#' Combine p-values using Fisher method
#' Fisher's method is a meta-analysis technique used to combine the results from
#' independent statistical tests with the same hypothesis
#' (\href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27s_method}{Wikipedia article}).
#' @inheritParams stats::pchisq
#' @param p.value a numeric vector of p-values to combine.
#' @return a number giving combined p-value.
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
fisherMethod <- function(p.value, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) {
stopifnot("p.value must be numeric" = is.numeric(p.value))
stopifnot("p.value must be longer than 1" = length(p.value) > 1L)
stopifnot("lower.tail must be TRUE or FALSE" = isTRUEorFALSE(lower.tail))
stopifnot("log.p must be TRUE or FALSE" = isTRUEorFALSE(log.p))
K <- 2 * length(p.value)
X <- -2 * sum(log(p.value))
cmbp <- stats::pchisq(X, df = K, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
#' Significance testing in linear ridge regression
#' Standard error estimation and significance testing for coefficients
#' estimated in linear ridge regression. \code{ridgePvals} re-implement
#' original method by (Cule et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2011.) found in
#' \link[ridge]{ridge-package}. This function is intended to use with
#' \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} output.
#' @param x input matrix, same as used in \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}.
#' @param y response variable, same as used in \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}.
#' @param beta matrix of coefficients, estimated using
#' \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}.
#' @param lambda lambda value for which \code{beta} was estimated.
#' @param standardizex logical flag for x variable standardization, should be
#' set to same value as \code{standarize} flag in \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}.
#' @param svdX optional singular-value decomposition of \code{x} matrix. One can
#' be obtained using \code{link[base]{svd}}. Passing this argument omits
#' internal call to \code{link[base]{svd}}, this is useful when calling
#' \code{ridgePvals} repeatedly using same \code{x}.
#' @return a data.frame with columns
#' \describe{
#' \item{coef}{\code{beta}'s names}
#' \item{se}{\code{beta}'s standard errors}
#' \item{tstat}{\code{beta}'s test statistic}
#' \item{pval}{\code{beta}'s p-values}
#' }
ridgePvals <- function (x, y, beta, lambda, standardizex = TRUE, svdX = NULL) {
n <- length(y)
if (standardizex) x <- scale(x)
if (is.null(svdX)) svdX <- svd(x)
U <- svdX$u
# D <- svdX$d # not used?
D2 <- svdX$d ^ 2
V <- svdX$v
div <- D2 + lambda
# estimate sig^2
sig2hat <- # adding ( here helps a lot! # t(U) %*% y; crossprod is way faster
as.numeric(crossprod(y - U %*% (diag((D2) / (div)) %*% crossprod(U, y)))) /
(n - sum(D2 * (D2 + 2 * lambda) / (div ^ 2)))
varmat <- tcrossprod(V %*% diag(D2 / (div ^ 2)), V)
varmat <- sig2hat * varmat
se <- sqrt(diag(varmat))
tstat <- abs(beta / se)
pval <- 2 * (1 - stats::pnorm(tstat))
res <-
coef = beta,
se = se,
tstat = tstat,
pval = pval)
class(res) <- "data.frame"
attr(res, "row.names") <- colnames(x)
#' Gene expression modeling pipeline
#' \code{modelGeneExpression} uses parallelization if parallel backend is
#' registered. For that reason we advise against passing \code{parallel} argument
#' to internally called \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} routine.
#' For speeding up the calculations consider lowering number of folds used in
#' internally run \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} by specifying \code{nfolds}
#' argument. By default 10 fold cross validation is used.
#' The relationship between the expression (Y) and molecular signatures (X) is
#' described using linear model formulation. The pipeline attempts to model the
#' change in expression between basal expression level (u) and each sample, with
#' the goal of finding the unknown molecular signatures activities. Linear
#' models are fit using popular ridge regression implementation
#' \link[glmnet]{glmnet} (Friedman, Hastie, and Tibshirani 2010).
#' If \code{pvalues} is set to \code{TRUE} the significance of the estimated
#' molecular signatures activities is tested using methodology introduced by
#' (Cule, Vineis, and De Iorio 2011) which original implementation can be found
#' in \link[ridge]{ridge-package}.
