#' Process NanoString nCounter gene expression data.
#' This function reads in a zip file or folder containing multiple .rcc files
#' (or a txt/csv file containing raw count data), and then optionally conducts
#' positive control normalization, background correction, and housekeeping
#' normalization.
#' @export
#' @param nsFiles file path (or zip file) containing the .rcc files, or multiple
#' directories in a character vector, or a single text/csv file containing the
#' combined counts, or .rcc files in a character vector.
#' @param sampleTab .txt (tab-delimited) or .csv (comma-delimited) file
#' containing sample data table (optional, default NULL)
#' @param idCol the column name of the sample identifiers in the sample table,
#' which should correspond to the column names in the count table
#' (default NULL: will assume the first column contains the sample identifiers)
#' @param groupCol the column name of the group identifiers in the sample table.
#' @param replicateCol the column name of the technical replicate identifiers
#' (default NULL). Multiple replicates of the same sample will have the same
#' value in this column. Replicates are used to improve normalization
#' performance in the "RUVIII" method; otherwise they are averaged.
#' @param normalization If "nSolver" (default), continues with background,
#' positive control, and housekeeping control normalization steps to return
#' a NanoStringSet of normalized data. If "RUVIII", runs RUV normalization using
#' controls, housekeeping genes and technical replicates. If "RUVg", runs RUV
#' normalization using housekeeping genes. If "none", returns a
#' NanoStringSet with the raw counts, suitable for running NanoStringDiff.
#' @param bgType (Only if normalization is not "none") Type of background
#' correction to use: "threshold" sets a threshold for N standard deviations
#' above the mean of negative controls. "t.test" conducts a one-sided t test
#' for each gene against all negative controls. "none" to skip background removal
#' @param bgThreshold If bgType=="threshold", number of sd's above the mean to
#' set as threshold for background correction.
#' @param bgProportion If bgType=="threshold", proportion of samples that a gene
#' must be above threshold to be included in analysis.
#' @param bgPVal If bgType=="t.test", p-value threshold to use for gene to be
#' included in analysis.
#' @param bgSubtract Should calculated background levels be subtracted from
#' reported expressions? If TRUE, will subtract mean+numSD*sd of the negative
#' controls from the endogenous genes, and then set negative values to zero
#' (default FALSE)
#' @param n.unwanted The number of unwanted factors to use (for RUVIII or RUVg
#' normalization only). If NULL (default), the maximum possible value will
#' be identified and used.
#' @param RUVg.drop The number of singular values to drop for RUVg normalization
#' (see RUVSeq::RUVg)
#' @param housekeeping vector of genes (symbols or accession) to use for
#' housekeeping correction ("nCounter" or "RUVg" normalization).
#' If NULL, will use genes listed as "Housekeeping" under CodeClass.
#' @param skip.housekeeping Skip housekeeping normalization? (default FALSE)
#' @param includeQC Should we include the QC from the .rcc files? This can
#' cause errors, particularly when reading in files from multiple experiments.
#' @param sampIds a vector of sample identifiers, important if there are
#' technical replicates. Currently, this function averages technical replicates.
#' sampIds will be extracted from the replicateCol in the sampleTab, if
#' provided.
#' @param output.format If "list", will return the normalized (optional) and raw
#' expression data, as well as various QC and relevant information tables. If
#' "ExpressionSet" (default), will convert to an n*p ExpressionSet, with n rows
#' representing genes and p columns representing samples. ExpressionSet objects
#' are required for some steps, such as runLimmaAnalysis.
#' @param logfile a filename for the logfile (optional). If blank, will print
#' warnings to screen.
#' @return An list or ExpressionSet containing the raw and/or normalized
#' counts, dictionary, and sample info if provided
#' @examples
#' example_data <- system.file("extdata", "GSE117751_RAW", package = "NanoTube")
#' sample_data <- system.file("extdata", "GSE117751_sample_data.csv",
#' package = "NanoTube")
#' # Process NanoString data from RCC files present in example_data folder.
#' # Use standard nCounter normalization, removing genes that do
#' # pass a t test against negative control genes with p < 0.05. Return the
#' # result as an "ExpressionSet".
#' dat <- processNanostringData(nsFiles = example_data,
#' sampleTab = sample_data,
#' groupCol = "Sample_Diagnosis",
#' normalization = "nSolver",
#' bgType = "t.test", bgPVal = 0.01,
#' output.format = "ExpressionSet")
#' # Load NanoString data from a csv file (from NanoString's RCC Collector tool,
#' # for example). Skip normalization by setting 'normalization = "none"'.
