#' Run MEME from within R.
#' De novo motif discovery via MEME. For a detailed description of the command,
#' see \url{http://meme-suite.org/doc/meme.html}. For a brief description of
#' the command parameters, call `run_meme()` without any arguments. Parameters in
#' [run_meme()] which are directly taken from the MEME program are tagged with
#' \[MEME\]. This function requires that the \pkg{processx} package be installed
#' separately.
#' @param target.sequences \code{\link{XStringSet}} List of sequences to get motifs from.
#' @param output `character(1)` Name of the output folder. If `NULL`, MEME
#' output will be deleted.
#' @param overwrite.dir `logical(1)` If `output` is set but already exists,
#' allow over-writing.
#' @param control.sequences \code{\link{XStringSet}} List of negative sequences. Only
#' used if `objfun = c("de", "se")`.
#' @param weights `numeric` Vector of numbers between 0 and 1, representing
#' sequence weights.
#' @param text `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param brief `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param objfun `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param test `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param use_llr `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param shuf `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param hsfrac `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param cefrac `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param searchsize `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param norand `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param csites `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param seed `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param alph `character(1)` \[MEME\] Note: custom alphabet definition files can
#' be created using [meme_alph()].
#' @param revcomp `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param pal `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param mod `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param nmotifs `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param evt `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param nsites `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param minsites `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param maxsites `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param wnsites `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param w `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param minw `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param maxw `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param allw `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param nomatrim `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param wg `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param ws `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param noendgaps `logical(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param bfile `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param markov_order `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param psp `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param maxiter `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param distance `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param prior `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param b `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param plib `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param spfuzz `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param spmap `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param cons `character(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param p `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param maxsize `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param maxtime `numeric(1)` \[MEME\]
#' @param wd `character(1)` Working directory to run MEME in.
#' @param logfile `character(1)` File to dump MEME stderr. If `NULL`, no logs
#' will be saved.
#' @param readsites `logical(1)` Read sites from MEME output (from [read_meme()]).
#' @param echo `logical(1)` Dump MEME output to console.
#' @param verbose `numeric(1)` Set `verbose = 0` to quiet [run_meme()].
#' @param timeout `numeric(1)` Stop MEME program past `timeout` (seconds). See
#' [processx::run()].
#' @param bin `character(1)` Location of MEME binary. Alternatively, set this
#' via `options(meme.bin = '/path/to/meme/bin')`.
#' @return `list` The output file is read with [read_meme()].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## To check that you are properly linking to the binary:
#' run_meme()
#' }
#' @references
#' Bailey TL, Elkan C (1994). “Fitting a mixture model by expectation
#' maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers.” *Proceedings of
#' the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for
#' Molecular Biology*, **2**, 28-36.
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{benjamin.tremblay@@uwaterloo.ca}
#' @seealso [read_meme()], [create_sequences()], [shuffle_sequences()],
#' [processx::run()]
#' @export
run_meme <- function(target.sequences, output = NULL,
overwrite.dir = FALSE, control.sequences = NULL,
weights = NULL, text = FALSE, brief = 1000, objfun = "classic",
test = NULL, use_llr = FALSE, shuf = 2, hsfrac = NULL,
cefrac = NULL, searchsize = NULL, norand = FALSE,
