# This is the core script for generating synthetic datasets. This will call each function in turn to generate the metadata, and the bugs, and combine them into the appropriate pcl files.
################### Methods
funcCalibrateRLNormToMicrobiome = function(
### Given a TSV file
### Parameters for distribution generatio are given
### To be used in matrix generation
### Estimated parameters include
### SD excluding zeros
### Mus excluding zeros
### Percent zeros
### The beta for estimating the SD given the mu
### The beta for estimating the percent zero given the mu
### All Mus, SD, grand MU, and grand SD are ready for rlnorm (have been measured from a logged (rlnorm)
### File to be read in and used to calibrate constansts and relationships in the underlying data.
fVerbose = FALSE
### Flag to turn on logging and pdf creation
message( "start funcCalibrateRLNormToMicrobiome" )
# Read in file
message( "Reading file." )
dfData = read.table( sCalibrationFile )
row.names( dfData ) = dfData[[1]]
dfData = dfData[ -1, -1 ]
# Get read depth of the samples (From a tsv file, samples = rows)
ldReadDepths = rowSums( dfData )
#sapply( seq_len(nrow( dfData )), function( x ) sum( as.numeric( as.matrix( dfData )[ x, ] ) ) )
# Get the vector of Exps, Mus and SD ignoring 0s
# Logged will be used to make features, they can be directly used in the rlnorm function
# Not logged will be used to later be logged and estimate a grand mean and grand SD for the initial distribution,
# Given that every point in the larger vector is the mu of the feature vectors.
# Which could then be used by rlnorm to generate a each feature if needed.
# This is not needed here but the calculation of this value is useful. It is used as an initial value for synthetic creation
# of the initial vector of feature mus.
# Mean of the nonzero data
vdExp = vector(length=ncol(dfData))
# Mean of the logged nonzero data
vdMu = vector(length=ncol(dfData))
# Standard deviation of the logged nonzero data
vdLogSD = vector(length=ncol(dfData))
# Percent zeros in data
vdPercentZero = vector(length=ncol(dfData))
# Calculate parameters for each feature (column)
for( iIndex in seq_len(ncol( dfData )) ){
# Get the percent zero before removing zeros for other measurements
vdCur = as.numeric( as.vector( as.matrix( dfData[ iIndex ] ) ) )
vdPercentZero[iIndex] = mean( vdCur == 0 )
# Measure expectation of the feature with zeros
vdExp[iIndex] = mean( vdCur )
# Remove zeros from data
vdCur = vdCur[ which( vdCur != 0 ) ]
#### Note
#### rlnorm needs a mean and sd from a logged rlnorm distribution which would match this
#### without further manipulation. The "mean" in the formula is actually not the expectation
#### The expectation is e^mu+.5*sd^2 so this is always more than mu.
# Log nonzero data
vdLogCur = log( vdCur )
vdLogSD[iIndex] = sd( vdLogCur )
vdMu[iIndex] = funcGetMu( vdExp[iIndex], exp(sd( vdLogCur ) ) )
# Estimate the distribution parameters from the expectation vector
# Includes the relationship between the grand mu and grand sd
# The grand mu, grand expectation (logged) and the grand sd
lParams = funcGenerateExpVectorParameters( vdExp, TRUE )
##### Get relationship between logSD and log(Exp)
# Log to make a linear relationship
# This is both values logged as SD is based on vdLogCur
vdExpLog = log( vdExp )
lmod = lm( vdLogSD ~ vdExpLog )
dBetaSD = coef( lmod )[ "vdExpLog" ]
dInterceptSD = coef(lmod)[ "(Intercept)" ]
#### Percent Zero and Exp
### Estimated with a polynomial to the second degree
#dBeta2Zero = NA
dBetaZero = NA
dInterceptZero = NA
if( sum( vdPercentZero ) > 0 ){
# Fit with logisitic regression
# modified by bor
lmodGlm = glm( vdPercentZero ~ vdExpLog, family = binomial )
dInterceptZero = lmodGlm$coefficients[1]
dBetaZero = lmodGlm$coefficients[2]
if( fVerbose ){
# Indicate the relationships found
message("The following relationships were found.")
message("***Grand distribution***")
message(paste("Expectation of feature expectations vs SD of feature expectations:",lParams$GrandLogSDBeta))
message("***Feature distributions***")
message("Log Exp (with zeros) vs Log SD (without zeros):")
message(paste("Intercept=", dInterceptSD, ", Beta=", dBetaSD))
message("Log Exp (with zeros) vs Percent Zeros:")
message(paste("Intercept=", dInterceptZero, ", Beta=", dBetaZero, sep=""))
# Percent zero
if( !is.na( dBetaZero ) ){
#plot( vdExpLog, vdPercentZero, main = "Estimating Percent Zero no intercept" )
#points( x = vdExpLog, y = funcEstimatePercentZero( vdExpLog, dBetaZero, dBeta2Zero, 0 ), col = 'violet' )
message( "stop funcCalibrateRLNormToMicrobiome" )
return( list( exp = vdExp, mu = vdMu, sd = exp( vdLogSD ), percentZero = vdPercentZero,
dAverageReadDepth = mean( ldReadDepths ), iFeatureCount = ncol( dfData ) ) )
### When returning the grand Mu remember that you are returning the Mu that gives the expectation for the Mus
### given the rlnorm function so this is different than the mus measured in the logged distribution (rlnorm)
### exp: Not Logged expectation of distribution ( mean(x) )
### mu: The exponentiated logMu (calculated not measured)
### sd: The exponentiated logSD (based on the exp calculated without zeros)
### dSDBeta: Relationship between logSD and log(mean(x))
### percentZero: Percent of values which are zero
### dZeroBeta: Relationship between percent zero and log(mean(x))
### dGrandBeta: Relationship between the logSD and Exp
### dAverageReadDepth: The average read depth per samples
### iFeatureCount: The number of features measured
# 5 Tests 9/4/2013
funcEstimateFeatureSD = function(
### Estimate the SD given the Log Exp and parameters modeling the relationship between the Log Exp and the SD
### The measured mean of feature values
### The beta for the relationship between the mu and the SD
dInterceptSD = 0
return( dInterceptSD + ( vdExpLog * dBetaSD ) )
### Returns the LogSD for a feature
# 5 Tests 10/22/2013
funcEstimateGrandSD = function(
### Estimate the grand SD given the grand Mu and parameters modeling the relationship between the grand mu and grand sd
return(dExp * dBetaGrandSD)
### Returns the LogSD for the expecation vector
# 6 Tests 10/22/2013
# Change to logistic regression method
# modified by bor
funcEstimatePercentZero = function(
### Estimate the percent zero given the logged expectation and parameters modeling the relationship between the log Exp and the percent zero
### The measured mean of feature values
### The beta for the relationship between the logged exp and the percent zero (for degree 1)
# No need to use this as now using logisitic regression
# dBeta2Zero,
### The beta for the relationship between the logged exp and the percent zero (for degree 2)
### The intercept for the polynomial relationship, must have a value
dScale = 1
### A scale for the percent zero after being generated by the relationship with exp log.
vdScales = exp( dInterceptZero + ( vdExpLog * dBetaZero ) )/( 1 + exp( dInterceptZero + ( vdExpLog * dBetaZero ) ) ) * dScale
return( vdScales )
# 9 Test 10/22/2013
funcForceMinCountsInMinSamples = function(
### Force a feature to pass the requirement of having a certain minimal count in a minimal number of samples
### Vector of signal (integers).
iMinNumberCounts = 0,
### Minimum number of counts for a sample to pass the filter
iMinNumberSamples = 0
### Min number of samples to have the minimum number of counts
# No need to perform function if there is nothing to adjust
if( ( iMinNumberCounts + iMinNumberSamples ) == 0 ){ return( vdFeature ) }
# Check to make sure there are enough non-zeros to add signal to for the min number of samples
iNonZeroSamplesNeeded = min( 0, iMinNumberSamples - length( which( vdFeature == 0 ) ) )
if(iNonZeroSamplesNeeded > 0)
# If more samples are needed, add them back in as the mean
dSignalMean = round( mean( vdFeature[ which( vdFeature > 0 ) ] ) )
viUpdate = funcSample( which( vdFeature == 0 ), iNonZeroSamplesNeeded )
vdFeature[ viUpdate ] = dSignalMean
# Look to see how many measurements are above the min.
# If there are not enough counts more then the min number of counts
# then inflate the distribution up until there is enough counts.
iNeededExtraValues = iMinNumberSamples - length( which( vdFeature >= iMinNumberCounts ) )
# Probability for each sample to get a count is based on it's current percentage of samples (multinomial distribution)
vdProbabilities = vdFeature / sum( vdFeature )
# Add and remove counts to indices that are not zero
viAddIndices = which( vdFeature > 0 )
# While we need to add counts
while( iNeededExtraValues > 0 )
# Index to add to, if multiple possibilities, select using the current percentage counts.
iIndexAdd = viAddIndices
if( length( iIndexAdd ) > 1 )
iIndexAdd = funcSample( viAddIndices, 1, prob = vdProbabilities[ viAddIndices ] )
vdFeature[ iIndexAdd ] = vdFeature[ iIndexAdd ] + 1
iNeededExtraValues = iMinNumberSamples - length( which( vdFeature >= iMinNumberCounts ) )
return( vdFeature )