#' csv_data <- system.file("extdata", "GSE117751_expression_matrix.csv",
#' package = "NanoTube")
#' dat <- processNanostringData(nsFile = csv_data,
#' sampleTab = sample_data,
#' idCol = "GEO_Accession",
#' groupCol = "Sample_Diagnosis",
#' normalization = "none")
#' # Load NanoString data from RCC files, using a threshold background level for
#' # removing low-expressed genes. Also, specify which genes to use for
#' # housekeeping normalization. Save the result in "list" format (useful for
#' # some QC functions) instead of an "ExpressionSet".
#' dat <- processNanostringData(nsFiles = example_data,
#' sampleTab = sample_data,
#' groupCol = "Sample_Diagnosis",
#' normalization = "nSolver",
#' bgType = "threshold",
#' bgThreshold = 2, bgProportion = 0.5,
#' housekeeping = c("TUBB", "TBP", "POLR2A",
#' "GUSB", "SDHA"),
#' output.format = "list")
processNanostringData <- function(nsFiles,
sampleTab = NULL,
idCol = NULL, groupCol = NULL,
replicateCol = NULL,
normalization = c("nSolver", "RUVIII", "RUVg", "none"),
bgType = c("threshold", "t.test", "none"),
bgThreshold = 2, bgProportion = 0.5,
bgPVal = 0.001, bgSubtract = FALSE,
n.unwanted = NULL, RUVg.drop = 0,
housekeeping = NULL,
skip.housekeeping = FALSE,
includeQC = FALSE,
sampIds = NULL,
output.format = c("ExpressionSet", "list"),
logfile = "") {
# Quick error checking:
if (bgThreshold < 0) {
warning(cat("\nNegative background threshold detected. This is the
number of \nstandard deviations above the background mean,
and should be \n0 or positive. Setting to 0...\n",
file=logfile, append=TRUE))
bgThreshold <- 0
if (bgProportion < 0 | bgProportion > 1) {
stop(cat("\nProportion should be between 0 and 1, the proportion of
samples \nthat must have greater expression than background to
keep for \nanalysis. Stopping...\n",
file=logfile, append=TRUE))
file.extension <- substr(nsFiles[1],
(nchar(nsFiles[1])-3), nchar(nsFiles[1]))
# Read in expression data from individual rcc files,
# or merged txt or csv files.
if (file.extension %in% c(".txt", ".TXT", ".csv", ".CSV")) {
# Read in merged count data
cat("\nLoading count data......",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
if (file.extension %in% c(".txt", ".TXT")) {
tabData <- read.delim(nsFiles,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
tabData <- read.csv(nsFiles,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat <- list(exprs = tabData[,-seq_len(3)],
dict = tabData[,seq_len(3)])
rownames(dat$exprs) <- rownames(dat$dict) <- tabData$Accession
# Remove periods or spaces from dictionary colnames
colnames(dat$dict) <- gsub("\\.| ", "", colnames(dat$dict))
} else if (file.extension %in% c(".RCC", ".rcc")) {
fileNames <- nsFiles[ grep("\\.rcc$", tolower(nsFiles)) ]
cat("\nReading in .RCC files......", file = logfile,
append = TRUE)
dat <- read_merge_rcc(fileNames, includeQC, logfile)
} else {
# Extract from nsFiles, if zipped
if (file.extension %in% c(".zip", ".ZIP")){
nsFiles <- unzip_dirs(nsFiles)
} else if (file.extension %in% c(".tar", ".TAR")){
nsFiles <- untar_dirs(nsFiles)
# Get filenames (combines files from multiple directories if necessary)
fileNames <- unlist(lapply(nsFiles, list.files, full.names = TRUE))
# Retain only fileNames ending in "RCC" or ".gz"
# ('tolower' function makes it case-insensitive)
fileNames <- fileNames[
start = nchar(fileNames)-2,
stop = nchar(fileNames))) %in% c("rcc", ".gz")]
cat("\nReading in .RCC files......", file=logfile, append=TRUE)
# Read in RCC files
dat <- read_merge_rcc(fileNames, includeQC, logfile)
# Read in sample data file, if provided.
if (!is.null(sampleTab)) dat <- read_sampleData(dat, file.name = sampleTab,
idCol = idCol, groupCol = groupCol,
replicateCol = replicateCol)
# Mark specified genes as housekeeping (may already be marked)
dat$dict$CodeClass[dat$dict$Name %in% housekeeping |
dat$dict$Accession %in% housekeeping] <- "Housekeeping"
