
Defines functions getstn auto_up_s update_settings

########## Custom-tailored functions for package 'flowdex' #################

# The following three functions are custom-tailored by package 'uniset',
# and intended to be used inside
# functions defined in the package 'flowdex':

# Can be used inside a function of the package 'flowdex' to manually update
# the settings.
# If silent=FALSE, upon success a message will be displayed.
update_settings <- function(silent=FALSE) {
    if (checkOnTest()) {
    } # end if
    stn <- uniset::uniset_updateSettings(get("uniset_env_name"),
        setupFunc = "setup_settings", silent)
} # EOF

# Can be used inside a function of the package 'flowdex' to automatically
# update the settings.
# No message will be displayed upon success.
auto_up_s <- function() {
    if (checkOnTest()) {
    } # end if
    stn <-  try(get("settings", envir = get(".flowdex_settingsEnv",
        pos = "pkg_flowdex_envs")), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(stn, "try-error")) {
        # if no manual 'update_settings' has been called yet, this will
        # throw an error. Hence, we have to force the manual update here.
            setupFunc = "setup_settings", silent = TRUE)
        stn <-  try(get("settings", envir = get(".flowdex_settingsEnv",
            pos = "pkg_flowdex_envs")), silent = FALSE)
     } else {
         stn <- uniset::uniset_autoUpS(get("uniset_env_name"),
             setupFunc = "setup_settings")
     } # end else
} # EOF

# Can be used inside a function of the package 'flowdex' to conveniently get
# the list holding the settings, i.e. the key=value pairs from
# the file flowdex_settings.R
getstn <- function() {
    if (checkOnTest()) {
    } # end if
    stn <-  try(get("settings", envir = get(".flowdex_settingsEnv",
        pos = "pkg_flowdex_envs")), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(stn, "try-error")) {
        # if no manual 'update_settings' has been called yet, this will throw
        # an error. Hence, we have to force the manual update here.
            setupFunc = "setup_settings", silent = TRUE)
        stn <-  try(get("settings", envir = get(".flowdex_settingsEnv",
            pos = "pkg_flowdex_envs")), silent = FALSE)
    } # end if
} # EOF
bpollner/flowdex documentation built on March 31, 2022, 3:21 a.m.