#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' Find total width of a \code{GRanges} object
#' Adds the width of the intervals in a \code{GRanges} object.
#' @examples
#' gr <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr2"), IRanges(c(11, 11), c(1000, 1000)))
#' totalWidth(gr)
#' @return numeric
#' @export
#' @param object a \code{GRanges} object
totalWidth <- function(object) sum(as.numeric(width(object)))
## Adapted from makeGAlignmentPairs in GenomicAlignments
makeGAlignmentPairs2 <- function(x, use.names=FALSE,
use.mcols=FALSE, strandMode=1){
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names))
stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.mcols)) {
if (!is.character(use.mcols))
stop("'use.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE or a character vector ",
"specifying the metadata columns to propagate")
if (!all(use.mcols %in% colnames(mcols(x))))
stop("'use.mcols' must be a subset of 'colnames(mcols(x))'")
mate <- findMateAlignment(x)
x_is_first <- GenomicAlignments:::.isFirstSegment.GAlignments(x)
x_is_last <- GenomicAlignments:::.isLastSegment.GAlignments(x)
first_idx <- which(!is.na(mate) & x_is_first)
last_idx <- mate[first_idx]
## Fundamental property of the 'mate' vector: it's a permutation of order
## 2 and with no fixed point on the set of indices for which 'mate' is
## not NA.
## Check there are no fixed points.
if (!all(first_idx != last_idx))
stop("findMateAlignment() returned an invalid 'mate' vector")
## Check order 2 (i.e. permuting a 2nd time brings back the original
## set of indices).
if (!identical(mate[last_idx], first_idx))
stop("findMateAlignment() returned an invalid 'mate' vector")
## One more sanity check.
if (!all(x_is_last[last_idx]))
stop("findMateAlignment() returned an invalid 'mate' vector")
## Check the 0x2 bit (isProperPair).
x_is_proper <- as.logical(bamFlagAsBitMatrix(mcols(x)$flag,
ans_is_proper <- x_is_proper[first_idx]
ans_first <- x[first_idx]
ans_last <- x[last_idx]
ans_names <- NULL
if (use.names)
ans_names <- names(ans_first)
names(ans_first) <- names(ans_last) <- NULL
if (is.character(use.mcols)) {
mcols(ans_first) <- mcols(ans_first)[use.mcols]
mcols(ans_last) <- mcols(ans_last)[use.mcols]
} else if (!use.mcols) {
mcols(ans_first) <- mcols(ans_last) <- NULL
gps <- GAlignmentPairs(first=ans_first,
.trimInvalidReadsGAlign <- function(x){
chromosome <- function(x) as.character(seqnames(x))
ends <- setNames(end(x), chromosome(x))
ends.info <- seqlengths(x)[names(ends)]
is_valid <- ends <= ends.info
#' Creates a default set of flags for reading improperly paired alignments
#' These functions are wrappers for \code{scanBamFlag} and
#' \code{ScanBamParam} in the \code{Rsamtools} package.
#' @seealso See \code{\link[Rsamtools]{scanBamFlag}} for complete details
#' and \code{\link{improperAlignmentParams}} for a wrapper of this
#' function that generates a \code{ScanBamParam} object using these
#' flags.
#' @examples
#' require(Rsamtools)
#' flags <- scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,
#' isPaired=TRUE,
#' isUnmappedQuery=FALSE,
#' hasUnmappedMate=FALSE,
#' isProperPair=FALSE)
#' flags2 <- improperAlignmentFlags()
#' identical(flags, flags2) #TRUE
#' print(flags)
#' @rdname alignment-flags
#' @export
improperAlignmentFlags <- function(){
flags <- scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,
#' @rdname alignment-flags
#' @export
#' @examples
#' flags <- scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,
#' isPaired=TRUE,
#' isUnmappedQuery=FALSE,
#' hasUnmappedMate=FALSE,
#' isProperPair=TRUE)
#' flags2 <- properAlignmentFlags()
#' identical(flags, flags2) #TRUE
#' print(flags)
properAlignmentFlags <- function(){
flags <- scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,
#' @seealso See \code{\link[Rsamtools]{ScanBamParam}} and
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{bamFlag}} in
#' \code{Rsamtools} for full documentation. See \code{improperAlignmentFlags} for the
#' default set of flags.
