#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%" "%$%"
#' @importFrom dplyr .data
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "end", "start", "seq_from", "seq_to"))
#' Sample ITSx results from difficult sequences.
#' The sequences are a selection of the sample sequences from `inferrnal`,
#' specifically elements `[c(1,4,20,32,33,43,46,49)]`. These were chosen
#' particularly to give bad 5.8S detection results, and are not representative
#' of normal results from ITSx.
#### LSUx ####
# functions to extract LSU and associated regions/domains from rRNA amplicons.
# also includes file I/O for stockholm and clustal alignments with RNA secondary
# structure information, as used by Infernal and Locarna.
#' Repair poor 5.8S detection in ITSx results using Infernal results.
#' The 3' end of the 5.8S RNA is quite variable, and it is sometimes not
#' detected by the HMM used in ITSx.
#' Using a CMs, Infernal is able to more reliably delimit 5.8S.
#' This function uses the results of [inferrnal::cmsearch()] to
#' fill in missing 5.8S annotations in ITSx results. It also updates the end of
#' ITS1 and beginning of ITS2 to match.
#' @param itsx_result (`data.frame`) "positions" results from
#' [rITSx::itsx()]
#' @param csearch_result (`data.frame`) results from
#' [inferrnal::cmsearch()] run on the same set of sequences,
#' using a 5.8S RNA model such as
#' [RF00002](https://rfam.xfam.org/family/RF00002/cm)
#' @return a [`tibble::tibble`] in the same format output by
#' [rITSx::itsx()], with updated positions for the boundaries of
#' 5.8S.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sample data from inferrnal
#' seqfile <- system.file(
#' file.path("extdata", "sample.fasta"),
#' package = "inferrnal"
#' )
#' # ITSx has trouble with some of the reads
#' seq <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(seqfile)[c(1,4,20,32,33,43,46,49)]
#' # the result from ITSx is included as a dataset to avoid a package
#' # dependency, but this is the code to generate it.
#' #itsx_result <- rITSx::itsx(
#' # in_file = seq,
#' # positions = TRUE,
#' # complement = FALSE,
#' # cpu = 1,
#' # read_function = Biostrings::readDNAStringSet
#' #)
#' pos <- itsx_result$positions
#' pos[pos$region == "5_8S",]
#' # find 5.8S using cmsearch
#' cm_5_8S <- system.file(
#' file.path("extdata", "RF00002.cm"),
#' package = "inferrnal"
#' )
#' cm_result <- inferrnal::cmsearch(seq, cm = cm_5_8S, cpu = 1)
#' # combine the results
#' merge_pos <- merge_5_8S(pos, cm_result)
#' merge_pos[merge_pos$region == "5_8S",]
merge_5_8S <- function(itsx_result, csearch_result) {
csearch_result <- dplyr::select(
seq_id = "target_name",
"seq_from", "seq_to"
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(region = "5_8S")
# CMsearch is better at finding 5.8S than ITSx is at finding anything,
# so csearch_result probably has hits in sequences that did not pass ITSx.
# We don't have a comparable alternative to find LSU (it is so long that the
# CM is much slower) so for now ignore those.
out <- dplyr::full_join(itsx_result, csearch_result,
by = c("seq_id", "region"))
# remove chimeras
out <- out %>%
is.na(comment) |
stringr::str_detect(comment, "Chimer", negate = TRUE)
) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at("seq_id") %>%
dplyr::filter(sum(.data$region == "5_8S") <= 1) %>%
# find the location difference between the ITSx HMM and the Rfam CM
to_shift <- dplyr::filter(out, .data$region == "5_8S") %$%
as.integer(stats::median(end - seq_to, na.rm = TRUE))
from_shift <- dplyr::filter(out, .data$region == "5_8S") %$%
as.integer(stats::median(start - seq_from, na.rm = TRUE))
# When ITSx didn't find 5.8S, use the adjusted CM location
out <-
start = dplyr::coalesce(
pmax(.data$seq_from + from_shift, 1L)