# 2 Tests 10/22/2013
funcGenerateExpVectorParameters = function(
### Get the point estimate for the relationship between the mu and sd
### These are the mus of each of the features from the calibration file.
### These are untransformed (not logged) and the expectation with zeros
### This will not be a sparse/zero-inflated distribution given that it is the expectation of
### each feature.
fVerbose = FALSE
### If pdfs should be made
message("Start funcGenerateExpVectorParameters")
#Point estimates of the distributions
#The exp you should get if you use these SD and Mu directly in the rlnorm
# Not logged
dExp = mean(vdExpectations)
#This gives the logSD value
dLogSD = sd(log(vdExpectations))
# Get the Mu that would generate the Exp given the SD
# Already logged (logMu)
dLogMu = log(funcGetMu(dExp, exp(dLogSD)))
# The relationship between the Exp and the LogSD
dGrandBeta = dLogSD / dExp
return(list(GrandLogMu=dLogMu, GrandExp=dExp, GrandLogSD=dLogSD, dReadDepth=sum(vdExpectations), GrandLogSDBeta=dGrandBeta))
### GrandMu: The logMus of the distributions
### GrandExp: The expectation of the distributions mean(x)
### GrandSD: The logSDs of the distributions
### dReadDepth: The total average read depth of the samples
### GrandSDBeta: The relationship between the logSD and the Exp
# 31 Tests 9/4/2013
funcGenerateFeatureParameters = function(
### Generate the feature mu paramater vector and associated SD parameter, expectation, and percent zeros if needed
# If a mu parameter vector is given of the size of the int_number_samples then pass through
# Otherwise sample to that size with replacement.
### Number of features
### Number of samples
### Minimum number of samples not zero
### Simulated read depth
vdExp = NA,
### Vector of expectation for the features (should add up to read depth)
vdMu = NA,
### Vector of Mu parameters for the original expectation distribution (means of features) if not supplied, one will be generated by rlnorm
vdSD = NA,
### The vector of SD parameters matching the vdMus.
vdPercentZero = NA,
### The vector of percent zeros matching the vdMus
lSDRel = NA,
### If vdSD is not given, SD will be generated by a relationship with Exp parameters using the parameters given here
lPercentZeroRel = NA,
### If vdPercentZero is not given, vdPercentZero will be generated by a relationship with Exp using the parameters given here
dBetaGrandSD = c_d$BetaGrandSD,
### The beta for the relationship between the mu of mus (of feature distributions) and the SD of mus (of feature distributions)
fVerbose = FALSE
### Controls the plotting of graphic pdf logging (Default FALSE, TRUE indicates logging occurs)
message("start funcGenerateFeatureParameters")
message("funcGenerateFeatureParameters: Generating vdExp Vector.")
# Draw a vector of expectations
# This will be the template distribution all bugs within a sample will be based on.
# This allows to have structure within the data set of bugs more or less prevalent with a level of consistency
# The mean of the distribution of bugs is derived from the max number of bug counts for a sample, making the
# total number of bugs per sample the same within a small random margin
lsParams = NULL
message("The Grand SD is frozen")
lsParams = list(dBestExp=iReadDepth/int_number_features, dBestSD=1, dBestMu=iReadDepth/int_number_features, dBestDepth=iReadDepth, dTargetDepth=iReadDepth)
} else {
lsParams = funcGetParamsForReadDepth(dReadDepthPerFeature=iReadDepth/int_number_features, dBeta=dBetaGrandSD)
# Remember this is a vector of expectation not of log mu parameters.
message( paste( "LogMu", lsParams$dLogMu, "LogSD", lsParams$dLogSD, "Threshold",(c_i$TimesSDIsOutlier*exp(lsParams$dLogSD))+exp(lsParams$dLogMu)))
vdExp = funcTruncatedRLNorm( iNumberMeasurements=int_number_features,
viThreshold=( c_i$TimesSDIsOutlier*exp( lsParams$dLogSD ) ) + exp( lsParams$dLogMu ) )
### Update the distribution to the sum (read depth) requested.
### Depending on how many features are requested this is more or less needed
### This is not needed at the limit with many features.
vdExp = funcUpdateDistributionToSum( vdExp, iReadDepth )
# Mus, SD, and percent zero depend on expectations. Since new expectations have been created these are reset to NA so they will be regenerated.
vdMu = NA
vdSD = NA
vdPercentZero = NA
# Make sure there are no zeros in the expectation vector
vdExp[ which( vdExp == 0 ) ] = c_d$ALittleMoreThanZero
# Modified by bor
# Generate vector of SD based on mu since it is not known
message("funcGenerateFeatureParameters: Generating vdSD Vector.")
vdSD = exp(funcEstimateFeatureSD(log(vdExp), lSDRel$BetaSD, lSDRel$InterceptSD))
# If there is only 1 feature then the feature can not vary because its expectation would
# Also be the read depth that needs to be preserved. Given there is only 1 feature no other
# Features will be available to compensate for fluctations.
if(length(vdExp)==1){vdSD = 0}
# Floor to close to 1 because less can not be logged
viInvalid = which( vdSD < 1 )
if( length( viInvalid ) > 0 )
message( paste( "funcGenerateFeatureParameters: Changing low SDs to a little more than 0. # occurences = ", length( viInvalid ) ) )
vdSD[ viInvalid ] = 1+c_d$ALittleMoreThanZero
vdVisExp = vdExp
vdVisExp[which(vdVisExp==0)] = c_d$ALittleMoreThanZero
vdVisSD = vdSD
vdVisSD[which(vdVisSD==0)] = c_d$ALittleMoreThanZero
# modified by bor
message("funcGenerateFeatureParameters: Generating vdMu Vector.")
# We know the vdExp for each sample
# We know the SD for each sample
vdMu = sapply(seq_along(vdExp), function(x) funcGetMu(vdExp[x],vdSD[x]))
# modified by bor
# Generate vector of percent zero based on exp since it is not known
message("funcGenerateFeatureParameters: Generating vdPercentZero Vector.")
vdPercentZero = funcEstimatePercentZero( log(vdExp), lPercentZeroRel$BetaZero, lPercentZeroRel$InterceptZero, lPercentZeroRel$Scale )
viLessThanZero = which(vdPercentZero < 0)
message(paste("funcGenerateFeatureParameters: Changing negative Percent Zeros to 0. # occurences = ",length(viLessThanZero)))
vdPercentZero[vdPercentZero < 0] = 0
message("stop funcGenerateFeatureParameters")
# QC and contraints for percent zero
# Make sure the percent zero passes the max
# If there are not enough nonzeros, there is no signal to use.
# This should be the max. Given there is a certain number of samples that have to have signal
# The percentage of zeros must allow for those samples not to be zero and so restricts
# the max the percent zero can be.
dMaxPercent = 1 - ( iMinNumberSamples / int_number_samples )
vdPercentZero[ which( vdPercentZero > dMaxPercent ) ] = dMaxPercent
return( list( exp = vdExp, mu = vdMu, sd = vdSD, PercentZero = vdPercentZero ) )
### exp Vector of expectations (the expectation vector)
### mu Vector of mu (not logMu) associated with the vdExp (by index)
### sd Vector of sd (not logSD) associated with the vdExp (by index)
### PercentZero Vector of percent zeros (0-1) associated with the vdExp (by index)
func_generate_metadata = function(
### Number of samples
### The minimum percent of samples a level can have
return(list(mat_metadata=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0), mtrxParameters=NA))
# Preallocate matrix
mat_metadata = matrix(data=NA,nrow=(int_base_metadata_number*c_i$CountTypesOfMetadata),ncol=int_number_samples)
# Used to report on metadata
mtrxParameters = vector(length=1e4)
mtrxParameters[[1]] = c_str$MetadataDetails
imP = 2
# Continous metadata, mean = 0 for all
# Generating and padding the list of potential mean values
li_mean_value_list = as.list(rep(0, int_base_metadata_number*2))
# li_mean_value_list = list(runif(1, c_d$RunifMin, c_d$RunifMax),1,100)
# if(length(li_mean_value_list) < (int_base_metadata_number*2))
# {
# for (k in (length(li_mean_value_list)+1):(int_base_metadata_number*2))
# {
# li_mean_value_list = c(li_mean_value_list,runif(1, c_d$RunifMin, c_d$RunifMax))
# }
# } else {
# li_mean_value_list = li_mean_value_list[1:(int_base_metadata_number*2)]
# }
# # generating the continuous metadata
# # Should be random normal (is not bugs)
for ( i in seq_along(li_mean_value_list) )
mat_metadata[i,] = rnorm(int_number_samples,mean=li_mean_value_list[[i]],sd=1)
mtrxParameters[[imP]] = paste(c_str$Metadata, i, " ", c_str$Continuous, sep ="")
imP = imP + 1
# generating the binary variables
# Set up what the distributions for the different binary metadata will be
prob_values_tmp = c( 0.5, runif( int_base_metadata_number-1, c_d$MinBinary, c_d$MaxBinary ) )
li_probability_values_list = lapply( prob_values_tmp, function(x) c(x,1-x) )
# if(length(li_probability_values_list)+1 < int_base_metadata_number)
# {
# for (k in (length(li_probability_values_list)+1):int_base_metadata_number)
# {
# probability = runif(1, c_d$MinBinary, c_d$MaxBinary)
# li_probability_values_list = c(li_probability_values_list,list(c(probability, 1-probability)))
# }
# } else {
# li_probability_values_list = li_probability_values_list[1: int_base_metadata_number]
# }
# Check to make sure minimal number of occurences is possible given the number of levels
# for example, if the min percentage of occurences was originally 60%, it would not be possible to have 60% of samples
# in both binary grouping, the max in this case would be 50%, the max for quarternery would be 25%
# In this case the min value will be set to the max number of samples in a level in an even distribution * the percentage
# So an original 60% samples for a binary case would be ceiling(60%*(#samples/2)*#samples) and a quarternery case
# would be ceiling(60%*(#samples/4)*#samples)
iMinLevelBinaryCount = ceiling(int_number_samples*dMinLevelPercent)
iMinLevelQuarterneryCount = iMinLevelBinaryCount
iMinLevelQuarterneryCount = ceiling(dMinLevelPercent*(int_number_samples/4)*int_number_samples)
iMinLevelBinaryCount = ceiling(dMinLevelPercent*(int_number_samples/2)*int_number_samples)
# Draw from the binary values in binary_names given the previously generated binary distributions
binary_names = c(1,2)
for(i in seq_along(li_probability_values_list))
vsCurMetadata = funcSample( binary_names, size=int_number_samples, prob=li_probability_values_list[[i]], replace = TRUE)
fMetadataFailed = !funcIsFactorMetadataValid(vsCurMetadata, iMinLevelBinaryCount)
iBinaryMetadataLoop = 1
vsCurMetadata = funcSample( binary_names, size=int_number_samples, prob=li_probability_values_list[[i]], replace = TRUE)
fMetadataFailed = !funcIsFactorMetadataValid(vsCurMetadata, iMinLevelBinaryCount)
iBinaryMetadataLoop = iBinaryMetadataLoop + 1
if(iBinaryMetadataLoop > c_i$LoopingControlIncrement)
fMetadataFailed = FALSE
message(paste("Suboptional metadata was created, did not pass quality control, is too imbalanced. Minimum level is preferred to be ", iMinLevelBinaryCount,"."))
