plotHeatmap = function( enrichment_matrix, hclust_results, clusters, cluster_labels, sample_hclust_results = NULL, min_num_terms = 10, maximum_heatmap_value = 10, heatmap_colors = "auto", sample_colors = NULL, margin_size = 0.01, dendrogram_width = 0.4, cluster_label_width = 0.5, header_height = 0.3, sample_label_height = 0.6, dendrogram_lwd = 1, header_lwd = 1, cluster_label_cex = 1, sample_label_cex = 1 ) {
## Skip the following if externally generated heatmap colors are provided
if( length( heatmap_colors ) == 1 ) {
## Define the number of colors to use and the depth of the grey
num_colors = 256
grey_value = 200
if( toupper(heatmap_colors) == "AUTO" ) {
## Define heatmap colors from grey to red
heatmap_colors = vapply( seq_len( num_colors ), function(i) {
paste( sep="", "#", format( as.hexmode( as.integer( grey_value + (255-grey_value) * (i-1) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ), format( as.hexmode( as.integer( grey_value * (num_colors-i) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ), format( as.hexmode( as.integer( grey_value * (num_colors-i) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ) )
}, character(1) )
} else if( toupper(heatmap_colors) == "EXTRA" ) {
## Define heatmap colors from grey to yellow to red
heatmap_colors1 = vapply( seq_len( num_colors ), function(i) {
paste( sep="", "#", format( as.hexmode( as.integer( grey_value + (255-grey_value) * (i-1) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ), format( as.hexmode( as.integer( grey_value + (255-grey_value) * (i-1) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ), format( as.hexmode( as.integer( grey_value * (num_colors-i) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ) )
}, character(1) )
heatmap_colors2 = vapply( seq_len( num_colors-1 ), function(i) {
paste( sep="", "#ff", format( as.hexmode( as.integer( 255 * (num_colors-i-1) / (num_colors-1) ) ), width = 2 ), "00" )
}, character(1) )
heatmap_colors = c( heatmap_colors1, heatmap_colors2 )
## Define a function to get smaller labels
get_smaller_labels = function( label ) {
vapply( seq_len( nchar(label)-1 ), function(i) {
paste( sep="", substr( label, 1, i ), "..." )
}, character(1) )
## Identify the distance cutoff in the dendrogram based on the number of clusters
if( length(clusters) == length(hclust_results$order) ) {
distance_cutoff = 0
} else {
distance_cutoff = hclust_results$height[ length(hclust_results$order) - length(clusters) ]
## Create the properly formatted clusters dendrogram to plot
label_width = max(hclust_results$height) * cluster_label_width / ( 1 - cluster_label_width )
hclust_results$height[ hclust_results$height<=distance_cutoff ] = 0
hclust_results$height = hclust_results$height + label_width
dendrogram = cut( as.dendrogram( hclust_results ), h = distance_cutoff + label_width )$upper
## Create the header dendrogram if required
if( is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
label_height = 1
} else {
label_height = max(sample_hclust_results$height) * sample_label_height / ( 1 - sample_label_height )
sample_hclust_results$height = sample_hclust_results$height + label_height
header_dendrogram = as.dendrogram( sample_hclust_results )
## Set up the plot area and the three screens
par( mar = c(0,0,0,0) )
aspect_ratio = (par("pin")[1]/diff(par("usr")[1:2])) / (par("pin")[2]/diff(par("usr")[3:4]))
heatmap_margin_y = margin_size * aspect_ratio
x1 = margin_size
x2 = margin_size + dendrogram_width * ( 1 - 3 * margin_size )
x3 = 2 * margin_size + dendrogram_width * ( 1 - 3 * margin_size )
x4 = 1 - margin_size
y1 = heatmap_margin_y
y2 = heatmap_margin_y + ( 1 - header_height ) * ( 1 - 3 * heatmap_margin_y )
y3 = 2 * heatmap_margin_y + ( 1 - header_height ) * ( 1 - 3 * heatmap_margin_y )
y4 = 1 - heatmap_margin_y
screens = split.screen( rbind( c(x3,x4,y1,y2), c(0,x3,0,y3), c(x2,1,y2,1) ) )
## Plot screen one, the heatmap
## Floor any values in the matrix that are greater than the maximum
enrichment_matrix[ enrichment_matrix > maximum_heatmap_value ] = maximum_heatmap_value
## Plot the heatmap
if( is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
image( t( enrichment_matrix[ hclust_results$order, ] ), axes = FALSE, col = heatmap_colors )
} else {
