# Collision removal functions
#' Identifies and removes collisions.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A collision is an integration (aka a unique combination of the provided
#' `mandatory_IS_vars()`) which is observed in more than one
#' independent sample.
#' The function tries to decide to which independent sample should
#' an integration event be assigned to, and if no
#' decision can be taken, the integration is completely removed from the data
#' frame.
#' For more details refer to the vignette "Collision removal functionality":
#' \code{vignette("workflow_start", package = "ISAnalytics")}
#' @param x Either a multi-quantification matrix (recommended) or a
#' named list of matrices (names must be quantification types)
#' @param association_file The association file imported via
#' `import_association_file()`
#' @param independent_sample_id A character vector of column names that
#' identify independent samples
#' @param date_col The date column that should be considered.
#' @param reads_ratio A single numeric value that represents the ratio that has
#' to be considered when deciding between `seqCount` value.
#' @param quant_cols A named character vector where names are
#' quantification types and
#' values are the names of the corresponding columns. The quantification
#' `seqCount` MUST be included in the vector.
#' @param max_workers Maximum number of parallel workers to distribute the
#' workload. If `NULL` (default) produces the maximum amount of workers allowed,
#' a numeric value is requested otherwise. WARNING: a higher number of workers
#' speeds up computation at the cost of memory consumption! Tune this parameter
#' accordingly.
#' @section Required tags:
#' The function will explicitly check for the presence of these tags:
#' ```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"}
#' all_tags <- available_tags()
#' needed <- all_tags |>
#' dplyr::mutate(
#' in_fun = purrr::map_lgl(.data$needed_in,
#' ~ "remove_collisions" %in% .x)
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::filter(in_fun == TRUE) |>
#' dplyr::distinct(.data$tag) |>
#' dplyr::pull("tag")
#' cat(paste0("* ", needed, collapse="\n"))
#' ```
#' @template report_path_param
#' @family Data cleaning and pre-processing
#' @importFrom rlang .data sym
#' @return Either a multi-quantification matrix or a list of data frames
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' no_coll <- remove_collisions(
#' x = integration_matrices,
#' association_file = association_file,
#' report_path = NULL
#' )
#' head(no_coll)
remove_collisions <- function(
independent_sample_id = c("ProjectID", "SubjectID"),
date_col = "SequencingDate",
reads_ratio = 10,
quant_cols = c(
seqCount = "seqCount",
fragmentEstimate = "fragmentEstimate"
report_path = default_report_path(),
max_workers = NULL) {
# Check basic parameter correctness
### --- For matrices
mode <- .collisions_check_input_matrices(x, quant_cols)
### --- For AF
date_col <- date_col[1]
req_tag_cols <- .collisions_check_input_af(
### --- Other checks
stopifnot(is.null(max_workers[1]) || is.numeric(max_workers[1]))
max_workers <- max_workers[1]
stopifnot(is.integer(reads_ratio) || is.numeric(reads_ratio))
reads_ratio <- reads_ratio[1]
seq_count_col <- quant_cols["seqCount"]
## Check if association file contains all info relative to content the of
## the matrix
verbose <- getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)
pcr_col <- pcr_id_column()
### - Are all sample in the matrix present in the AF?
missing_ind <- if (!all(x[[pcr_col]] %in%
association_file[[pcr_col]])) {
which(!x[[pcr_col]] %in%
} else {
pre_process <- if (!is.null(missing_ind)) {
x[-missing_ind, ]
} else {
## If after removing missing the matrix is empty, stop
if (nrow(pre_process) == 0) {
rlang::inform("Matrix is empty after removing missing samples")
to_return <- if (mode == "LIST") {
args <- append(list(x = x), as.list(quant_cols))
rlang::exec(separate_quant_matrices, !!!args)
} else {
## Check if association file contains more info than matrix and
## keep only metadata that concerns projectIDs in the matrix
add_samples <- .check_same_info(association_file, pre_process,
req_tag_cols = req_tag_cols,
indep_sample_id = independent_sample_id
association_file <- add_samples$reduced_af
add_samples <- add_samples$miss
if (nrow(add_samples) > 0) {
if (verbose) {
} else {
add_samples <- NULL
# Begin workflow
## - Join based on pcr identifier
replicate_n_col <- req_tag_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "pcr_replicate") |>
pool_col <- req_tag_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "pool_id") |>
joined <- pre_process |>
dplyr::left_join(association_file, by = pcr_col) |>
colnames(pre_process), date_col,
replicate_n_col, independent_sample_id, pool_col
if (verbose) {
rlang::inform("Identifying collisions...")