#' If replicates are available the signatures activities estimates and
#' their standard error estimates can be combined. This is done by averaging
#' signatures activities estimates and pooling their significance estimates
#' using Stouffer's method for the Z-scores and Fisher's method for the p-values.
#' For detailed pipeline description we refer interested user to paper
#' accompanying this package.
#' @param mae MultiAssayExperiment object such as produced by
#' \code{\link{prepareCountsForRegression}}.
#' @param yname string indicating experiment in \code{mae} to use as the
#' expression input.
#' @param uname string indicating experiment in \code{mae} to use as the basal
#' expression level.
#' @param xnames character indicating experiments in \code{mae} to use as
#' molecular signatures.
#' @param design matrix giving the design matrix for the samples. Default
#' (\code{NULL}) is to use design found in \code{mae} metadata. Columns
#' corresponds to samples groups and rows to samples names. Only samples
#' included in the design will be processed.
#' @param standardize logical flag indicating if the molecular signatures should
#' be scaled. Advised to be set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param parallel parallel argument to internally used
#' \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} function. Advised to be set to \code{FALSE}
#' as it might interfere with parallelization used in \code{modelGeneExpression}.
#' @param pvalues logical flag indicating if significance testing for the
#' estimated molecular signatures activities should be performed.
#' @param precalcmodels optional list of precomputed \code{'cv.glmnet'} objects
#' for each molecular signature and sample. The elements of this list should
#' be matching the \code{xnames} vector. Each of those elements should be a
#' named list holding \code{'cv.glmnet'} objects for each sample. If provided
#' those models will be used instead of running regression from scratch.
#' @param ... arguments passed to glmnet::cv.glmnet.
#' @return Nested list with following elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{regression_models}{Named list with elements corresponding to
#' signatures specified in \code{xnames}. Each of these is a list holding
#' \code{'cv.glmnet'} objects corresponding to each sample.}
#' \item{pvalues}{Named list with elements corresponding to
#' signatures specified in \code{xnames}. Each of these is a list holding
#' \code{data.frame} of signature's p-values and test statistics
#' estimated for each sample.}
#' \item{zscore_avg}{Named list with elements corresponding to
#' signatures specified in \code{xnames}. Each of these is a \code{matrix}
#' holding replicate average Z-scores with columns corresponding to groups
#' in the design.}
#' \item{coef_avg}{Named list with elements corresponding to
#' signatures specified in \code{xnames}. Each of these is a \code{matrix}
#' holding replicate averaged signatures activities with columns
#' corresponding to groups in the design.}
#' \item{results}{Named list of a \code{data.frame}s holding replicate
#' average molecular signatures, overall molecular signatures Z-score and
#' p-values calculated over groups using Stouffer's and Fisher's methods.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data("rinderpest_mini", "remap_mini")
#' base_lvl <- "00hr"
#' design <- matrix(
#' data = c(1, 0, 0,
#' 1, 0, 0,
#' 1, 0, 0,
#' 0, 1, 0,
#' 0, 1, 0,
#' 0, 1, 0,
#' 0, 0, 1,
#' 0, 0, 1,
#' 0, 0, 1),
#' ncol = 3,
#' nrow = 9,
#' byrow = TRUE,
#' dimnames = list(colnames(rinderpest_mini), c("00hr", "12hr", "24hr")))
#' mae <- prepareCountsForRegression(
#' counts = rinderpest_mini,
#' design = design,
#' base_lvl = base_lvl)
#' mae <- addSignatures(mae, remap = remap_mini)
#' mae <- filterSignatures(mae)
