#' @details
#' The main functions you will need to use are CreateInfercnvObject() and run(infercnv_object).
#' For additional details on running the analysis step by step, please refer to the example vignette.
#' @aliases infercnv-package
#' The infercnv Class
#' An infercnv object encapsulates the expression data and gene chromosome ordering information
#' that is leveraged by infercnv for data exploration. The infercnv object is passed among the
#' infercnv data processing and plotting routines.
#' Slots in the infercnv object include:
#' @slot expr.data <matrix> the count or expression data matrix, manipulated throughout infercnv ops
#' @slot count.data <matrix> retains the original count data, but shrinks along with expr.data when genes are removed.
#' @slot gene_order <data.frame> chromosomal gene order
#' @slot reference_grouped_cell_indices <list> mapping [['group_name']] to c(cell column indices) for reference (normal) cells
#' @slot observation_grouped_cell_indices <list> mapping [['group_name']] to c(cell column indices) for observation (tumor) cells
#' @slot tumor_subclusters <list> stores subclustering of tumors if requested
#' @slot options <list> stores the options relevant to the analysis in itself (in contrast with options relevant to plotting or paths)
#' @slot .hspike a hidden infercnv object populated with simulated spiked-in data
#' @export
infercnv <- methods::setClass(
slots = c(
expr.data = "ANY",
count.data = "ANY",
gene_order= "data.frame",
reference_grouped_cell_indices = "list",
observation_grouped_cell_indices = "list",
tumor_subclusters = "ANY",
options = "list",
.hspike = "ANY") )
#' @title CreateInfercnvObject
#' @param raw_counts_matrix the matrix of genes (rows) vs. cells (columns) containing the raw counts
#' If a filename is given, it'll be read via read.table()
#' otherwise, if matrix or Matrix, will use the data directly.
#' @param gene_order_file data file containing the positions of each gene along each chromosome in the genome.
#' @param annotations_file a description of the cells, indicating the cell type classifications
#' @param ref_group_names a vector containing the classifications of the reference (normal) cells to use for infering cnv
#' @param delim delimiter used in the input files
#' @param max_cells_per_group maximun number of cells to use per group. Default=NULL, using all cells defined in the annotations_file. This option is useful for randomly subsetting the existing data for a quicker preview run, such as using 50 cells per group instead of hundreds.
#' @param min_max_counts_per_cell minimum and maximum counts allowed per cell. Any cells outside this range will be removed from the counts matrix. default=(100, +Inf) and uses all cells. If used, should be set as c(min_counts, max_counts)
#' @param chr_exclude list of chromosomes in the reference genome annotations that should be excluded from analysis. Default = c('chrX', 'chrY', 'chrM')
#' @description Creation of an infercnv object. This requires the following inputs:
#' A more detailed description of each input is provided below:
#' The raw_counts_matrix:
#' MGH54_P16_F12 MGH53_P5_C12 MGH54_P12_C10 MGH54_P16_F02 MGH54_P11_C11 ...
#' DDX11L1 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
#' WASH7P 0.0000000 2.231939 7.186235 5.284944 0.9650009
#' FAM138A 0.1709991 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
#' OR4F5 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
#' OR4F29 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000
#' ...
#' The gene_order_file, contains chromosome, start, and stop position for each gene, tab-delimited:
#' chr start stop
#' DDX11L1 chr1 11869 14412
#' WASH7P chr1 14363 29806
#' FAM138A chr1 34554 36081
#' OR4F5 chr1 69091 70008
#' OR4F29 chr1 367640 368634
#' OR4F16 chr1 621059 622053
#' ...
#' The annotations_file, containing the cell name and the cell type classification, tab-delimited.
#' V1 V2
#' 1 MGH54_P2_C12 Microglia/Macrophage
#' 2 MGH36_P6_F03 Microglia/Macrophage
#' 3 MGH53_P4_H08 Microglia/Macrophage
#' 4 MGH53_P2_E09 Microglia/Macrophage
#' 5 MGH36_P5_E12 Oligodendrocytes (non-malignant)
#' 6 MGH54_P2_H07 Oligodendrocytes (non-malignant)
#' ...
#' 179 93_P9_H03 malignant
#' 180 93_P10_D04 malignant
#' 181 93_P8_G09 malignant
#' 182 93_P10_B10 malignant
#' 183 93_P9_C07 malignant
#' 184 93_P8_A12 malignant
#' ...