#' @examples
#' flags <- improperAlignmentFlags()
#' print(flags)
#' params <- ScanBamParam(flag = flags, what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq"))
#' params2 <- improperAlignmentParams()
#' print(params2)
#' identical(params, params2) #TRUE
#' @param what A character vector (see \code{ScanBamParam} for details)
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{ScanBamParam} such as \code{mapqFilter}
#' @param flag A length-two integer vector as provided by \code{improperAlignmentFlags}
#' @export
#' @rdname alignment-flags
improperAlignmentParams <- function(flag=improperAlignmentFlags(),
what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq",
ScanBamParam(flag=flag, what=what, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname alignment-flags
#' @examples
#' flags <- properAlignmentFlags()
#' print(flags)
#' params <- ScanBamParam(flag = flags, what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq"))
#' params2 <- properAlignmentParams()
#' identical(params, params2) #TRUE
#' print(params2)
properAlignmentParams <- function(flag=properAlignmentFlags(),
what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq"),
ScanBamParam(flag=flag, what=what, ...)
#' Extract all improperly paired reads from a bam file as a GAlignmentPairs object
#' This function is a wrapper for readGAlignments. At the time this function was created, one could not create a GAlignmentPairs object of improperly paired reads using existing infrastructure in the GenomicAlignments package. This function may be deprecated in the future.
#' @return a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @param bam.file complete path to BAM file
#' @param param a \code{ScanBamParam} object.
#' @param build the reference genome buld that reads were aligned to. Currently
#' supported builds include "hg19" and "hg18".
#' @examples
#' library(svbams)
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' bam.file <- file.path(path, "cgov10t.bam")
#' irp <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bam.file, build="hg19")
#' @seealso See \code{\link[GenomicAlignments]{makeGAlignmentPairs}}
#' for details regarding \code{use.mcols} argument. See
#' \code{\link{improperAlignmentParams}} for creating a
#' \code{ScanBamParam} object with the appropriate flags for
#' extracting improper read pairs.
getImproperAlignmentPairs <- function(bam.file,
flags <- improperAlignmentFlags()
irp <- readGAlignments(bam.file, use.names=TRUE, param=param)
irp <- .trimInvalidReadsGAlign(irp)
irp2 <- makeGAlignmentPairs2(irp, use.mcols=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
genome(seqinfo(irp2)) <- build
#' Extract properly paired reads from a bam file
#' Function used by rearrangement analysis to extract the sequence of
#' properly paired reads from a bam file.
#' @return a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @param bam.file a \code{BamViews} object
#' @param param a \code{ScanBamParam} object.
#' @param build the reference genome buld that reads were aligned to. Currently
#' supported builds include "hg19" and "hg18".
#' @examples
#' library(svbams)
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' bam.file <- file.path(path, "cgov10t.bam")
#' irp <- getProperAlignmentPairs(bam.file, build="hg19")
#' @seealso See \code{\link{properAlignmentParams}} for creating a
#' \code{ScanBamParam} object with the appropriate flags for extracting
#' proper read pairs.
getProperAlignmentPairs <- function(bam.file,
##bam.file <- bamPaths(object)
irp <- readGAlignments(bam.file, use.names=TRUE, param=param)
irp <- .trimInvalidReadsGAlign(irp)
mapq_thr <- bamMapqFilter(param)
irp2 <- makeGAlignmentPairs2(irp, use.mcols=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