mat_metadata[i+int_base_metadata_number*2,] = vsCurMetadata
mtrxParameters[[imP]] = paste(c_str$Metadata, i+int_base_metadata_number*2, " ", c_str$Factor, " ", paste(levels(as.factor(mat_metadata[i+int_base_metadata_number*2,])), collapse = " "), sep="")
imP = imP + 1
# # generating the quarternary metadata with simple distributions and at least one uniform
# # names of the feature choices
li_list_of_distributions = lapply( 1:int_base_metadata_number, function(x) as.vector( rdirichlet(1, alpha=c(1,1,1,1)) ) )
# if(length(li_list_of_distributions) < int_base_metadata_number)
# {
# for (k in (length(li_list_of_distributions)+1):int_base_metadata_number)
# {
# li_list_of_distributions = c(li_list_of_distributions, list(c(.25,.25,.25,.25)))
# }
# } else {
# li_list_of_distributions = li_list_of_distributions[1:int_base_metadata_number]
# }
# # handpicked n-nomial distributions (metadata values)
quarternary_names = c(1,2,3,4)
for (i in seq_along(li_list_of_distributions))
vsCurMetadata = funcSample( quarternary_names, size=int_number_samples, prob=li_list_of_distributions[[i]], replace = TRUE)
fMetadataFailed = !funcIsFactorMetadataValid(vsCurMetadata, iMinLevelQuarterneryCount)
iBinaryMetadataLoop = 1
vsCurMetadata = funcSample( quarternary_names, size=int_number_samples, prob=li_list_of_distributions[[i]], replace = TRUE)
fMetadataFailed = !funcIsFactorMetadataValid(vsCurMetadata, iMinLevelQuarterneryCount)
iBinaryMetadataLoop = iBinaryMetadataLoop + 1
if(iBinaryMetadataLoop > c_i$LoopingControlIncrement)
fMetadataFailed = FALSE
#message(paste("Suboptional metadata was created, did not pass quality control, is too imbalanced. Minimum level is preferred to be ", iMinLevelQuarterneryCount,"."))
mat_metadata[i+3*int_base_metadata_number,] = vsCurMetadata
mtrxParameters[[imP]] = paste(c_str$Metadata, i+3*int_base_metadata_number, " ", c_str$Factor, " ", paste(levels(as.factor(mat_metadata[i+3*int_base_metadata_number,])), collapse = " "), sep="")
imP = imP + 1
length(mtrxParameters) = imP - 1
return(list(mat_metadata=mat_metadata, mtrxParameters=mtrxParameters))
### Modified by ehs
func_generate_random_lognormal_matrix = function(
### Number of features
### Number of samples,
### Minimum number of counts for a feature to be considered in a sample for the QC filtering
### Created bugs must have a minimum number of samples (iMinNumberSamples) that have a minimum number of counts (iMinNumberSamples)
### Simulated read depth for sample creation
vdExp = NA,
### The vector of expectations for each feature. If not provided one will be generated and vdMu, vdSD, and vdPercentZero will be reset
vdMu = NA,
### Vector of Mu parameters for the original exp distribution (means of features) if not supplied, one will be generated
vdPercentZero = NA,
### Vector of percent zero parameters for the original exp distribution (means of features) if not supplied, one will be generated
vdSD = NA,
### Vector of SD parameters for the original exp distribution (means of features) if not supplied, one will be generated
mdLogCorr = diag(int_number_features),
### The correlation matrix of the logged distribution; default is a identity matrix with dimension int_number_features
fZeroInflate = TRUE,
### Turns off Zero inflation if FALSE (default TRUE, zero inflation turned on)
lSDRel = NA,
### If vdSD is not given, SD will be generated by a relationship with Exp parameters using the parameters given here
lPercentZeroRel = NA,
### If vdPercentZero is not given, vdPercentZero will be generated by a relationship with Exp using the parameters given here
dBetaGrandSD = c_d$BetaGrandSD,
### The beta for the relationship between the mu of mus (of feature distributions) and the SD of mus (of feature distributions)
funcUpdateData = NA,
### Function to update the bug matrix before read depth shuffling. If not provided, will not occur.
fVerbose = FALSE
### Turns on logging (typically generates pdfs)
message(paste("func_generate_random_lognormal_matrix START"))
# Preallocating for speed
mat_bugs = matrix(data=NA,nrow=int_number_features,ncol=int_number_samples)
mat_bugs_basis = matrix(data=NA,nrow=int_number_features,ncol=int_number_samples)
# Get the initial mu vector for generating features.
# lsInitialDistribution = funcGenerateFeatureParameters(
# int_number_features = int_number_features,
# int_number_samples = int_number_samples,
# iMinNumberSamples = iMinNumberSamples,
# iReadDepth = iReadDepth,
# vdExp = vdExp,
# vdMu = vdMu,
# vdSD = vdSD,
# vdPercentZero = vdPercentZero,
# lSDRel = lSDRel,
# lPercentZeroRel = lPercentZeroRel,
# dBetaGrandSD = dBetaGrandSD,
# fVerbose = fVerbose
# )
# Update the Mu, SD and Percent zero bugs and report on distributions
vdMu = rlnorm( int_number_features, c_d$BetaGrandMu, c_d$BetaGrandSD )
vdSD = exp(c_d$SDIntercept+c_d$SDBeta*log(vdMu))
vdPercentZero = 1/(1+exp(-(c_d$InterceptZero+c_d$BetaZero*log(vdMu))))
#vdExp = lsInitialDistribution[["exp"]]
# Number of samples needed to have signal as a constraint
iNumberSamples = min(int_number_samples, iMinNumberSamples)
# Make features and assign feature samples to samples giving higher counts to lower read depth samples.
message("func_generate_random_lognormal_matrix: START Making features")
# Create features
lFeatureDetails = funcMakeFeature(
vdMu = vdMu,
vdSD = vdSD,
vdPercentZero = vdPercentZero,
mdLogCorr = mdLogCorr,
iNumberSamples = int_number_samples,
iMinNumberCounts = iMinNumberCounts,
iMinNumberSamples = iMinNumberSamples,
vdTruncateThreshold = (c_i$TimesSDIsOutlier*vdSD)+vdMu,
fZeroInflate = fZeroInflate,
fVerbose = fVerbose
# Need to transpose so that features are rows, columns are samples
mat_bugs_basis = lFeatureDetails$Feature_base
mat_bugs = t(t(mat_bugs_basis)/colSums(mat_bugs_basis)*iReadDepth)
# Round to counts
# This round method does not allow value produced lower then the minimal value
# This allows control to make sure zeros are produced only if they are not equal to zero.
# This is appropriate for a zero inflated model but not for a standard lognormal model.
# So if zero inflation is used then this rounding function is needed otherwise a normal rounding can be performed by not setting the iMinValue.