end = dplyr::coalesce(
.data$seq_to + to_shift
# Adjust ITS1 end and ITS2 start to match
# This involves switching to "wide" format
# Also remove comments about missing 5.8S if 5.8S has been found.
out <- dplyr::full_join(
dplyr::select(out, "seq_id", "length", "comment", "region", "start") %>%
tidyr::spread(key = "region", value = "start"),
dplyr::select(out, "seq_id", "length", "comment", "region", "end") %>%
tidyr::spread(key = "region", value = "end"),
by = c("seq_id", "length", "comment"),
suffix = c("_start", "_end")
) %>%
ITS1_end = dplyr::coalesce(
.data$`5_8S_start` - 1L,
ITS1_start = dplyr::coalesce(
ITS2_start = dplyr::coalesce(
.data$`5_8S_end` + 1L,
comment = ifelse(
is.na(.data$`5_8S_start`) | is.na(.data$`5_8S_end`),
stringr::str_replace(.data$comment, "[^!]*5.8S[^!]*! *", "")
) %>%
# Switch back to "long" format
out <-
dplyr::select(out, "seq_id", "length", "comment",
tidyselect::ends_with("_start")) %>%
dplyr::rename_all(stringr::str_replace, "_start", "") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "region", value = "start", -(seq.int(3))),
dplyr::select(out, "seq_id", "length", "comment",
tidyselect::ends_with("_end")) %>%
dplyr::rename_all(stringr::str_replace, "_end", "") %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "region", value = "end", -(seq.int(3))),
by = c("seq_id", "length", "comment", "region")
map_position <- function(alignment, x) {
#' @export
map_position.MultipleAlignment <- function(alignment, x) {
map_position.character(as.character(alignment), x)
#' @export
map_position.character <- function(alignment, x) {
if (length(x) == 1 && is.na(x)) return(rep(NA_integer_, length(alignment)))
widths <- unique(nchar(alignment))
x >= 1,
length(widths) == 1,
x <= widths
if (x == 1L) return(rep(1L, length(alignment)))
trimaln <- substr(alignment, 1L, x)
gapcounts <- stringr::str_count(trimaln, "[.-]")
pmax(x - gapcounts, 1L)
extract_rf_region <- function(rf, n, names) {
#' @export
extract_rf_region.character <- function(rf, n, names){
all(nchar(n) == 1)
if (!missing(names)) {
length(names) == length(n)
out <- stringr::str_locate(rf, paste0(n, ".*", n))
if (!missing(names)) {
rownames(out) <- names
#' @export
extract_rf_region.XString <- function(rf, n, names) {
extract_rf_region.character(as.character(rf), n, names)
gap_free_width <- function(x, gapchars = ".-") {
if (methods::is(x, "MultipleAlignment")) x <- x@unmasked
if (is.character(x)) x <- Biostrings::BStringSet(x)
assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(x, "XStringSet"))
Biostrings::width(x) - c(Biostrings::letterFrequency(x, gapchars))
extract_LSU <- function(aln, rf, include_incomplete = FALSE, ...) {
#' @export
extract_LSU.MultipleAlignment <-
function(aln, rf, include_incomplete = FALSE, ...) {
aln = as.character(aln@unmasked),
rf = rf,
include_incomplete = include_incomplete,
seq_id = names(aln@unmasked),
#' @export
extract_LSU.character = function(aln, rf, include_incomplete = FALSE,
seq_id = names(aln),
length = gap_free_width(aln),
...) {
limits <- extract_rf_region(
rf, c(seq.int(9), LETTERS[seq.int(10)]),
c("5_8S", paste0("LSU", seq.int(18)))
outhead <- tibble::tibble(
seq_id = seq_id,
length = length
out <- tibble::tibble(.rows = nrow(outhead))
for (region in rownames(limits)) {
startcol <- paste0(region, "_start")
endcol <- paste0(region, "_end")
out[[startcol]] <- map_position(aln, limits[region, "start"])
out[[endcol]] <- map_position(aln, limits[region, "end"])
out_of_range <- out[[startcol]] >= outhead$length &
out[[endcol]] >= outhead$length
out[[startcol]] <- ifelse(out_of_range, NA_integer_, out[[startcol]])
out[[endcol]] <- ifelse(out_of_range, NA_integer_, out[[endcol]])
out[["ITS2_start"]] <- out[["5_8S_end"]] + 1L
out[["ITS2_end"]] <- out[["LSU1_start"]] - 1L
for (i in 2L:18L) {
prename <- paste0("LSU", i - 1, "_end")
postname <- paste0("LSU", i, "_start")
if (isTRUE(include_incomplete) ||
any(!is.na(out[[prename]]) & !is.na(out[[postname]]))) {
zerosize <- out[[postname]] - out[[prename]] == 1L
out[[paste0("V", i, "_start")]] <- ifelse(
out[[prename]] + 1L
out[[paste0("V", i, "_end")]] <- ifelse(
out[[postname]] - 1L
out <- purrr::discard(out, ~all(is.na(.)))
