# Outliers filtering functions
#---- Filter outliers ---------------------------------------------------------#
#' Filter out outliers in metadata, identified by the chosen outlier test.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Filter out outliers in metadata by using appropriate outlier tests.
#' @details
#' ## Modular structure
#' The outlier filtering functions are structured in a modular fashion.
#' There are 2 kind of functions:
#' * Outlier tests - Functions that perform some kind of calculation based
#' on inputs and flags metadata
#' * Outlier filter - A function that takes one or more outlier tests,
#' combines all the flags with a given logic and filters out rows that
#' are flagged as outliers
#' This function acts as the filter. It can either take one or more outlier
#' tests as functions and call them through the argument `outlier_test`,
#' or it can take directly outputs produced by individual tests in
#' the argument `outlier_test_outputs` - if both are provided the second one
#' has priority. The second method offers a bit more freedom, since single
#' tests can be run independently and intermediate results saved and examined
#' more in detail. If more than one test is to be performed, the argument
#' `combination_logic` tells the function how to combine the flags: you can
#' specify 1 logical operator or more than 1, provided it is compatible
#' with the number of tests.
#' ## Writing custom outlier tests
#' You have the freedom to provide your own functions as outlier tests. For
#' this purpose, functions provided must respect this guidelines:
#' * Must take as input the whole metadata df
#' * Must return a df containing AT LEAST the `pcr_id_col` and a logical column
#' `"to_remove"` that contains the flag
#' * The `pcr_id_col` must contain all the values originally present in the
#' metadata df
#' @param metadata The metadata data frame
#' @param pcr_id_col The name of the pcr identifier column
#' @param outlier_test One or more outlier tests. Must be functions,
#' either from `available_outlier_tests()` or custom functions that
#' produce an appropriate output format (see details).
#' @param outlier_test_outputs `NULL`, a data frame or a list of data frames.
#' See details.
#' @param combination_logic One or more logical operators
#' ("AND", "OR", "XOR", "NAND", "NOR", "XNOR"). See datails.
#' @param negate If `TRUE` will return only the metadata that was flagged to
#' be removed. If `FALSE` will return only the metadata that wasn't flagged
#' to be removed.
#' @param ... Additional named arguments passed to `outliers_test`
#' @template report_path_param
#' @family Data cleaning and pre-processing
#' @return A data frame of metadata which has less or the same amount of rows
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' filtered_af <- outlier_filter(association_file,
#' key = "BARCODE_MUX",
#' report_path = NULL
#' )
#' head(filtered_af)
outlier_filter <- function(
pcr_id_col = pcr_id_column(),
outlier_test = c(outliers_by_pool_fragments),
outlier_test_outputs = NULL,
combination_logic = c("AND"),
negate = FALSE,
report_path = default_report_path(),
...) {
pcr_id_col <- pcr_id_col[1]
if (!pcr_id_col %in% colnames(metadata)) {
stopifnot(is.null(outlier_test) ||
all(purrr::map_lgl(outlier_test, is.function)))
stopifnot(is.null(outlier_test_outputs) ||
is.data.frame(outlier_test_outputs) ||
all(purrr::map_lgl(outlier_test_outputs, is.data.frame)))
params_for_report <- list(
dyn_vars = list(pcr_id = pcr_id_col),
input_stats = list(
nrow = nrow(metadata),
n_samples = length(
mode <- "CALL"
test_num <- 1
if (is.null(outlier_test) & is.null(outlier_test_outputs)) {
err_msg <- c(
"One between `outlier_test` and",
"`outlier_test_outputs` should not be NULL"
i = "See documentation with `?outlier_filter`"
rlang::abort(err_msg, class = "no_outlier_tests")
} else if (!is.null(outlier_test) & !is.null(outlier_test_outputs)) {
mode <- "RES"
if (!is.data.frame(outlier_test_outputs)) {
test_num <- length(outlier_test_outputs)
} else {
outlier_test_outputs <- list(outlier_test_outputs)
if (mode == "CALL") {
test_num <- length(outlier_test)
outlier_test, combination_logic,
} else {
params_for_report$mode <- mode
params_for_report$dyn_vars$operators <- combination_logic
if (mode == "CALL") {
## Get varargs
dots <- rlang::dots_list(..., .named = TRUE, .homonyms = "first")
call_test <- function(test, vargs, df, test_name) {
test_args_names <- do.call(rlang::fn_fmls_names, args = list(test))
test_args_names <- test_args_names[test_args_names != "metadata"]
test_args <- if ("report_path" %in% test_args_names) {
vargs[names(vargs) %in% test_args_names],
list(report_path = report_path)
} else {
vargs[names(vargs) %in% test_args_names]
f_call <- rlang::call2(test, metadata = metadata, !!!test_args)