#' res <- modelGeneExpression(
#' mae = mae,
#' xnames = "remap",
#' nfolds = 5)
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar% %:%
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment metadata
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @importFrom stats coef setNames var
#' @importFrom utils timestamp
#' @export
modelGeneExpression <- function(mae,
yname = "Y",
uname = "U",
design = NULL,
standardize = TRUE,
parallel = FALSE,
pvalues = TRUE,
precalcmodels = NULL,
...) {
stopifnot("mae must be an instance of class 'MultiAssayExperiment'" = is(mae, "MultiAssayExperiment"))
stopifnot("yname must be a length one character" = is.character(yname) && length(yname) == 1)
stopifnot("uname must be a length one character" = is.character(uname) && length(uname) == 1)
stopifnot("yname must be distinct from uname" = yname != uname)
stopifnot("xnames must be a character vector" = is.character(xnames))
stopifnot("xnames must be distinct from yname and uname" = base::intersect(c(yname, uname), xnames) == 0)
stopifnot("yname, uname and xnames must match mae names" = all(c(yname, uname, xnames) %in% names(mae)))
zero_var_sig <- lapply(xnames, function(x) ! any(apply(mae[[x]], 2, var) == 0))
names(zero_var_sig) <- paste0(xnames, " can not contain zero variance signatures")
for (i in seq_along(zero_var_sig)) do.call(stopifnot, zero_var_sig[i])
if (is.null(design)) { design <- MultiAssayExperiment::metadata(mae)[["design"]] }
stopifnot("design must be a matrix" = is.matrix(design))
stopifnot("design rownames must correspond to mae[[yname]] columns" = (! is.null(rownames(design))) && all(colnames(mae[[yname]]) %in% rownames(design)))
stopifnot("each sample in design can be assigned only to one group" = all(rowSums(design) == 1 | rowSums(design) == 0))
stopifnot("at least one sample in design must be assigned to a group" = sum(rowSums(design)) > 0)
stopifnot("standardize must be TRUE or FALSE" = isTRUEorFALSE(standardize))
stopifnot("parallel must be TRUE or FALSE" = isTRUEorFALSE(parallel))
stopifnot("pvalues must be TRUE or FALSE" = isTRUEorFALSE(pvalues))
if (! is.null(precalcmodels)) {
stopifnot("precalcmodels must be a list" = is.list(precalcmodels))
stopifnot("precalcmodels elements names must be included in xnames" = (! is.null(names(precalcmodels))) && all(names(precalcmodels) %in% xnames))
stopifnot("precalcmodels must contain only objects of class 'cv.glmnet'" = all(vapply(X = unlist(precalcmodels, recursive = FALSE), FUN = is, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), class2 = "cv.glmnet")))
stopifnot("precalcmodels is not compatible with mae" =
X = names(precalcmodels),
FUN = function(xnm) {
X = precalcmodels[[xnm]],
FUN = function(x) {
identical(rownames(x[["glmnet.fit"]][["beta"]]), colnames(mae[[xnm]]))
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)
groups <- design2factor(design)
stopifnot("design try to use samples not included in mae[[yname]]" = all(names(groups) %in% colnames(mae[[yname]])))
message("##------ modelGeneExpression: started ridge regression ", timestamp(prefix = "", quiet = TRUE))
regression_models <-
mae = mae,
yname = yname,
uname = uname,
xnames = xnames,
groups = groups,
standardize = standardize,
parallel = parallel,
precalcmodels = precalcmodels,
message("##------ modelGeneExpression: finished ridge regression", timestamp(prefix = "", quiet = TRUE))
if (pvalues) {
message("##------ modelGeneExpression: started significance testing ", timestamp(prefix = "", quiet = TRUE))
pvalues <- modelGeneExpression_significance_testing_wraper(
mae = mae,
yname = yname,
uname = uname,
xnames = xnames,
groups = groups,
standardize = standardize,
regression_models = regression_models)
message("##------ modelGeneExpression: finished significance testing ", timestamp(prefix = "", quiet = TRUE))
# gather results
if (is.list(pvalues)) {