mat_bugs = funcRoundMatrix(mtrxData=mat_bugs, fZeroInflated=fZeroInflate)
mat_basis = funcRoundMatrix(mtrxData=mat_bugs_basis, fZeroInflated=fZeroInflate)
if(c_f$FreezeSDGrandMu ||c_f$FreezeSDFeatures||c_f$PrintLognormalMatrix)
# message("bug counts")
# message(mat_bugs)
message("Read Depth")
message("Average read depth")
message("Feature mean")
message("Sum exp")
message("Sum exp, should be read depth")
message("Feature mean summary")
# Truth table for relative abundance log normal data
mtrxParameters = matrix(data=NA, nrow=6, ncol=1)
mtrxParameters[1,1] = paste(c_str$SyntheticMicrobiome, c_str$Random, sep='')
mtrxParameters[2,1] = paste(c_str$NumberOfFeatures, int_number_features)
mtrxParameters[3,1] = paste(c_str$NumberOfSamples, int_number_samples)
mtrxParameters[4,1] = paste(c_str$TotalSampleBugOccurrence, iReadDepth)
mtrxParameters[5,1] = paste(c_str$NumberCounts, iMinNumberCounts)
mtrxParameters[6,1] = paste(c_str$NumberSamples, iMinNumberSamples)
# Truth table for basis data
mtrxBasisParameters = matrix(data=NA,nrow=5,ncol=1)
mtrxBasisParameters[1,1] = paste(c_str$SyntheticMicrobiomeBasis, c_str$Random, sep='')
mtrxBasisParameters[2,1] = paste(c_str$NumberOfFeatures, int_number_features)
mtrxBasisParameters[3,1] = paste(c_str$NumberOfSamples, int_number_samples)
mtrxBasisParameters[4,1] = paste(c_str$NumberCounts, iMinNumberCounts)
mtrxBasisParameters[5,1] = paste(c_str$NumberSamples, iMinNumberSamples)
message("stop func_generate_random_lognormal_matrix")
return(list(mat_bugs=mat_bugs, mtrxParameters=mtrxParameters, mat_basis = mat_basis, mtrxBasisParameters = mtrxBasisParameters))
### Returns a row major matrix of log-normal data.
func_generate_random_lognormal_with_outliers = function(
### Generates a random log normal distribution of data as a null matrix
### The option of using a matrix passed in as a parameter as the null matrix is provided (mtrxBugs)
### A percent of samples are given outliers based on the percent parameter
### Number of features
### Number of samples
### Minimum number of counts for a feature to be considered in a sample for the QC filtering
### Created bugs must have a minimum number of samples (iMinNumberSamples) that have a minimum number of counts (iMinNumberSamples)
### The maximum percent of outliers to create in each sample (0 =< dPercent =< 1.0)
### Percent of samples given outliers (0 =< dPercent =< 1.0)
### Precalculated null matrix
fVerbose = FALSE
message("start func_generate_random_lognormal_with_outliers")
# convert to dataframe
mat_bugs_dataframe = as.data.frame(mtrxBugs)
# Determine the number of samples
iNumberSamples = round(int_number_samples*dPercentSamples)
# Randomly select samples
liIndices = funcSample( 1:int_number_samples,iNumberSamples,replace=FALSE)
# Detemine the max number of outliers
iMaxNumberOfOutliers = round(int_number_features*dMaxPercentOutliers)
lviSwapped = vector('list',length=length(liIndices))
#for each column
for(iSample in liIndices)
# Select the number of outliers for the sample
iNumberOutliers = funcSample( 1:iMaxNumberOfOutliers,1,replace=FALSE)
# sort the column
dfSorted = mat_bugs_dataframe[order(mat_bugs_dataframe[,iSample]),]
viAlreadySelected = vector(length=2*iNumberOutliers)
ivA = 1
iBufferForZeros = 0
iBufferForZeros = length(which(dfSorted[[iSample]]==0))
iBufferForZeros = length(dfSorted[[iSample]])-iNumberOutliers
message(paste("Allowing",iBufferForZeros,"zeros to be selected in outlier swapping so that all",iNumberOutliers,"swaps can be performed in sample",iSample))
for (iOutlier in 1:iNumberOutliers)
# Get the indices of all Min and max values ties
iMaxValue = dfSorted[(int_number_features-(iOutlier-1)), iSample]
iMinValue = dfSorted[iOutlier+iBufferForZeros, iSample]
viMaxValueIndices = which(mat_bugs_dataframe[[iSample]]==iMaxValue)
viMinValueIndices = which(mat_bugs_dataframe[[iSample]]==iMinValue)
iRowMax = setdiff(viMaxValueIndices,viAlreadySelected)
iRowMin = setdiff(viMinValueIndices,viAlreadySelected)
# Sample from ties
if(length(iRowMax) > 1)
iRowMax = funcSample( c(setdiff( viMaxValueIndices, viAlreadySelected ) ), size = 1 )
if(length(iRowMin) > 1)
iRowMin = funcSample( c( setdiff( viMinValueIndices, viAlreadySelected ) ), size = 1 )
mtrxBugs[c(iRowMin, iRowMax), iSample] = mtrxBugs[c(iRowMax, iRowMin), iSample]
viAlreadySelected[c(ivA,ivA+1)] = c( iRowMax, iRowMin )
ivA = ivA + 2
# Record which features were swapped with lists as features, basically a transpose
lviSwapped[[iSample]] = viAlreadySelected
# Count swaps
iSwapCount = 0
for(iIndex in seq_along(lviSwapped))
iSwapCount = iSwapCount + length(lviSwapped[[iIndex]])
# Truth table for log normal data
mtrxParameters = vector(length=1e4)
mtrxParameters[1:5] = c(paste(c_str$SyntheticMicrobiome, c_str$Outlier, sep=''),
paste(c_str$NumberOfFeatures, int_number_features),
paste(c_str$NumberOfSamples, int_number_samples),
paste(c_str$PercentOutliers, dMaxPercentOutliers),
paste(c_str$PercentSampleOutliers, dPercentSamples))
imP = 6
for(iIndex in seq_along(lviSwapped))
for(iItemSwapped in lviSwapped[[iIndex]])
mtrxParameters[[imP]] = paste(c_str$OutlierParameter,paste(c_str$Feature,c_str$Outlier, iItemSwapped, sep="_"),c_str$SampleParameter,iIndex)
imP = imP + 1
message("Stop func_generate_random_lognormal_with_outliers")
# And return
length( mtrxParameters ) = imP - 1
return(list(mat_bugs=mtrxBugs, mtrxParameters=mtrxParameters))
func_generate_random_lognormal_with_multivariate_spikes = function(
### Spike in associations with 1 or more metadata
### Number of features
### Number of samples
### Minimum number of counts for a feature to be considered in a sample for the QC filtering
### Created bugs must have a minimum number of samples (iMinNumberSamples ) that have a minimum number of counts (iMinNumberSamples)
### The percent of features (bugs) to spike
### Used to multiple the metadata before adding to a feature to strengthen the signal of the metadata
### Matrix of metadata (by row) to spike in
### Number of metadata to spike in
### Minimum number of samples allowed to be part of the spiked in relationship
### Random log normal matrix
### True indicates it is a zero inflated model.
viFrozeMetadataIndices = NULL,
### If given, the method must select these specific metadata indicies.
### This allow selection of features to be the same when evaluating the multiplier
liFrozeDataIndicies = NULL,
### If given, the method must select these specific data indicies.
### This allows the selection of features to be the same when evaluating the multiplier
lsFrozeLevels = NULL,
### If given, the method must select these specific level indicies.
### This allows the slection of features to be the same when evaluating the multiplier
spikein.mt = NULL,
fVerbose = FALSE
message("start func_generate_random_lognormal_with_multivariate_spikes")
if( !is.null(spikein.mt) ){
vdCurData = mtrxBugs
for( i in seq_along(spikein.mt$feature) ){
vdCur.spiked = funcSpikeNewBug_new( metadata_matrix,
vdCurData = vdCurData[spikein.mt$feature[i],],
spike.metadata = as.integer(strsplit(as.character(spikein.mt$metadata[i]), split = ";", fixed = T)[[1]]),
spike.strength = as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(spikein.mt$strength[i]), split = ";", fixed = T)[[1]]),
fZeroInflated )
vdCurData[spikein.mt$feature[i],] = vdCur.spiked
return( list(mat_bugs=vdCurData, m_parameter_rec=NA, MetadataIndices=NA, DataIndices=NA, Levels=NA) )
# Tracks the bug of interest
iIndexSpikedFeature = NA
# Initialize frozen levels if need be
lsFrozeLevels = list()
# looping control
iLoopingControl = min(c_i$LoopingControlIncrement, int_number_samples*int_number_features)
# Min number of samples in the relationship
iMinSamples = floor(dMinLevelCountPercent*int_number_samples)
# Creating the truth file which contains true positive spike-ins
strMult = paste(multiplier)
strMult = sub(".","_", strMult, fixed=TRUE)
m_parameter_rec = c(paste(paste(c_str$SyntheticMicrobiome, c_str$Spike,sep=""), "n", multivariate_parameter,"m", strMult, sep='_'))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$NumberOfFeatures, int_number_features))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$NumberOfSamples, int_number_samples))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$PercentSpikes, percent_spikes))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$Multiplier, multiplier))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$MultiplierParameter, multivariate_parameter))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$MinimumSamples, iMinSamples))
# Features to be spiked to select from
# Optionally sparsity of available features can be controlled for
viRemainingFeatures = 1:int_number_features
# Holds the metadata selected for spikin
lviMetadata = vector(length=1e4)
ivM = 1
# Holds the data selected for spikin
liData = vector(length=1e4)
ilD = 1
# The number of bugs to spike in
iSpikeinCount = floor(int_number_features*percent_spikes)
if(iSpikeinCount > 0)
# For each spiked in bug
for(iSpikedBug in 1:iSpikeinCount)
vsCurFrozeLevels = c()