out <- out[order(apply(out, 2, stats::median, na.rm = TRUE))]
dplyr::bind_cols(outhead, out)
#' Extract variable/conserved domains from LSU rDNA
#' Extracts alternating variable and conserved domains from the contiguous rDNA
#' regions which form the eukaryotic ribosomal large subunit, i.e. 5.8S RNA,
#' ITS2, and 28S RNA. For the purposes of this document, this region will be
#' referred to as the 32S precursor RNA, as in humans, although its actual size
#' in Svedberg units varies between lineages.
#' Input sequences should contain, at a minimum, a significant fraction of the
#' 5.8S RNA, which is used to define the 5' end of 32S. Any base pairs before
#' the 5' end of 5.8S will be considered to be ITS1 (`ITS1 = TRUE`) or
#' discarded (`ITS1 = FALSE`). Input sequences should not extend past the
#' end of the 32S model at the 3' end.
#' LSUx requires two covariance models: one for 5.8S, which is used in
#' [inferrnal::cmsearch()], and one for 32S, which is used in
#' [inferrnal::cmalign()].
#' The 5.8S model can be
#' [RF00002 from Rfam](https://rfam.xfam.org/family/RF00002) (the default),
#' or an equivalent. It must be calibrated using `cmcalibrate` from
#' Infernal (e.g., via [inferrnal::cmcalibrate()]).
#' The 32S model must include annotations in the reference line ("#=GC RF" in
#' the seed alignment) to distinguish conserved and variable regions. The
#' annotations should be sequential characters in the range `"1..9A..Z"`
#' for conserved domains, `"v"` for variable domains, and `"."` for
#' unaligned gaps in the seed alignment.
#' In the output, the conserved domains will be named "5_8S", "LSU1", "LSU2",
#' ...; the variable domains will be named "ITS2", "V1", "V2", ...
#' Two example models are included,
#' both based on the
#' [RDP fungal LSU CM](https://github.com/rdpstaff/fungene_pipeline/blob/master/resources/RRNA_28S/model.cm),
#' and annotated with variable regions according to Raué (1988).
#' The first, `system.file(file.path("extdata", "fungal_32S.cm"),
#' package = "LSUx")`, includes the full LSU region. The second,
#' `system.file(file.path("extdata", "fungal_32S_LR5.cm"),
#' package = "LSUx")`, is truncated at the binding site of the LR5 primer, and
#' should be faster for input sequences which do not extend past that point.
#' The seed alignments are also provided.
#' If generating similar truncated alignments with different endpoints, it is
#' critical to remove unpaired secondary structure elements from the
#' `"#=GC SS_cons"` line of the seed alignment.
#' @param seq (single filename readable by
#' [`readBStringSet()`][Biostrings::XStringSet-io],
#' object of class [`Biostrings::XStringSet`][Biostrings::XStringSet-class]
#' or [`ShortRead::ShortRead`][ShortRead::ShortRead-class],
#' or `character` vector) sequences
#' to extract regions from
#' @param cm_5.8S (filename) covariance model for 5.8S rRNA
#' @param cm_32S (filename) covariance model for 32S pre-rRNA
#' (5.8S, ITS2, and LSU)
#' @param glocal (`logical` scalar) if `TRUE`, use glocal alignment in
#' [inferrnal::cmsearch()]
#' @param global (`logical` scalar) if `TRUE`, use global alignment in
#' [inferrnal::cmalign()]
#' @param ITS1 (`logical` scalar) if `TRUE`, include sequence fragment
#' before 5.8S (if any) as ITS1
#' @param cpu (`integer` scalar) number of threads to use in Infernal
#' calls. If length is greater than 1, then if
#' [inferrnal::cmalign()] fails, it will be retried with
#' subsequent values.