csites = 1000, seed = 0, alph = NULL, revcomp = FALSE,
pal = FALSE, mod = "zoops", nmotifs = 3, evt = NULL,
nsites = NULL, minsites = NULL,
maxsites = NULL, wnsites = 0.8, w = NULL, minw = 8,
maxw = 50, allw = NULL, nomatrim = FALSE, wg = 11,
ws = 1, noendgaps = FALSE, bfile = NULL,
markov_order = 0, psp = NULL, maxiter = 50,
distance = 0.001, prior = NULL, b = NULL, plib = NULL,
spfuzz = NULL, spmap = NULL, cons = NULL, p = NULL,
maxsize = NULL, maxtime = NULL,
wd = getwd(), logfile = paste0(wd, "/memerun.log"),
readsites = TRUE, echo = FALSE,
verbose = 1, timeout = Inf, bin = getOption("meme.bin")) {
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
char_check <- check_fun_params(list(output = args$output,
objfun = args$objfun,
test = args$test,
alph = args$alph,
mod = args$mod,
bfile = args$bfile,
psp = args$psp,
plib = args$lib,
spmap = args$spmap,
cons = args$cons,
prior = args$prior,
wd = args$wd,
logfile = args$logfile,
bin = args$bin),
numeric(), c(TRUE, FALSE, rep(TRUE, 9),
num_check <- check_fun_params(list(brief = args$brief,
shuf = args$shuf,
hsfrac = args$hsfrac,
cefrac = args$cefrac,
searchsize = args$searchsize,
csites = args$csites,
seed = args$seed,
nmotifs = args$nmotifs,
evt = args$evt,
nsites = args$nsites,
minsites = args$minsites,
maxsites = args$maxsites,
wnsites = args$wnsites,
w = args$w,
minw = args$minw,
maxw = args$maxw,
allw = args$allw,
wg = args$wg,
ws = args$ws,
markov_order = args$markov_order,
maxiter = args$maxiter,
distance = args$distance,
b = args$b,
spfuzz = args$spfuzz,
p = args$p,
maxsize = args$maxsize,
maxtime = args$maxtime,
verbose = args$verbose,
timeout = args$timeout),
numeric(), c(rep(TRUE, 27), FALSE, FALSE),
logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(overwrite.dir = args$overwrite.dir,
text = args$text,
use_llr = args$use_llr,
norand = args$norand,
revcomp = args$revcomp,
pal = args$pal,
nomatrim = args$nomatrim,
noendgaps = args$noendgaps,
echo = args$echo),
numeric(), logical(), TYPE_LOGI)
all_checks <- c(char_check, num_check, logi_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
v <- verbose
if (is.null(bin)) stop("please specify the location of the MEME binary")
meme.version <- processx_fun(
tryCatch(processx::run(bin, "-version", error_on_status = FALSE),
error = function(e) stop("could not find the MEME binary"))
meme.version <- sub("\n", "", meme.version$stdout, fixed = TRUE)
meme.major <- as.numeric(strsplit(meme.version, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1])
if (!meme.major %in% 4:5)
warning("'run_meme' has been configured for MEME versions 4-5",
immediate. = TRUE)
if (missing(target.sequences)) {
help <- processx_fun(processx::run(bin, "-h", error_on_status = FALSE)$stderr)
cat("MEME version ", meme.version, "\n", bin, "\n\n", sep = "")
if (!is(target.sequences, "XStringSet"))
stop("'sequences' must be an 'XStringSet' object")
if (v>0) message(paste0("Using MEME version ", meme.version))
if (is.null(output)) {
if (v>0) message("No output folder specified, output will be deleted.")
delete.ouput <- TRUE
output <- paste0(wd, "/meme_tmp")
} else {
if (v>0) message(paste0("Output folder: ", output))
delete.ouput <- FALSE
if (dir.exists(output)) {
if (!overwrite.dir) {
stop("Output folder exists but 'overwrite.dir' is set to FALSE")
} else {
if (v>0) message("NOTE: output folder already exists, will be overwritten")
if (v>0) {
"classic" = message("Search mode: Classic"),
"de" = message("Search mode: Differential Enrichment"),
"se" = message("Search mode: Selective Enrichment"),
"cd" = message("Search mode: Central Distance"),
"ce" = message("Search mode: Central Enrichment"),
"nc" = message("Search mode: Numerically Correct"),
message("Search mode: ", objfun))
if (objfun %in% c("de", "se")) {
if (test == "mhg" || is.null(test)) message("Test: Multiple Hypergeometric")
else if (test == "mbn") message("Test: Multiple Binomial")
else if (test == "mrs") message("Test: Multiple Rank-Sum")
else message(paste0("Test: ", test))
if (mod == "zoops" || is.null(mod))
message("Model: Zero or One Occurrence Per Sequence")
else if (mod == "oops") message("Model: One Occurrence Per Sequence")
else if (mod == "anr") message("Model: Any Number of Repetitions")
else message(paste0("Model: ", mod))
if (is.null(nmotifs) || nmotifs == 1)
message("Looking for 1 motif")
message("Looking for ", nmotifs, " motifs")
if (is.null(alph)) {
alph.arg <- switch(seqtype(target.sequences),
"DNA" = "-dna", "RNA" = "-rna", "AA" = "-protein",
stop("for custom alphabets, please pass an alphabet file",
" to 'alph'\n",
" (http://meme-suite.org/doc/alphabet-format.html)"))
} else alph.arg <- "-file"
if (is.null(names(target.sequences)))
names(target.sequences) <- as.character(seq_len(length(target.sequences)))
dataset <- paste0(wd, "/target.temp.fasta")
if (is.null(weights))
writeXStringSet(target.sequences, dataset)
else {
if (length(target.sequences != length(weights)))
stop("length of 'weights' must match length of 'target.sequences'")
weights <- paste(weights, collapse = " ")
weights <- paste(">WEIGHTS", weights, "\n")
cat(weights, file = dataset)
writeXStringSet(target.sequences, dataset, append = TRUE)
if (delete.ouput) to.delete <- c(dataset, output) else to.delete <- dataset
if (!is.null(control.sequences)) {
if (!is(target.sequences, class(control.sequences)))
stop(paste0("'target.sequences' has class ", class(target.sequences),
" whereas 'control.sequences' has class ",
bkg <- paste0(wd, "/control.temp.fasta")
