checkOnTest <- function() {
if (exists("get_settings_from_flowdex_package_root", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
if (get("get_settings_from_flowdex_package_root", pos = .GlobalEnv)) {
} else {
} else {
} # EOF
devGetLocalStn <- function() {
ptp <- path.package("flowdex")
# set up the stn object
if (dir.exists(paste0(ptp, "/inst"))) {
stn <- source(paste0(ptp, "/inst/flowdex_settings.R"))$value
} else {
stn <- source(paste0(ptp, "/flowdex_settings.R"))$value
} # end else
} # EOF
haveDefDot <- function(val) {
if (is.null(val)) {
if (all(val == ".") & length(val) == 1) {
} else {
} # EOF
checkCharX <- function(val, argName, len=1) {
if (!haveDefDot(val)) {
if (!all(is.character(val)) | length(val) != len) {
stop(paste0("Please provide a character length ", len, " to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # EOF
checkCharX_null <- function(val, argName, len=1) {
if (!haveDefDot(val)) {
if (is.null(val)) {
} # end if
if (!all(is.character(val)) | length(val) != len) {
stop(paste0("Please provide a character length ", len, " to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # EOF
checkCharX_null_Num <- function(val, argName, len=1) {
if (!haveDefDot(val)) {
if (is.null(val)) {
} # end if
if ( !all(is.character(val)) | length(val) != len) {
if ( !all(is.numeric(val)) | length(val) != len) {
stop(paste0("Please provide a numeric or character length ", len, " to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if num
} # end if char
} # end if
} # EOF
checkLogi <- function(val, argName) {
if (!haveDefDot(val)) {
if (!all(is.logical(val)) | length(val) != 1) {
stop(paste0("Please provide either TRUE or FALSE to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # EOF
checkNumX <- function(val, argName, len=1) {
if (!haveDefDot(val)) {
if (!all(is.numeric(val)) | length(val) != len) {
stop(paste0("Please provide a numeric length ", len, " to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # EOF
checkNumXNull <- function(val, argName, len=1) {
if (!haveDefDot(val)) {
if (is.null(val)) {
} # end if
if (!all(is.numeric(val)) | length(val) != len) {
stop(paste0("Please provide a numeric length ", len, " to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # EOF
getDefValFromStn <- function(val, keyName, stn, argName=NULL, defValue=".") {
if (is.null(defValue)) {
if (haveDefDot(val)) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, there is no default value defined for argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} #end if
} # end if is null defValue
if (all(is.null(val))) {
if (all(val == defValue)) {
ind <- which(names(stn) == keyName)
out <- unlist(stn[ind])
} else { # now we want to take what is in val, userĀ“s decision
} # end else
} # EOF
checkDefToSetVal <- function(val, keyName, argName, stn, checkFor, len=1, defValue=".") {
if (checkFor == "char") {
checkCharX(val, argName, len)
return(getDefValFromStn(val, keyName, stn, argName, defValue))
} # end if checkFor == "char"
if (checkFor == "charNull") {
checkCharX_null(val, argName, len)
return(getDefValFromStn(val, keyName, stn, argName, defValue))
} # end if checkFor == "char"
if (checkFor == "charNullNum") {
checkCharX_null_Num(val, argName, len)
return(getDefValFromStn(val, keyName, stn, argName, defValue))
} # end if checkFor == "char"
if (checkFor == "logi") {
checkLogi(val, argName)
return(getDefValFromStn(val, keyName, stn, argName, defValue))
} # end if checkFor == "logi"
if (checkFor == "num") {
checkNumX(val, argName, len)