#' @param mxsize (`double` scalar or vector) passed on to
#' [inferrnal::cmalign()]. If length is greater than 1, then if
#' [inferrnal::cmalign()] fails, it will be retried with
#' subsequent values.
#' @param quiet (`logical` scalar) passed on to
#' [inferrnal::cmsearch()]
#' @return a [`tibble::tibble`] with one row for each region found for
#' each input sequence.
#' The columns are: \describe{
#' \item{`seq_id` (`character`)}{ the sequence name from
#' `seq`}
#' \item{`length` (`integer`)}{ the length of the original
#' sequence in base pairs}
#' \item{`region` (`character`)}{ the name of the found
#' domain. Can be `"5_8S"`, `"ITS2"`, `"LSU1"`,
#' `"V2"`, `"LSU2"`, `"V3"`, etc.}
#' \item{`start` (`integer`)}{the starting base for that
#' domain in this sequence.}
#' \item{`end` (`integer`)}{as `start`, but giving the
#' end base for the domain.}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # the sample data was amplified with primers ITS1 and LR5, so the truncated
#' # cm is appropriate.
#' seq <- system.file("extdata/sample.fasta", package = "inferrnal")
#' cm_32S_trunc <- system.file(
#' file.path("extdata", "fungi_32S_LR5.cm"),
#' package = "LSUx"
#' )
#' lsux(seq, cm_32S = cm_32S_trunc, ITS1 = TRUE, cpu = 1)
lsux <- function(
cm_5.8S = system.file(
file.path("extdata", "RF00002.cm"),
package = "inferrnal"
cm_32S = system.file(
file.path("extdata", "fungi_32S.cm"),
package = "LSUx"
glocal = TRUE,
global = FALSE,
cpu = NULL,
mxsize = NULL,
quiet = TRUE
) {
if (is.null(cpu)) cpu <- list(cpu)
if (is.null(mxsize)) mxsize <- list(mxsize)
seq <- protect_names(seq)
futile.logger::flog.info("Beginning CM search.", name = "LSUx")
cms <- inferrnal::cmsearch(
cm = cm_5.8S,
seq = seq$seq,
glocal = glocal,
cpu = cpu[[1]],
quiet = quiet
# remove multiple hits
cms <- dplyr::group_by_at(cms, "target_name")
cms <- dplyr::filter(cms, all(.data$inc == "?") | .data$inc == "!")
cms <- dplyr::filter(cms, dplyr::n() == 1)
cms <- dplyr::ungroup(cms)
"%d/%d sequences contained a single 5.8S hit.",
name = "LSUx"
if (nrow(cms) == 0) {
seq_id = character(),
length = integer(),
region = character(),
start = integer(),
end = integer()
seq_idx <- as.integer(cms$target_name)
seq_32S <- IRanges::narrow(seq$seq[seq_idx], start = cms$seq_from)
aln_params <- tibble::tibble(cpu, mxsize)
aln <- NULL
while (is.null(aln) && nrow(aln_params)) {
"Beginning CM alignment with mxsize=%s and cpu=%s.",
name = "LSUx"
aln <- tryCatch(
cmfile = cm_32S,
seq = seq_32S,
global = global,
cpu = aln_params$cpu[[1]],
mxsize = aln_params$mxsize[[1]]
error = function(e) NULL
aln_params <- aln_params[-1,]
futile.logger::flog.info("Extracting LSU regions.", name = "LSUx")
pos <- extract_LSU(aln = aln, rf = aln@GC$RF)
pos <- dplyr::mutate_at(
pos <- dplyr::mutate_if(pos, is.integer, '+', cms$seq_from - 1L)
if (isTRUE(ITS1)) {
no_ITS1 <- pos$`5_8S_start` == 1 | is.na(pos$`5_8S_start`)
if (all(no_ITS1)) {
paste("ITS1 annotation was requested,",
"but no bases before 5.8S were found."),
name = "LSUx"
} else {
pos$ITS1_start <- ifelse(no_ITS1, NA_integer_, 1L)
pos$ITS1_end <- ifelse(no_ITS1, NA_integer_, pos$`5_8S_start` - 1L)
pos <- dplyr::select(
pos <- gather_regions(pos)
pos <- dplyr::filter(pos, end >= start)
pos$seq_id <- seq$seq_id[as.integer(pos$seq_id)]
#' Replaced unmatched brackets in a dot-bracket RNA secondary structure
#' @param ss (`character` scalar) the secondary structure to repair.