genome(seqinfo(irp2)) <- build
# Parse improper read pairs from a bam file
# Parses improper read pairs from a bam file and saves the result as
# a serialized R object. The file paths to the improper read pairs
# are given by accessors defined from the \code{AlignmentViews2}
# class.
# @examples
# library(Rsamtools)
# require(TestBams)
# extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="TestBams")
# bam.file <- list.files(extdata, pattern="\\.bam$", full.name=TRUE)
# bv <- BamViews(bam.file)
# dp <- DataPaths(tempdir())
# aviews <- AlignmentViews2(bv, dp)
# \dontrun{
# writeImproperAlignments2(aviews)
# gps <- readRDS(file.path(dp["alignments/0improper"], rdsId(aviews)[1]))
# }
# @rdname AlignmentViews2
# @export
# @param bam.file complete path to BAM file
# @param param a \code{ScanBamParam} object
# @param mapq_thr length-one numeric vector indicating lower limit of MAPQ score
# @param use.mcols length-one logical vector
# writeImproperAlignments2 <- function(bam.file,
# param=improperAlignmentParams(mapqFilter=0)){
# .Deprecated()
# if(file.exists(bam.file)){
# return(invisible())
# }
# ##aln_path <- improperPaths(aview)
# irp <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bam.file, param, build='hg19')
# out.file <- improperPaths(aview)
# saveRDS(irp, file=out.file)
# invisible()
# }
thinReadPairQuery <- function(g, zoom.out=1){
greater_20kb <- width(g) > 20e3
g2 <- expandGRanges(g, zoom.out*width(g))
## for the big intervals, focus on the border areas
g3 <- g2[!greater_20kb]
index <- greater_20kb
g4 <- GRanges(seqnames(g)[index],
g5 <- GRanges(seqnames(g)[index],
gg <- c(granges(g3), g4, g5)
dj <- disjoin(gg)
## TODO: consider reduce here. The same read pair will be in multiple bins
## will retrieve improper and proper reads
.mappedReadPairFlags <- function() scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,
.scan_all_readpairs <- function(granges, bam.file, flags){
g <- reduce(granges)
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=flags, what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq"),
##x <- readGAlignmentsFromBam(bam.file, param=param, use.names=TRUE)
x <- readGAlignments(bam.file, param=param, use.names=TRUE)
x <- makeGAlignmentPairs2(x, use.mcols="flag")
R1isFirst <- function(galp) start(first(galp)) < end(last(galp))
validFirstR1 <- function(galp){
strand(first(galp)) == "+" & strand(last(galp)) == "-" & R1isFirst(galp)
validLastR1 <- function(galp){
strand(first(galp)) == "-" & strand(last(galp)) == "+" & !R1isFirst(galp)
validPairForDeletion <- function(galp){
## for deletions:
## R1 +, R2-, R1<R2
## R1 -, R2+, R1>R2
same_chrom <- chromosome(first(galp)) == chromosome(last(galp))
##if(!all(same_chrom)) galp <- galp[same_chrom]
r1pos_r2neg <- validFirstR1(galp)
r1neg_r2pos <- validLastR1(galp)
r1pos_r2neg | r1neg_r2pos & same_chrom
#' Import properly paired reads from a bam file
#' @return a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @export
#' @param bam_path character string providing complete path to bam file
#' @param gr a \code{GRanges} object
#' @param param a \code{DeletionParam} object
properReadPairs <- function(bam_path, gr, param=DeletionParam()){
query <- thinReadPairQuery(gr)
if(length(query) == 0) {
seqlevelsStyle(query) <- bamSeqLevelsStyle(param)
flags <- .mappedReadPairFlags()
galp <- .scan_all_readpairs(query,
is_valid <- validPairForDeletion(galp)
galp <- galp[is_valid]
#' Extract all mapped read pairs near a deletion(s)
#' Wrapper for \code{readGAlignments} that extracts mapped read pairs
#' near deletions.
#' @export
#' @return a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @param object a \code{GRanges} object
#' @param bam.file a character string providing complete path to bam file
readPairsNearVariant <- function(object, bam.file){
flags <- .mappedReadPairFlags()
##granges <- thinReadPairQuery(object, thin)
galp <- .scan_all_readpairs(object, bam.file=bam.file, flags=flags)
seqlevelsStyle(galp) <- seqlevelsStyle(object)
is_valid <- validPairForDeletion(galp)
#' Parse BAM file for improper read pairs near a set of GRanges
#' All reads aligned to the intervals given by
#' \code{queryRanges(object)} are identified by the low-level function
#' \code{.scan_all_readpairs}. This function reads alignments by
#' \code{readGAlignments} and then makes pairs of the alignments by
#' \code{makeGAlignmentPairs2}. The latter function is an adaption of
#' the function \code{makeGAlignmentPairs} implemented in the
#' \code{GenomeAlignments} package but allows for the read pairs to be
#' improper.
#' @param object Typically an \code{AmpliconGraph}, though the only
#' requirement is that the method \code{queryRanges} is defined
#' @param bam.file character-vector providing valid complete path to a
#' bam file
#' @param flags length-two integer vector as given by \code{scanBamFlags}
#' @return A \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @export
get_readpairs <- function(object, bam.file, flags=scanBamFlag()){
g <- queryRanges(object)
if(length(g) == 0) {
setflag <- 1
g <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 1))
} else setflag <- 0
galp <- get_readpairs2(g, bam.file, flags)
## make length-zero
galp <- galp[0]
#' Extract reads from a bam file
#' Parses a BAM file for read pairs near intervals specified by a \code{GRanges} object and
#' returns the read pairs in a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object.