# Controls breaking the following while loop incase a solution can not be found.
iSpikeInLoopControl = 1
# Holds the currently selected metadata indicies
viSelectedMetadata = NULL
# Currently selected metadata names
vstrSpikedMetadata = NA
# Bug to spike with
vdCurData = NA
# Indicator if the spikin passed quality control
fSpikeInFailed = TRUE
# Current best failed run
# List including
## Metadata = matrix of metadata that has been prepped for the spikin (row major),
## MetadataNames = vector of strings for the name sof each row of metadata,
## SpikinBug = vector of doubles (bug measurements),
## Count = vector of non-zeros elements overlapping both the bugs and each metadata,
## if not using metadata at a level but using all levels, the overlap is given for each level.
lxCurrentBestRun = list(Metadata = c(), MetadataNames = c(), SpikinBug = c(), BugIndex = NA, Count = -1)
# Metadata indices that are selected for spikin
viSelectedMetadata = c()
# Find valid spike-in scenario or best choice
# Get the bug to attempt the association
# If previously associations have been made
# liFrozenDataIndices makes the same associations happen here
# This is so if multiple multipliers are given
# The different matrices show the differences given increased size of effect
# Not difference driven by selecting different bugs
if(!is.null(liFrozeDataIndicies) & length(liFrozeDataIndicies)>0)
iIndexSpikedFeature = liFrozeDataIndicies[[iSpikedBug]]
} else {
iIndexSpikedFeature = funcSample( viRemainingFeatures, 1 )
# Select which of the metadatum we will be using to scale
if(!is.null(viFrozeMetadataIndices) & length(viFrozeMetadataIndices)>0)
viSelectedMetadata = viFrozeMetadataIndices
} else {
viSelectedMetadata = funcSample( seq_len(nrow( metadata_matrix )), multivariate_parameter, replace = FALSE )
# Get matrix of metadata and feature
vdCurMetadata = metadata_matrix[viSelectedMetadata,]
vdCurData = mtrxBugs[iIndexSpikedFeature,]
if( mean(vdCurData==0) == 1 ){
viRemainingFeatures = setdiff(viRemainingFeatures, iIndexSpikedFeature)
# Attempt to spike in a new bug
lsMetadataInfo = funcPrepareMetadata(viSelectedMetadata=viSelectedMetadata, vdCurMetadata=vdCurMetadata, vsFrozeLevels=unlist(lsFrozeLevels[iSpikedBug]))
vdCurMetadata = lsMetadataInfo[["metadata"]]
vstrSpikedMetadata = lsMetadataInfo[["names"]]
vsCurFrozeLevels = lsMetadataInfo[["vsLevels"]]
# Spike in new bug
vdSpikedBug = funcSpikeNewBug(vdCurMetadata=vdCurMetadata, vdCurData=vdCurData, multiplier=multiplier, fZeroInflated=fZeroInflated)
# Check to see if a failure occured
lxQCInfo = funcQCSpikin(vdCurMetadata, vdSpikedBug, iMinSamples)
# lxQCInfo has the slots PASS = Boolean, CommonCounts = vector of integers
fSpikeInFailed = !lxQCInfo[["PASS"]]
# Check to see if the looping must end and no success is given
# Also if the spikein failed, make sure to update the best failed scenario
iSpikeInLoopControl = iSpikeInLoopControl + 1
# Keep the best failed scenario so far.
if(!is.null(lxQCInfo[["CommonCounts"]]) && ( sum(lxQCInfo[["CommonCounts"]]>iMinSamples) > lxCurrentBestRun[["Count"]]))
lxCurrentBestRun = list(Metadata = vdCurMetadata, MetadataNames = vstrSpikedMetadata, SpikinBug = vdSpikedBug, BugIndex = iIndexSpikedFeature, Count = sum(lxQCInfo[["CommonCounts"]]>iMinSamples), MetadataIndices = viSelectedMetadata, Levels = vsCurFrozeLevels)
# If we have ran out of iteration, use the best failed scenario and indicate this.
if(iSpikeInLoopControl > iLoopingControl)
# Reset the current spikin variables to the best scenario
vdCurMetadata = lxCurrentBestRun[["Metadata"]]
vstrSpikedMetadata = lxCurrentBestRun[["MetadataNames"]]
vdSpikedBug = lxCurrentBestRun[["SpikinBug"]]
iIndexSpikedFeature = lxCurrentBestRun[["BugIndex"]]
viSelectedMetadata = lxCurrentBestRun[["MetadataIndices"]]
if(length(lsFrozeLevels) < iSpikedBug)
lsFrozeLevels[iSpikedBug] = lxCurrentBestRun[["Levels"]]
message(paste("While spiking in a relationship between metadata and bug was not able to meet the minimal percentage of spiked-in samples for the relationship. Min sample = ", iMinSamples))
message(paste("The following spike-in does not pass quality control: Bug=", lxCurrentBestRun$BugIndex," Metadata=",paste(lxCurrentBestRun$MetadataNames,collapse=","),"Multiplier=", multiplier,"Count=", multivariate_parameter))
# Break while to use the best case scenario
} else {
lxCurrentBestRun = list(Metadata = vdCurMetadata, MetadataNames = vstrSpikedMetadata, SpikinBug = vdSpikedBug, BugIndex = iIndexSpikedFeature, Count = sum(lxQCInfo[["CommonCounts"]]>iMinSamples), MetadataIndices = viSelectedMetadata, Levels = vsCurFrozeLevels)
# If the spike-in was successful, update
# Update metadata and data indices for the features used for spikins
lviMetadata[ivM:(ivM-1+length(viSelectedMetadata))] = viSelectedMetadata
ivM = ivM + length(viSelectedMetadata)
liData[[ilD]] = iIndexSpikedFeature
ilD = ilD + 1
# Update spike-in
mtrxBugs[iIndexSpikedFeature,] = vdSpikedBug
if(length(lsFrozeLevels) < iSpikedBug)
lsFrozeLevels[[iSpikedBug]] = vsCurFrozeLevels
# Update the truth table with which feature is spiked with which metadata
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, paste(c_str$Feature,c_str$Spike,"n", multivariate_parameter,"m", strMult,iIndexSpikedFeature,sep='_'))
m_parameter_rec = c(m_parameter_rec, vstrSpikedMetadata)
# Remove bug from pool of potential bugs to spike.
viRemainingFeatures = setdiff(viRemainingFeatures, iIndexSpikedFeature)
# Floor to counts (spike-ins will be real numbers)
mtrxBugs = floor(mtrxBugs)
message("stop func_generate_random_lognormal_with_multivariate_spikes")
length(lviMetadata) = ivM - 1
length(liData) = ilD - 1
# Return normalized matrix and spike-in list
return(list(mat_bugs=mtrxBugs, m_parameter_rec=m_parameter_rec, MetadataIndices=lviMetadata, DataIndices=liData, Levels=lsFrozeLevels))
# 3 Tests 10/22/2013
funcGetExp = function(
### Given the Mu and SD, get the expectation
### Will need to
# Expects the values not logged
# Log is base exp(1)
# Returns a value that target the mean(data) not the logged data.
return( exp( log( dMu, exp( 1 ) ) + 0.5 * ( log( dSD, exp( 1 ) )^2 ) ) )
# 3 Tests 10/22/2013
funcGetMu = function(
### Get the mu given SD and an expectation
# Expects the Exp to be the mean(data) and SD to be the sd(log(data))
# so sd(log(rlnorm(10000,3,2))) to calculate the value
# output from these functions can be directly used in the rlnorm (is the logged mu)
# Log is base exp(1)
# To use these values in rlnorm you would log them
if( (log(dSD)^2 - log(dEx))>745 ) warning(paste("mu = e^(-x), but x =",round(log(dSD)^2 - log(dEx),2),"will give mu=0."))
return( exp( -1 * ( ( ( log( dSD, exp( 1 ) )^2 ) /2 ) - log( dEx, exp( 1 ) ) ) ) )
# 2 Tests 10/222013
funcGetParamsForReadDepth = function(
### From the relationship between the grand mu and grand sd contained in dBetadGradSD
### A mu and sd is calculated that should satisfy the given read depth
### The read depth of interest in the original scale
### The beta describing the relationship
# Get the associated SD from the EXP
dLogSD = funcEstimateGrandSD( dReadDepthPerFeature, dBeta )
# Get the associated mu
dMu = funcGetMu( dReadDepthPerFeature, exp( dLogSD ) )
if( dMu == 0 ) warning(paste("dMu is numerically 0. dReadDepthPerFeature=",dReadDepthPerFeature,"and dBeta =",dBeta,"Try making one smaller."))
