# Title: ggviseq - House Keeping - MA plots #
# Author: Brandon Monier (brandon.monier@sdstate.edu) #
# Date: 04.04.17 #
.getEdgeMA <- function(x, y, data) {
dat <- .getEdgeScatter(x, y, data)
deg <- exactTest(data, pair = c(x, y))
deg <- topTags(deg, n = nrow(deg$table))
deg <- deg$table[order(as.numeric(rownames(deg$table))),]
dat$x <- log10(dat$x + 1)
dat$y <- log10(dat$y + 1)
dat$A <- rowMeans(data$counts)
dat$A <- log10(dat$A)
# dat$A <- 0.5 * log2(dat$x * dat$y)
dat$M <- deg$logFC
dat$pval <- deg$PValue
dat$padj <- deg$FDR
dat <- dat[complete.cases(dat), ]
.getCuffMA <- function(x, y, data) {
sample_1 <- sample_2 <- NULL
deg <- data
deg <- subset(deg, (sample_1 == x & sample_2 == y) |
(sample_1 == y & sample_2 == x))
dat <- data.frame(id = deg$test_id)
if (x %in% deg$sample_1 && y %in% deg$sample_2) {
dat$x <- deg$value_1
dat$y <- deg$value_2
} else if (y %in% deg$sample_1 && x %in% deg$sample_2) {
dat$x <- deg$value_2
dat$y <- deg$value_1
dat$x <- log10(dat$x + 1)
dat$y <- log10(dat$y + 1)
# dat$A <- 0.5 * log2(dat$x * dat$y)
dat$A <- 0.5 * (dat$x + dat$y)
# dat$M <- deg[, "log2.fold_change."]
dat$M <- log2(dat$x / dat$y)
dat$pval <- deg$p_value
dat$padj <- deg$q_value
dat <- do.call(
data.frame, lapply(dat, function(x) replace(x, is.infinite(x), NA))
dat <- dat[complete.cases(dat), ]
.getDeseqMA <- function(x, y, data, d.factor) {
if(missing(d.factor)) {
"This appears to be a DESeq object.",
"Please state \"d.factor\" variable."
dat1 <- as.data.frame(colData(data))
dat2 <- fpm(data)
dat3 <- results(data, contrast = c(d.factor, y, x))
nam_x <- row.names(dat1[which(dat1[d.factor] == x),])
nam_y <- row.names(dat1[which(dat1[d.factor] == y),])
x <- log10(rowMeans(dat2[, nam_x]) + 1)
y <- log10(rowMeans(dat2[, nam_y]) + 1)
id <- row.names(data)
dat4 <- data.frame(id, x, y)
dat4$A <- log10(dat3$baseMean)
# dat4$A <- 0.5 * log2(dat4$x * dat4$y)
dat4$M <- dat3$log2FoldChange
dat4$pval <- dat3$pvalue
dat4$padj <- dat3$padj
dat4 <- dat4[complete.cases(dat4), ]
.ma.comp1 <- function(y.lim, padj, lfc, b, g) {
sh1 = paste('lfc < ', round(y.lim[1], 2)),
sh2 = paste('lfc > ', round(y.lim[2], 2)),
sh3 = paste(round(y.lim[1], 2), '< lfc <', round(y.lim[2], 2)),
col1 = paste('padj >', padj),
col2 = paste('padj <', padj, '; lfc >' , lfc, ' (', b ,')'),
col3 = paste('padj <', padj, '; lfc <', lfc, ' (', g ,')'),
hline1 = geom_hline(
yintercept = 0, color = 'red3', size = 0.5,
alpha = 0.8, linetype = 'longdash'
hline2 = geom_hline(
yintercept = -lfc,
color = 'grey32',
size = 1,
alpha = 0.8,
linetype = 'dashed'
hline3 = geom_hline(
yintercept = lfc,
color = 'grey32',
size = 1,
alpha = 0.8,
linetype = 'dashed'
x.lab = xlab('mean expression [log(x)]'),
y.lab = ylab(expression(paste('log'['2'], ' fold change')))
.ma.comp2 <- function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
color = scale_color_manual(
name = '',
values = c('gry' = 'grey73', 'grn' ='green', 'blu' ='royalblue1'),
labels = c('gry' = a, 'grn' = b, 'blu' = c)
shape = scale_shape_manual(
name = '',
values = c('tri1' = 6, 'tri2' = 2, 'circ' = 16),
labels = c('tri1' = d, 'tri2' = e, 'circ' = f)
size = scale_size_manual(
name = '',
values = c(
'sub' = 1,
't1' = 1.5,
't2' = 2,
't3' = 3,
't4' = 4
labels = c(
'sub' = 'SUB',
't1' = 'T-1',
't2' = 'T-2',
't3' = 'T-3',
't4' = 'T-4'
.ma.out.ranker <- function(log2fc, lim) {
vec2 <- log2fc[which(abs(log2fc) >= lim)]
tmp <- quantile(abs(vec2))
abs(log2fc) < lim, 'sub',
abs(vec2) >= tmp[[4]], 't4',
abs(vec2) >= tmp[[3]] & abs(vec2) < tmp[[4]], 't3',
abs(vec2) >= tmp[[2]] & abs(vec2) < tmp[[3]], 't2','t1'
.ma.col.ranker <- function(isDE, log2fc, lfc) {
isDE == TRUE & abs(log2fc) < lfc, 'grn',
ifelse(isDE == TRUE & abs(log2fc) > lfc, 'blu', 'gry')
.ma.shp.ranker <- function(log2fc, lim){
ifelse(log2fc < lim[1], 'tri1', ifelse(log2fc > lim[2], 'tri2', 'circ'))
.ma.ranker <- function(data, padj, lfc, y.lim) {
dat <- data
dat$color <- 'grey'
dat$color[dat$isDE == TRUE & abs(dat$M) >= lfc] <- 'blue'
dat$color[dat$isDE == TRUE & abs(dat$M) < lfc] <- 'green'
dat$size <- .ma.out.ranker(dat$A, y.lim[2])
dat$shape <- 'circle'
dat$shape[dat$logFC < y.lim[1]] <- 'down.triangle'
dat$shape[dat$logFC > y.lim[2]] <- 'up.triangle'
.ma.col.counter <- function(dat, lfc) {
de <- dat$isDE
py <- abs(dat$M)
blu.c <- nrow(dat[which(py >= lfc & de == TRUE), ])
grn.c <- nrow(dat[which(py < lfc & de == TRUE), ])
l.count <- list(blu.c, grn.c)
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