result <- rlang::eval_tidy(f_call)
result = result,
call_args = test_args
if (is.null(names(outlier_test))) {
names(outlier_test) <- paste("test", seq_along(outlier_test),
sep = "_"
outlier_test_outputs <- purrr::map2(
~ call_test(
.x, dots, metadata,
params_for_report$call_args <- purrr::map(
~ .x$call_args
outlier_test_outputs <- purrr::map(outlier_test_outputs, ~ .x$result)
} else {
purrr::walk(outlier_test_outputs, ~ {
.x, unique(metadata[[pcr_id_col]]),
if (is.null(names(outlier_test_outputs))) {
outlier_test_outputs <- outlier_test_outputs |>
purrr::set_names(paste("test", seq(
sep = "_"
params_for_report$test_results <- outlier_test_outputs
to_rem_cols <- purrr::map(
~ .x[, c(pcr_id_col, "to_remove")]
to_rem_total <- if (test_num == 1) {
params_for_report$joint <- to_rem_cols[[1]]
} else {
to_rem_cols <- purrr::map2(
to_rem_cols, names(to_rem_cols), ~ .x |>
dplyr::rename(!!paste0("to_remove_", .y) := dplyr::all_of(
joint <- purrr::reduce(to_rem_cols, ~ {
.x |>
dplyr::left_join(.y, by = pcr_id_col)
column_names_to_rem <- paste0("to_remove_", names(to_rem_cols))
wrapper <- function(picked) {
cols <- as.list(picked)
.apply_flag_logic(!!!cols, logic = combination_logic)
joint <- joint |>
to_remove = wrapper(dplyr::pick(dplyr::all_of(
params_for_report$joint <- joint
joint[, c(column_names_to_rem)] <- NULL
metadata <- metadata |>
dplyr::left_join(to_rem_total, by = pcr_id_col)
if (negate) {
metadata_filtered <- metadata |>
dplyr::filter(.data$to_remove == TRUE) |>
} else {
metadata_filtered <- metadata |>
dplyr::filter(.data$to_remove == FALSE) |>
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.reports", TRUE) == TRUE &&
!is.null(report_path)) {
report_type = "outlier_filter",
params = params_for_report,
path = report_path
error = function(cnd) {
rest <- findRestart("report_fail")
invokeRestart(rest, cnd)
#---- Outlier tests -----------------------------------------------------------#
### Outlier tests perform some calculation on data and flag outliers according
### to parameters
#' Identify and flag outliers based on pool fragments.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Identify and flag outliers based on expected number of raw reads per pool.
#' @details
#' ## Modular structure
#' The outlier filtering functions are structured in a modular fashion.
#' There are 2 kind of functions:
#' * Outlier tests - Functions that perform some kind of calculation based
#' on inputs and flags metadata
#' * Outlier filter - A function that takes one or more outlier tests,
#' combines all the flags with a given logic and filters out rows that
#' are flagged as outliers
#' This function is an outlier test, and calculates for each column in the key
#' * The zscore of the values
#' * The tstudent of the values
#' * The the associated p-value (tdist)
#' Optionally the test can be performed for each pool and a normality test
#' can be run prior the actual calculations.
#' Samples are flagged if this condition is respected:
#' * tdist < outlier_p_value_threshold & zscore < 0
#' If the key contains more than one column an additional flag logic can be
#' specified for combining the results.
#' Example:
#' let's suppose the key contains the names of two columns, X and Y
#' `key = c("X", "Y")`
#' if we specify the the argument `flag_logic = "AND"` then the reads will
#' be flagged based on this global condition:
#' (tdist_X < outlier_p_value_threshold & zscore_X < 0) AND
#' (tdist_Y < outlier_p_value_threshold & zscore_Y < 0)
#' The user can specify one or more logical operators that will be applied
#' in sequence.
#' @param metadata The metadata data frame
#' @param key A character vector of numeric column names
#' @param outlier_p_value_threshold The p value threshold for a read to be
#' considered an outlier
#' @param normality_test Perform normality test? Normality is assessed for
#' each column in the key using Shapiro-Wilk test and if the values do not
#' follow a normal distribution, other calculations are skipped
#' @param normality_p_value_threshold Normality threshold
#' @param transform_log2 Perform a log2 trasformation on values prior the
#' actual calculations?
#' @param per_pool_test Perform the test for each pool?
#' @param pool_col A character vector of the names of the columns that
#' uniquely identify a pool
#' @param min_samples_per_pool The minimum number of samples that a pool
#' needs to contain in order to be processed - relevant only if
#' `per_pool_test = TRUE`
#' @param flag_logic A character vector of logic operators to obtain a
#' global flag formula - only relevant if the key is longer than one.
#' All operators must be chosen between:
#' `r paste0(flag_logics(), collapse = ", ")`
#' @param keep_calc_cols Keep the calculation columns in the output data frame?