return( list( dLogMu = log( dMu ), dLogSD = dLogSD ) )
### dLogMu: The logMu which, with the logSD, would give the read depth (exp)
### dLogSD: The logMu which, with the logSD, would give the read depth (exp)
# 5 Tests 10/22/2013
funcGetRowMetric = function(
### Perform function on vector or rows of a matrix
### Values of metadata which may be discrete (in which after the _ is a number) or a numeric
### Method to perform on values
if( is.null( dim( lxValues )[1] ) )
return( funcMethod( lxValues ) )
return( apply( lxValues, 1, funcMethod ) )
# 3 Tests 10/22/2013
funcGetSD = function(
### Get standard deviation for vector or matrix
### matrix or vector
if( is.null( dim( lxValues )[ 1 ] ) )
return( sd( lxValues, na.rm = TRUE ) )
return( apply( lxValues, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE ) )
# 4 Tests 10/22/2013
funcIsFactorMetadataValid = function(
### Check to make sure a level of entrophy is in a discontinuous metadata so it has a minimal level to associate
### A metadata that can be factor data
### Minimum number of instances of a level
vxFactorMetadata = as.factor( vxMetadata )
lstrLevels = levels( vxFactorMetadata )
for( strLevel in lstrLevels )
if( sum( vxFactorMetadata == strLevel ) < iMin )
return( FALSE )
return( TRUE )
# funcRevamp_spikein = function( n, p, m, s, beta, beta.p,
# mt.metadata,
# mt.spikein,
# mdLogCorr = diag(p),
# vdTruncateThreshold = diag(n),
# fZeroInflate = TRUE){
# # mt.spikein colnames: feature, metadata(semi-colon delimited), strength(semi-colon delimited)
# vdMu = rlnorm( p, m, s )
# mu.mt = matrix( 0, nrow = p, ncol = n )
# sd.mt = matrix( 0, nrow = p, ncol = n )
# p.mt = matrix( 0, nrow = p, ncol = n )
# for( i in 1:p ){
# if( i %in% mt.spikein$feature ){
# metadata.use = as.integer( strsplit( as.character( mt.spikein$metadata[mt.spikein$feature%in%i] ), split = ";" )[[1]] )
# strength.use = as.numeric( strsplit( as.character(mt.spikein$strength[mt.spikein$feature%in%i]), split = ";" )[[1]] )
# Mu.i = vdMu[i] + mt.metadata[,metadata.use]%*%matrix(strength.use,ncol=1)
# }else{
# Mu.i = vdMu[i]
# }
# SD.i = exp(beta[1]+beta[2]*Mu.i)
# P.i = 1/(1+exp(-(beta.p[1]+beta.p[2]*Mu.i)))
# mu.mt[i,] = Mu.i
# sd.mt[i,] = SD.i
# p.mt[i,] = P.i
# }
# data.matrix = sapply( 1:n, function(i){
# data.raw = exp(tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm( 1, mu.mt[,i],
# sigma = diag(sd.mt[,i])%*%mdLogCorr%*%diag(sd.mt[,i]), algorithm = "gibbs" ))
# data.0 = rbinom( p, 1, prob = 1-p.mt[,i] )
# if( fZeroInflate ){
# ceiling( data.raw*data.0 )
# }else{
# floor( data.raw )
# }
# } )
# return( data.matrix )
# }
# metadata.mt = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100 )
# spikein.mt = data.frame( feature = c(1,4,7), metadata = c("2;3","1;4;5","6"), strength=c("1;1","2;3;10","-1") )
# tmp = funcRevamp_spikein( 100, p = 50, m = 0.4857, s = 0.7513, beta = c(-0.2691,0.5599),
# beta.p = c(3.464,-2.577), metadata.mt, spikein.mt )
### 3 Test 10/22/2013 (could do more)
### modified by ehs
funcMakeFeature = function(
### Create a feature given parameters
### Uses a zero inflated model if necessary
### Enforces a min number samples with signal if needed.
### Mu of the rnorm distribution associate with the rlnorm draw that will occur, this will be logged
### SD of the rnorm distribution associate with the rlnorm draw that will occur, this will be logged
### Percent of zeros to add to the feature
### Number of measurements for the feature
### Minimum number of counts to be considered signal
### Minimum number of samples needed to have signal. If this is not fulfilled, signal will be generated and added.
mdLogCorr = diag(length(vdSD)),
### The correlation matrix of the logged distribution; default is a identity matrix with dimension length(vdLogSD)
vdTruncateThreshold = rep(Inf, length(vdSD)),
### Threshold to truncate the underlying distribution
fZeroInflate = TRUE,
### If the feature should be zero inflated
fVerbose = FALSE
### If pdf logging of feaure should occur
# If not zero inflated
if(!fZeroInflate){vdPercentZero = rep(0, length(vdMu))}
# Check that vdLogMean and vdLogSD are same length
if (length(vdMu) != length(vdSD)){
stop("vdMu and vdSD must have equal length")
# Expectation of the features
vdExpCal = sapply(seq_along(vdMu), function(i) funcGetExp(vdMu[i],vdSD[i]))
# Generate features
#mdFeature_base = func_zero_inflate(vdLogMean = log(vdMu), vdPercentZeroInflated=vdPercentZero, int_number_samples=iNumberSamples, vdLogSD=log(vdSD), mdLogCorr=mdLogCorr, viThreshold=vdTruncateThreshold)
mdFeature_base = t(exp(tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm( iNumberSamples, vdMu,
sigma = diag(vdSD)%*%mdLogCorr%*%diag(vdSD),
upper = log(vdTruncateThreshold), algorithm = "gibbs" )))
mdFeature_base = mdFeature_base * t(sapply( 1:length(vdPercentZero),
function(x) sample( 0:1, iNumberSamples, replace = T,
prob = c(vdPercentZero[x],1-vdPercentZero[x])
# Extra useful measurements, the true and expected means
vdMean = apply(mdFeature_base, 2, mean)
vdMean_base = apply(mdFeature_base, 2, mean)
return(list(Feature = mdFeature_base, Feature_base = mdFeature_base, Exp=vdMean, ExpCal = vdExpCal, Exp_base = vdMean))
# 4 Tests 10/22/2013
funcNormalizeMicrobiome = function(
### Normalize the data assuming that the
### Samples are columns and the features (bugs) are rows.
### Zero columns are preserved as zero.
### Matrix or dataframe microbiome
mtrxRelAb = mtrxMicrobiome / rep( colSums( mtrxMicrobiome ), each = nrow( mtrxMicrobiome ) )
#unlist( lapply( colSums( mtrxMicrobiome ), function( x ) rep( x, nrow( mtrxMicrobiome ) ) ) )
viZero = which( apply( mtrxMicrobiome, 2, sum ) == 0 )
mtrxRelAb[, viZero] = rep( 0, nrow( mtrxRelAb ) )
return( mtrxRelAb )
# 4 Tests 10/22/2013
# Will fail if all are integer if using to detect metadata
# Returns a TRUE (1) for each int value so if
# the return vector's sum is 0, the data is not numeric
funcNumericIsInt = function(
### Tests to see if a numeric is an interger
### The numeric value to check
return( paste( as.integer( dValue ), sep = "" ) == paste( dValue, sep = "" ) )
### 16 Test 10/22/2013
funcPrepareMetadata = function(
### If the data is continuous just return it and the metadata name
### If the data is discontinuous and dummying return one randomly selected level
### and give it a name that reflects the level selected.
### Indices of metadata to prepare
### Matrix (row major) of original metadata but only metadata to be spiked
fDummyData = TRUE,
vsFrozeLevels = NULL
### Holds the name and level of metadata that is discontinuous
### Allows one to force the selection of a specific level
# Get the names of the metadata associated with this bug
# If dummy is occuring this will be written over
vstrSpikedMetadata = paste(c_str$Metadata, viSelectedMetadata, sep='')
vsFrozeLevels = c()
vsCurLevels = vector(length=1e4)
ivC = 1
# Dummy the data if need be
vdCurMetadata = matrix(vdCurMetadata,nrow=1)
# Reset for levels
vstrSpikedMetadata = vector(length=nrow(vdCurMetadata))
for(iRowIndex in seq_len(nrow(vdCurMetadata)))
# Get metadata
vxMetadata = as.vector(vdCurMetadata[iRowIndex,])
# If the factor data is not numeric
# Get levels of the metadata
vsLevels = levels(as.factor(vxMetadata))
# Add factor metadata with levels
# Select from any level except for the first level
# This is because the first level is always the reference level
# in comparisons and will never be significant
# (the other value compared to it will be).
strLevel = funcSample( vsLevels[ seq_along( vsLevels )[-1] ], size=1 )
strLevel = vsFrozeLevels[iRowIndex]
} else {
vsCurLevels[ivC] = strLevel
ivC = ivC + 1
# Make the selected level 2 and those levels not selected 1
vxMetadata[which(vxMetadata != strLevel)]=0
vxMetadata[which(vxMetadata == strLevel)]=2
vxMetadata[which(vxMetadata == 0)]=1
vdCurMetadata[iRowIndex,] = vxMetadata
vstrSpikedMetadata[iRowIndex] = paste(c_str$Metadata,viSelectedMetadata[iRowIndex],"_",c_str$Level,"_",strLevel,sep="")
} else {
vsCurLevels[ivC] = NA
ivC = ivC + 1
# Add continuous metadata
vstrSpikedMetadata[iRowIndex] = paste(c_str$Metadata,viSelectedMetadata[iRowIndex],sep="")
length(vsCurLevels) = ivC - 1
# Return which level was dummied
vsFrozeLevels = vsCurLevels
return(list(names=vstrSpikedMetadata, metadata=vdCurMetadata, vsLevels=vsFrozeLevels))
### 78 Tests 10/22/2013
funcQCSpikin = function(
### Check to make sure the minimal number of spiked-in samples are met
### Asks the question is there a minimal number of overlap for metadata features with data features
### Works for dummied metadata or not
### In level based metadata, checks if there is a minimal # of nonzero bug entries with the level of interest
### In factor data not reduced to a level, checks if each level has at least a min of non zero entries >= min # non-zeros / # metadata levels
### The metadata that was spiked-in, could be a vector or matrices (row major) depending on if the spikin is multivariate or not.