zscore_avg <- lapply(pvalues, repVarianceWeightedAvgZscore, groups = groups)
coef_avg <- lapply(X = xnames, function(xnm_) {
getVarianceWeightedAvgCoeff(pvalues[[xnm_]], groups)
names(coef_avg) <- xnames
results <- lapply(
X = names(coef_avg),
FUN = function(xnm_) {
coef <- coef_avg[[xnm_]]
x <- split(coef, col(coef, as.factor = TRUE))
x <- c(list(name = rownames(coef)), x)
# this block originate from older logic that generated results when pvalues == FALSE
has_zscore <- ! is.null(zscore_avg)
if (has_zscore && ncol(zscore_avg[[xnm_]]) > 1) {
x[["z_score"]] <- apply(zscore_avg[[xnm_]], 1, stoufferZMethod)
} else if (has_zscore && ncol(zscore_avg[[xnm_]]) == 1) {
x[["z_score"]] <- zscore_avg[[xnm_]][, 1L, drop = TRUE]
} else {
x[["z_score"]] <- NA
class(x) <- "data.frame"
attr(x, "row.names") <- seq_len(nrow(coef))
if (length(zscore_avg)) {
ord <- order(abs(x[["z_score"]]), decreasing = TRUE)
x <- x[ord, ]
rownames(x) <- NULL
names(results) <- names(coef_avg)
} else {
pvalues <- NULL
zscore_avg <- NULL
coef_avg <- NULL
results <- NULL
regression_models = regression_models,
pvalues = pvalues,
zscore_avg = zscore_avg,
coef_avg = coef_avg,
results = results
# declare modelGeneExpression foreach variables
utils::globalVariables(c("x_", "xn_", "xnm_", "y_", "yn_", "id_"))
#' Ridge regression wrapper for modelGeneExpression
#' Internal function used in \code{modelGeneExpression}. It runs ridge regression
#' parallelly across signatures and samples as specified by experiment design.
#' @inheritParams modelGeneExpression
#' @param groups factor representation of design matrix.
#' @param ... arguments passed to glmnet::cv.glmnet.
#' @return Named list with elements corresponding to signatures specified in
#' \code{xnames}. Each of these is a list holding \code{'cv.glmnet'} objects
#' corresponding to each sample.
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar% %:%
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @importFrom stats setNames
modelGeneExpression_ridge_regression_wraper <- function(mae,
...) {
iter_to_pass <- lapply(precalcmodels, names)
args <- list(...)
args[["offset"]] <- mae[[uname]]
args[["alpha"]] <- 0
args[["standardize"]] <- standardize
args[["parallel"]] <- parallel
regression_models <- foreach::foreach(
x_ = iterators::iter(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(mae[, , xnames]))),
xn_ = xnames,
.inorder = TRUE,
.final = function(x) setNames(x, xnames)
) %:%
y_ = iterators::iter(mae[[yname]][, names(groups), drop = FALSE]),
yn_ = names(groups),
.inorder = TRUE,
.final = function(x) setNames(x, names(groups)),
.packages = "glmnet"
) %dopar% {
if (yn_ %in% iter_to_pass[[xn_]]) {
res <- "precalc"
} else {
args[["x"]] <- quote(x_)
args[["y"]] <- quote(y_)
res <- do.call(glmnet::cv.glmnet, args)
rm(args, res); gc()
# add precalculated models
for (xn in names(iter_to_pass)) {
for (yn in iter_to_pass[[xn]])
if (yn %in% names(groups)) {
regression_models[[xn]][[yn]] <- precalcmodels[[xn]][[yn]]
#' Statistical testing of ridge regression estimates wrapper for modelGeneExpression
#' Internal function used in \code{modelGeneExpression}. It runs \code{ridgePvals}
#' parallelly across signatures and samples as specified by experiment design.
#' @inheritParams modelGeneExpression
#' @param groups factor representation of design matrix.
#' @param regression_models Named list with elements corresponding to signatures
#' specified in \code{xnames}. Each of these is a list holding
#' \code{'cv.glmnet'} objects corresponding to each sample. Usually returned
#' by \code{modelGeneExpression_ridge_regression_wraper}.
#' @return Named list with elements corresponding to signatures specified in
#' \code{xnames}. Each of these is a list holding \code{data.frame} of
#' signature's p-values and test statistics estimated for each sample.