return(getDefValFromStn(val, keyName, stn, argName, defValue))
} # end if checkFor == "logi"
if (checkFor == "numNull") {
checkNumXNull(val, argName, len)
return(getDefValFromStn(val, keyName, stn, argName, defValue))
} # end if checkFor == "logi"
} # EOF
checkFileExistence <- function(foN_gating, fiN_gateStrat, typE, addTxt="") {
paToFile <- paste0(foN_gating, "/", fiN_gateStrat, typE)
if (!file.exists(paToFile)) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, the ", addTxt, "file '", basename(paToFile), "' does not seem to exist in '", foN_gating, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end stop
return(TRUE) # if all is good
} # EOF
loadGaXFile <- function(foN, fiN, type) { # fiN must be complete with ending
ptf <- paste0(foN, "/", fiN)
if (type == "csv") {
return(read.csv(paste0(ptf, ".csv")))
} # end if
if (type == "xlsx") {
return(openxlsx::read.xlsx(paste0(ptf, ".xlsx")))
} # end if
if (type == "pgg") {
} # end if
} # EOF
checkPggExistence <- function(gsdf,foN_gating, fiN_gateStrat=NULL) {
if ( {
pggDef <- gsdf[, "GateDefinition"]
} else { # so we want to check for a single gate definition, gsdf comes in as character length one
pggDef <- gsdf
if (length(pggDef) == 0) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, there must be at least one gate defined in the gating-strategy file '", fiN_gateStrat, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
addG <- "gate "
addV <- " seems "
pggAvail <- list.files(foN_gating)
if (!all(pggDef %in% pggAvail)) {
ind <- which(!pggDef %in% pggAvail)
missChar <- pggDef[ind]
if (length(missChar) > 1) {
addG <- "gates "
addV <- " seem "
stop(paste0("Sorry, the requested ", addG, "'", paste(missChar, collapse= "', '"), "'", addV, "not to exist in the folder \n`", foN_gating, "`."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
return(TRUE) # if all is good
} # EOF
check_path <- function(path) {
if (!dir.exists(path)) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, the folder '", path, "' does not seem to exist."), call.=FALSE)
} else {
} # EOF
checkObjClass <- function(object, classChar, argName) {
cl <- class(object)
if (cl != classChar) {
stop(paste0("Please provide an abject of class '", classChar, "' to the argument '", argName, "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # EOF
cleanUpInfinites <- function(datMat) {
cleanCol <- function(mat, colNr) {
vals <- mat[, colNr]
indFin <- is.finite(vals)
} # EOIF
datMat <- cleanCol(datMat, 1)
datMat <- cleanCol(datMat, 2)
} # EOF
checkShowGateChannels <- function(pggShow, datMat) {
namesShow <- sort(names(pggShow))
namesHave <- sort(colnames(datMat))
if (!identical(namesShow, namesHave)) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, it seems that the gate specified at the argument 'showGate' does not contain the required channels \n'", paste(colnames(datMat), collapse="', '"), "'."), call.=FALSE)
} # EOF
getLocMat_TS <- function(locN) {
# return(try(graphics::locator(type="l", n=locN), silent=FALSE))
if (checkOnTest()) {
pathToPgg <- get("pathToPgg", pos=.GlobalEnv)
return(eval(parse(text=load(pathToPgg)))) # because in a test, we can not use the locator
} else {
return(try(graphics::locator(type="l", n=locN), silent=FALSE))
} # EOF
assignHereStnValues <- function(stn) {
res <- stn$dV_resolution
apc <- stn$dV_cutoff_apply
coR <- stn$dV_cutoff_raw
coV <- stn$dV_cutoff_Vol
igp <- stn$dV_ignoreEdgePercent
smo <- stn$dV_doSmooth
smN <- stn$dV_smooth_n
smP <- stn$dV_smooth_p