#' @param report_path The path where the report file should be saved.
#' Can be a folder, a file or NULL if no report should be produced.
#' Defaults to `{user_home}/ISAnalytics_reports`.
#' @return A data frame of metadata with the column `to_remove`
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @family Data cleaning and pre-processing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' flagged <- outliers_by_pool_fragments(association_file,
#' report_path = NULL
#' )
#' head(flagged)
outliers_by_pool_fragments <- function(
key = "BARCODE_MUX",
outlier_p_value_threshold = 0.01,
normality_test = FALSE,
normality_p_value_threshold = 0.05,
transform_log2 = TRUE,
per_pool_test = TRUE,
pool_col = "PoolID",
min_samples_per_pool = 5,
flag_logic = "AND",
keep_calc_cols = TRUE,
report_path = default_report_path()) {
## Check
pcr_id_col <- pcr_id_column()
metadata, key, outlier_p_value_threshold,
normality_test, normality_p_value_threshold,
transform_log2, min_samples_per_pool,
per_pool_test, pool_col,
.outlier_test_verify_logiop(key, flag_logic, "flag_logic")
## Cleaning
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE) == TRUE) {
rlang::inform("Removing NAs from data...")
metadata_filtered <- metadata |>
.cols = dplyr::all_of(key),
.fns = ~ !is.na(.x)
if (nrow(metadata_filtered) == 0) {
empty_meta_msg <- c("Metadata empty",
"Metadata has 0 rows after filtering,",
"nothing to do"
i = "Returning input data frame"
removed_nas <- metadata |>
dplyr::anti_join(metadata_filtered, by = pcr_id_col)
## Calculation
calc_res <- .pool_frag_calc(
meta = metadata_filtered,
key = key,
by_pool = per_pool_test,
normality_test = normality_test,
normality_threshold = normality_p_value_threshold,
pool_col = pool_col,
min_samples_per_pool = min_samples_per_pool,
log2 = transform_log2, pcr_id_col = pcr_id_col
## Extract dfs for report
non_proc_samples <- if ("non_proc_samples" %in% names(calc_res)) {
calc_res$non_proc_sample |>
dplyr::distinct(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(pool_col, pcr_id_col))))
} else {
removed_zeros <- calc_res$removed_zeros
calc_res <- calc_res$metadata
## Obtain final df
calc_res <- purrr::list_rbind(list(calc_res, removed_nas |>
dplyr::mutate(processed = FALSE)))
## Flag outliers
for (k in key) {
tdist_col <- paste0("tdist_", k)
zscore_col <- paste0("zscore_", k)
flag_col <- paste0("flag_", k)
calc_res <- calc_res |>
!!flag_col := .flag_cond_outliers_pool_frag(
proc = .data$processed,
tdist = .data[[tdist_col]],
zscore = .data[[zscore_col]],
outlier_threshold = outlier_p_value_threshold
to_rem <- if (length(key) == 1) {
calc_res[[paste0("flag_", key)]]
} else {
purrr::pmap_lgl(calc_res[, seq(
from = length(calc_res) - length(key) + 1,
to = length(calc_res)
)], .apply_flag_logic, logic = flag_logic)
calc_res <- calc_res |>
dplyr::mutate(to_remove = to_rem)
## Produce report
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.reports", TRUE) == TRUE &&
!is.null(report_path)) {
af_cols_specs <- association_file_columns(TRUE)
proj <- af_cols_specs |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "project_id")
if (nrow(proj) == 0) {
proj <- NULL
} else {
if (proj$names[1] %in% colnames(calc_res)) {
proj <- proj$names[1]
} else {
proj <- NULL
columns_to_get <- c(
"processed", "to_remove", proj,
pool_col, pcr_id_col,
dplyr::contains(match = key, vars = colnames(calc_res))
flagged <- calc_res[, columns_to_get]
report_type = "outlier_flag",
params = list(
dyn_vars = list(project_id = proj, pcr_id = pcr_id_col),
by_pool = per_pool_test,
pool_col = pool_col,
norm_test = normality_test,
key = key,
flag_logic = flag_logic,
outlier_thresh = outlier_p_value_threshold,
log2_req = transform_log2,
removed_nas = removed_nas,
removed_zeros = removed_zeros,
non_proc_pools = non_proc_samples,
flag_df = flagged
), path = report_path
error = function(cnd) {
rest <- findRestart("report_fail")
invokeRestart(rest, cnd)
if (!keep_calc_cols) {
calc_res <- calc_res[, c(colnames(metadata), "to_remove")]
#' A character vector containing all the names of the currently supported
#' outliers tests that can be called in the function \link{outlier_filter}.
#' @return A character vector
#' @family Outlier tests
#' @export
#' @examples
#' available_outlier_tests()
available_outlier_tests <- function() {
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