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar% %:%
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @importFrom stats coef setNames
modelGeneExpression_significance_testing_wraper <- function(mae,
regression_models) {
if (standardize) { # scale here to avoid scaling multiple times in ridgePvals
for (xn in xnames) {
mae[[xn]] <- scale(mae[[xn]])
svdX <- foreach::foreach(
x_ = iterators::iter(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(mae[, , xnames]))),
.inorder = TRUE,
.final = function(x) setNames(x, xnames)
) %dopar% svd(x_)
pvalues <- foreach::foreach(
x_ = iterators::iter(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(mae[, , xnames]))),
xnm_ = xnames,
.inorder = TRUE,
.final = function(x) setNames(x, xnames)
) %:%
y_ = iterators::iter(mae[[yname]][, names(groups), drop = FALSE]),
id_ = names(groups),
.inorder = TRUE,
.final = function(x) setNames(x, names(groups)),
.export = "ridgePvals"
) %dopar% {
y_ <- y_ - mae[[uname]]
lambda <- regression_models[[xnm_]][[id_]]$lambda.min
beta <- coef(regression_models[[xnm_]][[id_]], s = lambda)
beta <- beta[-1, ] # drop intercept
x = x_,
y = y_,
beta = beta,
lambda = lambda,
standardizex = FALSE,
svdX = svdX[[xnm_]]
# #' Calculate replicate averaged Z-scores
# #'
# #' Replicate averaged Z-scores is calculated by dividing replicate average
# #' coefficient by replicate pooled standard error.
# #'
# #' @param pvalues Data frame with \code{'se'} (standard error) and \code{'coef'}
# #' (coefficient) columns. Such as in \code{pvalues} output of
# #' \code{modelGeneExpression} .
# #' @param groups Factor giving group membership for samples in \code{pvalues}.
# #'
# #' @return Numeric matrix of averaged Z-scores. Columns correspond to groups and
# #' rows to predictors.
# #'
# repAvgZscore <- function(pvalues, groups) {
# stopifnot("pvalues elements must be instances of class data.frame" = all(vapply(pvalues, function(x) is(x, "data.frame"), logical(1L))))
# stopifnot("pavalues must have 'se' and 'coef' columns" = all(vapply(pvalues, function(p) all(c("se", "coef") %in% colnames(p)), logical(1L))))
# stopifnot("groups must be a factor" = is.factor(groups))
# stopifnot("groups length must equal pvalues length" = length(groups) == length(pvalues))
# stopifnot("groups must not have unused levels" = setdiff(levels(groups), groups) == character(0))
# se <- applyOverDFList(list_of_df = pvalues, col_name = "se", fun = poolSE, groups = groups)
# estimate <- applyOverDFList(list_of_df = pvalues, col_name = "coef", fun = mean, groups = groups)
# zscore <- estimate / se
# return(zscore)
# }
#' Calculate replicate variance weighted averaged Z-scores
#' Replicate averaged Z-scores is calculated by dividing replicate average
#' coefficient by replicate pooled standard error.
#' @param pvalues Data frame with \code{'se'} (standard error) and \code{'coef'}
#' (coefficient) columns. Such as in \code{pvalues} output of
#' \code{modelGeneExpression} .
#' @param groups Factor giving group membership for samples in \code{pvalues}.
#' @return Numeric matrix of averaged Z-scores. Columns correspond to groups and
#' rows to predictors.
