#' Look for overrepresented motif position peaks in a set of sequences.
#' Using the motif position data from [scan_sequences()] (or elsewhere),
#' test whether certain positions in the sequences have significantly higher
#' motif density.
#' @param hits `numeric` A vector of sequence positions indicating motif sites.
#' @param seq.length `numeric(1)` Length of sequences. Only one number is
#' allowed, as all sequences must be of identical length. If missing,
#' then the largest number from `hits` is used.
#' @param seq.count `numeric(1)` Number of sequences with motif sites. If
#' missing, then the number of unique values in `hits` is used.
#' @param bandwidth `numeric(1)` Peak smoothing parameter. Smaller numbers
#' will result in skinnier peaks, larger numbers will result in wider
#' peaks. Leaving this empty will cause [motif_peaks()] to generate one
#' by itself (see 'details').
#' @param max.p `numeric(1)` Maximum P-value allowed for finding significant
#' motif site peaks.
#' @param peak.width `numeric(1)` Minimum peak width. A peak is defined as
#' as the highest point within the value set by `peak.width`.
#' @param nrand `numeric(1)` Number of random permutations for generating a
#' null distribution. In order to calculate P-values, a set of random
#' motif site positions are generated `nrand` times.
#' @param plot `logical(1)` Will create a `ggplot2` object displaying motif
#' peaks.
#' @param BP `logical(1)` Allows for the use of \pkg{BiocParallel} within
#' [motif_peaks()]. See [BiocParallel::register()] to change the
#' default backend. Setting `BP = TRUE` is only recommended for
#' exceptionally large jobs. Keep in mind that this function will not
#' attempt to limit its memory usage.
#' @details
#' Kernel smoothing is used to calculate motif position density. The
#' implementation for this process is based on code from the
#' \pkg{KernSmooth} R package (Wand 2015). These
#' density estimates are used to
#' determine peak locations and heights. To calculate the P-values of
#' these peaks, a null distribution is calculated from peak heights of
#' randomly generated motif positions.
#' If the `bandwidth` option is not supplied, then the following code is used
#' (from \pkg{KernSmooth}):
#' `del0 <- (1 / (4 * pi))^(1 / 10)`
#' `bandwidth <- del0 * (243 / (35 * length(hits)))^(1 / 5) * sqrt(var(hits))`
#' @return A `DataFrame` with peak positions and P-values. If `plot = TRUE`,
#' then a list is returned with the `DataFrame` as the first item and
#' the `ggplot2` object as the second item.
#' @references
#' Wand M (2015). *KernSmooth: Functions for Kernel Smoothing
#' Supporting Wand and Jones (1995)*. R package version 2.23-15,
#' <URL: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=KernSmooth>.
#' @examples
#' data(ArabidopsisMotif)
#' data(ArabidopsisPromoters)
#' if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
#' hits <- scan_sequences(ArabidopsisMotif, ArabidopsisPromoters, RC = FALSE)
#' res <- motif_peaks(as.vector(hits$start), 1000, 50)
#' # View plot:
#' res$Plot
#' # The raw plot data can be found in:
#' res$Plot$data
#' }
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{benjamin.tremblay@@uwaterloo.ca}
#' @seealso [scan_sequences()]
#' @export
motif_peaks <- function(hits, seq.length, seq.count, bandwidth, max.p = 1e-6,
peak.width = 3, nrand = 100, plot = TRUE, BP = FALSE) {
# TODO: vignette section + stop peaks from showing up in flat sections
# Plans:
# - Compare peak locations to a set of bkg peaks
# - Look for peak co-occurence between multiple motifs
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
num_check <- check_fun_params(list(hits = args$hits,
seq.length = args$seq.length,
seq.count = args$seq.count,
bandwidth = args$bandwidth,
max.p = args$max.p,
peak.width = args$peak.width,
nrand = args$nrand),
c(0, rep(1, 6)),
logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(plot = args$plot, BP = args$BP),
numeric(), logical(), TYPE_LOGI)
all_checks <- c(num_check, logi_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
if (missing(seq.length)) seq.length <- max(hits)
if (missing(seq.count)) seq.count <- length(unique(hits))
if (missing(bandwidth)) {
del0 <- (1 / (4 * pi))^(1 / 10)
bandwidth <- del0 * (243 / (35 * length(hits)))^(1 / 5) * sqrt(var(hits))
hit.count.perseq <- length(hits) / seq.count
rand.hits <- lapply(seq_len(nrand),
function(x) sample.int(seq.length, length(hits),
replace = TRUE))
# this is the slowest step
rand.kern <- lapply_(rand.hits, function(x) kern_fun(x, bandwidth, seq.length,
# second slowest
rand.peaks <- lapply_(rand.kern, function(x) x$y[peakfinder_cpp(x$y, peak.width)],
rand.peaks <- do.call(c, rand.peaks)
data.kern <- kern_fun(hits, bandwidth, seq.length, seq.length)
data.loc <- peakfinder_cpp(data.kern$y, peak.width)
data.peaks <- data.kern$y[data.loc]
pv <- fitdistr(rand.peaks, "normal")
peak.pvals <- pnorm(data.peaks, pv$estimate["mean"], pv$estimate["sd"],
lower.tail = FALSE)
if (plot) {
pval.lim <- qnorm(max.p, pv$estimate["mean"], pv$estimate["sd"],
lower.tail = FALSE)
kern.df <- data.frame(x = data.kern$x, y = data.kern$y)
p <- ggplot(kern.df, aes(.data$x, .data$y)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = data.frame(x = data.kern$x[data.loc],
y = data.kern$y[data.loc]),
colour = "red") +
xlab("Sequence location") +
ylab("Kernel density") +
geom_hline(yintercept = pval.lim, colour = "blue") +
geom_text(data = data.frame(x = 0, y = pval.lim), aes(.data$x, .data$y),
hjust = 0, vjust = -1,
label = paste("Cutoff for P-value =<", max.p)) +
out <- DataFrame(Peak = data.kern$x[data.loc], Pval = peak.pvals)
out <- out[order(out$Pval), ]
out <- out[out$Pval <= max.p, ]
if (nrow(out) == 0) {
message("No significant peaks found.")
if (plot) return(p) else return(invisible(NULL))
rownames(out) <- NULL
if (plot) return(list(Peaks = out, Plot = p)) else return(out)
kern_fun <- function(x, bandwidth, gridsize, range.x) {
# modified from KernSmooth::bkde
n <- length(x)
M <- gridsize
tau <- 4
h <- bandwidth
a <- 1
b <- range.x
gpoints <- seq(a, b, length = M)
gcounts <- linbin_cpp(x, gpoints)
delta <- (b - a) / (h * (M - 1L))
L <- min(floor(tau / delta), M)
lvec <- seq(0L, L, 1)
kappa <- dnorm(lvec * delta) / (n * h)
P <- 2^(ceiling(log(M + L + 1L) / log(2)))
kappa <- c(kappa, rep(0, P - 2L * L - 1L), rev(kappa[-1L]))
tot <- sum(kappa) * (b - a) / (M - 1L) * n
gcounts <- c(gcounts, rep(0, P - M))
kappa <- fft(kappa / tot)
gcounts <- fft(gcounts)
list(x = gpoints, y = (Re(fft(kappa * gcounts, TRUE)) / P)[seq_len(M)])
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