## This is for constracting original MSEA.XXX.pb.db packages by end-users
#' Making MSEADb packages from corresponding table as single data frame.
#' \code{makeMSEAPackage} is a method that generates a package that will
#' load an appropriate \code{MSEADb} object that will in turn point to existing
#' annotation packages.
#' The purpose of this method is to create a special package that will depend
#' on existing annotation packages and which will load a special \code{MSEADb}
#' object that will allow proper dispatch of special select methods. These
#' methods will allow the user to easily query across multiple annotation
#' resources via information contained by the \code{MSEADb} object. Because the
#' end result will be a package that treats all the data mapped together as a
#' single source, the user is encouraged to take extra care to ensure that the
#' different packages used are from the same build etc.
#' @param pkgname What is the desired package name.
#' @param data Data frame contains PathBankID, PathwayName, PathwaySubject,
#' MetaboliteID, MetaboliteName, HMDBID, KEGGID, ChEBIID, DrugBankID, CAS,
#' Formula, IUPAC, SMILES, InChI, and InChIKey
#' @param metadata Data frame contains metadata of the package
#' @param organism The name of the organism this package represents
#' @param version What is the version number for this package?
#' @param maintainer Who is the package maintainer? (must include email to be
#' valid)
#' @param author Who is the creator of this package?
#' @param destDir A path where the package source should be assembled.
#' @param license What is the license (and it's version)
#' @return A special package to load an MSEADb object.
#' @author Kozo Nishida
#' @examples
#' ## makeMSEAPackage enable users to construct
#' ## user's own custom MSEA annotation package
#' ## this is test data which means the relationship between
#' ## PathBank pathway IDs of Arabidopsis thaliana
#' ## and its compound DB IDs (e.g., HMDB, CAS, etc...).
#' tmp <- tempdir()
#' ath <- system.file("extdata","MSEA.Ath.pb.db_DATA.csv",package="MSEADbi")
#' meta <- system.file("extdata","MSEA.Ath.pb.db_METADATA.csv",
#' package="MSEADbi")
#' athDf <- read.csv(ath, fileEncoding="utf8")
#' metaDf <- read.csv(meta)
#' # We need to avoid DOT from the column names (to query with the names)
#' names(athDf) <- gsub("\\.", "", names(athDf))
#' names(metaDf) <- gsub("\\.", "", names(metaDf))
#' makeMSEAPackage(pkgname = "MSEA.Ath.pb.db", data=athDf, metadata=metaDf,
#' organism = "Arabidopsis thaliana", version = "0.99.0",
#' maintainer = "Kozo Nishida <kozo.nishida@gmail.com>",
#' author = "Kozo Nishida",
#' destDir = tmp, license = "Artistic-2.0")
#' mseaPackageDir = paste(tmp, "MSEA.Ath.pb.db", sep="/")
#' install.packages(mseaPackageDir, repos=NULL, type="source")
#' @export makeMSEAPackage
makeMSEAPackage <- function(pkgname, data, metadata, organism, version,
maintainer, author, destDir, license="Artistic-2.0"){
template_path <- system.file("MSEAPkg-template", package="MSEADbi")
symvals <- list(
PKGTITLE=paste("An annotation package for the MSEADb object"),
PKGDESCRIPTION=paste("Contains the MSEADb object",
"to access data from several related annotation packages."),
ORGANISMBIOCVIEW=gsub(" ","_",organism),
.isSingleString <- function (x){
is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x)
if (any(duplicated(names(symvals))))
stop("'symvals' contains duplicated symbols")
is_OK <- vapply(symvals, .isSingleString, TRUE)
if (!all(is_OK)) {
bad_syms <- paste(names(is_OK)[!is_OK], collapse="', '")
stop("values for symbols '", bad_syms, "' are not single strings")
createPackage(pkgname = pkgname,
destinationDir = destDir,
originDir = template_path,
symbolValues = symvals,
unlink = TRUE
template_sqlite <- paste0(system.file("DBschemas", package = "MSEADbi"),
dir.create(paste0(destDir, "/", pkgname, "/inst/extdata"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dest_sqlitepath <- paste0(destDir, "/", pkgname, "/inst/extdata/")
file.copy(from = template_sqlite, to = dest_sqlitepath,
old_dest_sqlite <- paste0(dest_sqlitepath, "MSEA.XXX.pb.db.sqlite")
new_dest_sqlite <- paste0(dest_sqlitepath, pkgname, ".sqlite")
file.rename(from = old_dest_sqlite, to = new_dest_sqlite)
conn <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = new_dest_sqlite)
dbWriteTable(conn, name="METADATA", value=metadata, overwrite=TRUE)
dbWriteTable(conn, name="DATA", value=data, overwrite=TRUE)
.validateColNames1 <- function(data){
if(ncol(data) != 15){
stop("Data should has 15 columns!")
if(colnames(data)[1] != "PathBankID"){
stop("Please specify the name of 1st column as 'PathBank ID'")
if(colnames(data)[2] != "PathwayName"){
stop("Please specify the name of 1st column as 'Pathway Name'")
if(colnames(data)[3] != "PathwaySubject"){
stop("Please specify the name of 1st column as 'Pathway Subject'")
if(colnames(data)[4] != "MetaboliteID"){
stop("Please specify the name of 1st column as 'Metabolite ID'")
.validateColNames2 <- function(metadata){
if(ncol(metadata) != 2){
stop("Meta data should has 2 columns!")
if(colnames(metadata)[1] != "NAME"){
stop("Please specify the name of 1st column as 'NAME'")
if(colnames(metadata)[2] != "VALUE"){
stop("Please specify the name of 2nd column as 'VALUE'")
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