chPrevWl <- stn$dV_charBeforeFlscNr
volFac <- stn$dV_volumeFactor
useDic <- stn$dD_useDictionary
dictType <- stn$dD_dict_type
doAssign <- function(name, value, npf=2) {
assign(name, value, pos=parent.frame(n=npf))
} # EOIF
doAssign("res", res)
doAssign("apc", apc)
doAssign("coR", coR)
doAssign("coV", coV)
doAssign("igp", igp)
doAssign("smo", smo)
doAssign("smN", smN)
doAssign("smP", smP)
doAssign("chPrevWl", chPrevWl)
doAssign("volFac", volFac)
doAssign("useDic", useDic)
doAssign("dictType", dictType)
doAssign("dictType", dictType)
} # EOF
checkAssignInput <- function(stn, fn, gateStrat, foN.gateStrat, type.gateStrat, comp, tx, channel, name.dict, foN.dict, type.dict, expo.gate,, expo.type, expo.folder, rcv, verbose) {
doAssign <- function(name, value, npf=2) {
assign(name, value, pos=parent.frame(n=npf))
} # EOIF
fn <- checkDefToSetVal(fn, "foN_fcsFiles", "fn", stn, checkFor="char")
gateStrat <- checkDefToSetVal(gateStrat, "fiN_gateStrat", "gateStrat", stn, checkFor="char")
foN.gateStrat <- checkDefToSetVal(foN.gateStrat, "foN_gating", "foN.gateStrat", stn, checkFor="char")
type.gateStrat <- checkDefToSetVal(type.gateStrat, "dV_gateStratInputType", "type.gateStrat", stn, checkFor="char")
comp <- checkDefToSetVal(comp, "dV_comp", "comp", stn, checkFor="logi")
tx <- checkDefToSetVal(tx, "dV_tx", "tx", stn, checkFor="char")
channel <- checkDefToSetVal(channel, "dV_channel", "channel", stn, checkFor="char")
name.dict <- checkDefToSetVal(name.dict, "dD_dict_name", "name.dict", stn, checkFor="char")
foN.dict <- checkDefToSetVal(foN.dict, "foN_dictionary", "foN.dict", stn, checkFor="char")
type.dict <- checkDefToSetVal(type.dict, "dV_dictionaryType", "type.dict", stn, checkFor="char")
expo.gate <- checkDefToSetVal(expo.gate, "dE_exportGate", "expo.gate", stn, checkFor="charNullNum") <- checkDefToSetVal(, "fiN_dataExport", "", stn, checkFor="char")
expo.type <- checkDefToSetVal(expo.type, "dE_exportType", "expo.type", stn, checkFor="char")
expo.folder <- checkDefToSetVal(expo.folder, "foN_rawData", "expo.folder", stn, checkFor="char")
rcv <- checkDefToSetVal(rcv, "dV_doRecalcToVolume", "rcv", stn, checkFor="logi")
verbose <- checkDefToSetVal(verbose, "dV_verbose", "verbose", stn, checkFor="logi")
doAssign("fn", fn)
doAssign("gateStrat", gateStrat)
doAssign("foN.gateStrat", foN.gateStrat)
doAssign("type.gateStrat", type.gateStrat)
doAssign("comp", comp)
doAssign("tx", tx)
doAssign("channel", channel)
doAssign("name.dict", name.dict)
doAssign("foN.dict", foN.dict)
doAssign("type.dict", type.dict)
doAssign("expo.gate", expo.gate)
doAssign("expo.type", expo.type)
doAssign("expo.folder", expo.folder)
doAssign("rcv", rcv)
doAssign("verbose", verbose)
} # EOF
assignGatingSetToEnv <- function(gs) {
nsp <- "pkg_flowdex_envs"
assign("gsenv", new.env(), pos=nsp)
assign("gatingSet", gs, envir=get("gsenv"))
} # EOF
checkForGateNr <- function(fdmat, gate) { # gets the number from the range of the !!! metadata !!!
gateNr <- gate
if (is.character(gate)) {
gateNr <- which(as.character(fdmat@metadata$gateName) == gate)
if (length(gateNr) == 0) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, the gate '", gate, "' does not seem to exist (Scope: Metadata)."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # end if
if (gateNr > nrow(fdmat@metadata)) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, the gate nr ", gateNr, " does not exist (Scope: Metadata)."), call.=FALSE)
} # end if
} # EOF
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