#' CrossSCC: An Single-Cell Clustering analysis framework Crossing batches of data
#' @docType package
#' @name CrossSCC
#' @import data.tree R.utils visNetwork data.table
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom methods is new
#' @importFrom stats dnorm pnorm setNames
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom R.oo isVisible
#' @importFrom crayon green bold
#' @importFrom org.Hs.eg.db org.Hs.eg.db
#' CrossSCC
#' @param m a matrix of single cell expression values.
#' @param ncores number of CPU cores used.
#' @param verbose verbose level. By default, CrossSCC will output all logs as well as progress bars.
#' @param show.progress.bar Set to FALSE if you don't want to see progress bar.
#' @param log.file a test/debug use option. Messages will be directed to this new text file instead of stderr().
#' Note that verbose threshold will be set to -1 with this parameter.
#' @param markers a dataframe contains marker information. Try examples for details.
#' @return a data.tree object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' markers <- fread(system.file("extdata", "markers.csv", package = "CrossSCC"))
#' data(immu)
#' handsome.zuo <- CrossSCC(immu, markers, ncores = 16)
CrossSCC <- function(m, markers, ncores = 16,
verbose = R.utils::Verbose(threshold = -1, timestamp = TRUE), show.progress.bar = TRUE,
log.file = NULL) {
message('Note: if you met error message as:
"Error in serialize(data, node$con) : error writing to connection"
Please restart R session and try again.
It may caused by interrupt during previous running since CrossSCC processes data concurrently by default.')
# Progress bar should be turned off if verbose is set to FALSE
if (!verbose) {
show.progress.bar <- FALSE
# If logs is directed to a file, prgress bar should be closed
if (!is.null(log.file)) {
verbose <- R.utils::Verbose(con = file(log.file, open = 'a+'), threshold = -1, timestamp = TRUE, removeFile = FALSE)
show.progress.bar <- FALSE
verbose && newline(verbose)
verbose && ruler(verbose, char = emojifont::emoji("dash"), length = 40)
verbose && newline(verbose)
verbose && header(verbose, 'Starting tree splitting',
char = emojifont::emoji("sunflower"))
assigned <- rate_sample(m, ncores = ncores)
is.root <- TRUE
for (type in colnames(markers)) {
assigned.T <- assigned[markers$type]
assigned.T <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), assigned.T)
snowfall::sfRemoveAll(except = 'm')
assigned.T <- pbapply::pblapply(colnames(m),
function(x) vapply(assigned.T,
function(z) vapply(z,
function(y) x %in% y,
logical(2)), cl = cl)
names(assigned.T) <- colnames(m)
ownership <- vapply(assigned.T, function(x) names(which.max(apply(x, 1, sum))), character(1))
if (is.root) {
result <- Node$new('All', sampleNames = colnames(m))
is.root <- FALSE
result$AddChild(type, sampleNames = colnames(m)[which(ownership == "comp.expressed")])
no.type <- paste0('non', type)
result$AddChild(no.type, sampleNames = colnames(m)[which(ownership == "comp.no")])
m <- m[, colnames(m)[which(ownership == "comp.no")]]
} else {
pointer <- Traverse(result, filterFun = function(x) x$name == no.type)[[1]]
pointer$AddChild(type, sampleNames = colnames(m)[which(ownership == "comp.expressed")])
no.type <- paste0('non', type)
result$AddChild(no.type, sampleNames = colnames(m)[which(ownership == "comp.no")])
m <- m[, colnames(m)[which(ownership == "comp.no")]]
verbose && newline(verbose)
verbose && header(verbose, 'CrossSCC finished!