#' and the ref_group_names vector might look like so: c("Microglia/Macrophage","Oligodendrocytes (non-malignant)")
#' @return infercnv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(infercnv_data_example)
#' data(infercnv_annots_example)
#' data(infercnv_genes_example)
#' infercnv_object_example <- infercnv::CreateInfercnvObject(raw_counts_matrix=infercnv_data_example,
#' gene_order_file=infercnv_genes_example,
#' annotations_file=infercnv_annots_example,
#' ref_group_names=c("normal"))
CreateInfercnvObject <- function(raw_counts_matrix,
min_max_counts_per_cell=c(100, +Inf), # can be c(low,high) for colsums
chr_exclude=c('chrX', 'chrY', 'chrM') ) {
## input expression data
if (Reduce("|", is(raw_counts_matrix) == "character")) {
flog.info(sprintf("Parsing matrix: %s", raw_counts_matrix))
if (substr(raw_counts_matrix, nchar(raw_counts_matrix)-2, nchar(raw_counts_matrix)) == ".gz") {
raw.data <- read.table(connection <- gzfile(raw_counts_matrix, 'rt'), sep=delim, header=TRUE, row.names=1, check.names=FALSE)
raw.data <- as.matrix(raw.data)
else if(substr(raw_counts_matrix, nchar(raw_counts_matrix)-3, nchar(raw_counts_matrix)) == ".rds") {
raw.data <- readRDS(raw_counts_matrix)
else {
raw.data <- read.table(raw_counts_matrix, sep=delim, header=TRUE, row.names=1, check.names=FALSE)
raw.data <- as.matrix(raw.data)
} else if (Reduce("|", is(raw_counts_matrix) %in% c("dgCMatrix", "matrix"))) {
# use as is:
raw.data <- raw_counts_matrix
} else if (Reduce("|", is(raw_counts_matrix) %in% c("data.frame"))) {
raw.data <- as.matrix(raw_counts_matrix)
} else {
stop("CreateInfercnvObject:: Error, raw_counts_matrix isn't recognized as a matrix, data.frame, or filename")
## get gene order info
if (Reduce("|", is(gene_order_file) == "character")) {
flog.info(sprintf("Parsing gene order file: %s", gene_order_file))
gene_order <- read.table(gene_order_file, header=FALSE, row.names=1, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE)
else if (Reduce("|", is(gene_order_file) %in% c("dgCMatrix", "matrix", "data.frame"))) {
gene_order <- gene_order_file
else {
stop("CreateInfercnvObject:: Error, gene_order_file isn't recognized as a matrix, data.frame, or filename")
names(gene_order) <- c(C_CHR, C_START, C_STOP)
if (! is.null(chr_exclude) && any(which(gene_order$chr %in% chr_exclude))) {
gene_order = gene_order[-which(gene_order$chr %in% chr_exclude),]
## read annotations file
if (Reduce("|", is(annotations_file) == "character")) {
flog.info(sprintf("Parsing cell annotations file: %s", annotations_file))
input_classifications <- read.table(annotations_file, header=FALSE, row.names=1, sep=delim, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, colClasses = c('character', 'character'))
else if (Reduce("|", is(annotations_file) %in% c("dgCMatrix", "matrix", "data.frame"))) {
input_classifications <- annotations_file
else {
stop("CreateInfercnvObject:: Error, annotations_file isn't recognized as a matrix, data.frame, or filename")
## just in case the first line is a default header, remove it:
if (rownames(input_classifications)[1] == "V1") {
input_classifications = input_classifications[-1, , drop=FALSE]
## make sure all reference samples are accounted for:
if (! all( rownames(input_classifications) %in% colnames(raw.data)) ) {
missing_cells <- rownames(input_classifications)[ ! ( rownames(input_classifications) %in% colnames(raw.data) ) ]
error_message <- paste("Please make sure that all the annotated cell ",
"names match a sample in your data matrix. ",
"Attention to: ",
paste(missing_cells, collapse=","))
## extract the genes indicated in the gene ordering file:
order_ret <- .order_reduce(data=raw.data, genomic_position=gene_order)
num_genes_removed = dim(raw.data)[1] - dim(order_ret$exp)[1]
if (num_genes_removed > 0) {
flog.info(paste("num genes removed taking into account provided gene ordering list: ",
" = ",
num_genes_removed / dim(raw.data)[1] * 100,
"% removed.", sep=""))
raw.data <- order_ret$expr
input_gene_order <- order_ret$order
input_gene_order[["chr"]] = droplevels(input_gene_order[["chr"]])
if(is.null(raw.data)) {
error_message <- paste("None of the genes in the expression data",
"matched the genes in the reference genomic",
"position file. Analysis Stopped.")