#' @param g A \code{GRanges} object
#' @param bam.file A character vector of the path to a bam file
#' @param flags A length-two integer vector as given by \code{scanBamFlags}
#' @seealso get_readpairs
#' @return A \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @export
get_readpairs2 <- function(g, bam.file, flags=scanBamFlag()){
galp <- .scan_all_readpairs(g, bam.file, flags)
validR1 <- overlapsAny(first(galp), g)
validR2 <- overlapsAny(last(galp), g)
galp <- galp[validR1 & validR2]
#' Extract all improperly paired reads from an object with queryRanges defined
#' This function is a wrapper for readGAlignments followed by
#' makeGAlignmentPairs2. Only read pairs in which both the first read
#' and the last read in a pair overlap with the queryRanges are
#' returned. Note, a given read pair need not overlap the same
#' queryRange. To allow fuzzy matching of alignments to the
#' queryRanges, the queryRanges are expanded by 2kb in each direction.
#' @export
#' @param object An object for which \code{queryRanges} method is defined
#' @param bam.file The complete file path to a bam file.
get_improper_readpairs <- function(object, bam.file){
g <- reduce(queryRanges(object))
if(totalWidth(g)==0) {
galp <- GAlignmentPairs(first=GAlignments(), last=GAlignments(), isProperPair=logical())
## expand the query regions by 2kb on each side
g2 <- reduce(expandGRanges(g, 2e3L))
p <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE, isProperPair=FALSE),
what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos"), which=g)
##x <- readGAlignmentsFromBam(bam.file, param=p, use.names=TRUE)
x <- readGAlignments(bam.file, param=p, use.names=TRUE)
galp <- makeGAlignmentPairs2(x, use.mcols="flag")
galp <- subsetByOverlaps2(galp, g)
subsetByOverlaps2 <- function(galp, g){
validR1 <- overlapsAny(first(galp), g)
validR2 <- overlapsAny(last(galp), g)
galp <- galp[validR1 & validR2]
get_improper_readpairs2 <- function(g, bam.file){
if(totalWidth(g)==0) {
galp <- GAlignmentPairs(first=GAlignments(),
## expand the query regions by 2kb on each side
g2 <- reduce(expandGRanges(g, 2e3L))
p <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE, isProperPair=FALSE),
what=c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos"), which=g)
##x <- readGAlignmentsFromBam(bam.file, param=p, use.names=TRUE)
x <- readGAlignments(bam.file, param=p, use.names=TRUE)
galp <- makeGAlignmentPairs2(x, use.mcols="flag")
validR1 <- overlapsAny(first(galp), g)
validR2 <- overlapsAny(last(galp), g)
galp <- galp[validR1 & validR2]
#' Convert GAlignmentPairs to GRanges while maintaining read pair information
#' Melts \code{GAlignmentPairs} objects to \code{GRanges} objects.
#' @param ga a \code{GAlignments} object
#' @param is.improper a length-one logical vector. \code{TRUE} if the reads are improperly paired, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @param use.mcols logical for whether to keep the metadata columns of the \code{GAlignment} objects
#' @examples
#' library(svbams)
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' bam.file <- file.path(path, "cgov10t.bam")
#' irp <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bam.file, build="hg19")
#' igr <- ga2gr(irp, is.improper=TRUE)
#' prp <- getProperAlignmentPairs(bam.file, build="hg19")
#' pgr <- ga2gr(prp, is.improper=FALSE)
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object with metadata columns containing read pair information.
#' @export
ga2gr <- function(ga, is.improper=FALSE, use.mcols=FALSE){
id <- names(ga)
r1.ga <- granges(first(ga), use.mcols=use.mcols)
r2.ga <- granges(last(ga), use.mcols=use.mcols)
names(r1.ga) <- names(r2.ga) <- NULL
r1.ga$read <- rep("R1", length(r1.ga))
r2.ga$read <- rep("R2", length(r2.ga))
r1.ga$is.improper <- r2.ga$is.improper <- rep(is.improper, length(r1.ga))
r1.ga$tagid <- id
r2.ga$tagid <- id
c(r1.ga, r2.ga)
#' Sort GRanges object with read pairs R1 and R2 by start of R1
#' In order to plot the read pairs as position versus read pair index,
#' information on the mates needs to be kept intact and the visualization is
#' more clear if the reads are sorted by the first read in the pair. This
#' function turns the read tag in the 'id' field of the GRanges object to an
#' ordered factor. The levels of the factor are determined by the start position
#' of the first read (R1) in the pair.