image( t( enrichment_matrix[ hclust_results$order, sample_hclust_results$order ] ), axes = FALSE, col = heatmap_colors )
## Plot screen two, the clusters dendrogram
par( lwd = dendrogram_lwd )
x_size = max(hclust_results$height)
x_margin = x_size * ( margin_size / ( dendrogram_width * ( 1 - 3 * margin_size ) ) )
y_size = length(hclust_results$order)
y_margin = y_size * ( heatmap_margin_y / ( ( 1 - header_height ) * ( 1 - 3 * heatmap_margin_y ) ) )
## Plot the dendrogram
plot( dendrogram, center = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, leaflab = "none", axes = FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlim = c(x_size+x_margin,-x_margin), ylim = c(-y_margin+0.5,y_size+y_margin+0.5) )
## Plot a white box to hide dendrogram lines past the label
rect( -x_margin, -y_margin, label_width, y_size+y_margin, col = "white", border = "NA" )
## Cycle through all clusters
cluster_num_members = vapply( clusters, length, integer(1) )
for( i in seq_len( length(clusters) ) ) {
## Only plot the label if it has more than the required number of terms
if( cluster_num_members[i] >= min_num_terms ) {
## Plot the label box
rect( 0, sum(cluster_num_members[seq_len(i-1)])+0.5, label_width, sum(cluster_num_members[seq_len(i)])+0.5 )
## Get the label and make it smaller if it is bigger than the box
label = cluster_labels[i]
if( - strwidth( label, cex = cluster_label_cex ) > label_width ) {
smaller_labels = get_smaller_labels( label )
label = smaller_labels[ max( which( - strwidth( smaller_labels, cex = cluster_label_cex ) <= label_width ) ) ]
## Plot the label text
text( label_width/2, sum(cluster_num_members[seq_len(i-1)])+0.5+cluster_num_members[i]/2, label, cex = cluster_label_cex )
## Plot screen three, the header
par( lwd = header_lwd )
x_size = dim(enrichment_matrix)[2]
x_margin = x_size * ( margin_size / ( ( 1 - dendrogram_width ) * ( 1 - 3 * margin_size ) ) )
if( is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
y_size = label_height
} else {
y_size = max(sample_hclust_results$height)
y_margin = y_size * ( heatmap_margin_y / ( header_height * ( 1 - 3 * heatmap_margin_y ) ) )
## The header is different based on whether there is a dendrogram or not
if( is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
## Set up the plot area with no dendrogram
plot( NULL, axes = FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlim = c(-x_margin+0.5,x_size+x_margin+0.5), ylim = c(-y_margin,y_size+y_margin) )
} else {
## Plot the dendrogam
plot( header_dendrogram, leaflab = "none", axes = FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlim = c(-x_margin+0.5,x_size+x_margin+0.5), ylim = c(-y_margin,y_size+y_margin) )
## Plot a white box to hide dendrogram lines past the label
rect( -x_margin, -y_margin, x_size+x_margin, label_height, col = "white", border = "NA" )
## Cycle through all samples
for( i in seq_len( dim(enrichment_matrix)[2] ) ) {
## Plot the label box
if( is.null( sample_colors ) ) {
if( ! is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
rect( i-1+0.5, 0, i+0.5, label_height )
} else {
if( is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
rect( i-1+0.5, 0, i+0.5, label_height, col = sample_colors[i] )
} else {
rect( i-1+0.5, 0, i+0.5, label_height, col = sample_colors[sample_hclust_results$order][i] )
## Get the label and make it smaller if it is bigger than the box
if( is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
label = colnames(enrichment_matrix)[i]
} else {
label = colnames(enrichment_matrix)[sample_hclust_results$order][i]
if( strwidth( label, cex = sample_label_cex ) * ((y_size+2*y_margin)/(x_size+2*x_margin)) * (par("pin")[1]/par("pin")[2]) > label_height ) {
smaller_labels = get_smaller_labels( label )
label = smaller_labels[ max( which( strwidth( smaller_labels, cex = sample_label_cex ) * ((y_size+2*y_margin)/(x_size+2*x_margin)) * (par("pin")[1]/par("pin")[2]) <= label_height ) ) ]
## Plot the label text
if( is.null( sample_colors ) && is.null( sample_hclust_results ) ) {
text( i, 0, label, cex = sample_label_cex, srt = 90, pos = 4 )
} else {
text( i, label_height/2, label, cex = sample_label_cex, srt = 90 )
## Close the screens
close.screen( all.screens = TRUE )
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