### The bug feature created with a spiked in relationship
### Minimal number of samples to be spiked in to pass QC
fDummyFactorData = TRUE
if( is.null( vdSpikedBug ) ){ return( list( PASS = FALSE, CommonCounts = c() ) ) }
# Get which bug samples are 0
viNonZeroSpikedBugs = which( vdSpikedBug != 0 )
# Get number of row (the matrix is row major)
# This could be a matrix (if multiple metadata are spiked in)
# or a vector ( for 1 metadata spikeins )
dNumberMetadata = nrow( vdCurMetadata )
if( is.null( dNumberMetadata ) )
dNumberMetadata = 1
vdCurMetadata = matrix( vdCurMetadata, nrow = 1 )
# This is to return a pass or fail and the number of nonzero items so
# even if one fails, the best choice can be made in a series of these calls
fPass = TRUE
viCommon = vector(length=1e4)
ivC = 1
for( iMetadata in 1:dNumberMetadata )
vCurrentMetadata = vdCurMetadata[ iMetadata, ]
# Test to see if the data is continuous or not
if( sum( sapply( vCurrentMetadata, funcNumericIsInt ) ) == 0 )
iCommon = intersect( viNonZeroSpikedBugs, which( vCurrentMetadata != 0 ) )
if( length( iCommon ) < iMinSpikedSamples )
fPass = FALSE
viCommon[ivC] = length( iCommon )
ivC = ivC + 1
} else {
# Check factor data
# Dummied means there is going to be two values, 1s and 2s 2s being the level of interest.
# So you are interested in those things not == 1 which is everything but that the level of interest.
if( fDummyFactorData )
iCommon = intersect( viNonZeroSpikedBugs, which( vCurrentMetadata != 1 ) )
if( length( iCommon ) < iMinSpikedSamples )
fPass = FALSE
viCommon[ivC] = length( iCommon )
ivC = ivC + 1
} else {
# Not dummied
# Check for each level
# Store each level and then set diff like normal.
# At the very end each level will be checked if Non dummying is used.
vstrLevels = levels( as.factor( vCurrentMetadata ) )
iMinSamplesPerLevel = ceiling( iMinSpikedSamples / length( vstrLevels ) )
for( strLevel in vstrLevels )
iCommon = intersect( viNonZeroSpikedBugs, which( vCurrentMetadata == strLevel ) )
if( length( iCommon ) < iMinSamplesPerLevel )
fPass = FALSE
viCommon[ivC] = length( iCommon )
ivC = ivC + 1
length(viCommon) = ivC - 1
# All data / levels passes in this spiked relationship
return( list( PASS = fPass, CommonCounts = viCommon ) )
### 4 Tests 10/22/2013
funcRoundMatrix = function(
### Round a sparse matrix. If a value is greater than 0 but less than the minimal number then set to the minimal number and then round.
### This keeps the current level of sparsity and does not add more zeros.
### Matrix of data values to round
fZeroInflated = FALSE
### Indicates if zero inflation is used.
if( fZeroInflated )
vdSubCount = intersect( which( mtrxData < 1 ), which( mtrxData > 0 ) )
mtrxData[ vdSubCount ] = 1
return( round( mtrxData ) )
### 8 Tests 10/22/2013
funcSample = function(
### Safe sampling on vector data. Sample will sample from 1:N if only one value is in a vector instead of the lenght = 1 vector.
### This changes the behavior so only the value is returned or an error is thrown (depending on size and replace and length of x)
### if the a vector of N = 1 is given
replace = FALSE,
prob = NULL
iLength = length(x)
if( iLength == 0 )
stop( "funcSample:: Can not sample from length of 0 vector." )
} else if ( iLength == 1 ) {
if( size == 1 ){ return( x ) }
if( replace ){ return( rep( x, size ) ) }
stop( "funcSample:: Can not create a vector of size > 1 from 1 entry without replacement." )
} else {
return( sample( x = x, size = size, replace = replace, prob = prob ) )
### 3 Test 10-22-2013
funcShuffleMatrix = function(
### Shuffle the martix to make read depth less variable
### Matrix of values (rows are features, columns are samples)
message("Start funcShuffleMatrix")
# Get Read depths
viReadDepths = colSums( mtrxData )
dCurDeviance = sum( abs( viReadDepths - iTargetReadDepth ) )
# Measures the increase in the configuration
dPrevDeviance = dCurDeviance + 1
# Hold the max and min sample and feature info so the last shuffle can be undone
viMinSample = NA
viMaxSample = NA
viMaxFeature = NA
while( dCurDeviance < dPrevDeviance )
# Get min and max
viMinSample = which( viReadDepths == min( viReadDepths ) )
if( length( viMinSample ) > 1 ){ viMinSample = funcSample( viMinSample, 1 ) }
viMaxSample = which( viReadDepths == max( viReadDepths ) )
if( length( viMaxSample ) > 1 ){ viMaxSample = funcSample( viMaxSample, 1 ) }
# Get feature with max count from max sample
viSample = mtrxData[,viMaxSample]
viMaxFeature = which( viSample == max( viSample ) )
if( length( viMaxFeature ) > 1 ){ viMaxFeature = funcSample( viMaxFeature, 1 ) }
# Shuffle with in feature, switching the max and min samples
iHold = mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMaxSample ]
mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMaxSample ] = mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMinSample ]
mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMinSample ] = iHold
# Update Read depths and deviance
viReadDepths = colSums( mtrxData )
dPrevDeviance = dCurDeviance
dCurDeviance = sum( abs( viReadDepths - iTargetReadDepth ) )
# Undo last move
if( ! all(is.na( viMinSample ) ) )
iHold = mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMaxSample ]
mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMaxSample ] = mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMinSample ]
mtrxData[ viMaxFeature, viMinSample ] = iHold
funcSpikeNewBug_new = function( metadata.matrix, vdCurData, spike.metadata, spike.strength, fZeroInflated = TRUE ){
# metadata.matrix: row variables, column samples
metadata.matrix.use = metadata.matrix
if( fZeroInflated ){
Cur.mean = mean(vdCurData[vdCurData>0])
Cur.sd = sd(vdCurData[vdCurData>0])
Cur.tran = (vdCurData-Cur.mean)/Cur.sd
Cur.tran.spk = Cur.tran + t(matrix(metadata.matrix.use[spike.metadata,],nrow=length(spike.metadata)))%*%matrix(spike.strength,ncol=1)
Cur.tran.spk = (Cur.tran.spk*Cur.sd + Cur.mean)*(vdCurData>0)
Cur.tran.spk = ceiling(Cur.tran.spk)
Cur.mean = mean(vdCurData)
Cur.sd = sd(vdCurData)
Cur.tran = (vdCurData-Cur.mean)/Cur.sd
Cur.tran.spk = Cur.tran + t(metadata.matrix.use[spike.metadata,])%*%matrix(spike.strength,ncol=1)
Cur.tran.spk = Cur.tran.spk*Cur.sd + Cur.mean
Cur.tran.spk = floor(Cur.tran.spk)
Cur.tran.spk[Cur.tran.spk<0] = 0
### 11 Tests 10/22/2013
funcSpikeNewBug = function(
### Combine a bug data and metadata with a certain multiplier to create a known positive association
### Metadata to spike in
### Data (bug to use in the spike-in)
### Multiplier to increase the signal of the metadata in the association.
### Larger values make metadata more of the signal in the spike-in.
### 1 makes an equal parts metadata and data relationship.
fZeroInflated = TRUE
# Get average and SD of each metadata
metadata_average = funcGetRowMetric(vdCurMetadata,mean)
metadata_sigma = funcGetSD(vdCurMetadata)
# Get the average and SD of the feature (ignoring zeros if zero inflated)
data_average = mean(vdCurData[which(vdCurData>0)])
data_sigma = sd(vdCurData[which(vdCurData>0)])
data_average = mean(vdCurData)
data_sigma = sd(vdCurData)
metadata_sigma[ metadata_sigma == 0] = 1
if( data_sigma == 0 ) { data_sigma = 1 }
# Feature as occurence (0,1)
# This is used so that the features with zero keep those measurements at zero
# Only used in a zero inflated environment so everything is set to 1 otherwise which cancels it's affect
liOccurenceFilter = vdCurData
liOccurenceFilter[seq_along(liOccurenceFilter)] = 1
# Spike in the feature with the metadata (multivariate_parameter == 1 means 1 metadata spike-in for the feature)
# Make the scaled metadata
scaled_metadata = (vdCurMetadata - metadata_average)/metadata_sigma
if(data_sigma!=0){ scaled_metadata = scaled_metadata * data_sigma }
scaled_metadata = scaled_metadata + data_average
scaled_metadata = colSums(scaled_metadata)