#' @param gr a \code{GRanges} object instantiated from a \code{GAlignmentPairs}
#' @return a \code{GRanges} object
#' @examples
#' library(svbams)
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.refGene)
#' region <- GRanges("chr15", IRanges(63201003, 63209243))
#' si <- seqinfo(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.refGene)
#' seqinfo(region) <- si["chr15", ]
#' path <-system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' bampath <- list.files(path, pattern="cgov44t_revised.bam$",
#' full.names=TRUE)
#' iparams <- improperAlignmentParams(mapqFilter=30)
#' pparams <- properAlignmentParams(mapqFilter=30)
#' \dontrun{
#' irp <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bampath,
#' iparams, build="hg19")
#' g.irp <- ga2gr(irp, is.improper=TRUE)
#' prp <- getProperAlignmentPairs(bampath,
#' pparams, build="hg19")
#' g.prp <- ga2gr(prp, is.improper=FALSE)
#' gr <- c(g.irp, g.prp)
#' gr <- sortByRead1(gr)
#' gr
#' }
#' @export
sortByRead1 <- function(gr){
gr.read1 <- gr[gr$read=="R1"]
gr.read1 <- gr.read1[order(start(gr.read1))]
tagid.levels <- as.character(gr.read1$tagid)
gr$tagid <- factor(gr$tagid, levels=tagid.levels)
gr <- gr[order(gr$tagid)]
#' Thin proper read pairs to reduce overplotting
#' This function provides a simple interface to
#' subsample a \code{GRanges} object of properly paired
#' reads to reduce overplotting.
#' @param gr a \code{GRanges} object instantiated from a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @param thin integer indicating how much to thin the properly paired reads.
#' @details Setting the parameter \code{thin} to 10 (default) will
#' return a \code{GRanges} object with 1/10 the original number of
#' properly paired reads in \code{gr}.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object
#' @examples
#' library(svbams)
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' bam.file <- file.path(path, "cgov10t.bam")
#' prp <- getProperAlignmentPairs(bam.file, build="hg19")
#' pgr <- ga2gr(prp, is.improper=FALSE)
#' length(pgr)
#' pgr2 <- thinProperPairs(pgr, 100)
#' length(pgr2)
#' @export
thinProperPairs <- function(gr, thin=10){
is.proper <- !gr$is.improper
gr.prp <- gr[is.proper]
gr.prp <- sortByRead1(gr.prp)
tagid <- unique(as.character(gr.prp$tagid))
tagid <- tagid[seq(1, length(tagid), thin)]
gr.prp <- gr.prp[gr.prp$tagid %in% tagid]
.seqdataframe <- function(gpairs, MAX){
df <- as.data.frame(first(gpairs))
if(nrow(df) > MAX){
index <- sample(seq_len(MAX), MAX)
} else index <- seq_len(nrow(df))
df <- df[index, ]
df2 <- as.data.frame(last(gpairs))
df2 <- df2[index, ]
df$read <- rep("R1", nrow(df))
df2$read <- rep("R2", nrow(df))
df <- rbind(df, df2)
#' Assesses whether two reads in a pair are aberrantly separated with respect to the reference genome
#' Determines whether separation between first and last read in a
#' GAlignmentPairs is greater than some distance.