Try with another member in "Cross" family:
CrossICC: An Interactive Consensus Clustering framework for Cross-platform data analysis
See https://bioconductor.org/packages/CrossICC',
char = emojifont::emoji("sunflower"))
# Prune only returns removed tree number
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/39926819
# To avoid using <<-, I use function parameter instead of "global variables"
render_tree <- function(m, ncores,
nnode = 1, decision.node = NULL, pending.node = 0,
result, verbose = FALSE, show.progress.bar = TRUE) {
# To return with sample names instead of indices
names(rated.feature) <- rownames(m)
rated.feature <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), rated.feature)
if (!length(rated.feature)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, 'Trying split decision node: ', emphasize(decision.node),
', working on its child (decision/terminal) node: ', emphasize('#'), emphasize(nnode), indent = 0)
verbose && enter(verbose, '\tCannot find proper representative feature', indent = 0)
good.feature <- Filter(function(x) x[['type']] == 'good', rated.feature)
if (length(good.feature)) {
scores <- vapply(good.feature, function(x) x[['score']], 2333.2333)
best.name <- names(which.max(scores))
best.feature <- good.feature[[best.name]]
# First node is root
if (is.null(decision.node)) {
if (is.null(min.group.size)) {
min.group.size <- min.group.ratio * NCOL(m)
verbose && enter(verbose, emphasize(best.name), ' was chosen as root node', indent = 0)
# Initialize whole tree here
result <- Node$new(best.name, sampleNames = list(best.feature[['comp.1']], best.feature[['comp.2']]))
if (length(best.feature[['comp.1']]) > min.group.size & length(best.feature[['comp.2']]) > min.group.size) {
rank_feature(m[, best.feature[['comp.1']]], ncores = ncores,
decision.node = best.name, nnode = 1, result = result$root,
mean.posterior.cutoff = mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff = ovl.cutoff,
mean.posterior.weight= mean.posterior.weight, min.group.ratio = min.group.ratio,
ovl.weight = ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff = lambda.cutoff, min.group.size = min.group.size,
verbose = verbose, show.progress.bar = show.progress.bar)
rank_feature(m[, best.feature[['comp.2']]], ncores = ncores,
decision.node = best.name, nnode = 2, result = result$root,
mean.posterior.cutoff = mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff = ovl.cutoff,
mean.posterior.weight= mean.posterior.weight, min.group.ratio = min.group.ratio,
ovl.weight = ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff = lambda.cutoff, min.group.size = min.group.size,
verbose = verbose, show.progress.bar = show.progress.bar)
} else {
verbose && enter(verbose, 'Trying split decision node: ', emphasize(decision.node),
', working on its child (decision/terminal) node: ', emphasize('#'), emphasize(nnode), indent = 0)
verbose && enter(verbose, '\tDetermined as ', emphasize('decision node'), '. ',
emphasize(best.name), ' was chosen as representative feature', indent = 0)
# Should use Traverse() here for FindNode() can only return the 1st node who matches
# CAN NOT use Do() for all nodes kept after filtering will be performed same operation
pointer <- Traverse(result$root, traversal = "post-order",
filterFun = function(x) x$name == decision.node & length(x$children) < 2)[[1]]
sampleNames = list(best.feature[['comp.1']],
if (length(best.feature[['comp.1']]) > min.group.size & length(best.feature[['comp.2']]) > min.group.size) {
pending.node <- pending.node + 1
# Must use Traverse() here, for result is a reference
rank_feature(m[, best.feature[['comp.1']]], ncores = ncores,
decision.node = best.name, nnode = 1,
# Traverse() will return all matched nodes, we use the 1st one in according to "post-order"
# post-order means from bottom to up, but we still need "right-to-left" by rev()
result = result,
mean.posterior.cutoff = mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff = ovl.cutoff,
mean.posterior.weight= mean.posterior.weight, min.group.ratio = min.group.ratio,
ovl.weight = ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff = lambda.cutoff, min.group.size = min.group.size,
verbose = verbose, show.progress.bar = show.progress.bar)
pending.node <- pending.node - 1
pending.node <- pending.node + 1
rank_feature(m[, best.feature[['comp.2']]], ncores = ncores,
decision.node = best.name, nnode = 2,
result = result,
mean.posterior.cutoff = mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff = ovl.cutoff,
mean.posterior.weight= mean.posterior.weight, min.group.ratio = min.group.ratio,
ovl.weight = ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff = lambda.cutoff, verbose = verbose,
min.group.size = min.group.size,
show.progress.bar = show.progress.bar)
pending.node <- pending.node - 1
} else {
terminal.pointer <- Traverse(pointer, filterFun = function(x) x$name == best.name)[[1]]
function(i) terminal.pointer$AddChild(paste0(terminal.pointer$name, '\nsub-component ', i),
sampleNames = terminal.pointer$sampleNames[[i]]))
if (pending.node == 0) {
# Should NOT call Prune() here, for it may not the last decision node
} else {
# Those have no good features at beginning
if (is.null(decision.node)) {
stop('Got too few feature for clustering. Please provide a bigger matrix with more features!')
only.feature <- Filter(function(x) x[['type']] == 'only', rated.feature)
scores <- vapply(only.feature, function(x) x[['score']], 2333.2333)
representative.name <- names(which.max(scores))
verbose && enter(verbose, 'Trying split decision node: ', emphasize(decision.node),
', working on its child (decision/terminal) node: ', emphasize('#'), emphasize(nnode), indent = 0)
verbose && enter(verbose, '\tDetermined as ', emphasize('terminal node'), '. ',
emphasize(representative.name), ' was chosen as representative feature', indent = 0)
representative.feature <- only.feature[[representative.name]]
Traverse(result$root, traversal = "post-order",
filterFun = function(x) x$name == decision.node & length(x$children) < 2)[[1]]$AddChild(representative.name, sampleNames = colnames(m))
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