## Determine if we need to do filtering on counts per cell
if (is.null(min_max_counts_per_cell)) {
min_max_counts_per_cell = c(1, +Inf)
min_counts_per_cell = max(1, min_max_counts_per_cell[1]) # so that it is always at least 1
max_counts_per_cell = min_max_counts_per_cell[2]
cs = colSums(raw.data)
cells.keep <- which(cs >= min_counts_per_cell & cs <= max_counts_per_cell)
n_orig_cells <- ncol(raw.data)
n_to_remove <- n_orig_cells - length(cells.keep)
flog.info(sprintf("-filtering out cells < %g or > %g, removing %g %% of cells",
n_to_remove/n_orig_cells * 100) )
raw.data <- raw.data[, cells.keep]
input_classifications <- input_classifications[ rownames(input_classifications) %in% colnames(raw.data), , drop=FALSE]
orig_ref_group_names = ref_group_names
ref_group_names <- ref_group_names[ ref_group_names %in% unique(input_classifications[,1]) ]
if (! all.equal(ref_group_names, orig_ref_group_names)) {
flog.warn(sprintf("-warning, at least one reference group has been removed due to cells lacking: %s",
orig_ref_group_names[! orig_ref_group_names %in% ref_group_names ] ))
if (! is.null(max_cells_per_group)) {
## trim down where needed.
grps = split(input_classifications, input_classifications[,1])
newdf = NULL
for (grp in names(grps)) {
df = grps[[grp]]
if (dim(df)[1] > max_cells_per_group) {
flog.info(sprintf("-reducing number of cells for grp %s from %g to %g",
grp, dim(df)[1], max_cells_per_group))
grps[[grp]] = df[sample(seq_len(dim(df)[1]), max_cells_per_group),,drop=FALSE]
input_classifications = data.frame(Reduce(rbind, grps))
## restrict expression data to the annotated cells.
raw.data <- raw.data[,colnames(raw.data) %in% rownames(input_classifications)]
## reorder cell classifications according to expression matrix column names
input_classifications <- input_classifications[order(match(row.names(input_classifications), colnames(raw.data))), , drop=FALSE]
## get indices for reference cells
ref_group_cell_indices = list()
for (name_group in ref_group_names) {
cell_indices = which(input_classifications[,1] == name_group)
if (length(cell_indices) == 0 ) {
stop(sprintf("Error, not identifying cells with classification %s", name_group))
ref_group_cell_indices[[ name_group ]] <- cell_indices
## rest of the cells are the 'observed' set.
all_group_names <- unique(input_classifications[,1])
obs_group_names <- sort(setdiff(all_group_names, ref_group_names))
## define groupings according to the observation annotation names
obs_group_cell_indices = list()
for (name_group in obs_group_names) {
cell_indices = which(input_classifications[,1] == name_group)
obs_group_cell_indices[[ toString(name_group) ]] <- cell_indices
if ((2*ncol(raw.data)) >= 10^getOption("scipen")) {
flog.warn(paste0("Please use \"options(scipen = 100)\" before running infercnv ",
"if you are using the analysis_mode=\"subclusters\" option or ",
"you may encounter an error while the hclust is being generated."))
object <- new(
Class = "infercnv",
expr.data = raw.data,
count.data = raw.data,
gene_order = input_gene_order,
reference_grouped_cell_indices = ref_group_cell_indices,
observation_grouped_cell_indices = obs_group_cell_indices,
tumor_subclusters = NULL,
options = list("chr_exclude" = chr_exclude,
"max_cells_per_group" = max_cells_per_group,
"min_max_counts_per_cell" = min_max_counts_per_cell,
"counts_md5" = digest(raw.data)),
.hspike = NULL)
# Order the data and subset the data to data in the genomic position file.
# Args:
# @param data Data (expression) matrix where the row names should be in
# the row names of the genomic_position file.
# @param genomic_position Data frame read in from the genomic position file
# @return Returns a matrix of expression in the order of the
# genomic_position file. NULL is returned if the genes in both
# data parameters do not match.
.order_reduce <- function(data, genomic_position){
flog.info(paste("::order_reduce:Start.", sep=""))
ret_results <- list(expr=NULL, order=NULL, chr_order=NULL)
if (is.null(data) || is.null(genomic_position)){
# Drop pos_gen entries that are position 0
remove_by_position <- -1 * which(genomic_position[2] + genomic_position[3] == 0)
if (length(remove_by_position)) {
flog.debug(paste("::process_data:order_reduce: removing genes specified by pos == 0, count: ",
length(remove_by_position), sep=""))
genomic_position <- genomic_position[remove_by_position, , drop=FALSE]
# Reduce to genes in pos file
flog.debug(paste("::process_data:order_reduce: gene identifers in expression matrix: ",
row.names(data), collapse="\n", sep=""))
flog.debug(paste("::process_data:order_reduce: gene identifers in genomic position table: ",
row.names(data), collapse="\n", sep=""))
keep_genes <- intersect(row.names(data), row.names(genomic_position))
flog.debug(paste("::process_data:order_reduce: keep_genes size: ", length(keep_genes),
# Keep genes found in position file
if (length(keep_genes)) {
ret_results$expr <- data[match(keep_genes, rownames(data)), , drop=FALSE]
ret_results$order <- genomic_position[match(keep_genes, rownames(genomic_position)), , drop=FALSE]
} else {
flog.info(paste("::process_data:order_reduce:The position file ",
"and the expression file row (gene) names do not match."))