#' Evaluates to TRUE if
#' @param gpairs a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @param distance the minimum distance in base pairs between two reads in
#' order to call them aberrantly separated
#' @return logical vector of the same length as \code{gpairs}
#' @export
aberrantSep <- function(gpairs, distance=10e3){
abs((start(first(gpairs)) - start(last(gpairs)))) > distance
#' Assesses whether any read pairs are duplicates in a GAlignmentPairs object
#' @param aln.pairs a \code{GAlignmentPairs} object
#' @return logical vector of same length as the \code{aln.pairs}
#' @export
isDuplicate <- function(aln.pairs){
chr1 <- chromosome(first(aln.pairs))
chr2 <- chromosome(last(aln.pairs))
x1 <- start(first(aln.pairs))
x2 <- end(last(aln.pairs))
string <- paste(chr1, x1, chr2, x2, sep="_")
#' Remove duplicates paired r
#' @export
#' @param gpairs TODO
#' @param bins TODO
#' @param params TODO
filterPairedReads <- function(gpairs, bins, params){
gpairs <- gpairs[ aberrantSep(gpairs, rpSeparation(params)) ]
gpairs <- gpairs [ !isDuplicate(gpairs) ]
cnt <- countOverlaps(bins, first(gpairs)) + countOverlaps(bins, last(gpairs))
gpairs <- subsetByOverlaps(gpairs, bins [ cnt >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(params) ])
.getReadSeqsForRear <- function(object, bam.file, param, MAX, build){
irp <- improper(object)
flags <- improperAlignmentFlags()
lb <- linkedBins(object)
bins <- c(granges(lb), granges(lb$linked.to))
what <- c("qname", "rname", "seq", "flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq")
scan.param <- ScanBamParam(flag=flags, what=what, which=bins, mapqFilter=30)
rps <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bam.file,
build = build)
rps2 <- filterPairedReads(rps, bins, param)
df <- .seqdataframe(rps2, MAX)
##df$id <- rep(names(align_view), nrow(df))
df$id <- rep(basename(bam.file), nrow(df))
df$rearrangement.id <- rep(names(linkedBins(object)), nrow(df))
##.getReadSeqsForRear2 <- function(irp, bam.file, param, MAX){
## flags <- improperAlignmentFlags()
## ##lb <- linkedBins(object)
## bins <- c(granges(lb), granges(lb$linked.to))
## what <- c("qname", "rname", "seq", "flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq")
## scan.param <- ScanBamParam(flag=flags, what=what, which=bins, mapqFilter=30)
## rps <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bam.file,
## scan.param)
## rps2 <- filterPairedReads(rps, bins, param)
## df <- .seqdataframe(rps2, MAX)
## ##df$id <- rep(names(align_view), nrow(df))
## df$id <- rep(basename(bam.file), nrow(df))
## df$rearrangement.id <- rep(names(linkedBins(object)), nrow(df))
## df
#' @aliases getSequenceOfReads,Rearrangement-method
#' @rdname getSequenceOfReads-methods
setMethod("getSequenceOfReads", "Rearrangement",
dat <- .getReadSeqsForRear(object, bam.file, params, MAX, build = build)
dat2 <- as_tibble(dat)
#' @aliases getSequenceOfReads,StructuralVariant-method
#' @rdname getSequenceOfReads-methods
setMethod("getSequenceOfReads", "StructuralVariant",
dat <- .getReadSeqsForDeletion(object, bam.file,
params, MAX,
build = build)
dat2 <- as_tibble(dat)
#' @aliases getSequenceOfReads,RearrangementList-method
#' @rdname getSequenceOfReads-methods
setMethod("getSequenceOfReads", "RearrangementList",
tag.list <- vector("list", length(object))
for(j in seq_along(object)){
r <- object[[j]]
tag.list[[j]] <- .getReadSeqsForRear(r, bam.file,
params, MAX=MAX,
build = build)
tags <- do.call(rbind, tag.list)
readId <- paste(tags$qname, tags$read, sep="_")
tags <- tags[!duplicated(readId), ]
tags2 <- as_tibble(tags)
.getReadSeqsForDeletion <- function(object,
irp <- improper(object)
flags <- improperAlignmentFlags()
v <- variant(object)
w <- round(width(v)/2, 0)
starts <- IRanges(start(v), width=1) + w
ends <- IRanges(end(v), width=1) + w
bins1 <- GRanges(seqnames(v), starts)
bins2 <- GRanges(seqnames(v), ends)
bins <- c(bins1, bins2)
##lb <- linkedBins(object)
##bins <- c(granges(lb), granges(lb$linked.to))
what <- c("qname", "rname", "seq", "flag",
"mrnm", "mpos", "mapq")
scan.param <- ScanBamParam(flag=flags, what=what, which=bins,
rps <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bam.file,
rps2 <- filterPairedReads(rps, bins, param)
df <- .seqdataframe(rps2, MAX)
df$id <- rep(basename(bam.file), nrow(df))
##df$rearrangement.id <- rep(names(linkedBins(object)), nrow(df))
number_improper <- sapply(object, function(x) length(improper(x)))
df$rearrangement.id <- rep(names(object), number_improper)
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