# Average counts for technical replicates or normalize using RUV.
# Use the replicate ID's extracted from the sampleTab, if applicable.
if ("replicates" %in% names(dat)) sampIds <- dat$replicates
# Or use the ID's provided directly.
# Then average replicates, or normalize using "RUV".
normalization <- normalization[1]
bgType <- bgType[1]
output.format <- output.format[1]
if ((!is.null(sampIds) & any(duplicated(sampIds))) |
normalization != "RUVIII") {
if (is.null(sampIds)) sampIds <- seq_len(ncol(dat$exprs))
dupSamps <- names(table(sampIds)[table(sampIds) > 1])
if (normalization == "RUVIII") {
cat("\nConducting RUVIII normalization......",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
# Save a copy of the raw expression data
dat$exprs.raw <- dat$exprs
dat$samples.raw <- dat$samples
dat$dict.raw <- dat$dict
if (bgType != "none") {
dat <- remove_background(dat, mode = bgType,
numSD = bgThreshold,
proportionReq = bgProportion,
pval = bgPVal, subtract = bgSubtract)
# Normalize using RUV: Use all genes as control genes to start
# (recommended by RUV authors)
dat$exprs <- t(ruv::RUVIII(t(log2(dat$exprs+0.5)), M = sampIds,
ctl = seq_len(nrow(dat$exprs)),
k = n.unwanted))
} else {
cat("\nAveraging technical replicates.....",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
for (i in dupSamps) {
dat$exprs[,sampIds == i] <- rowMeans(dat$exprs[,sampIds == i])
# Remove duplicates
dat$exprs <- dat$exprs[,!duplicated(sampIds)]
dat$samples <- dat$samples[!duplicated(sampIds),]
if (includeQC) dat$qc <- dat$qc[!duplicated(sampIds),]
if ("groups" %in% names(dat))
dat$groups <- dat$groups[!duplicated(sampIds)]
# Normalize using nSolver recommended method:
if (normalization == "nSolver") {
cat("\nCalculating positive scale factors......",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
dat.norm <- normalize_pos_controls(dat, logfile)
# Remove genes that fail background check
cat("\nChecking endogenous genes against background threshold......",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
if (bgType != "none") {
dat.norm <- remove_background(dat.norm, mode = bgType,
numSD = bgThreshold,
proportionReq = bgProportion,
pval = bgPVal, subtract = bgSubtract)
if (!skip.housekeeping) {
cat("\nConducting housekeeping normalization......",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
dat.norm <- normalize_housekeeping(dat.norm, housekeeping)
# Save a copy of the raw data (only used if output.format == "list")
dat.out <- dat.norm
dat.out$exprs.raw <- dat$exprs
dat.out$dict.raw <- dat$dict
dat <- dat.out
} else if (normalization == "RUVg") {
cat("\nConducting RUVg normalization......",
file=logfile, append=TRUE)
dat$exprs.raw <- dat$exprs
dat$dict.raw <- dat$dict
if (bgType != "none") {
dat <- remove_background(dat, mode = bgType,
numSD = bgThreshold,
proportionReq = bgProportion,
pval = bgPVal, subtract = bgSubtract)
if (is.null(housekeeping)) {
housekeeping <- rownames(dat$dict)[
grep("housekeeping", dat$dict$CodeClass, ignore.case = TRUE)]
} else if (all(housekeeping %in% dat$dict$Accession)) {
housekeeping <- rownames(dat$dict)[dat$dict$Accession %in% housekeeping]
} else if (all(housekeeping %in% dat$dict$Name)) {
housekeeping <- rownames(dat$dict)[dat$dict$Name %in% housekeeping]
} else {
stop(cat("\nHousekeeping gene(s) not found in dataset:",
housekeeping[!(housekeeping %in% dat$dict$Name |
housekeeping %in% dat$dict$Accession)],
"\n", file=logfile, append=TRUE))
if (is.null(n.unwanted)) n.unwanted <- 1
dat$exprs <- RUVSeq::RUVg(dat$exprs, housekeeping,
k = n.unwanted, drop = RUVg.drop)$normalizedCounts
if (output.format == "list") {
dat$normalization <- normalization
if (normalization == "none") {
dat$exprs.raw <- dat$exprs
dat$dict.raw <- dat$dict
} else {
dat.out <- ExpressionSet(assayData = as.matrix(dat$exprs),
featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(dat$dict))
if ("samples" %in% names(dat))
phenoData(dat.out) <- AnnotatedDataFrame(dat$samples)
if ("groups" %in% names(dat)) phenoData(dat.out)$groups <- dat$groups
phenoData(dat.out)$normalization <- normalization
if (includeQC)
phenoData(dat.out) <-
AnnotatedDataFrame(cbind(pData(dat.out), dat$qc))
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