writeXStringSet(control.sequences, bkg)
to.delete <- c(to.delete, bkg)
has.bkg <- TRUE
} else has.bkg <- FALSE
on.exit(unlink(to.delete, TRUE))
meme.args <- dataset
if (overwrite.dir) output.arg <- "-oc" else output.arg <- "-o"
meme.args <- c(meme.args, output.arg, output)
if (alph.arg != "-file") meme.args <- c(meme.args, alph.arg)
else meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-alph", alph)
if (has.bkg) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-neg", bkg)
if (is.null(control.sequences)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-shuf", shuf)
meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-objfun", objfun)
if (text) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-text")
if (use_llr) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-use_llr")
if (norand) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-norand")
if (revcomp) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-revcomp")
if (pal) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-pal")
if (nomatrim) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-nomatrim")
if (noendgaps) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-noendgaps")
if (!is.null(mod)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-mod", mod)
if (!is.null(minw)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-minw", minw)
if (!is.null(maxw)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-maxw", maxw)
if (!is.null(wg)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-wg", wg)
if (!is.null(ws)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-ws", ws)
if (!is.null(markov_order)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-markov_order", markov_order)
if (!is.null(maxiter)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-maxiter", maxiter)
if (!is.null(distance)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-distance", distance)
if (!is.null(brief)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-brief", brief)
if (!is.null(shuf)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-shuf", shuf)
if (!is.null(csites)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-csites", csites)
if (!is.null(nmotifs)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-nmotifs", nmotifs)
if (!is.null(seed)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-seed", seed)
if (!is.null(test)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-test", test)
if (!is.null(hsfrac)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-hsfrac", hsfrac)
if (!is.null(cefrac)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-cefrac", cefrac)
if (!is.null(searchsize)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-searchsize", searchsize)
if (!is.null(evt)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-evt", evt)
if (!is.null(nsites)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-nsites", nsites)
if (!is.null(minsites)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-minsites", minsites)
if (!is.null(wnsites)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-wnsites", wnsites)
if (!is.null(w)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-w", w)
if (!is.null(allw)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-allw", allw)
if (!is.null(bfile)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-bfile", bfile)
if (!is.null(psp)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-psp", psp)
if (!is.null(prior)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-prior", prior)
if (!is.null(b)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-b", b)
if (!is.null(plib)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-plib", plib)
if (!is.null(spfuzz)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-spfuzz", spfuzz)
if (!is.null(spmap)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-spmap", spmap)
if (!is.null(cons)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-cons", cons)
if (!is.null(p)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-p", p)
if (!is.null(maxsize)) meme.args <- c(meme.args, "-maxsize", maxsize)
if (v>0) message(paste0("\n *** Starting MEME ***\n\n", pdate()))
t.start <- Sys.time()
run.res <- processx_fun(
processx::run(bin, meme.args, error_on_status = FALSE,
wd = wd, timeout = timeout, echo_cmd = v > 0, echo = echo,
stderr_line_callback = if (echo||v==0) NULL else meme_cb)
t.stop <- Sys.time()
if (!is.null(logfile)) cat(run.res$stderr, file = logfile)
if (run.res$timeout) stop("MEME process timed out")
if (run.res$status != 0) {
if (!is.null(logfile)) {
logs <- readLines(con <- file(logfile)); close(con)
stop("MEME had a non-zero exit, dumping last line of logfile:\n ",
} else
stop("MEME had a non-zero exit, dumping stderr\n", run.res$stderr)
motifs <- read_meme(paste0(output, "/meme.txt"), readsites = readsites)
t.diff <- format(difftime(t.stop, t.start))
if (v>0) message(paste(pdate(), "\n\n *** Run over ***\n\nTotal runtime:", t.diff))
pdate <- function() paste("[", date(), "]")
meme_cb <- function(line, proc) {
if (grepl("motif=", line)) {
motif.num <- strsplit(line, "=")[[1]][2]
message("Generating motif ", motif.num)
processx_fun <- function(FUN, env = parent.frame()) {
if (requireNamespace("processx", quietly = TRUE)) {
eval(substitute(FUN), envir = env)
} else {
stop(wmsg("The 'processx' package must be installed to use run_meme(). ",
"[install.packages(\"processx\")]"), call. = FALSE)
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