return(list(expr=NULL, order=NULL, chr_order=NULL))
## ensure expr and order match up!
if (isTRUE(all.equal(rownames(ret_results$expr), rownames(ret_results$order)))) {
flog.info(".order_reduce(): expr and order match.")
else {
stop("Error, .order_reduce(): expr and order don't match! must debug")
# Set the chr to factor so the order can be arbitrarily set and sorted.
chr_levels <- unique(genomic_position[[C_CHR]])
ret_results$order[[C_CHR]] <- factor(ret_results$order[[C_CHR]],
# Sort genomic position file and expression file to genomic position file
# Order genes by genomic region
order_names <- row.names(ret_results$order)[with(ret_results$order, order(chr,start,stop))]
ret_results$expr <- ret_results$expr[match(order_names, rownames(ret_results$expr)), , drop=FALSE] #na.omit is to rid teh duplicate gene entries (ie. Y_RNA, snoU13, ...) if they should exist.
# This is the contig order, will be used in visualization.
# Get the contig order in the same order as the genes.
ret_results$order <- ret_results$order[match(order_names, rownames(ret_results$order)), , drop=FALSE]
ret_results$chr_order <- ret_results$order[1]
# Remove any gene without position information
# Genes may be sorted correctly by not have position information
# Here they are removed.
flog.info(paste("::process_data:order_reduce:Reduction from positional ",
"data, new dimensions (r,c) = ",
paste(dim(data), collapse=","),
" Total=", sum(data),
" Min=", min(data),
" Max=", max(data),
".", sep=""))
flog.debug(paste("::process_data:order_reduce end."))
#' @title remove_genes()
#' @description infercnv obj accessor method to remove genes from the matrices
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv object
#' @param gene_indices_to_remove matrix indices for genes to remove
#' @return infercnv_obj
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
remove_genes <- function(infercnv_obj, gene_indices_to_remove) {
infercnv_obj@expr.data <- infercnv_obj@expr.data[ -1 * gene_indices_to_remove, , drop=FALSE]
infercnv_obj@count.data <- infercnv_obj@count.data[ -1 * gene_indices_to_remove, , drop=FALSE]
infercnv_obj@gene_order <- infercnv_obj@gene_order[ -1 * gene_indices_to_remove, , drop=FALSE]
infercnv_obj@gene_order[["chr"]] = droplevels(infercnv_obj@gene_order[["chr"]])
#' @title validate_infercnv_obj()
#' @description validate an infercnv_obj
#' ensures that order of genes in the @gene_order slot match up perfectly with the gene rows in the @expr.data matrix.
#' Otherwise, throws an error and stops execution.
#' @param infercnv_obj infercnv_object
#' @return none
validate_infercnv_obj <- function(infercnv_obj) {
flog.info("validating infercnv_obj")
if (isTRUE(all.equal(rownames(infercnv_obj@expr.data), rownames(infercnv_obj@gene_order)))) {
# all good.
else {
flog.error("hmm.... rownames(infercnv_obj@expr.data != rownames(infercnv_obj@gene_order))")
broken.infercnv_obj = infercnv_obj
save('broken.infercnv_obj', file="broken.infercnv_obj")
genes = setdiff(rownames(infercnv_obj@expr.data), rownames(infercnv_obj@gene_order))
if (length(genes) != 0) {
flog.error(paste("The following genes are in infercnv_obj@expr.data and not @gene_order:", paste(genes, collapse=","),
sep=" "))
genes = setdiff(rownames(infercnv_obj@gene_order), rownames(infercnv_obj@expr.data))
if (length(genes) != 0) {
flog.error(paste("The following genes are in @gene_order and not infercnv_obj@expr.data:", paste(genes, collapse=","),
sep=" "))
stop("Problem detected w/ infercnv_obj")
get_cell_name_by_grouping <- function(infercnv_obj) {
cell_name_groupings = list()
groupings = c(infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices, infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices)
for (group_name in names(groupings)) {
cell_names = colnames(infercnv_obj@expr.data[, groupings[[ group_name ]] ] )
cell_name_groupings[[ group_name ]] = cell_names
has_reference_cells <- function(infercnv_obj) {
return(length(infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices) != 0)
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