#' @title cAMARETTO_IdentifyCom
#' @param cAMARETTOnetworkM The output of the Module Network function.
#' @param color_list An optional list with colors.
#' @param filterComm Boolean to indicate if the identified communities needs to be filtered or not.
#' @param ratioCommSize Filter nodes in the community versus nodes out of the community.
#' @param MinRuns Filter on minimum number of runs in the community.
#' @param ratioRunSize Filter on percentage of runs in the community versus total number of runs.
#' @param plot_network If TRUE, plots the Community Network at the end.
#' @param ratioEdgesInOut Filer on edges in the community versus edges going out.
#' @return a list with the module network, a community list, community edge information and color list.
#' @importFrom randomcoloR randomColor
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange group_by left_join mutate select summarise rename filter everything pull distinct n row_number
#' @import igraph
#' @examples
#' cAMARETTOnetworkC<-cAMARETTO_IdentifyCom(cAMARETTOnetworkM,filterComm = FALSE)
#' @export
cAMARETTO_IdentifyCom <- function(cAMARETTOnetworkM, color_list=NULL, filterComm=TRUE, ratioCommSize=0.01, MinRuns=2, ratioRunSize=0.1, ratioEdgesInOut=0.5, plot_network = TRUE){
comm <- igraph::edge.betweenness.community(cAMARETTOnetworkM$module_network, directed=FALSE, merges=TRUE, modularity=TRUE, membership=TRUE)
message("There are ", length(unique(comm$membership)), " different communities detected using weighted edges.")
names(comm$membership) <- igraph::V(cAMARETTOnetworkM$module_network)$name
membership <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1:length(comm$membership)), comm$membership))
colnames(membership) <- c("nodeID", "Community")
numCommunitiesOrig <- length(unique(membership[, "Community"]))
membership<-tibble::rownames_to_column(membership, "nodeName") %>% dplyr::mutate(run=sub("|Module_.*$", "", nodeName))
Edges_Mnetwork <- igraph::as_data_frame(cAMARETTOnetworkM$module_network, what="edges")
Nodes_Mnetwork <- igraph::as_data_frame(cAMARETTOnetworkM$module_network, what="vertices")
for(m in 1:nrow(membership)){
commNum <- membership[m, "Community"]
Id <- membership[m, "nodeName"]
edgeMatrixVector <- unlist(Edges_Mnetwork %>% dplyr::filter(from==Id | to==Id) %>% dplyr::select(from,to))
edgeMatrixVector <- edgeMatrixVector[-which(edgeMatrixVector ==Id)]
membership[m, "totalNumEdges"] <- length(edgeMatrixVector)
membership[m, "numEdgesInComm"] <- nrow(membership[match(edgeMatrixVector, membership[,"nodeName"]), ] %>% dplyr::filter(Community==commNum))
membership <- membership %>% dplyr::mutate(fractEdgesInOut=numEdgesInComm/totalNumEdges, numEdgesNotInComm = totalNumEdges - numEdgesInComm)
commEdgeInfo <- membership %>%
dplyr::group_by(Community) %>%
dplyr::summarise(numTotalEdgesInCommunity = sum(numEdgesInComm)/2,
numTotalEdgesNotInCommunity = sum(numEdgesNotInComm),
fractEdgesInVsOut = numTotalEdgesInCommunity/(numTotalEdgesNotInCommunity+numTotalEdgesInCommunity),
numDatasetsPerCommunity = length(unique(run)),
CommSize = n(),
fractDatasetsSize = numDatasetsPerCommunity/CommSize,
CommsizeFrac = CommSize/nrow(Nodes_Mnetwork))
commEdgeInfo <- commEdgeInfo %>%
dplyr::arrange(-CommSize) %>%
suppressMessages(membership<-dplyr::left_join(membership,commEdgeInfo %>% dplyr::select(Community, NewComNumber)))
#Post Filter communities
# ratio comm size, community network size
# at least 2 cancers represented in each community
# the number of cancers min depends on the comm size
if (filterComm ==TRUE) {
KeepCommEdgeInfo <- commEdgeInfo %>%
dplyr::filter(CommsizeFrac >= ratioCommSize & numDatasetsPerCommunity >= MinRuns & fractDatasetsSize >= ratioRunSize & fractEdgesInVsOut >= ratioEdgesInOut)
message("There are ", nrow(commEdgeInfo) - nrow(KeepCommEdgeInfo)," communities to remove.")
} else {
KeepCommEdgeInfo <- commEdgeInfo
Nodes_Mnetwork <- dplyr::left_join(Nodes_Mnetwork, membership %>% select(-run), by = c("name" = "nodeName"))
CommGraph <- igraph::graph.data.frame(Edges_Mnetwork, directed=FALSE, vertices = data.frame(Nodes_Mnetwork))
graph.degrees <- igraph::degree(CommGraph)
igraph::V(CommGraph)$size <- 2*sqrt(graph.degrees)
community_list_df <- membership %>%
dplyr::filter(Community %in% KeepCommEdgeInfo$Community) %>%
dplyr::select(nodeName, Community) %>%
community_list <- lapply(community_list_df, function(x) unlist(x$nodeName))
names(community_list) <- names(community_list_df)
if (is.null(color_list)){
color_list <- randomcoloR::randomColor(length(community_list), luminosity="light")
names(color_list) <- names(community_list)
} else {
length(color_list) >= length(community_list)
if (plot_network) {
layout_1<- norm_coords(layout_1, ymin=-1, ymax=1, xmin=-1, xmax=1)
layout = layout_1*1.2,
vertex.color = as.character(Nodes_Mnetwork$color),
vertex.label = NA,
# vertex.frame.color = NA,
# edge.color = "gray80",
mark.groups = community_list,
mark.col = color_list,
# mark.border = NA,
main = "Community network")
legendMN <- legend(x = -1.5, y = -1.1+0.05*length(cAMARETTOnetworkM$colMN), legend = names(cAMARETTOnetworkM$colMN), col = cAMARETTOnetworkM$colMN, pch=19, bty="n",ncol=ceiling(length(cAMARETTOnetworkM$colMN)/5))
legendCOM <- legend(x = 0.75, y = 1, legend=names(color_list), col=color_list, pch=19, bty="n",cex=max(0.9,1/(1+0.02*length(color_list))),ncol=ceiling(length(color_list)/10))
return(list(CommGraph=CommGraph, community_list=community_list, commEdgeInfo = commEdgeInfo, color_list=color_list))
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