0]
to_adjust[unadj_weight > max_weight, adjusted_wt := max_weight]
to_adjust[unadj_weight < min_weight, adjusted_wt := min_weight]
to_adjust[unadj_weight >= min_weight & unadj_weight <= max_weight, adjusted_wt := unadj_weight]
# Function to adjust weights that are not affecting by raking
# (People born outside the United States)
adjust_other_weights_dmf <- function(all_unadjusted_weights) {
# Set min and max for trimming
ua_weights_uncounted <- all_unadjusted_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 1] %>%
uncount(weights = sample_n, .remove = FALSE)
max_weight <- mean(ua_weights_uncounted$unadj_weight)*5
min_weight <- 1
to_adjust <- all_unadjusted_weights[bpl_flag_usa == 0 | dyear < 1979]
to_adjust[unadj_weight > max_weight, adjusted_wt := max_weight]
to_adjust[unadj_weight < min_weight, adjusted_wt := min_weight]
to_adjust[unadj_weight >= min_weight & unadj_weight <= max_weight, adjusted_wt := unadj_weight]
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