#' @return (`character` scalar) the repaired secondary structure.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # some brackets are unmatched due to truncation
#' ss <- "..(((.....[[...<<<<<___>>>>>.[[.<<<___>>>.]"
#' repair_unmatched_secondary_structure(ss)
repair_unmatched_secondary_structure <- function(ss) {
UseMethod("repair_unmatched_secondary_structure", ss)
#' @export
repair_unmatched_secondary_structure.character <- function(ss) {
this_ss <- ss
changed <- TRUE
while (changed) {
next_ss <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
pattern = c(
replacement = "X$1X",
vectorize_all = FALSE
changed <- this_ss != next_ss
this_ss <- next_ss
unmatch <- stringr::str_locate_all(this_ss, "[\\[\\]\\{\\}()<>]")[[1]]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(unmatch))) {
substr(ss, start = unmatch[i, "start"], stop = unmatch[i,"end"]) <- "X"
ss <- stringr::str_match(
chartr("X", ":", ss[1, 2]),
chartr("X", "-", ss[1, 3]),
chartr("X", ":", ss[1, 4])
#' @export
repair_unmatched_secondary_structure.BString <- function(ss) {
#' Truncate an annotated Stockholm alignment file with secondary structure
#' Simply truncating a Stockholm alignment file that includes secondary
#' structure annotations may result in invalid base pairing, when only one half
#' of a pair is removed. This function converts these half-pairs to "X",
#' indicating unpairable bases.
#' @param aln
#' (`character` filename, [`connection`], or
#' [`StockholmMultipleAlignment`][inferrnal::StockholmMultipleAlignment-class])
#' the stockholm alignment to be truncated.
#' @param outfile
#' (`character` filename or [`connection`])
#' path or connection to output the truncated alignment to. The default, `NULL`,
#' instead returns the truncated alignment as an R object.
#' @param start
#' (`integer` scalar)
#' first base to include in the truncated alignment.
#' @param stop
#' (`integer` scalar)
#' last base to include in the truncated alignment.
#' @return the truncated alignment as a
#' [`StockholmMultipleAlignment`][inferrnal::StockholmMultipleAlignment-class]
#' object, or if outfile is given then `NULL` (invisibly).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aln <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "fungi_32S.stk"), package = "LSUx")
#' truncate_alignment(aln, tempfile("trunc", fileext = ".stk"), 1, 500)
truncate_alignment <- function(aln, outfile = NULL, start = 1L, stop = 1000000L) {
if (!methods::is(aln, "StockholmMultipleAlignment")) {
if (methods::is(aln, "connection")) {
assertthat::assert_that(summary(aln)[["can read"]] == "yes")
} else if (is.character(aln)) {
aln <- file(aln)
} else {
stop("'aln' should be a file name, readable connection, or ",
aln <- inferrnal::read_stockholm_msa(aln)
if (methods::is(outfile, "connection")) {
assertthat::assert_that(summary(outfile)[["can write"]] == "yes")
if (!isOpen(outfile)) {
open(outfile, "wt")
} else if (is.character(outfile)) {
outfile <- file(outfile, "wt")
} else if (!is.null(outfile)) {
stop("'outfile' should be a file name or writeable connection")
if (!is.null(outfile)) on.exit(close(outfile))
aln <- IRanges::narrow(aln, start = start, end = stop)
if ("SS_cons" %in% names(aln@GC)) {
aln@GC$SS_cons <- repair_unmatched_secondary_structure(aln@GC$SS_cons)
if (is.null(outfile)) {
} else {
inferrnal::writeStockholmMultipleAlignment(aln, outfile)
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