
BOBaFIT: Refitting diploid region profiles using a clustering procedure

This is the repository of the code used in R package "BOBaFIT", published in Bioconductor Release (3.18).

See BIOCONDUCTOR page for installation, documentation and details:

This package provides a method to refit and correct the diploid region in copy number profiles. It uses a clustering algorithm to identify pathology-specific normal (diploid) chromosomes and then use their copy number signal to refit the whole profile. The package is composed by three functions: DRrefit (the main function), ComputeNormalChromosome and PlotCluster.

Please cite:

Mazzocchetti, G., Poletti, A., Solli, V., Borsi, E., Martello, M., Vigliotta, I., ... & Terragna, C. (2022). BoBafit: A copy number clustering tool designed to refit and recalibrate the baseline region of tumors’ profiles. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 20, 3718-3728. DOI:

bioinformatic-seragnoli/BOBaFIT documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.