## - Separate collisions from non-collisions
split_df <- .identify_independent_samples(joined,
indep_sample_id = independent_sample_id
if (nrow(split_df$collisions) == 0) {
to_return <- if (mode == "LIST") {
args <- append(list(x = x), as.list(quant_cols))
rlang::exec(separate_quant_matrices, !!!args)
} else {
# Remove collisions
if (verbose) {
rlang::inform("Processing collisions...")
fixed_collisions <- .process_collisions(
collisions = split_df$collisions,
date_col = date_col,
reads_ratio = reads_ratio,
seqCount_col = seq_count_col,
repl_col = replicate_n_col,
ind_sample_key = independent_sample_id,
max_workers = max_workers
reassigned <- fixed_collisions$reassigned
removed <- fixed_collisions$removed
fixed_collisions <- fixed_collisions$coll
final_matr <- fixed_collisions |>
final_matr <- final_matr[, colnames(pre_process)]
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.reports", TRUE) == TRUE &
!is.null(report_path)) {
post_joined <- final_matr |>
dplyr::left_join(association_file, by = pcr_col)
post_joined <- post_joined[, c(
colnames(final_matr), date_col,
replicate_n_col, independent_sample_id, pool_col
summaries <- .collisions_obtain_report_summaries(
x = x, association_file = association_file,
quant_cols = quant_cols, missing_ind = missing_ind,
pcr_col = pcr_col, pre_process = pre_process,
collisions = split_df$collisions, removed = removed,
reassigned = reassigned,
joined = joined,
final_matr = final_matr,
post_joined = post_joined,
pool_col = pool_col, replicate_n_col = replicate_n_col,
independent_sample_id = independent_sample_id,
seq_count_col = seq_count_col
sharing_heatmaps <- .collisions_obtain_sharing_heatmaps(
joined = joined, independent_sample_id = independent_sample_id,
post_joined = post_joined, report_path = report_path
report_params <- append(summaries, sharing_heatmaps)
report_params[["additional_info"]] <- add_samples
report_params[["sample_key"]] <- independent_sample_id
report_params[["dynamic_cols"]] <- list(
pcr_id = pcr_col,
pool = pool_col
params = report_params,
path = report_path
error = function(cnd) {
rest <- findRestart("report_fail")
invokeRestart(rest, cnd)
## If input was list, return the result in list form
final <- if (mode == "LIST") {
args <- append(list(x = final_matr), as.list(quant_cols))
rlang::exec(separate_quant_matrices, !!!args)
} else {
if (verbose) {
#' Re-aligns matrices of other quantification types based on the processed
#' sequence count matrix.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function should be used to keep data consistent among the same analysis:
#' if for some reason you removed the collisions by passing only the sequence
#' count matrix to `remove_collisions()`, you should call this
#' function afterwards, providing a list of other quantification matrices.
#' NOTE: if you provided a list of several quantification types to
#' `remove_collisions()` before, there is no need to call this function.
#' @details For more details on how to use collision removal functionality:
#' \code{vignette("workflow_start", package = "ISAnalytics")}
#' @param sc_matrix The sequence count matrix already processed for collisions
#' via `remove_collisions()`
#' @param other_matrices A named list of matrices to re-align. Names in the list
#' must be quantification types (\code{quantification_types()}) except
#' "seqCount".
#' @param sample_column The name of the column containing the sample identifier
#' @family Data cleaning and pre-processing
#' @seealso \code{\link{remove_collisions}}
#' @return A named list with re-aligned matrices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' separated <- separate_quant_matrices(
#' integration_matrices
#' )
#' no_coll <- remove_collisions(
#' x = separated$seqCount,
#' association_file = association_file,
#' quant_cols = c(seqCount = "Value"),
#' report_path = NULL
#' )
#' realigned <- realign_after_collisions(
#' sc_matrix = no_coll,
#' other_matrices = list(fragmentEstimate = separated$fragmentEstimate)
#' )
#' realigned
realign_after_collisions <- function(
sample_column = pcr_id_column()) {
stopifnot(is.list(other_matrices) & !is.null(names(other_matrices)))
stopifnot(all(names(other_matrices) %in% quantification_types()))
sample_column <- sample_column[1]
all_ISm <- purrr::map_lgl(other_matrices, .check_mandatory_vars)
if (!all(all_ISm)) {
all_campid <- purrr::map_lgl(
~ sample_column %in% colnames(.x)
if (!all(all_campid)) {
realigned <- purrr::map(other_matrices, function(x) {
x |> dplyr::semi_join(sc_matrix,
by = c(
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