# Spike in the metadata that is now scaled.
# make the metadata sparse based on the feature ("and" function filter)
vdSpikedBug = vdCurData + (multiplier*scaled_metadata*liOccurenceFilter)
# Scale the spike in down so the bug count does not increase as a (whole) feature just because adding is happening
iNumberRows = nrow( vdCurMetadata )
if( is.null( iNumberRows ) ){ iNumberRows = 1 }
vdSpikedBug = vdSpikedBug / ( ( iNumberRows * multiplier ) + 1 )
### 6 Tests 10-22-2013
### Modified by bor
### Modified by ehs
funcTruncatedRLNorm = function(
### Return draws from a random log normal distribution with a truncated tail so outliers are not introduced.
### The number of measurements for this distribution
### The mean of the logged distribution
### The SD of the logged distribution
mdLogCorr = diag(length(vdLogSD)),
### The correlation matrix of the logged distribution; default is a identity matrix with dimension length(vdLogSD)
viThreshold = NA
### The value used to define outliers.
# Check that vdLogMean and vdLogSD are same length
if (length(vdLogMean) != length(vdLogSD)){
stop("vdLogMean and vdLogSD must have equal length")
# Get truncated normal distribution with rows=samples, cols=features
mdLogSD = diag(x=vdLogSD, nrow=length(vdLogSD))
mdLogVar = mdLogSD %*% mdLogCorr %*% mdLogSD
if (length(viThreshold) == 1 && is.na(viThreshold)){
viThreshold <- rep(Inf, length(vdLogSD))
ttt = diag(mdLogVar)
ttt[ttt==min(ttt)] = min(ttt) + 1
diag(mdLogVar) = ttt
mdFeature <- exp(tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(n=iNumberMeasurements,
mean = vdLogMean,
sigma = mdLogVar,
upper = log(viThreshold),
# if (ncol(mdFeature)==1) return(as.vector(mdFeature))
#vdFeature = rlnorm( iNumberMeasurements, dLogMean, dLogSD )
# If a value is given to truncate outliers
#if( !is.na( iThreshold ) )
# viOutliers = which( vdFeature > iThreshold )
# If there are outliers
# Change the outliers to the mean of the draws before it is drawn (indices less than it's own)
#if( length( vioutliers ) )
# for( iindex in vioutliers )
# {
# # indices of measurements before the outlier
# vitomean = 1:( iindex - 1 )
# if the first value was an outlier then use the means of all the non outlier measurements
# if(iindex-1 == 0){ vitomean = setdiff( 1:length( vdfeature ), vioutliers ) }
# sample two measurments and take the mean, replace the outlier with this mean
# vdfeature[ iindex ] = mean( vdfeature[ funcsample( vitomean, 2, replace = true ) ] )
# }
#Truncate negatives to zero
#vdFeature[ vdFeature < 0 ] = 0
return( mdFeature )
### vdFeature: The signal (optionally truncated, log normal distribution)
### 4 Tests 10/22/2013
funcUpdateDistributionToExpectation = function(
### Updates a distribution to the mean while keeping the shape. If any expectation is less than 1, we make them equal to 1.
### Distribution of counts
### The expectation to which to update the distribution
# If the expectation is less than 1 we can get features that are all zero
# especially after rounding a not zero-inflated matrix
# So here a control is put in to make sure the expectation is no less than 1
#if( dExp < 1 ){ dExp = 1 }
# Used to ignore zeros in these calculations
vdUpdateIndices = which( vdFeatures > 0 )
# Get the amount of change in signal needed
dDifference = dExp - mean( vdFeatures )
# If signal is needed to be changed then update or remove signal by count
if( abs( dDifference ) > 0 )
# Number of counts to shift
# Modified by bor
dCounts = ceiling( abs( dDifference * length( vdFeatures ) ) )
# Add to the distributio and shift it up
if(dDifference > 0)
if( length( vdUpdateIndices ) > 1 )
vdUpdateIndices = funcSample( vdUpdateIndices, dCounts, replace = TRUE, prob = vdFeatures[ vdUpdateIndices ] / sum( vdFeatures[ vdUpdateIndices ] ) )
update.freq = table( vdUpdateIndices )
vdFeatures[as.numeric(names(update.freq))] = as.numeric(update.freq) + vdFeatures[as.numeric(names(update.freq))]
# for( iIndex in vdUpdateIndices )
# {
# vdFeatures[ iIndex ] = vdFeatures[ iIndex ] + 1
# }
} else if( dDifference < 0 )
# Remove from distribution
for( iIndex in 1:dCounts )
viGreaterThan1 = which( vdFeatures > 1 )
if( length( viGreaterThan1 ) > 1 )
iUpdateIndex = funcSample( viGreaterThan1, 1, prob = vdFeatures[ viGreaterThan1 ] / sum( vdFeatures[ viGreaterThan1 ] ) )
vdFeatures[ iUpdateIndex ] = vdFeatures[ iUpdateIndex ] - 1
return( vdFeatures )
# 4 Tests 10-22-2013
funcUpdateDistributionToSum = function(
### Update the distribution to the sum (read depth) requested.
### If the current read depth is not as large as needed sample the difference using
### a multinomial model based on the current taxa means (values) (as proportions)
### If the current read depth is larger than needed
### Then remove values in the same manner as described above for adding values.
### Except that a count of 1 can not be removed. This would throw off the sparsity.
### A vector of numeric data that will be forced to sum to iTargetSum (+- less than 1)
### The target sum to update the distribution to
# Update vdExp to target
dCurReadDepthDifference = iTargetSum - sum( vdDistribution )
# Multinomial probability
vdProbabilities = vdDistribution / sum( vdDistribution )
# Need more counts for the sum
if(dCurReadDepthDifference > 0)
# Use a multinomial model to select indices
viSamplingIndices = funcSample( x = seq_along( vdDistribution ), size = abs( dCurReadDepthDifference ), replace = TRUE, prob = vdProbabilities )
# Update indices
sample.update = table( viSamplingIndices )
vdDistribution[as.numeric(names(sample.update))] = vdDistribution[as.numeric(names(sample.update))] + as.numeric( sample.update )
# for(iIndex in viSamplingIndices)
# {
# vdDistribution[iIndex] = vdDistribution[iIndex]+1
# }
# Need less counts for sum
} else if( dCurReadDepthDifference < 0 ) {
for( iIndex in seq_len(round( abs( dCurReadDepthDifference ) )) )
# Find those entries that are greater than one (do not want to make zeros here)
viGreaterThanOne = which( vdDistribution > 1 )
if(length( viGreaterThanOne ) > 0)
# If there is only one entry that is not 1 then select it otherwise sample.
iGreaterThanOne = viGreaterThanOne
if( length( iGreaterThanOne ) > 1 ){ iGreaterThanOne = funcSample( x = iGreaterThanOne, size = 1, prob = vdProbabilities[viGreaterThanOne] ) }
vdDistribution[ iGreaterThanOne ] = vdDistribution[ iGreaterThanOne ] - 1
return( vdDistribution )
# 9 Tests 10/22/2013
### Modified by ehs
func_zero_inflate = function(
### Create a zero inflated log normal distribution with a specified mean and percentage of zeros.
### If you want to get the original values of mu and sd used in rlnorm, use mean(log(func_zero_inflate()))
### and sd(log(func_zero_inflate()))
### Mean of the distribution (logged)
### Percentage of return which is zero
### The number of samples to create
### The sd of the distribution (logged)
mdLogCorr = diag(length(vdLogSD)),
### The correlation matrix of the logged distribution; default is a identity matrix with dimension length(vdLogSD)
viThreshold = NA
### The threshold for outliers
# Get feature given distribution parameters; returns matrix with rows=samples, cols=features
mdFeature = funcTruncatedRLNorm( int_number_samples, vdLogMean, vdLogSD, mdLogCorr = mdLogCorr, viThreshold = viThreshold )
# Zero inlate
# modified by bor
miZeroLocations = as.logical( sapply( vdPercentZeroInflated, rbinom, n=int_number_samples, size=1 ) )
mdFeature[miZeroLocations] = 0
if( any(colSums( mdFeature ) == 0 ) ){
zero_cols <- which( colSums( mdFeature ) == 0 )
one_rows <- sample( nrow(mdFeature), length(zero_cols), replace = TRUE )
mdFeature[cbind(one_rows[zero_cols],zero_cols)] = 1
# for ( k in seq_along( zero_cols ) ){
# mdFeature[one_rows[k], zero_cols[k]] = 1
# }
# vdFeature[sample(1:length(vdFeature),1)] = 1
# if (ncol(mdFeature)==1) return(as.vector(mdFeature))
#viZeroLocations = funcSample( 1:int_number_samples, floor( int_number_samples * dPercentZeroInflated ), replace = FALSE )
#if( length( viZeroLocations ) ){ vdFeature[ viZeroLocations ] = 0 }
# Return zero-inflated truncated lognormal feature
return( mdFeature )
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