repVarianceWeightedAvgZscore <- function(pvalues, groups) {
stopifnot("pvalues elements must be instances of class data.frame" = all(vapply(pvalues, function(x) is(x, "data.frame"), logical(1L))))
stopifnot("pavalues must have 'se' and 'coef' columns" = all(vapply(pvalues, function(p) all(c("se", "coef") %in% colnames(p)), logical(1L))))
stopifnot("groups must be a factor" = is.factor(groups))
stopifnot("groups length must equal pvalues length" = length(groups) == length(pvalues))
stopifnot("groups must not have unused levels" = setdiff(levels(groups), groups) == character(0))
samples <- factor(names(groups))
names(samples) <- names(groups)
estimate <- applyOverDFList(list_of_df = pvalues, col_name = "coef", fun = function(x) x, groups = samples)
variance_weights <- applyOverDFList(list_of_df = pvalues, col_name = "se", fun = function(x) 1 / x^2, groups = samples)
weighted_mean <- foreach::foreach(gr_ = levels(groups), .combine = cbind) %dopar%
i <- groups == gr_
wm <- rowSums(estimate[, i, drop = FALSE] * variance_weights[, i, drop = FALSE]) / rowSums(variance_weights[, i, drop = FALSE])
data = wm, ncol = 1L, dimnames = list(names(wm), gr_)
weighted_mean_se <- foreach::foreach(gr_ = levels(groups), .combine = cbind) %dopar%
i <- groups == gr_
wmse <- sqrt(1 / rowSums(variance_weights[, i, drop = FALSE]))
data = wmse, ncol = 1L, dimnames = list(names(wmse), gr_)
weighted_z <- weighted_mean / weighted_mean_se
# #' Pool Standard Error / Standard Deviation
# #'
# #' Pooled standard error is calculated following (Cohen 1977) formulation for
# #' pooled standard deviation.
# #' TODO check out https://www.statisticshowto.com/find-pooled-sample-standard-error/, https://www.statisticshowto.com/pooled-standard-deviation/
# #'
# #' @param x Numeric vector of standard errors to pool.
# #'
# #' @return Number giving pooled standard error.
# #'
# poolSE <- function(x) {
# sqrt(sum(x * x) / length(x))
# }
#' Combine Z-scores using Stouffer's method
#' Stouffer's Z-score method is a meta-analysis technique used to combine the
#' results from independent statistical tests with the same hypothesis. It is
#' closely related to Fisher's method, but operates on Z-scores instead of
#' p-values
#' (\href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27s_method}{Wikipedia article}).
#' @param z a numeric vector of Z-score to combine.
#' @return a number giving combined Z-score.
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
stoufferZMethod <- function(z) {
z <- z[! is.na(z)]
z_cmb <- sum(abs(z)) / sqrt(length(z))
# #' Calculate average coefficients matrix
# #'
# #' @param models list of \code{cv.glmnet} objects.
# #' @param group optional factor giving the grouping.
# #' @param lambda string indicating which lambda to use.
# #' @param drop_intercept logical indicating if intercept should be dropped from
# #' the output.
# #'
# #' @return average coefficients matrix
# #'
# getAvgCoeff <- function(models, group = NULL, lambda = "lambda.min", drop_intercept = TRUE) {
# coefs <- lapply(models, function(m) coef(m, s = m[[lambda]]))
# if (drop_intercept) {
# coefs <- lapply(coefs, function(m) {
# keep <- grep(pattern = "(Intercept)", x = rownames(m), invert = TRUE)
# m[keep, ]
# })
# }
# coefs_avg <- lapply(X = levels(group), function(gr) {
# mat <- do.call(cbind, coefs[group == gr])
# if (ncol(mat) > 1) {
# rowMeans(mat)
# } else {
# mat
# }
# })
# coefs_avg <- do.call(cbind, coefs_avg)
# colnames(coefs_avg) <- levels(group)
# return(coefs_avg)
# }
#' Calculate variance weighted average coefficients matrix
#' @param pvalues list of \code{data.frame}s outputs from \code{ridgePvals}.
#' @param groups factor giving the grouping.
#' @return variance weighted average coefficients matrix
getVarianceWeightedAvgCoeff <-
groups) {
samples <- factor(names(groups))
names(samples) <- names(groups)
estimate <- applyOverDFList(list_of_df = pvalues, col_name = "coef", fun = function(x) x, groups = samples)
variance_weights <- applyOverDFList(list_of_df = pvalues, col_name = "se", fun = function(x) 1 / x^2, groups = samples)
weighted_mean <- foreach::foreach(gr_ = levels(groups), .combine = cbind) %dopar%
i <- groups == gr_
wm <- rowSums(estimate[, i, drop = FALSE] * variance_weights[, i, drop = FALSE]) / rowSums(variance_weights[, i, drop = FALSE])
data = wm, ncol = 1L, dimnames = list(names(wm), gr_)
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